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Martin Burrett

Cargo-Bot - 0 views

    This is a fun programme and control iPad app where players must programme the crane to move the boxes into the correct configuration. It's a great way to introduce the basics of programming to your class. Go to to download the app.
amtsmm smm

Jumbo Bag Unloading System, Pneumatic Conveying System, Dust Collector, Cement Storage ... - 0 views

    The KHODIYAR INFRATECH Jumbo Bag Unloading System, also known as Jumbo bag dischargers and super sack unloaders are specifically designed to provide an easy, clean and economical way to discharge the entire contents of bulk and semi-bulk bags, especially when the material is less than free-flowing. Jumbo bags can be placed in the Jumbo bag unloader by fork lift, hoist or crane from floor level. An integral hoist on a monorail can be furnished if desired. Material can discharge by gravity into storage, a process vessel or a conveying system for transfer to another location. Modular construction of the discharge portion underneath the bed facilitates the use of a wide range of devices such as feed screws, rotary valves, lump breakers.

crane bolts - 0 views

    For the long-term reliability of operation, the key parts of heavy lifting equipment at offshore engineering and ports, such as slewing bearings, key joints of booms, etc., all require reliable High Strength Bolts/Studs, Precision Pins to ensure safety.
intermixed intermixed

foulard hermes pas cher pliable - 0 views

Et, sans s'être concertés, emportés d'un même élan, d'un même besoin de revanche, tous coururent aux tas de briques voisins, à ces briques dont le terrain marneux fournissait l'argile, et qui étaie...

foulard hermes pas cher sac cherfoulard

started by intermixed intermixed on 08 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
intermixed intermixed

basses. Sac à Dos Longchamp Pliage pas cher - 0 views

Il finit par se facher, il renvoya son fils au front de taille. Tous, du reste, se détiraient.Levaque, resté sur le dos, jurait en examinant son pouce gauche, que la chute d'un grès venait d'écorch...

Sac à Dos Longchamp Pliage pas cher

started by intermixed intermixed on 17 Dec 13 no follow-up yet
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