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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sarah Bylsma

Sarah Bylsma

GamePress - Create, Share, Play. on the App Store on iTunes - 0 views

  • GamePress is a game creation app that allows anyone to make the games of their imaginations with no programming or graphic design
    Have your students create their own games
Sarah Bylsma

10 Good iPad Book Creator Apps to Use with Your Students ~ Educational Technology and M... - 0 views

    Just in time for my summative book assignment
Sarah Bylsma

5 Important Web Tools Students Can Use to Create Educational Games ~ Educational Techno... - 0 views

  • In education 1.0, online games which are nothing else but electronic worksheets were played in one unidirectional  way and there was only way correct way for players to win ; in education 2.0 commercial  games have made it into the educational scene and teachers and students started using them, examples of these games include: SIMs, World of Warcraft, Portal. However, in education 3.0, learners are not only using these commercial games in unique ways but they are also using several platforms to create their own games.
  • JeopardyLabs allows you to create a customized jeopardy template without PowerPoint.
  • Purpose Games allows you to create your own games, host your own groups / classes, study for a test, or just dazzle us with your knowledge. PurposeGames is a completely FREE service!
Sarah Bylsma

iPad Apps and Resources for Teachers - 0 views

    iPad Apps and iBooks for different grades and levels of teaching
Sarah Bylsma

Wonderful Visual on SAMR As A Framework for Education 3.0 ~ Educational Technology and ... - 0 views

  • In web 1.0, users are viewed as mere receivers and consumers of content. Knowledge is centralized and expert-based and hence the use of taxonomies and directories to organize and store it. In the same vein, education 1.0 is also based on a notion of one way communication where teachers are the sages on the stage and students are pails to be filled with facts to be regurgitated and spewed back in standardized tests.
    • Sarah Bylsma
      I think that we have identified that we need to move beyond this at this stage in technology. 
  • In web 2.0 things are a bit different. Users are empowered with tools that permit them more  interaction and participation in knowledge building. Web tools such as blogs, wikis, and social media websites have decentralized knowledge and enhanced collaboration and communication. Web 2.0 foregrounded concepts of collective intelligence, distributed-expertise, and wisdom of the mob. Similarly, in education 2.0 learning is student-centred and involves continuous interaction between learners and their teachers and also with the content being studied. Collaborative approaches to instruction such as PBL, game based learning, flipped learning have been adopted as  teaching modes.
    • Sarah Bylsma
      Many of us may still be at this stage. 
  • education3.0 is based on the belief that content is freely and readily available as is characteristic of web 3.0. It is self-directed, interest-based learning, where problem-solving, innovation and creativity drive education. Education 3.0 is also about the three Cs: connectors, creators, and constructivists.
    • Sarah Bylsma
      I love this and want to move in this direction. 
Sarah Bylsma

5 Apps for Making Movies on Mobile Devices | Edutopia - 0 views

  • professional quality movies using iOS devices (iPads and iPhones) and Android tablets.
  • create a time-lapse or stop-motion film
  • combine videos and still images into a shared frame
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • shoot video from inside the app, edit video saved to their device and create a movie with this footage.
  • app lets kids create feature films and Hollywood-style trailers using the built-in themes and templates
  • This app lets them organize clips, crop video and even apply the "Ken Burns" filming technique to still images and videos. Users can add transitions to each clip, edit audio, and record a narration using the microphone on the device.
Sarah Bylsma

S.A.S.S.Y. SAMR: Toolkit for Educators to Transform Instruction - 0 views

    Great interactive SAMR toolkit. I would love to know how she did this.
Sarah Bylsma

The Global Teacher | The Principal of Change - 1 views

  • “classroom teacher” is someone that focuses on their classroom and students only.
  • “school teacher“.  This to me was the ideal as this teacher connected with every student in their classroom, as well as students and educators around the school
  • global teacher has the best elements of the classroom and school teacher, but their focus is on “what is best for kids”, no matter if is their own kids, kids in the school across the street, or across the ocean.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Global teachers (should) care about education as a whole, as well as their school and their classroom.  I just want to iterate that if the person only looks at sharing and learning globally, but cannot connect with those in their classroom or school, I would not consider them a “global teacher”.  They just know that we are better when we work together, not just taking, but contributing.  They know what they share makes a difference for others, as well as knowing what they learn from others makes a difference for their school and students.
    • Sarah Bylsma
      Cohort21 goal. 
Sarah Bylsma

Rethinking Education: Self-Directed Learning Fits the Digital Age | Innovation Insights... - 3 views

  • Education should not be about teaching to the next level
  • True learning is intrinsically motivated and the reward is knowledge.
  • Our teachers are stuck within the confines of a system that no longer serves our children.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Our educational system is built on the premise that the adult teacher has all the information which he or she will impart onto the child who will then show that he has mastered the grade level material by filling in answer choices where the test provides you with the desired answer.
  • Imagine providing children with the tools to learn in a prepared environment and then giving them the freedom to explore and experience that environment driven solely by their own curiosity
  • expose them to ideas, provide resources and then allow children the freedom to let their imaginations wander in a supportive environment
  • we do not need a society solely made up of generalists
  • Allow your child to be a specialist who learns deeply and see how they fluorish when they are in the driver’s seat of their own education.
  • more useful to be able to think critically, brainstorm ideas and figure out how to solve problems then it is to be able to recite a list of facts.
    • Sarah Bylsma
Sarah Bylsma

5 Fantastic iPad Apps to Learn Phrasal Verbs ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 2 views

  • Learning to use phrasal verbs APPROPRIATELY is a daunting task for any English Language learner
    5 Great iPad Apps for ESL teachers
Sarah Bylsma

iPad Classroom: Exploring Educational iPad Apps - 1 views

    IPads in the Classroom with SAMR
Sarah Bylsma

SAMR Model - Technology Is Learning - 6 views

    SAMR Model Definitions and Examples
Sarah Bylsma

A New Wonderful Wheel on SAMR and Bloom's Digital Taxonomy ~ Educational Technology and... - 1 views

    SAMR and Blooms Taxonomy Wheel
1 - 17 of 17
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