Welcome! We are a global community of educators who value innovative uses of information and communication technology to enhance teaching and learning experiences.
"Nine great reasons why teachers should use Twitter: What's the point of Twitter? Why should educators get involved? What difference does using Twitter make?"
"Find out about key issues in education, learning, human development and what we really know about how our brains are shaped by evolution, genetics and experience. Explore what motivates learning, what encourages creative thinking and how home, school and community can create the best opportunities for meaningful learning."
Several online high schools now participate in Twitter, the popular microblogging platform. By "following" these virtual high schools on Twitter, you can receive the latest updates about their programs and accomplishments.
Below you'll find links to some of the top online high schools on Twitter. If you know of any other online schools that should be included in this list, email me at: distancelearn.guide@about.com.
Woophy stands for WOrld Of PHotographY, a website founded by a Dutch collective of photo aficionados and internet designers who believe navigation on internet can be more visual, logical and associative.
The goal of Woophy's founders is to create an accessible, visual, current, democratic and collective work of art comprised of a database picturing our remarkable world.
With the help of (amateur) photographers across the world we strive to ultimately cover every inch of our world map with images that represent the world's beauty and peculiarity from all different cultural perspectives. Users upload their photos into a free personal account protected by a password, or download pictures for personal use. User email addresses and passwords are not shared with any third parties whatsoever.
A Short History of smARThistory
smARThistory.org is a free multi-media web-book designed as a dynamic enhancement (or even substitute) for the traditional and static art history textbook. Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker began smARThistory in 2005 by creating a blog featuring free audio guides in the form of podcasts for use in The Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Freelancers, small business owners, college students and family members have found that the Internet has made it easier to work from home, collaborate on group projects, and share important files and links. This list of web tools is ideal for anyone working on a group project, whether you're looking for task management support, scheduling and calendar organization, or just a place to collect all your materials and brainstorms.
For the first time in Common Craft's evolution, one of our videos "Twitter in Plain English" is being used in the mainstream media. For the most part, we're excited to have our work in front of millions. However, it brings up some questions and we're curious what you think. A few facts:
* The video "Twitter in Plain English" is 100% Common Craft's property and is licensed with a Creative Commons non-commercial, no-derivatives license.
* Our names and a link to our web site appear at the end of the video
* The video is currently displayed from a link on the front page of Twitter.com
* Of the 5-6 media companies to use the video so far (examples below), only ABC contacted us first.
* Of the 5-6 media companies to use the video so far, only ABC has attributed Common Craft as the source.
* Snippets of the video are being used and sometimes the camera points at the video displayed at Twitter.com
Maine 2nd graders exchange Tweets
ORONO, Maine (AP) -- Twitter, the online social networking service that's become popular with celebrities and politicians, is linking second-grade classes in two Maine towns.
Mrs. White's class in Orono has been Twittering for about a month with Mr. Thompson's class in Greene, exchanging messages that can't exceed 140 characters.
Debbie White said she decided to bring the micro-blogging site to her classroom to help her pupils learn writing skills by composing messages, known as Tweets.
"Dabbleboard is an online collaboration application that's centered around the whiteboard. With a new type of drawing interface that's actually easy and fun to use, Dabbleboard gets out of your way and just lets you draw. Finally the whiteboard enters the digital age!"
'Learning a Click Away in Danville." it's called a classroom response system, or "clicker" system. And business teacher Daniel Hile said this educational tool is changing the way he teaches and his students learn.