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Lắp đặt cửa cuốn khe thoáng đúng kỹ thuật - 0 views


cửa cuốn

started by seolink1212 on 30 Jun 23 no follow-up yet
Leah Evans

Contractions - 0 views

  • Contractions are formed when two words are contracted or put together and an apostrophe is added to replace the omitted letters.
  • Contractions are formed when two words are contracted or put together
  • Contractions are formed when two words are contracted or put together
  • ...50 more annotations...
  • together
  • Contractions are formed when two words are contracted or put  
  • Contractions are formed when two words are contracted or put  
  • Contractions are formed when two words are contracted or put  
  • Contractions are formed when two words are contracted or put  
  • put  
  • Contractions are formed when two words are contracted or put
  • Contractions are formed when two words are contracted or put  
  • Contractions
  • are formed
  • Contractions
  • Word Lists Analogies - New!CapitonymsCompound Words - New!  Contractions Dolch - Sight WordsGeography ListsHomophones, Homonyms, etc.Literature Based Word ListsMath Vocabulary - Most Popular!Monthly Holiday ListsMultiple Meaning Words - New!Phonics & Sight Word CurriculumPossessive NounsSample Lists By GradeScience Vocabulary - New!Sequential Spelling ProgramSound Alike WordsSyllables - New!Word Abbreviations Help and InformationFAQs - Frequently Asked QuestionsPrintablesOur Educational AwardsTestmonials- New!Custom Sentences and Definitions Handwriting WorksheetsStudent Writing PracticeTeacher Training VideosGetting Started Welcome LettersFunding Sources - New! ArticlesResearch on Spelling AutomaticityThe Importance of SpellingRecommended Learning ResourcesImprove your writing skillsAdopt-A-ClassroomSpellingCity and NCom  put ingReading ComprehensionIncorporating Spelling Into ReadingWriting Prompts that Motivate   Contractions Contractions
  • when two words
  • are contracted or
  • are contracted
  • are contracted or put
  • are contracted or put
  • Contractions  
  • Contractions
  • Contractions
  • are contracted or put  
  • Contractions
  • Contractions  
  • Contractions
  • Word Lists Analogies - New! Capitonyms Compound Words - New!    Contractions Dolch - Sight Words Geography Lists Homophones, Homonyms, etc. Literature Based Word Lists Math Vocabulary - Most Popular! Monthly Holiday Lists Multiple Meaning Words - New! Phonics & Sight Word Curriculum Possessive Nouns Sample Lists By Grade Science Vocabulary - New! Sequential Spelling Program Sound Alike Words Syllables - New! Word Abbreviations Help and Information FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions Printables Our Educational Awards Testmonials - New! Custom Sentences and Definitions Handwriting Worksheets Student Writing Practice Teacher Training Videos Getting Started Welcome Letters Funding Sources - New! Articles Research on Spelling Automaticity The Importance of Spelling Recommended Learning Resources Improve your writing skills Adopt-A-Classroom SpellingCity and NCom   put ing Reading Comprehension Incorporating Spelling Into Reading Writing Prompts that Motivate   Contractions Contractions
  • tractions
  • Contraction
  • Contractions
  • Contractions  are
  • are contracted or put  
  • Contractions   are formed  when two words are contracted or put  together
  • are contracted or put   together
  • are
  • are contracted or put
  • Contractions   are formed   when two words are contracted or put   together
  • are contracted or
  • are contracted
  • are contracted
  • are contracted or
  • are contracted or
  • are
  • are
  • contracted or
  • are contracted or
  • are contracted or
  • are contracted
  • are contracted
  • are contracted or
  • are contracted
  • when two words are contracted or put
    Free games to reinforce the usage and spelling of contractions.

Start Online Tutoring, What do I need to get started? | TutStu - 0 views

To start online tutoring on TutStu, the basic requirement is to stay ‘online’.    BASIC Devices / Infrastructures to start Online Tutoring:- 1. Laptop or Desktop Computer Du...

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started by tutstu on 17 Apr 17 no follow-up yet

Start Online Tutoring, What do I need to get started? | TutStu - 0 views

To start online tutoring on TutStu, the basic requirement is to stay ‘online’.    BASIC Devices / Infrastructures to start Online Tutoring:- 1. Laptop or Desktop Computer Du...

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started by tutstu on 17 Apr 17 no follow-up yet
J Black

The 21st Century Centurion: 21st Century Questions - 0 views

  • The report extended literacy to “Five New Basics” - English, mathematics, science, social studies, and computer science. A Nation At Risk specified that all high school graduates should be able to “understand the computer as an information, computation and communication device; students should be able to use the computer in the study of the other Basics and for personal and work-related purposes; and students should understand the world of computers, electronics, and related technologies."That was 1983 - twenty- six years ago. I ask you, Ben: Has education produced students with basic knowledge in the core disciplines and computer science TODAY? Are we there yet? OR - are we still at risk for not producing students with the essential skills for success in 1983?
    • J Black
      I had never really considered this computer science has been totally left out of the equaltion....why is that? Cost of really delivering this would be enormous -- think how much money the districts would have to pour into the school systems.
  • On June 29, 1996, the U. S. Department of Education released Getting America's Students Ready for the 21st Century; Meeting the Technology Literacy Challenge, A Report to the Nation on Technology and Education. Recognizing the rapid changes in workplace needs and the vast challenges facing education, the Technology Literacy Challenge launched programs in the states that focused on a vision of the 21st century where all students are “technologically literate.” Four goals, relating primarily to technology skills, were advanced that focused specifically on: 1.) Training and support for teachers; 2.) Acquisition of multimedia computers in classrooms; 3.) Connection to the Internet for every classroom; and 4.) Acquiring effective software and online learning resources integral to teaching the school's curriculum.
    • J Black
      we are really stuck here....the training and support -- the acquisition of hardware, connectivity etc.
  • Our profession is failing miserably to respond to twenty-six years of policy, programs and even statutory requirements designed to improve the ability of students to perform and contribute in a high performance workplace. Our students are losing while we are debating.
    • J Black
      This is really, really well said here...bravo
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • In 2007, The Report of the NEW Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce: Tough Choices or Tough Times made our nation hyperaware that "World market professionals are available in a wide range of fields for a fraction of what U.S. professionals charge." Guess what? While U.S. educators stuck learned heads in the sand, the world's citizens gained 21st century skills! Tough Choices spares no hard truth: "Our young adults score at “mediocre” levels on the best international measure of performance." Do you think it is an accident that the word "mediocre" is used? Let's see, I believe we saw it w-a-a-a-y back in 1983 when A Nation At Risk warned of a "tide of mediocrity." Tough Choices asks the hard question: "Will the world’s employers pick U.S. graduates when workers in Asia will work for much less? Then the question is answered. Our graduates will be chosen for global work "only if the U.S. worker can compete academically, exceed in creativity, learn quickly, and demonstrate a capacity to innovate." There they are
    • J Black
      This is exactly what dawns on students when they realize what globalization means for them..the incredibly stiff competition that it is posed to bring about.
  • “Learning is what most adults will do for a living in the 21st century."
    The report extended literacy to "Five New Basics" - English, mathematics, science, social studies, and computer science. A Nation At Risk specified that all high school graduates should be able to "understand the computer as an information, computation and communication device; students should be able to use the computer in the study of the other Basics and for personal and work-related purposes; and students should understand the world of computers, electronics, and related technologies." That was 1983 - twenty- six years ago. I ask you, Ben: Has education produced students with basic knowledge in the core disciplines and computer science TODAY? Are we there yet? OR - are we still at risk for not producing students with the essential skills for success in 1983?
Joanne Kiernan

Infosearcher - 0 views

  • variety of technical, cognitive, social and emotional skills which users need in order to function effectively in a digital environment.
  • Graphic literacy, Navigation, Context, Skepticism, Focus, Ethical Behavior
  • Graphic literacy – thinking visually
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Graphic
  • Graphic literacy
  • Navigation – developing a sense of Internet geography
  • Context – seeing the connections
  • Focus – practicing reflection and deep thinking
  • Skepticism – learning to evaluate information
  • Ethical behavior – understanding the rules of cyberspace
    Pam Berger's blog. This entry: learning in the Web2.0 world talks about skills to teach students - graphic literacy,navigation, context, skepticism, focus and ethical behavior
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Espagne. L'organisation séparatiste basque armée ETA a refroidi les espoirs d'un abandon imminent de la violence, vendredi, en repoussant l'annonce attendue d'un cessez-le-feu. Ce recul a mis le g...

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started by intermixed intermixed on 04 May 14 no follow-up yet
intermixed intermixed

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On a également ratifié le protocole additionnel, qui soumet le programme à un contrôle de l'AIEA. L'Iran a accueilli 1 400 inspecteurs de l'AIEA. Nous avons toujours coopéré. Ce que nous voulons au...

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started by intermixed intermixed on 05 May 14 no follow-up yet

Getting Started with Firefox extension - Diigo help - 5 views

  •  Feature Highlight: Highlights Diigo saves the day with "highlights". Highlights let you select the important snippets on a page and store them in your library with the page's bookmark. Let's try it. Just open a page, maybe one of your old-school bookmarks or one of your new cat bookmarks, and find the information on that page you actually care about. Select that important text. Got it? Okay, now put your hemet on, 'cause this might blow your mind! Click the highlight icon on the Diigo toolbar. It's the one with the "T" on a page with a yellow highlighter. You will notice that the selected text gets a yellow background. This means that the text has been saved in your library, and as long as you have the Diigo add-on the text will be highlighted on the page! How's that for easy?   Now you've highlighted the text. It will appear in your library within the bookmark for the page it is on. Go to your library and you can see how it works. If you're not sure how to get to your library, just click the second icon on the toolbar (Diigo icon to the left of the search bar) and then select "My Library »".
  • Sticky Notes on the Web What? I can put a sticky note on a web page? How? Oh, that's right! Diigo. Just right-click anywhere on the page and choose to "add a floating sticky note". Type up your note and choose "Post", then move the note anywhere on the page. You have to type a note first, before you move it where you want, otherwise there's nothing to move!
  •  Feature Highlight: Highlights Diigo saves the day with "highlights". Highlights let you select the important snippets on a page and store them in your library with the page's bookmark. Let's try it. Just open a page, maybe one of your old-school bookmarks or one of your new cat bookmarks, and find the information on that page you actually care about. Select that important text. Got it? Okay, now put your hemet on, 'cause this might blow your mind! Click the highlight icon on the Diigo toolbar. It's the one with the "T" on a page with a yellow highlighter. You will notice that the selected text gets a yellow background. This means that the text has been saved in your library, and as long as you have the Diigo add-on the text will be highlighted on the page! How's that for easy?   Now you've highlighted the text. It will appear in your library within the bookmark for the page it is on. Go to your library and you can see how it works. If you're not sure how to get to your library, just click the second icon on the toolbar (Diigo icon to the left of the search bar) and then select "My Library »".
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Sticky Notes on the Web What? I can put a sticky note on a web page? How? Oh, that's right! Diigo. Just right-click anywhere on the page and choose to "add a floating sticky note". Type up your note and choose "Post", then move the note anywhere on the page. You have to type a note first, before you move it where you want, otherwise there's nothing to move!
intermixed intermixed

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started by intermixed intermixed on 18 May 16 no follow-up yet
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Motivée à l'idée devant son public à Roland-Garros, Garcia a poussé la préparation jusqu'au bout et bien lui en a pris puisqu'elle revient de Strasbourg avec un excédent de bagages, le trophée en p...

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started by intermixed intermixed on 23 May 16 no follow-up yet
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Rami aux c?tés de Koscielny ? "Devant des délais d'indisponibilité jugés trop longs au regard des échéances de l'équipe nationale, Didier Deschamps a décidé de ne pas retenir Rapha?l Varane pour l'...

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started by majestic1 majestic1 on 31 May 16 no follow-up yet
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On peut également noter l'excellent match de Draymond Green (16 points, 11 rebonds et 7 passes décisives) qui se rassure après des finales de conférence délicates.Défaite fâcheuse pour les coéquipi...

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started by intermixed intermixed on 04 Jun 16 no follow-up yet
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started by intermixed intermixed on 02 Jun 16 no follow-up yet
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started by majestic1 majestic1 on 30 May 16 no follow-up yet
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Brillant comme à son habitude, le meneur de jeu des Golden State Warriors a fait voler en éclats toutes les prédictions en scorant 40 points (avec 9 rebonds et 8 passes s'il vous plaît) dont 10 dan...

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started by intermixed intermixed on 11 May 16 no follow-up yet
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started by intermixed intermixed on 08 Jun 16 no follow-up yet
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