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Ebey Soman

Standards of State Recognition - 0 views

    How does a country recognize another state as legitimate? What views or doctrines are used to determine sovereignty or state recognition. Where does the United States stand on this matter?
IN Too

The Man with the Palsy | Spiritual vs. Physical: How do you see yourself? « R... - 0 views

    Our physical state (healthy or sick, rich or poor, thin or fat, red or yellow) neither qualifies nor disqualifies us for entrance into the Kingdom of God: the ONLY thing that matters is our Spiritual state: whether our sins have been forgiven. If God forgives your sin, then you are in.
Adam Skinner

Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! - 0 views

shared by Adam Skinner on 24 Sep 08 - Cached
  • “A primary purpose of the educational system is to train school children in good citizenship, patriotism and loyalty to the state and the nation,” Croskey wrote.
    • Adam Skinner
      Easy to understand how they'd want to dissolve homeschooling, then. If homeschooling is indoctrination to obedience to the state, they want to make sure that the state controls it.
Ebey Soman

YouTube - Georgia withdraws from Conflict Zone - 0 views

    Georgian troops withdrew from the conflict zone yet Russian military continues its assault on the small-former soviet state of Georgia.IMPORTANT: To the idio...
Ebey Soman

Charles E. Schumer's Policy on Internet Neutrality - 0 views

    I emailed the senator regarding net neutrality and he responded back with this lengthy email. Charles E. Schumer is a US Senator representing New York State and is fighting to help maintain net freedoms and for affordable access for families to the internet.
Ebey Soman

Paradigms of Foreign Policy - 0 views

    There are a few paradigms used in the formation of the foreign policy. You may have heard of liberalism or realism, but do you have any clue as to what those terms mean? These are just a few paradigms and their sub-paradigms that help shape Foreign policy around the world.
Dan J

Obama's Secret Vault - HUMAN EVENTS - 0 views

    "On Glenn Beck's Jan. 7 show, he was rightly puzzled regarding the exact purpose of President Barack Obama's Dec. 16 signing of an executive order "DESIGNATING INTERPOL AS A PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION ENTITLED TO ENJOY CERTAIN PRIVILEGES, EXEMPTIONS, AND IMMUNITIES." Beck spoke for a host of other government watchdogs when he said on the air: "We've been asking ever since it was signed: Why? Who can tell me what special interest group asked for this? If it were about terror, why not tell us that when he signed it? This Congress attacks our CIA and FBI, but Interpol gets immunity? Why? It makes no sense." Glenn, I agree. But I think I recently have seen behind the veil on the White House's covert mission and mystery with Interpol. The rest of Obama's executive order reads: "By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 1 of the International Organizations Immunities Act (22 U.S.C. 288), and in order to extend the appropriate privileges, exemptions, and immunities to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), it is hereby ordered that Executive Order 12425 of June 16, 1983, as amended, is further amended by deleting from the first sentence the words 'except those provided by Section 2(c), Section 3, Section 4, Section 5, and Section 6 of that Act' and the semicolon that immediately precedes them.""
Brett Tatman

The Culmination of Liberal Incrementalism - 0 views

    The opening words of H.R. 3200, Mr. Obama s solution to the manufactured health care quot;crisis quot; in the United States reads: quot;A Bill to provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes. quot; I haven t yet heard comment by the president or by the leaders of C
IN Too

Heart Search « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    God already knows the state of our thoughts and hearts, but many times we do not. By His "searching" and "testing" it is revealed to us what we are truly like…
IN Too

The Purpose of Life « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    By example and precept Jesus stated the purpose of a purpose driven life for all of His followers for all time. Our purpose is to glorify God.

Courageous Quotes from Evangelist Billy Graham | buzitnow - 0 views

    Billy Graham preached the message of Christ's freedom and forgiveness around the world, reaching over 200 million people in more than 185 countries. He lead hundreds of thousands of people to pray to receive Jesus Christ into their lives as Lord and Savior. His integrity and wisdom opened doors to offer spiritual support and guidance for United States presidents from Eisenhower to Bush. He was a friend to celebrities, politicians, athletes, and leaders, such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Bono, Muhammad Ali, Johnny Cash, Larry King, and WWII hero and Olympian Louis Zamperini.
Adam Skinner

The Woman's Headcovering - 0 views

  • the headcovering practiced in the churches is emblematic of womanly submission; and he also indicates that this is a symbol which even the angels (who are not subject to changing fashions) take a real interest in. So the practice cannot be dismissed as being merely cultural
  • when we consider that the bare-headed fashion of our times came into vogue at the same time that the "women's liberation" movement began, along with the wearing of pants and the cutting of hair, we ought to pause before we say that these things are really so devoid of symbolism in the culture at large
  • Paul provides a rationale which is based on an appeal to creation, not to the custom of Corinthian harlots. We must be careful not to let our zeal for knowledge of the culture obscure what is actually said. To subordinate Paul's stated reason to our speculatively conceived reason is to slander the apostle and turn exegesis into eisogesis.
    • Adam Skinner
      This is Sproul speaking here.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • I do not think it is safe to assume that, despite his arguments, Paul's real intention is merely to affirm and interpret the fashions of his day (especially in Corinth) or that he would affirm in like manner the fashions of modern women if he were writing the letter today. Rather, it seems that Paul wants Christian women to observe a churchly tradition, irrespective of what happens to be in vogue outside the church. (20) Are we really honoring Scripture if we say that, despite its conspicuous absence in the passage, the counsel of cultural conformity is the real and unspoken motive for the ordinance?
  • It often becomes difficult for me to hear and understand what the Bible is saying because I bring to it a host of extra-biblical assumptions. This is probably the biggest problem of "cultural conditioning" we face. No one of us ever totally escapes being a child of our age ... I am convinced that the problem of the influence of the twentieth-century secular mindset is a far more formidable obstacle to accurate biblical interpretation than is the problem of the conditioning of ancient culture.
    • Adam Skinner
  • Fashions of women's dress have changed and will continue to change, but Paul in this passage has explained very carefully that the headcovering symbolizes something which does not change.
  • How are we to apply this rule to ourselves as Christians in the twenty-first century? The whole passage has been treated with some uneasiness in recent times. Since about 1960, not only have hats and scarves gone out of fashion for women in Western nations, but it has become "politically incorrect" to even suggest that women ought to submit to male authority. The very idea that women should be required to wear headcoverings as a sign of their subordination is almost intolerable in the modern context.
  • After a few paragraphs Sproul goes on to say, "What if, after careful consideration of a biblical mandate, we remain uncertain as to its character as principle or custom? If we must decide to treat it one way or the other but have no conclusive means to make the decision, what can we do? Here the biblical principle of humility can be helpful. The issue is simple. Would it be better to treat a possible custom as a principle and be guilty of being overscrupulous in our design to obey God? Or would it be better to treat a possible principle as a custom and be guilty of being unscrupulous in demoting a transcendent requirement of God to the level of a mere human convention? I hope the answer is obvious."
  • We should not be asking how much we are allowed to ignore the literal instructions of this passage or any other passage of Scripture so long as we claim to be observing the "spirit." We should be asking how we may best obey it both in spirit and in the letter.
  • Symbols have a powerful effect on our lives, and it is not safe to treat them with contempt, especially when the symbol in question has been appointed in Scripture itself.
    I happened to be listening to 1 Cor this morning and it stuck me again that the argument for women wearing a head covering doesn't come from the culture, but is a physical manifestation of a spiritual submission.  Paul spoke strongly on the matter.  I did a little more looking, and the argument presented here is well laid out, with man salient points (especially Sproul's comments).
Ebey Soman

YouTube - Genocide aganist Christians in Orissa - 0 views

    As Orissa continues to simmer with sporadic incidents of violence, many Christian run schools and colleges across the country will be remain closed on Friday...
Ebey Soman

Congo: Red Rubber, White King, Black Death - 0 views

    Congo: Red Rubber, White King, Black Death is a critical film and documentary on the reign of King Leopold of Belgium over his private property we now know as the country of Congo. The film graphically illustrates the atrocities that occurred, the injustices, the evils and the popular lies that people hold to be true. Below is a quick summary of the film and a few notes on what seemed interesting to me.
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