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ryley Hughes

Why listening to the radio gives us more pleasure than watching TV or using a laptop | ... - 0 views

  • The report said: ‘Radio is chosen as a lifestyle support system, to help people feel better as they go about their daily lives. Rather than the peaks and troughs that people have claimed to experience with TV and the internet, radio provides a consistent environment themed and shaped to suit the listener’s needs  at any given time of day, and one that is generally upbeat in tone.’
  • radio had the most mood-enhancing effect, with listeners saying that it lifted their happiness levels 100 per cent and energy levels by 300 per cent
    This article speaks to the effects of listening to the radio compared to watching TV, surfing the web, or doing none of the above. Radio, according to this survey, makes people happier and gives them more energy as they go about their lives everyday when compared to people that watch television, people that use the internet, and people that consume no media at all. Could this be because of how engaged it forced us to be? 
    This article relates to the prior discussion of "blindness" experienced by radio listeners.  To elaborate, radio is a simple form of media which can thus produce a more intimate relationship between host and listener.  Radio hosts often seem to have more authentic personalities vs those on other forms of media, which makes content more friendly and familiar to listen to.  This article reflects upon positive emotions experienced by listeners vs those experienced by other media.  

Introduction to Genre Theory - 0 views

  • reducing complexity
  • frameworks may function to make form
  • transparent
  • ...28 more annotations...
  • foregrounding the distinctive content of individual texts
  • genre is a framework within which to make sense of related texts
  • genre knowledge is typically tacit and would be difficult for most readers to articulate as any kind of detailed and coherent framework
  • one needs to encounter sufficient examples of a genre in order to recognize shared features as being characteristic of it
  • are mediating frameworks between texts, makers and interpreters.
  • genre makes possible the communication of content
  • constrains the possible ways in which a text is interpreted, guiding readers of a text towards a preferred reading
  • film requires several acts of "framing" it: as a fiction, as a Hollywood movie, as a comedy, as a Steve Martin movie, as a "summer movie" and so on
  • Genres offer an important way of framing texts which assists comprehension
  • orientates competent readers of the genre towards appropriate attitudes, assumptions and expectations
  • principal factor
  • directing of audience choice and of audience expectations
  • organizing of the subsets of cultural competences and dispositions
  • watching, listening to and reading
  • Familiarity with a genre enables readers to generate feasible predictions about events in a narrative
  • Different genres
  • contracts
  • between the text and the reader.
  • expectations on each side
  • communication
  • functions
  • epistemology
  • communicative
  • frame
  • offer various emotional pleasures such as empathy and escapism
  • identification of a text as part of a genre
  • enables potential readers to decide whether it is likely to appeal to them
  • derive a variety of pleasures from reading texts within genres which are orientated towards entertainment
    This piece describes how genre is effective in reading and other forms of rhetoric. It can allow readers to get deeper into text, and understand the form of communication on paper. Similarly to genres in movies and TV, genre in written works allow a reader to get the sense of what is "going on". Reading more and more, a reader is able to understand and decipher which genre is which. They also enable readers to connect emotionally to a text, and experience feelings of the writer/characters.


  • Characters,
  • functions of the plot, or they may produce the plot
  • development or exploration of character
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • emphasis on certain aspects or parts of the characters' lives
  • narrator tells the story
  • commentator
  • newscaster
  • voice-over
  • point of vie
  • events are narrated or viewed.
  • Narratee (Listeners, viewers and the audience).
  • personal and subjective responses, our feelings, thoughts, attitudes and values
  • Narrative Codes
  • everything within a narrative has a particular function or serves a purpose
  • Enigma, Setting, Viewer Address or Character Codes are used, and their effects
  • certain codes to generate or control the flow of suspense, to provide setting, to engage the viewer's attention, to reveal character, or to further the plot
  • Genre. This refers to the 'type' of narrative which is being presented
  • governs or directs a number of aspects of a specific narrative
  • setting
  • characters are involved, what the narrative is about (themes, values and issues), its pleasures and effects on the viewer or listener
  • Narrative Form
  • particular way in which a narrative is put together
  • ordering of events and the time that it takes to present them
    This study on narrative in media informs us on how narrative is very evident in media today. Not only do we use the form in literary works, but narrative (hand in hand with genre) work in media. For example, in the news, it is presented in order of first: the credibility of news, then presenting the current issue at hand, and finally an explanation of the resolution or following matter. This is applied in all forms of media.
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