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As a university student: - 0 views

Play college football cheap soccer shirts is an amazing experience. It is a great honor to represent your team in the game and schools. Memories more than a college athlete career and the lessons ...


started by li li on 15 Jul 13 no follow-up yet
li li

Review and registration Wenger against Tottenham in the past and look to the weekend derby - 0 views

In the last seven games between Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur in the game, the two sides in a total of 36 goals, an average of a party to enter into 5 balls world soccer shop even more. Wenger als...

started by li li on 30 Aug 13 no follow-up yet

Project Zero: Cultures of Thinking - 0 views

  • Cultures of Thinking” (CoT) as places where a group’s collective as well as individual thinking is valued, visible, and actively promoted as part of the regular, day-to-day experience of all group members.
  • Ron Ritchhart (2002)
  • CoT project focuses
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • eight cultural forces
  • in every school, classroom, and group learning situation.
  • language, time, environment, opportunities, routines, modeling, interactions, and expectations.
  • scaffolds
  • make their own thinking visible,
  • this work doesn’t happen by teachers merely implementing a defined set of practices; it must be supported by a rich professional culture.
  • a core premise of the CoT project is
  • that for classrooms to be cultures of thinking for students
  • schools must be cultures of thinking for teachers.
  • In 2005, we began our work at Bialik College by forming two focus groups of eight teachers with whom we worked intensively. These groups were all heterogeneous, including K-12 teachers of various subjects, representing a departure from traditional forms of professional development that target specific subject areas or levels. 
  • diverse range of teachers
  • Team teaching efforts
  • developmental perspective on students’ thinking
  • In 2011, we published Making Thinking Visible,
  • which captures much of the great work being done by teachers in the project.
  • the CoT project’s research agenda
  • sought to better understand changes in teachers’ and students’ attitudes and practices as thinking becomes more visible in the school and classroom environments.
  • measures of school and classroom thoughtfulness to capture these changes.
  • at how students’ conceptual understanding of the domain of thinking developed
  • case studies of teachers
  • Our research to date has shown that students recognize CoT classrooms as being more focused on thinking, learning, and understanding, and more likely to be collaborative in nature than those of teachers not in the project
  • Teachers in the project notice that as they work with CoT ideas, their classrooms shift in noticeable ways. Specifically, they find that they give thinking more time, discussion increases, and their questioning of students shifts toward asking students to elaborate on their thinking rather than testing them on their recall of facts and procedures.
  • Our research on students’ conceptual development found that
  • over the course of a single school year, the average CoT classroom students’ growth and maturity, with respect to understanding thinking processes that they themselves use and control, increased by twice the normal rate one might expect by virtue of maturity alone (Ritchhart, Turner, Hadar, 2009).
  • Recent data on students’ language arts performance has shown superior performance by students coming from strong CoT classrooms/schools on standardized tests such as the MAEP Writing Assessment (Michigan), MCAS ELA (Massachusetts), VCE English (Victoria, Australia), and IB English exams.
  • The new book, Creating Cultures of Thinking,
  • The book draws on case studies from teachers around the world to demonstrate the power and importance of each cultural force in shaping classroom culture.
  • hese include frameworks and tools for professional learning communities, videos, and frameworks for understanding classroom questioning.
  • Though the formal research phase of the project ended in 2009, the project continues through 2013 in a support phase to develop internal leadership and outreach around these ideas.
  • he research ideas are also being taken up by many new sites, including Oakland County Michigan and Santa Fe, New Mexico. 
  • Funding: Bialik College (Melbourne, Australia) under the patronage of Abe and Vera Dorevitch 
  • Project Staff: Ron Ritchhart Mark Church (consultant)
    Project Zero: Cultures of Thinking
Barbara Lindsey

My School, Meet MySpace: Social Networking at School | Edutopia - 1 views

  • Months before the newly hired teachers at Philadelphia's Science Leadership Academy (SLA) started their jobs, they began the consuming work of creating the high school of their dreams -- without meeting face to face. They articulated a vision, planned curriculum, designed assessment rubrics, debated discipline policies, and even hammered out daily schedules using the sort of networking tools -- messaging, file swapping, idea sharing, and blogging -- kids love on sites such as MySpace.
  • hen, weeks before the first day of school, the incoming students jumped onboard -- or, more precisely, onto the Science Leadership Academy Web site -- to meet, talk with their teachers, and share their hopes for their education. So began a conversation that still perks along 24/7 in SLA classrooms and cyberspace. It's a bold experiment to redefine learning spaces, the roles and relationships of teachers and students, and the mission of the modern high school.
  • When I hear people say it's our job to create the twenty-first-century workforce, it scares the hell out of me," says Chris Lehmann, SLA's founding principal. "Our job is to create twenty-first-century citizens. We need workers, yes, but we also need scholars, activists, parents -- compassionate, engaged people. We're not reinventing schools to create a new version of a trade school. We're reinventing schools to help kids be adaptable in a world that is changing at a blinding rate."
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • It's the spirit of science rather than hardcore curriculum that permeates SLA. "In science education, inquiry-based learning is the foothold," Lehmann says. "We asked, 'What does it mean to build a school where everything is based on the core values of science: inquiry, research, collaboration, presentation, and reflection?'"
  • It means the first-year curriculum is built around essential questions: Who am I? What influences my identity? How do I interact with my world? In addition to science, math, and engineering, core courses include African American history, Spanish, English, and a basic how-to class in technology that also covers Internet safety and the ethical use of information and software. Classes focus less on facts to be memorized and more on skills and knowledge for students to master independently and incorporate into their lives. Students rarely take tests; they write reflections and do "culminating" projects. Learning doesn't merely cross disciplines -- it shatters outdated departmental divisions. Recently, for instance, kids studied atomic weights in biochemistry (itself a homegrown interdisciplinary course), did mole calculations in algebra, and created Dalton models (diagrams that illustrate molecular structures) in art.
  • This is Dewey for the digital age, old-fashioned progressive education with a technological twist.
  • computers and networking are central to learning at, and shaping the culture of, SLA. "
  • he zest to experiment -- and the determination to use technology to run a school not better, but altogether differently -- began with Lehmann and the teachers last spring when they planned SLA online. Their use of Moodle, an open source course-management system, proved so easy and inspired such productive collaboration that Lehmann adopted it as the school's platform. It's rare to see a dog-eared textbook or pad of paper at SLA; everybody works on iBooks. Students do research on the Internet, post assignments on class Moodle sites, and share information through forums, chat, bookmarks, and new software they seem to discover every day.
  • Teachers continue to use Moodle to plan, dream, and learn, to log attendance and student performance, and to talk about everything -- from the student who shows up each morning without a winter coat to cool new software for tagging research sources. There's also a schoolwide forum called SLA Talk, a combination bulletin board, assembly, PA system, and rap session.
  • Web technology, of course, can do more than get people talking with those they see every day; people can communicate with anyone anywhere. Students at SLA are learning how to use social-networking tools to forge intellectual connections.
  • In October, Lehmann noticed that students were sorting themselves by race in the lunchroom and some clubs. He felt disturbed and started a passionate thread on self-segregation.
  • "Having the conversation changed the way kids looked at themselves," he says.
  • "What I like best about this school is the sense of community," says student Hannah Feldman. "You're not just here to learn, even though you do learn a lot. It's more like a second home."
  • As part of the study of memoirs, for example, Alexa Dunn's English class read Funny in Farsi, Firoozeh Dumas's account of growing up Iranian in the United States -- yes, the students do read books -- and talked with the author in California via Skype. The students also wrote their own memoirs and uploaded them to SLA's network for the teacher and class to read and edit. Then, digital arts teacher Marcie Hull showed the students GarageBand, which they used to turn their memoirs into podcasts. These they posted on the education social-networking site EduSpaces (formerly Elgg); they also posted blogs about the memoirs.
Chris Herbert

Benefits of teaching writing online - 0 views

  • Encourages contact between students and faculty
  • Offers collaborative peer review,
  • Using reply-with-quote for peer revision and exchanging documents online facilitates collaborative peer review
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Carrying out peer review prior to teacher intervention promotes student autonomy and encourages students to take responsibility for the review and negotiation process
  • Encourages active learning
  • from both teachers and other students
  • Places emphasis on practice and on revision and peer review for continued improvement
  • A strong focus on peer revision requires a great effort on the part of students unfamiliar with the practice but ultimately gives them a skill they will use in their professional lives
    Outlines how teaching writing online helps students and educators teach and learn.
    Online teaching and the benefits to students and teachers.
Dennis OConnor

What Do Students Learn Through Discussion? | Faculty Focus - 0 views

    A thoughtful look at why we use discussions in online classes. It's a good thing to examine our assumptions and return to first principals.  Enormously useful. 
Sarah Eeee

The Magic of Higher Education - Old School, New School - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

  • When we view faculty as labor and students as customers, we do not see magic; we see expenses and revenue on a profit-and-loss sheet. We would be better off selling tickets to a magic show.
  • When we present the university as a corporation, the faculty as labor, and the students as customers, we lose sight of our core mission of teaching and learning. Just as the corporate analogy distracts, the customer analogy detracts. Presenting the student as a customer rather than as a partner in learning is condescending at best. It is a short-run view that focuses on interactions with students as a series of financial transactions rather than a network of human relationships. When we view education as consumption, administrators are forced to side either with faculty at the expense of the students or with students at the expense of the faculty. When our focus is on learning as a form of development, we can spend our energy on finding ways to support the creativity and growth of both partners in this relationship.
  • But the reality is that those of us who labor in academe range from part-time work-study students to outsourced janitors and food-service workers, to campus police, librarians, doctors, legal counsel, and a myriad of student counselors, among others. Many of the working conditions that affect professors also affect the rest of us. Much more is to be gained by seeing the conditions we have in common than by painting a picture of faculty as uniquely oppressed. Building bridges between faculty and administration is a necessary step in creating a campus culture that values teaching and learning and that is oriented toward the success of both students and faculty.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Professors seem to have a strange sort of tunnel vision when it comes to defining labor on campus. Apart from their fellow faculty members, their view rarely includes those outside of the line on the organizational chart that links themselves to their presidents. They seem to look through their chairs, deans, and provosts to their most senior leaders.
  • Academic discussions of the corporatization of higher education frame the institution as a corporation and the faculty as the labor oppressed by this structure. But academics need to realize that the corporate model dehumanizes everyone on campus, not just the faculty.
    How can we be inspirational teachers at a distance? How do we achieve this 'magical' element, rather than just replicate the base demands of the corporate university?
Barbara Lindsey

Jean Lave, Etienne Wenger and communities of practice - 1 views

  • Supposing learning is social and comes largely from of our experience of participating in daily life? It was this thought that formed the basis of a significant rethinking of learning theory in the late 1980s and early 1990s by two researchers from very different disciplines - Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger. Their model of situated learning proposed that learning involved a process of engagement in a 'community of practice'. 
  • When looking closely at everyday activity, she has argued, it is clear that 'learning is ubiquitous in ongoing activity, though often unrecognized as such' (Lave 1993: 5).
  • Communities of practice are formed by people who engage in a process of collective learning in a shared domain of human endeavour: a tribe learning to survive, a band of artists seeking new forms of expression, a group of engineers working on similar problems, a clique of pupils defining their identity in the school, a network of surgeons exploring novel techniques, a gathering of first-time managers helping each other cope. In a nutshell: Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly. (Wenger circa 2007)
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • Over time, this collective learning results in practices that reflect both the pursuit of our enterprises and the attendant social relations. These practices are thus the property of a kind of community created over time by the sustained pursuit of a shared enterprise. It makes sense, therefore to call these kinds of communities communities of practice. (Wenger 1998: 45)
  • The characteristics of communities of practice According to Etienne Wenger (c 2007), three elements are crucial in distinguishing a community of practice from other groups and communities: The domain. A community of practice is is something more than a club of friends or a network of connections between people. 'It has an identity defined by a shared domain of interest. Membership therefore implies a commitment to the domain, and therefore a shared competence that distinguishes members from other people' (op. cit.). The community. 'In pursuing their interest in their domain, members engage in joint activities and discussions, help each other, and share information. They build relationships that enable them to learn from each other' (op. cit.). The practice. 'Members of a community of practice are practitioners. They develop a shared repertoire of resources: experiences, stories, tools, ways of addressing recurring problems—in short a shared practice. This takes time and sustained interaction' (op. cit.).
  • The fact that they are organizing around some particular area of knowledge and activity gives members a sense of joint enterprise and identity. For a community of practice to function it needs to generate and appropriate a shared repertoire of ideas, commitments and memories. It also needs to develop various resources such as tools, documents, routines, vocabulary and symbols that in some way carry the accumulated knowledge of the community.
  • The interactions involved, and the ability to undertake larger or more complex activities and projects though cooperation, bind people together and help to facilitate relationship and trust
  • Rather than looking to learning as the acquisition of certain forms of knowledge, Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger have tried to place it in social relationships – situations of co-participation.
  • It not so much that learners acquire structures or models to understand the world, but they participate in frameworks that that have structure. Learning involves participation in a community of practice. And that participation 'refers not just to local events of engagement in certain activities with certain people, but to a more encompassing process of being active participants in the practices of social communities and constructing identities in relation to these communities' (Wenger 1999: 4).
  • Initially people have to join communities and learn at the periphery. The things they are involved in, the tasks they do may be less key to the community than others.
  • Learning is, thus, not seen as the acquisition of knowledge by individuals so much as a process of social participation. The nature of the situation impacts significantly on the process.
  • What is more, and in contrast with learning as internalization, ‘learning as increasing participation in communities of practice concerns the whole person acting in the world’ (Lave and Wenger 1991: 49). The focus is on the ways in which learning is ‘an evolving, continuously renewed set of relations’ (ibid.: 50). In other words, this is a relational view of the person and learning (see the discussion of selfhood).
  • 'the purpose is not to learn from talk as a substitute for legitimate peripheral participation; it is to learn to talk as a key to legitimate peripheral participation'. This orientation has the definite advantage of drawing attention to the need to understand knowledge and learning in context. However, situated learning depends on two claims: It makes no sense to talk of knowledge that is decontextualized, abstract or general. New knowledge and learning are properly conceived as being located in communities of practice (Tennant 1997: 77).
  • There is a risk, as Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger acknowledge, of romanticizing communities of practice.
  • 'In their eagerness to debunk testing, formal education and formal accreditation, they do not analyse how their omission [of a range of questions and issues] affects power relations, access, public knowledge and public accountability' (Tennant 1997: 79).
  • Perhaps the most helpful of these explorations is that of Barbara Rogoff and her colleagues (2001). They examine the work of an innovative school in Salt Lake City and how teachers, students and parents were able to work together to develop an approach to schooling based around the principle that learning 'occurs through interested participation with other learners'.
  • Learning is in the relationships between people. As McDermott (in Murphy 1999:17) puts it: Learning traditionally gets measured as on the assumption that it is a possession of individuals that can be found inside their heads… [Here] learning is in the relationships between people. Learning is in the conditions that bring people together and organize a point of contact that allows for particular pieces of information to take on a relevance; without the points of contact, without the system of relevancies, there is not learning, and there is little memory. Learning does not belong to individual persons, but to the various conversations of which they are a part.
  • One of the implications for schools, as Barbara Rogoff and her colleagues suggest is that they must prioritize 'instruction that builds on children's interests in a collaborative way'. Such schools need also to be places where 'learning activities are planned by children as well as adults, and where parents and teachers not only foster children's learning but also learn from their own involvement with children' (2001: 3). Their example in this area have particular force as they are derived from actual school practice.
  • learning involves a deepening process of participation in a community of practice
  • Acknowledging that communities of practice affect performance is important in part because of their potential to overcome the inherent problems of a slow-moving traditional hierarchy in a fast-moving virtual economy. Communities also appear to be an effective way for organizations to handle unstructured problems and to share knowledge outside of the traditional structural boundaries. In addition, the community concept is acknowledged to be a means of developing and maintaining long-term organizational memory. These outcomes are an important, yet often unrecognized, supplement to the value that individual members of a community obtain in the form of enriched learning and higher motivation to apply what they learn. (Lesser and Storck 2001)
  • Educators need to reflect on their understanding of what constitutes knowledge and practice. Perhaps one of the most important things to grasp here is the extent to which education involves informed and committed action.
Dennis OConnor

Martin Dougiamas Keynote at Moodlemoot Canada | Some Random Thoughts - 13 views

  • Martin Dougiamas presented the keynote at the Canadian Moodlemoot in Edmonton.
  • Martin updated us with the current stats on Moodle 54,000 verified sites worldwide. 41 Million users 97 language packs (17 fully complete, the rest are in various states) 54 Moodle Partners who fund the project and its going very well ensuring the project will continue into the future. (such as Remote-Learner who I work for) USA still has the highest raw number of installations and Spain has half of that with much less population. Brazil is now 3rd in the world and has overtaken the UK now in total installs. 3 of the top 10 are English speaking per head of population, Portugal has the largest number of Moodle installations.
  •  ”a lot of people find that giving students the ability to teach is a valuable learning process” – Martin Dougiamas.
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  • As many may have seen before, there are 10 steps of pedagogical usage of Moodle, which is outlined on Moodle Docs. It details the typical 10 step progression which looks like: Putting up the handouts (Resources, SCORM) Providing a passive Forum (unfacilitated) Using Quizzes and Assignments (less management) Using the Wiki, Glossary and Database tools (interactive content) Facilitate discussions in Forums, asking questions, guiding Combining activities into sequences, where results feed later activities Introduce external activities and games (internet resources) Using the Survey module to study and reflect on course activity Using peer-review modules like Workshop, giving students more control over grading and even structuring the course in some ways Conducting active research on oneself, sharing ideas in a community of peers
  • A lot of people want that secure private place in the LMS with big gates, with students needing to gain competencies and knowledge.  Many people really want this “Content Pump” focus, becuase it is what they need. Others use it as a community of practitioners, connected activities, content created by students and teachers alike and many methods of assessment. These are the two ends of the spectrum of usage.
  • Moodle has two roles: to be progressive and integrate with things coming up, and a drag and drop UI, with innovate workflows and improve media handling and mobile platforms to be conservative and improve  security and usability and assessment , accredition, detailed management tracking and reports and performance and stability
  • Since Moodle 1.9 came out three years ago,  March 2008 and most are still using the three year old code which has had fixes applied since then (1.9.11 is the current release.) The support for 1.9 will continue until the middle of 2012 as it is understood that it will be a big move to Moodle2.   “If you are going to Moodle2, you may as well go to Moodle 2.1 as it is better with 6 months more work” .
  • However, the ongoing support for each release will be 1 yr moving to the future. Moodle will be released every 6 months which enables the organisations to plan their upgrade times ahead of time.
  • What will be in Moodle 2.1? Performance Restore 1.9 backups Quiz/question refactor Page course format Interface polishing Official Mobile app (there now is a Mobile division)
  • HQ are working on an official app which uses Moodle 2 built-in web services. This provides a secure access to the data in Moodle 2 for people who have accounts in Moodle which greatly benefits mobile apps.
  • Moodle HQ has looked at what is Mobile really good at and identified them one by one and implemented them.  This includes messaging, list of participants in your course, marking attendence (in class roll call). This will be for the iPhone first and then someone will make it for Android so it will lag behind, but will be the same.
  • What is going to happen in 2.2 and beyond?
  • Grading and Rubrics Competency Tracking (from activity level, course level, outside courses to generate a competency profile) Assignment (planning to combine all 4 into one type and simplify it) Forum (big upgrade probably based on OU Forum) Survey (to include feedback/questionnaire – being rewritten currently) Lesson Scorm 2 Improved reporting IMS LTI IMS CC (although it is in 1.9 needs to be redone)
    An important overview for any one using Moodle, especially useful for those contemplating an upgrade to 2.0 .  (I'll make the move when we have 2.1 or 2.2.)  
R Cabezas

Is K-12 blended learning disruptive?An introduction of the theory of hybrids | Christen... - 15 views

  • Schools will focus more, for example, on providing well-kept facilities that students want to attend with great face-to-face support, high-quality meals, and a range of athletic, musical, and artistic programs and will leverage the Internet for instruction.
  • more disruptive—Flex, A La Carte, Enriched Virtual, and Individual Rotation—are positioned to transform the classroom model and become the engines of change over the longer term in high school and middle school, but likely not in elementary school.

Raasis Technology - Ecommerce-development Company - 0 views

    Raasis Technology gives you a complete solution for all web related services.We play with technology & explore the best that you want.We are a creative agency based in Delhi. Our core skills focus on website design/development,ecommerce websites, mobile and SEO/SMO and in particular where they all meet.RAASIS offers a complete range of Web Solution and internet marketing. We are creative IT Company based in Delhi.

Raasis Technology - Mobile-app-development / Website Design and Development Company/dig... - 0 views

    #website #design, #development,#eCommerce #membership,#erp,#wordpress #seo,#internet,#marketing,#raasis Raasis Technology gives you a complete solution for all web related services.We play with technology & explore the best that you want.We are a creative agency based in Delhi. Our core skills focus on website design/development,ecommerce websites, mobile and SEO/SMO and in particular where they all meet.RAASIS offers a complete range of Web Solution and internet marketing. We are creative IT Company based in Delhi.

Buy Glassdoor Reviews - 100% Non-Drop,Safe, Permanent, Cheap ... - 0 views

    Buy Glassdoor Reviews Introduction Glassdoor is a website that allows you to review different companies and jobs. It's an easy way to find out what other people think about your favorite employers or job opportunities. Glassdoor reviews are important because they can help you make an educated decision about whether or not to work for a particular company or hire someone for a specific position. What is Glassdoor? Glassdoor is a company that allows employees to review their employers anonymously. The purpose of Glassdoor is to give you the information you need to make your best possible decision about where you want to work, so that you can find the job that will fit into your life and career goals. Buy Glassdoor Reviews We're sure there are a lot of people out there who want an honest review about their current or previous employer-and we're happy we can provide this service for them! What are the Benefits of Glassdoor Reviews? Glassdoor Reviews are an excellent way to find out more about a company before you apply for a job there. They can help you decide whether or not to apply for a job at a company, or if the company is right for you. Glassdoor Reviews are also valuable because they give employees an opportunity to voice their opinions on various aspects of their jobs and life at the company. Why is it necessary to obtain Glassdoor reviews? There are many reasons to obtain Glassdoor reviews. The first is that they're a good way to find out what other people think about a company, both from the perspective of how employees feel about it, and also from the perspective of customers who have interacted with them. The second reason is that Glassdoor reviews can help you decide whether or not you want to work for a certain company. They provide insight into: Buy Glassdoor Reviews How successful the company has been (i.e., their revenue growth rate) What kind of culture exists within their organization (i.e., how open-minded are employees about different
    Buy Glassdoor Reviews Introduction Glassdoor is a website that allows you to review different companies and jobs. It's an easy way to find out what other people think about your favorite employers or job opportunities. Glassdoor reviews are important because they can help you make an educated decision about whether or not to work for a particular company or hire someone for a specific position. What is Glassdoor? Glassdoor is a company that allows employees to review their employers anonymously. The purpose of Glassdoor is to give you the information you need to make your best possible decision about where you want to work, so that you can find the job that will fit into your life and career goals. Buy Glassdoor Reviews We're sure there are a lot of people out there who want an honest review about their current or previous employer-and we're happy we can provide this service for them! What are the Benefits of Glassdoor Reviews? Glassdoor Reviews are an excellent way to find out more about a company before you apply for a job there. They can help you decide whether or not to apply for a job at a company, or if the company is right for you. Glassdoor Reviews are also valuable because they give employees an opportunity to voice their opinions on various aspects of their jobs and life at the company. Why is it necessary to obtain Glassdoor reviews? There are many reasons to obtain Glassdoor reviews. The first is that they're a good way to find out what other people think about a company, both from the perspective of how employees feel about it, and also from the perspective of customers who have interacted with them. The second reason is that Glassdoor reviews can help you decide whether or not you want to work for a certain company. They provide insight into: Buy Glassdoor Reviews How successful the company has been (i.e., their revenue growth rate) What kind of culture exists within their organization (i.e., how open-minded are employees about different

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Buy Google Ads Account - Real, Cheap, Aged, Spent ⚡️ - 0 views

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    Buy Google Ads Account Introduction If you are looking to buy Google Ads Accounts we can help you. Here are some reasons why you should buy PVA accounts from us: Looking to buy Google Ads Accounts If you're looking to buy Google Ads Accounts, we offer a variety of packages that can help you get started. We offer accounts with varying limits on the number of ads that can be run at once, as well as different options for payout amounts and costs (depending on your budget). You'll also be able to choose whether or not your account is part of our main product line or if it's an offshoot. This way, if there are any changes in how our products work or evolve over time-or even if there's no need at all-you won't miss out on anything! What are the rules in google ads accounts? Google Ads accounts let you create and manage your own campaign, which can be used to drive traffic to a website or an email list. However, the rules are pretty strict. Here's what you need to know: You can use Google Ads for your business' own purposes only. For example, if you have a side hustle as a freelancer, this is not allowed because it will affect the quality of your main business' listings in search results (for example). If there are other businesses using the same keywords as yours (either directly or indirectly), then those other businesses may also be affected by this rule. You cannot use Google Ads Accounts for any friend's business except those who are family members living at home with them; friends who work together professionally; close colleagues from college days; ex-girlfriends/boyfriends whose relationship ended badly during high school years; any person(s) who has been convicted of crimes involving fraudulently obtaining money from others through false promises made while applying for jobs/jobs interviews etc., even if they were pardoned afterwards
    Buy Google Ads Account Introduction If you are looking to buy Google Ads Accounts we can help you. Here are some reasons why you should buy PVA accounts from us: Looking to buy Google Ads Accounts If you're looking to buy Google Ads Accounts, we offer a variety of packages that can help you get started. We offer accounts with varying limits on the number of ads that can be run at once, as well as different options for payout amounts and costs (depending on your budget). You'll also be able to choose whether or not your account is part of our main product line or if it's an offshoot. This way, if there are any changes in how our products work or evolve over time-or even if there's no need at all-you won't miss out on anything! What are the rules in google ads accounts? Google Ads accounts let you create and manage your own campaign, which can be used to drive traffic to a website or an email list. However, the rules are pretty strict. Here's what you need to know: You can use Google Ads for your business' own purposes only. For example, if you have a side hustle as a freelancer, this is not allowed because it will affect the quality of your main business' listings in search results (for example). If there are other businesses using the same keywords as yours (either directly or indirectly), then those other businesses may also be affected by this rule. You cannot use Google Ads Accounts for any friend's business except those who are family members living at home with them; friends who work together professionally; close colleagues from college days; ex-girlfriends/boyfriends whose relationship ended badly during high school years; any person(s) who has been convicted of crimes involving fraudulently obtaining money from others through false promises made while applying for jobs/jobs interviews etc., even if they were pardoned afterwards Buy Google Ads Account Google Ads Account Looking to buy Google Ads Accounts If you're looking to bu
    Buy Google Ads Account Introduction If you are looking to buy Google Ads Accounts we can help you. Here are some reasons why you should buy PVA accounts from us: Looking to buy Google Ads Accounts If you're looking to buy Google Ads Accounts, we offer a variety of packages that can help you get started. We offer accounts with varying limits on the number of ads that can be run at once, as well as different options for payout amounts and costs (depending on your budget). You'll also be able to choose whether or not your account is part of our main product line or if it's an offshoot. This way, if there are any changes in how our products work or evolve over time-or even if there's no need at all-you won't miss out on anything! What are the rules in google ads accounts? Google Ads accounts let you create and manage your own campaign, which can be used to drive traffic to a website or an email list. However, the rules are pretty strict. Here's what you need to know: You can use Google Ads for your business' own purposes only. For example, if you have a side hustle as a freelancer, this is not allowed because it will affect the quality of your main business' listings in search results (for example). If there are other businesses using the same keywords as yours (either directly or indirectly), then those other businesses may also be affected by this rule. You cannot use Google Ads Accounts for any friend's business except those who are family members living at home with them; friends who work together professionally; close colleagues from college days; ex-girlfriends/boyfriends whose relationship ended badly during high school years; any person(s) who has been convicted of crimes involving fraudulently obtaining money from others through false promises made while applying for jobs/jobs interviews etc., even if they were pardoned afterwards Buy Google Ads Account Google Ads Account Looking to buy Google Ads Accounts If you're looking to bu

Buy Facebook Ads Accounts - 100% Cheap Verified BM For sale - 0 views

    What's Facebook and how does it work? Facebook is a social media platform that has more than 2 billion users. It's the most popular social media platform in the world, and it's used by people of all ages, races, countries and interests. Buy Facebook Ads Accounts Facebook ads are like advertisements on TV or radio: they're meant to get your ad seen by as many people as possible. If you want to reach more people with your message-like if you're selling something online-you should use Facebook ads! Buy Facebook Ads Accounts Facebook Ads Accounts Why do you need to buy a Facebook Ads Account? Facebook ads are the most effective way to reach your audience. You can create and manage them for free, but they are not free from cost. If you want to use ads as a promotional tool or growth strategy, then having an ad account will help you in this matter. You can use Facebook Ads to promote your business, products or services on Facebook pages with thousands of followers. Buy Facebook Ads Accounts In addition, there is no limit on the number of impressions per day that an advertiser can run their ads for (unlike Google AdWords). This means that if someone else has been using up all their budget up until now due to poor results from using them previously then he/she may now be able to start getting some traction with this new method! How can we help you to buy a Facebook Ads Account? We can help you to buy a Facebook Ads Account. We will provide you with an ad account that will help your business grow, and we'll work with you to get your business on the right track. If your business is running in the USA or any other country and want to promote it, our company will help you buy a facebook ads account. Buy Facebook Ads Accounts If your business is running in the USA or any other country and want to promote it, our company will help you buy a facebook ads account. You can buy a Facebook Ads Account from us if you want to run your business on social media platf
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