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Home/ Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by R Cabezas

Contents contributed and discussions participated by R Cabezas

R Cabezas

Is K-12 blended learning disruptive?An introduction of the theory of hybrids | Christen... - 15 views

  • Schools will focus more, for example, on providing well-kept facilities that students want to attend with great face-to-face support, high-quality meals, and a range of athletic, musical, and artistic programs and will leverage the Internet for instruction.
  • more disruptive—Flex, A La Carte, Enriched Virtual, and Individual Rotation—are positioned to transform the classroom model and become the engines of change over the longer term in high school and middle school, but likely not in elementary school.
R Cabezas

Teachers with Apps - Because Not All Apps are Created Equal - 0 views

shared by R Cabezas on 30 Dec 11 - No Cached
  • developed by a group of occupational therapists.
  • help all kids focus, improve, and perfect their fine motor skills.
  • distinct activities to improve fine motor skills and handwriting readiness, each one is very different from the other.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • iPad’s multi-touch interface
  • assist anyone who may have difficulty speaking
  • symbols, aids, strategies and techniques used by individuals to enhance communication.”
  • includes gestures, eye gaze, touch, body postures/movements, sign language, photographs, printed words, objects, pictoideographs, and Braille.
  • a lead into a writing assignment.
  • discover history
  • combines the traditional power of storytelling with the latest in mobile technology!
  • lot of ground conept-wise and shouldn’t be limited to just fifth graders.
  • lots of encouragement and their is a lesson summary available when needed
  • tabs to pull, flaps to lift, buttons to push, and wheels to turn, as well as several games to play.
R Cabezas

programming - What makes a good educational game? - Game Development - Stack Exchange - 0 views

    • R Cabezas
      How do these qualities relate to website evaluation? 1. interface design (relateable Characters/avatars, game world immersion)  2. content organization 3. site architecture (game world immersion), last but not least and especially,  4. interactivity. Interactivity: 1. Needs to engage all senses (multimodal: touch, color/sight, sound, smell, kinesthetic), 2. Lot's of breaks (information chunking), 3.  
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