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Afzal Shaikh

5 Critical Mistakes Schools Make With iPads (And How To Correct Them) - Edudemic - 2 views

    • Afzal Shaikh
      I can attest to this. Having the iPads for everyone is a challenge. 
  • iPads were designed as a single-user device and not meant to be shared via carts. Financial constraints have forced many schools to abandon 1:1 aspirations, but sharing them separates the functionality from the user. Carts that rotate through several classrooms force teachers to take time away from learning, create a nightmare of student accounts, and often focus attention on workflow systems rather than learning.

Advanced iPad Classroom | Indiana Jen - 0 views

  • A key concept that we employed is that it’s about using a handful of apps to do a variety of projects effectively and creatively. This is the “One Screen Model”
  • The central tenet of using iPads is App Fluency: “The ultimate goal of fluency challenges is to be able to move information from app to app and from device
  • “Using two or more applications or web tools in conjunction with one another to create a final product or experience that would not be possible with using a single tool
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • As workflow was a common topic throughout the session, we decided to switch up in the end to discuss some ways to facilitate collecting and curating student material. One of the most popular tools for getting content off of iPads and shared with the teacher is Google Drive; many schools have become Google Apps for Education institutions making this much easier. One of the best tools available to teachers working in a GAFE environment is the script Doctopus. This tool enables teachers to distribute content effectively and collect it easily without having to worry about all of the snafu’s that happen with sharing (typos in email addresses, titles, etc).
    Interesting notes on some goals to work towards for an "Advanced ipad classroom" Topics discussed include: app fluency, workflow and the "one screen model"

Simple Sharing of iPad Images and Videos - iPads in Education - 0 views

    Some useful tips for how to share iPad images/ videos - useful for those of us who want to share the students' work with colleagues/ parents/ other students.

The 5 Rules of Storytelling Every Teacher Should Know about ~ Educational Technology an... - 1 views

    I'm always looking for ways to show my students how to be better storytellers!

Inquiry over iPads: Green Screen on the iPad - 1 views

    Green screen on the iPads - seems like a neat tool as I search for ways to incorporate the ipads in my classroom and they move through the grade levels I teach.

21 Things 4 iPads - Home - 3 views

    "21 Things 4 iPads"
    Nice streamlined site offering resources for iPads. Thanks again Justin for sharing this!

iPads in Languages - 0 views

    Short video from Joe Dale talking about his experience using iBooks Author and iTunesU COurse Manager in the context of language teaching.
Afzal Shaikh

Converting YouTube to iPad Video | Technology in Music Education - 2 views

    Converting YouTube to ipad Video
Afzal Shaikh

How Apple is replacing Macs with iPads at school - Apple News, Tips and Reviews - 0 views

  • On Tuesday, Apple CEO Tim Cook declared that the adoption of the iPad by educational institutions was “unlike anything I’ve seen in technology.” It’s not just a cheaper iPad 2 that’s driving record K-12 iPad sales, but Apple’s total education apps package.
Lisa Bettencourt

Personalized Learning | iTeach with iPads - 0 views

  • The real power of interactive technologies is that they let us learn in ways that aren’t otherwise possible or practical. – David Lassner
    • Lisa Bettencourt
      One of my favourite quotes about technology use in the classroom. Make the impossible, possible.
  • I love sharing with others
  • The real power of interactive technologies is that they let us learn in ways that aren’t otherwise possible or practical. – David Lassner
    "Focus on the Learning!"
garth nichols

Even Apple (AAPL) is acknowledging that the "iPads in education" fad is coming to an en... - 0 views

  • “If we had known how big a transition it would have been [to switch] from laptops to iPads we would have proactively done some good work with teachers to make the transition easier for them,” Mike Muir, the policy director of the Maine Learning Through Technology Initiative, told Quartz.
  • One teacher in Virginia thought giving her third graders an iPad would enhance their learning, but found that, for all the device’s benefits in terms of adding more varied activities to lessons, it undermined her pupils’ conversation and communication skills.
    Even Apple realizes the limitations of the iPad

Handing out iPads to students isn't enough - - 0 views

  • The focus tends to be on how to use computers rather than on what makes them work. Students may become adept at surfing the Web and at word processing, but they aren't developing the critical thinking skills essential to creating the software and hardware that power computers.
    Handing out iPads isn't enough - we need to make sure we are teaching the students critical thinking skills as well as simply HOW to use computers/ iPads.
Sarah Bylsma

S.A.S.S.Y. SAMR: Toolkit for Educators to Transform Instruction - 0 views

    Great interactive SAMR toolkit. I would love to know how she did this.
Sarah Bylsma

iPad Apps and Resources for Teachers - 0 views

    iPad Apps and iBooks for different grades and levels of teaching
Sarah Bylsma

5 Apps for Making Movies on Mobile Devices | Edutopia - 0 views

  • professional quality movies using iOS devices (iPads and iPhones) and Android tablets.
  • create a time-lapse or stop-motion film
  • combine videos and still images into a shared frame
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • shoot video from inside the app, edit video saved to their device and create a movie with this footage.
  • app lets kids create feature films and Hollywood-style trailers using the built-in themes and templates
  • This app lets them organize clips, crop video and even apply the "Ken Burns" filming technique to still images and videos. Users can add transitions to each clip, edit audio, and record a narration using the microphone on the device.
celeste Kirsh

Using research to support technology - 1 views

    An inner city primary is at the heart of a project to test how technology can be used to boost children's learning.

Essential rules for effectively using iPads in middle school classrooms | iSource - 1 views

    Some good rules of thumb for encouraging effective use of iPads in middle school classrooms.
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