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Martin Burrett

Pattern Sequencer - 0 views

    A simple drum sequencer for making percussion sounds. Save files to your computer to re-use later.
Martin Burrett

Spooky Sequences - Count upwards by 10 - 0 views

    Maths resource where users continue a sequence by counting forward by 10.
Martin Burrett

Spooky Sequences - Count upwards by 5 - 0 views

    Maths resource where users continue a sequence by counting forward by 5.
Martin Burrett

Spooky Sequences - Count upwards by 2 - 0 views

    Maths resource where users continue a sequence by counting forward by 2.
Martin Burrett

Washing line sequences - 0 views

    A good maths game where players find a missing number from a sequence on a washing line.
Nigel Coutts

Moving beyond linear plans for learning - The Learner's Way - 9 views

    An important part of the role of any educator is that of planning learning sequences. Perhaps you are tasked with designing curriculum or more likely you are translating a mandatory curriculum into workable units of learning. The task is complex and there are multiple arrangements. The goal is to design units that connect students with learning in ways that are meaningful and relevant. A well-designed unit of learning fits seamlessly alongside other learning opportunities and the overall sequence of learning should match the learners developing expertise. As we plan units of learning we must consider a great variety of factors which impact the learning we design. Our knowledge of our students and where they are with their learning is crucial and a strong place to start. We also need to know what it is we are required to teach and have a grab bag of pedagogical moves that bring this content alive.
Martin Burrett

Spooky Sequences - Count downwards by 10 - 0 views

    A set of maths resources where users continue a sequence by counting backward by 10.
Martin Burrett

Spooky Sequences - Count downwards by 5 - 0 views

    A set of maths resources where users continue a sequence by counting backward by 5.
Martin Burrett

Spooky Sequences - Count downwards by 2 - 0 views

    A set of maths resources where users continue a sequence by counting backward by 2.
Martin Burrett

Spooky Sequences - Count downwards by 1 - 0 views

    A set of maths resources where users continue a sequence by counting backward by 1.
Martin Burrett

Behind the Blob Maths Game - 0 views

    Game where players find the missing number in a grid of numbers. Good for learning patterns and sequences.

Arithmetic Progression Problems with Answers for Competitive Exams - 0 views

    In this session explained about arithmetic progression problems like finding the nth term , sum to first nth terms, finding the number of terms in given sequence. . . . etc.
Julie Shy

Teach Your Monster to Read - 0 views

    This is an amazing, beautifully made and entertaining site for young children to learn phonic sounds. Design a monster and take it on an adventure around a magic area to find the letter sounds and fix a spaceship. The storyline is good and the activities are educational and motivational.
    Teach your Monster to Read: First Steps is a new, free game to practise the first steps of reading. Combining top quality games design with essential learning, the game is built on the principles of synthetic phonics and follows the teaching sequence of the Letters and Sounds programme.
Martin Burrett

A.I. Duet - A piano that responds to you. - - 0 views

    A.I. Duet is a great Artificial Intelligence computer piano keyboard that responds to sequences input through your computer keyboard. Developed using Google's Magenta project, the algorithm uses a neural network to learn how to respond through to the key strokes. Simply use a keyboard, use your computer keys, or even plug in a MIDI keyboard. A.I. Duet is built by Yotam Mann with friends on the Magenta and Creative Lab teams at Google.
Martin Burrett

GifGear - Make animated GIFs - 0 views

    Make animated GIF files with this easy to use GIF creator. Just upload your images to make a sequence.
Martin Burrett

Numberlines - 0 views

    A beautifully designed and wonderfully useful number line resource for whiteboards. Choose the increments and starting point of the sequence and cover up numbers for the class to guess.
Paul Beaufait

TESOL Connections: A Sequence of Critical Thinking Task - 31 views

  • Scriven and Paul begin to define critical thinking as ‘‘the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action’’ (quoted in Foundation for Critical Thinking, 2009, para. 2).
  • Bloom (1956) offered one of the first comprehensive elaborations of these important skills. Since the conception of Bloom’s Taxonomy, his colleagues (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001) have carried on his work and developed a two-dimensional taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing student learning outcomes. The Knowledge Dimension identifies four types of knowledge: factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive. The second aspect of Bloom’s Taxonomy, the Cognitive Process Dimension, outlines six ways of thinking (remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create) and their many subprocesses.
  • For the purposes of this article, critical thinking is defined as the practice and development of an active, conscious, purposeful awareness of what one encounters both in the classroom and in the outside world. It is a kind of thinking and learning that demands an investment in personal and communal learning on the part of the student and teacher. Critical thinking does not discount the emotional or gut responses that everyone has. Rather, it complements and enters into dialogue with them so that reasoned judgments are possible.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Observing is the basic starting point of the sequence—so basic, in fact, that some teachers may not immediately consider it to be critical thinking at all. However, observing is critical thinking because it involves a fundamental level of analysis.
  • To read the rest of the article, download the PDF
    "This article [by John Beaumont] is from Volume 1, Issue 4 of TESOL Journal" (TESOL Connections [website], Features, December 2010).
Dennis OConnor

KVL - Homebase (Site Map) - 0 views

    How to do research. Interactive chart.
    Here's a fun take on the research process. Sort of Big6 meets pac-man? Not really, but a clever approach to mapping out the sequence of research that is the basis for information fluency.
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