Flisti - 10 views
What is Poll Everywhere? - 20 views
Using this website you can poll your students about politics, current events or even quiz them on the fly through sms text messages, twitter, or the web.
- ...1 more comment...
I have never heard about it before. Thanks for introducing this tool to us, this is definitely helpful in teaching!
It's a paid tool if I were to use it via sms across the globe unfortunately. Personally I prefer using Socrative.
MathMovesU.com - 11 views
"Raytheon's MathMovesU is an innovative program designed to engage middle school students with math when their interest in the subject typically declines. Algebra, geometry, decimals, fractions & word problems combine with topics kids are passionate about; sports, music & fashion. MMU delivers math problems via games, polls and fun facts." "MathMovesU.com will supplement your classroom curriculum. It's designed to help middle school math students practice and improve their math skills. MMU combines stuff kids are into like music, sports & fashion with algebra, geometry, decimals, fractions & word problems."
YouTube - DiscoveryEd2010Web's Channel - 0 views
Doodle: easy scheduling - 24 views
Lindane is pretty cool new hairstyle - 0 views
WASHINGTON shooting 2013 badminton world championships less than a week, the Chinese badminton team yesterday flew from Beijing to Guangzhou soccer team jerseys . "Golden Helmet" Lin debuts a new h...
Teaching with Clickers - 15 views
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