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Tracy Watanabe

Join Us For The 2014 Edublogs Teacher Challenge! - The Edublogger - 0 views

    This challenge will help you set up your own class/teacher blog. If you complete the challenge, you can also use it towards the PU Online Blogging Class.
Tracy Watanabe

Free Tools Challenge #1: Wallwisher - Words That Stick | Teacher Challenge - 0 views

    free tools challenge -- See the menu on the Left with all the different tools in the Teacher Challenge
    See the menu on the Left with all the different tools in the Teacher Challenge
Tracy Watanabe

Step 7: Cools tools to embed | Edublogs Teacher Challenges - 1 views

    "The aim of this step is to introduce you to a range of easy to use online tools that you can embed into posts and pages.  We've embedded examples of each tool in this post to help you work out how the tool could be used with your students. "
Tracy Watanabe

Activity 7: Fair use, copyright, and introduction to using images | Teacher Challenge - 0 views

  • Introduction to copyright, fair use and using images in blog posts You can’t just use any image you like in a blog post. Why?  Because unless stated otherwise, the law automatically grants full “copyright” over any creative work a person makes.
  • I’m sure you’re probably thinking it is okay because as educators, we have a few more flexible rules, called “Fair Use”, to play by.  Fair use, in some cases, if an image, text, video, etc. is being used for educational purposes, means you may have more flexible copyright rules. The trouble is, most of the laws and rules that cover fair use and education were written well before the invention of the web.  They don’t apply to use of copyright material on the Internet.  Using copyright material leaves you open to copyright infringement. So what does this mean? You need to: Learn what images you are and aren’t allowed to use, and why. Learn how to attribute images you are allowed to use. Educate your students that you can’t just use any images off the Internet in their blog posts, show them how to source and attribute images they are allowed to use. Understanding digital copyright is an essential skill we need to understand and teach our students.  This post focuses on use of images.
Tracy Watanabe

Step 8: Cools tools to embed | Edublogs Teacher Challenges - 0 views

    Oodles of ideas of tools to use in class that can be embedded on your blog, schoolworld, or My Big Campus site.
Tracy Watanabe

Kick Start Activity 1 - Beginner - Setting Up Your Blog | Teacher Challenge - 0 views

    Wanting to set up a class blog but don't know where to start? This walks you through all the steps and what to think through.
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