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Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

From learning gatekeeper to learning concierge | Learning Concierge Society - 0 views

    Very very interesting--a year ago we talked about a learning concierge service in the studio. And look at Jane Hart's post published in July 2013 about how we need to provide such a service for people to take charge of their learning. She mentions towards the end of her post that this could be an outsourced function and then shares how she does it. Look at the link to her page describing the service here-- She is offering a workshop, too, and one may join her free learning concierge practice group now. Will also share with Change MOOC for Brenda to see.
Lisa Levinson

Through the MOOC Darkly - Reflections on Life, Learning and the Future of Education - Y... - 0 views

    Stephen Downes is the guest speaker in the YouTube video and talks about the future of education. It is about an hour and half, but is interesting in getting his future view. Of interest to us is how he view of what he does: philosopher, journalist, technologist, educator. He calls himself a philosophical educator and looks at learning from epistomology, not educational learning theory.
    Very interesting interview with Stephen Downes and his view of learning and his role.
Lisa Levinson

| Education and Venture Capital Funding - 0 views

    Interesting link from Steven Downes' Daily about where education and venture capital funding are colliding. According to Clarence Fisher, a classroom teacher blogger, most venture capital funding is not going to increase technology learning and future learning, but is going to reinforce the "basics". He exempts Coursera, but Downes questions them somewhat, too.
    Interesting article on where venture capital is going in education-not to online, DIY, make your meaning kinds of learning but to reinforce basic skills learning.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

10 options for implementing a KM strategy | All of us are smarter than any of us... - 0 views

    Interesting blog post by Chris Collison on starting learning initiatives although he calls them knowledge management, posted July 16, 2013. They are more like variations on a theme than discreet choices. Nevertheless, they are important for enterprise learning facilitators to know about. 1. Top Down, Big Bang-"The challenge, of course is to find ways to keep people's attention - particularly when the board or senior sponsors have moved onto their next big bang." 2. Top Down, Bottom Up--"there is a deliberate effort to harness the energy and passion of workers at the front line, and to involve them in the programme, perhaps as group of advisors or a community of practice." 3. Slipstream--"Slipstreaming is about working in partnership with other initiatives or "transformation projects"" 4. Outside in--"Sometimes things just sound better when they are heard from the outside." 5. Viral--"you need to be prepared for it to be messy - it's a case of let a thousand flowers bloom, pick the best ones and do the weeding and gardening later. However, it's hard to imagine "lessons learned", "knowledge retention" or the creation of knowledge products spreading like wildfire." 6. Stealth--"build up your organization's capability to manage and share knowledge without them realising what your master plan actually is." 7. Copycat--" it's often successful to point to examples of successful KM from other organisations (competitors and customers are particular impactful) to create some "me too" or "me better" demand." 8. Pilot--"A pilot enables you to try the aspects of KM most likely to make a difference quickly, to build credibility locally, and to learn from each implementation." 9. Buffet Menu--"this approach works with the demand already present, and provides an array of tools and techniques which the organisation chooses from at will, once their "palate" is sufficiently educated." 10. Phoenix from the Ashes--"For a lot of organisation
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The Future Is Now: 15 Innovations to Watch For - Commentary - The Chronicle of Higher E... - 0 views

    article by Steven Mintz for the Chronicle of HE, July 22, 2013 Excerpt: "But the most important challenge involves a shift in the way students consume higher education. Instead of attending a single institution, students receive credit in multiple ways, including from early-college/dual-degree programs, community colleges, online providers, and multiple universities. Students are voting with their feet, embracing online courses and undermining core curricula, which served as a cash cow, by turning to alternate providers, and pursuing fewer majors that require study of a foreign language." Fifteen innovations: 1. e-advising 2. evidence-based pedagogy 3. decline of lone eagle teaching 4. optimized class time 5. earlier educational transitions 6. fewer large lecture classes 7. new frontiers for e-learning 8. personalized adaptive learning 9. increased competency based and prior learning results; 10. data driven instructions 11. aggressive pursuit of new revenue 12. online and low-residency degrees at flagships 13. more certificates and badges 14. free and open textbooks 15. public-private partnerships
Lisa Levinson

Network Era Fluency | Harold Jarche - 0 views

    An especially good blog (IMO) by Harold Jarche on the intersection of Individual, community, and network fluency, and the intersection and interplay of all 3 and the literacies necessary to be part of global networks to solve global issues.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The Extended Mind | The MIT Press - 0 views

    A description of The Extended Mind by Richard Menary, editor. This excerpt below captures the debate: The environment has an active role in driving cognition; cognition is sometimes made up of neural, bodily, and environmental processes. Their argument excited a vigorous debate among philosophers, both supporters and detractors. This volume brings together for the first time the best responses to Clark and Chalmers's bold proposal. These responses, together with the original paper by Clark and Chalmers, offer a valuable overview of the latest research on the extended mind thesis."" I found this mention of the Extended Mind from a PBS Next Avenue blog post on 8 ways to make yourself smarter. To me, it suggests that if we place ourselves in learning situations such as networks or MOOCs, we will increase our cognition AND through the mix of intellectual connections/people we know there, we extend our minds considerably.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The Extended Mind (Life and Mind: Philosophical Issues in Biology and Psychology): Rich... - 0 views

    Amazon reviews of The Extended Mind collection of essays edited by Richard Menary and how far an accessible, reliable, and fully trustworthy object can "produce effects/results that are sufficiently comparable to those of components of the natural (internal, biological, original, classic) mind; in essence, it's about multiple realizability/functionalism." The examination of the extended mind, to me, relates to connectivism learning theory in how we expand our minds by belonging to learning networks that exponentially increase our knowledge or access to it through objects or people sharing their understanding.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

learningtheories-full.jpg (JPEG Image, 1614 × 1145 pixels) - Scaled (44%) - 0 views

    Wonderful HoTEL (Holistic Approach to Technology Enhanced Learning) visualization of learning theories from key concepts, to learning paradigms or 'world views,' learning theorists, and scientific disciplines, from The online learning facilitator role that we are most familiar with functions primarily in communities of practice, social constructivist settings, and connectivist networks including MOOCs
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Getting the Mix Right Again: An Updated and Theoretical Rationale for Interaction | And... - 0 views

    excellent article by Terry Anderson, Athabasca University--Canada's Open University, October 2003, IRRODL, on creating optimum learning conditions online. Makes me want to see an update.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Brainstorm in Progress: MOOCs and Connectivist Instructional Design - 1 views

    A blog by Geoff Cain on MOOCS and Connectivist Instructional design from October 27, 2012. Very interesting history of how this teacher of health information management used collaborative technologies to teach the class and help the students work online in a multi-model delivery method. See below for implications on any online courses and how OS it feels. There were weekly guest lecturers as well as presentations by the course facilitators. The real heart of the course was the groups of students who would meet virtually, using the collaborative tools of their own choosing, who would discuss the presentations and readings. These groups were self-organized, leaderless, and informal. Yet, there always seemed to be someone in the group who would carry the discussion back into the course to have questions answered by the facilitators. And the facilitators would sometimes participate in the discussions. This experience was highly interactive. There was interaction with the facilitators, the content and between the students. Interestingly enough, the research shows that interaction is one of the primary measures of success and retention in online classes: the higher the degree and opportunity for interaction, the more successful a course will be. This course completely changed how I think of course design.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Scope & Concerns  |  Our Focus  |  Ubiquitous Learning - 0 views

    A description of ubiquitous learning from the introductory chapter on Ubiquitous Learning by editors Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis, 2008, University of Illinois Press. It explains how "ubiquitous computing can lay the groundwork for ubiquitous learning." ..."ubiquitous learning is a new educational paradigm made possible in part by the affordances of digital media." It conveys seven changes or moves of ubiquitous learning as follows: Move 1: To blur the traditional institutional, spatial and temporal boundaries of education Move 2: To shift the balance of agency Move 3: To recognize learner differences and use them as productive resource Move 4: To broaden the range and mix of representational modes Move 5: To develop conceptualizing capacities Move 6: To connect one's own thinking into the social mind of distributed cognition and collective intelligence Move 7: To build collaborative knowledge cultures
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Digital, Networked and Open : The Digital Scholar: How Technology Is Transforming Schol... - 0 views

    This is a chapter from a book written by the Ed Techie guy Martin Weller. What is interesting is how he detailed the new methods he used to write his most recent book. Many of the sources and practices that he engaged in for writing the second book did not even exist six years before when he finished writing his first book. These new aids include ready e-journal access, Delicious/social bookmarking, blogs, Youtube, Wikipedia, Slideshare, Scribd, Cloudwords and other sites, his own blog, social network especially twitter, Google alerts, etc. I am not sure how this relates to MOOCs and open landscape learning except he has so much more to manage, and gain from, in having a well developed dashboard of tools for seeking, sensing, and sharing.
Lisa Levinson

The Ed Techie - 2 views

    Martin Weller's blog entitled: You can stop worrying about MOOCs now. Interesting in it reports the trend now that commercial MOOC providers are trending toward blended courses, and in Coursera's case, offering "MOOC-based learning on campus" which turns out to essentially be a course!
Lisa Levinson

The Ed Techie: If education were free, what would MOOCs be? - 0 views

    Germany has abolished student fees for higher education. In his blog, The Ed Techie, Martin Weller explores what would happen to MOOCs if this were the case everywhere. He is a professor of Educational Technology at Open University in the UK. Is the author of: The Digital Scholar: How Technology is Changing Academic Practice
    You probably know about this blog, but I just discovered this. Interesting and mostly about MOOCs.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The MOOC Guide - 0 views

    History of MOOCS a la Stephen Downes and contrary to historians who start with OpenCourseWare at MIT and then jump to Stanford's MOOCs around 2009
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Networks thrive in complexity | Harold Jarche - 0 views

    fabulous post on networks; watch video by David Ronfeldt to understand TIMN framework
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Mentoragogy for xMOOC | Learner Weblog - 0 views

    interesting blogpost by John Sui Fai Mak, 3.29.13 on mentoring in MOOCs and networked environments. Brings up how much control a mentor should/could have on an independent learner who is either proceeding within an organizational or network construct online.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Walk Deliberately, Don't Run, Toward Online Education - Commentary - The Chronicle of H... - 0 views

    Blog post by William Bowen, March 25, 2013, on movement towards online education. He would like more hard evidence to understand impact/success among other effects, tool kits (platforms), new mind-set to attempt online to reduce costs without adversely affecting educational outcomes, what we must retain in terms of central aspects of life on campus such as "minds rubbing against minds." Excerpts: "My plea is for the adoption of a portfolio approach to curricular development that provides a calibrated mix of instructional styles." ... "Their students, along with others of their generation, will expect to use digital resources-and to be trained in their use. And as technologies grow increasingly sophisticated, and we learn more about how students learn and what pedagogical methods work best in various fields, even top-tier institutions will stand to gain from the use of such technologies to improve student learning."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

A Massively Bad Idea - On Hiring - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    Review by Rob Jenkins on the Chronicle, 3.18.13, on why MOOCs are a massively bad idea for wait-listed community college students in California as proposed in new legislation there. Excerpt: "We know that succeeding in online classes requires an extraordinary degree of organization, self-discipline, motivation, and time-management skill. A simple Google search of "how to succeed in online classes" yields a plethora of Web sites-including many college and university sites-offering students such gems as "be organized," "manage your time wisely," and (my favorite) "stay motivated."" Excerpt: So to recap, California's plan (or to be fair, one senator's plan) is basically to dump hundreds of thousands of the state's least-prepared and least-motivated students into a learning environment that requires the greatest amount of preparation and motivation, where they will take courses that may or may not be effective in that format. Here's a prediction: Those students will fail and drop out at astronomical rates. Then the hand-wringing will begin anew, the system will pour millions more dollars into "retention" efforts, and the state will be in an even deeper fix than it is now. (Virtual cheating will probably run rampant, too, followed by expensive anticheating measures, but that's another blog post.) Look, I'm not a politician or an economist. I don't know the answer to California higher education's budget woes. But I'm pretty sure herding community-college students into MOOCs is not it.
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