The Big 6 provides a framework to systematically find, use, apply, and evaluate information for specific tasks.
Information Literacy
The ability to assess the validity and usefulness of information has always been a critical skill. Given the ease of publishing information on the Internet, and our increasing reliance on Web based resources these skills are even more important. These resources are designed to help students develop the ability to evaluate information.
Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply and Questions to AskThis UC Berkeley site offers a useful four-part process for evaluating Web pages, including examining the URL, the perimeter of the page, indicators of quality, and what others say
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"How can your students become superheroes in the fight against cancer?
Relay Recess brings Relay For Life to elementary schools nationwide. It provides students, teachers, and administrators the opportunity to become heroes in their own communities. It also brings cancer education and community service to the classroom in a fun and exciting way.
It also engages elementary school students in the fight against cancer through fundraising activities that support cancer programs and services in every community. It gives students the chance to get out of the classroom and have fun with entertainment and activities that reinforce what they have learned. Because the program is so flexible, it's different at every school and is an excellent opportunity to showcase unique qualities about your school and your community."