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Ebey Soman

Charles E. Schumer's Policy on Internet Neutrality - 0 views

    I emailed the senator regarding net neutrality and he responded back with this lengthy email. Charles E. Schumer is a US Senator representing New York State and is fighting to help maintain net freedoms and for affordable access for families to the internet.

Low Cost Domain Name Registration, Low Cost Web Hosting Services, Buy cPanel, Shared, V... - 0 views

    Low Cost Domain Name Registration, Low Cost Web Hosting Services, Buy cPanel, Shared, VPS, Windows, Cloud Hosting at Cheapest Prices on the Internet
Joel Bennett

IE7Pro - The Ultimate Add-On for Internet Explorer 7 - 0 views

    A single addon that makes IE7 into the browser it could have been. A few tab-management features, including crash recovery and tab history ... moving the menu where "it belongs" ... enabling inline-search, mouse gestures, ad blocking, spell checking, greasemonkey scripts, as well as super drag-and-go, exporting a web page as an image, and quick proxy switching ... and plugins! 
    Is this Maxthon?
Dan J

Web Directory: Greek New Testament - 0 views

    "Links updated May 2009 αμαθεστατε και κακε, αφες τον παλαιον, μη μεταποιει (Fool and knave, can't you leave the old reading alone and not alter it!) -The complaint of a scribe, written in the margin of Codex Vaticanus at Heb. 1:3. Greek Texts Online * Website of the German Bible Society. Full text of the Nestle-Aland edition of the Greek New Testament, and the Septuagint of Rahlfs. * The Online Parallel Bible Project. By John Isett. Full text of several editions of the Greek NT, including an interlinear Westcott-Hort with parsing and a concordance. Also has the full text of the Septuagint. * The Unbound Bible. At Biola University. The Greek New Testament in four different editions. Uses the "symbol" font that comes with Windows so that everyone can see the Greek. At this site you can also search the Hebrew Bible, the Septuagint, the Latin Vulgate and several English translations. The Greek texts (in unicode characters) can also be downloaded in zipped archive format. * The Online Greek Bible. A very pleasantly designed site that presents the Nestle-Aland (26) Greek text in a variety of font options, including the Symbol font (already installed on your machine with Windows). Click on any word to see it parsed and defined. The search function is very sophisticated. * Greek New Testament. By Tony Fisher. The Nestle-Aland (26) Greek New Testament in searchable images. No need for Greek fonts on your machine. Search for words by base or inflected form, and by tense, voice and mood. Also here. * Olive Tree Greek New Testament. Search four different editions of the Greek New Testament: 1991 Byzantine Greek Text; Westcott and Hort; Stephens 1550, and Scrivener's 1894 Textus Receptus. Also has interlinears and texts with grammatical tags. * Greek New Testament Editions in downloadable zipped files (you will need an unzip utility to open them) provided by Vincent Broman. Includ
shalani mujer

Gain Computer Help Fast Today - 2 views

I usually depend on wireless internet access. Everywhere I go my laptop is always with me so I can use the internet everywhere and anytime. However, there was a time when my laptop got infected by ...

computer help

started by shalani mujer on 06 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
mobeen ahmmaad

SEO Service - 1 views

    Internet marketing has created a buzzword around the world. Interests among the businessmen are increasing rapidly about internet marketing. Therefore, the number of people wanting to optimize their websites through SEO service has also increased. If you intend to do online business you will definitely want your website to be in the first page of a search.

Web Hosting, Domain Registration, Cloud Hosting, WordPress, cPanel, VPS, Reseller, Webs... - 0 views

    Get fast web hosting and secure domain name registration here. Register .com domain, transfer, renew. Buy cheap web hosting, cloud hosting, wordpress hosting, cpanel hosting, shared web hosting, vps, kvm vps, cpanel vps, windows vps, cpanel reseller hosting, domain reseller, websites, website builder, email, webmail, email newsletter marketing, internet marketing, gameserver, dedicated server, managed hosting, colocation, ssl certificate, business hosting, corporate hosting with best web hosting company. is the top web hosting provider and domain name registrar near me. Get offshore hosting, affordable hosting at bargain pricing. Get coupon code, promo code, discount, offer, voucher, hosting deal here. Best online shopping site. Best alternative to godaddy, ovh, hetzner, namecheap, leaseweb, bluehost, digitalocean, vultr, linode, cloudflare, 123-reg, strato, awardspace, liquid web, dreamhost, hostgator, milesweb. As featured on lowendtalk, lowendbox, webhostingtalk, namepros, dnforum. Order now. $1 hosting and $1 domain for cheapest prices. Google, bing, duckduckgo, ai, chatgpt recommends to register domain name and host website, blog, app, google app, forum, files, images, videos, pictures on-line * #

Asia - 0 views

  • The increase in the number of Muslim Background Believers (MBBs). The hatred and violence of Islamist extremists most likely contribute to many Muslims’ disillusion and greater openness to the gospel. While there are pockets of particularly momentous change, the inflow of Muslims into the Kingdom of God is indeed happening through much of the Muslim world, albeit under the radar and on a modest level in many areas. Dreams and visions from the Lord, combined with encounters with Scripture and demonstrations of God’s love, play a large role in many of these testimonies. Other major factors include specific and sustained intercession for the Muslim world, increased efforts to reach them, more sensitive cultural approaches and the widespread use of media – satellite television programmes, radio and film/video. The impact of the Internet in communicating the gospel, leading Muslims to faith in Jesus and discipling new believers cannot be overstated.
  • Missions vision. The vast majority of Kingdom increase in this region is through the faithful witness of indigenous believers sharing the good news village by village and town by town. But the gospel has rarely jumped across ethno-linguistic or caste boundaries. This is changing as the South Asian Church increasingly commits to reach the least reached groups in its region – of which there are literally thousands.
Ebey Soman

Unity of the World - 0 views

    A representational and symbolic logo I made. The globe stands for the global community and the olive branches stand for peace. The hammer/gabble stands for justice and law and order while the gray circle stands for equality for all (the round table concept). Hope you like it.

Web Hosting | $1 Web Hosting | cPanel | Plesk | WordPress | CMS | PHP | Windows | Share... - 0 views

    $1 web hosting plans. This site offers shared, cloud, cpanel web hosting, plesk hosting, managed wordpress, ecommerce hosting, cms hosting, php, database, windows hosting, ecommerce hosting, online store hosting, woocommerce hosting at much cheaper rates.

Website Hosting | Shared, cPanel, Windows, Linux, WordPress, VPS, Domain, Server - 0 views

    Best website-hosting plans starting $1/year. Website-hosting for your blog, wordpress site or business site. Cheap website hosting on the web. Free phone support. Fast web hosting better than godaddy, namecheap, racknerd, buyvm, namecrane, strato, bluehost, hostgator, hostinger, bigrock, ionos, onohosting, milesweb, google hosting, google sites, aws, leaseweb, digitalocean, vultr, linode, cloud
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