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BBC News - Children who use technology are 'better writers' - 2 views

    ""Our research suggests a strong correlation between kids using technology and wider patterns of reading and writing," Jonathan Douglas, director of the National Literacy Trust, told BBC News. "Engagement with online technology drives their enthusiasm for writing short stories, letters, song lyrics or diaries." "
    Shared today on Twitter. Article from 2009

We can't let educators off the hook | Dangerously Irrelevant - 10 views

    • anonymous
      What do you think? SHOULD we let them off the hook? IS it excusable today to NOT be aware of and to use the appropriate tools of the web?
    • anonymous
      Oh, and read down through the comments, as well. The discussion continues there.
  • If you’re a teacher / administrator / librarian / education professor that somehow ‘doesn’t even realize [yet] that there’s a decision to be made,’ should you even be working in a school or university? Don’t our children and our school systems need and deserve someone who’s in a different place than you are?
  • It’s about our students: our children and our youth who deserve at the end of their schooling experience to be prepared for the world in which they’re going to live and work and think and play and be. That’s the obligation of each and every one of us. No educator gets to disown this.
    "If you're a teacher / administrator / librarian / education professor that somehow 'doesn't even realize [yet] that there's a decision to be made,' should you even be working in a school or university? Don't our children and our school systems need and deserve someone who's in a different place than you are? It's one thing to still be a learner; heck, we're all learners with this technology stuff. It's another to opt out or not even recognize the choice. If we look at what our kids need, shouldn't we replace you with someone else? "
1More - 6 views

    "This site is dedicated to the students and teachers who want to learn Scratch. . To download all the video-tutorials and materials in this website, please submit your name and the mailing address of your school or institution through the 'Contact Us' link. You will receive a username and password that will allow you to login and download these materials. You will also find instructions on how to use these resources."

Facebook Off Limits in Wisconsin District : March 2009 : THE Journal - 0 views

  • The technology steering committee for the district will use the new policy to educate teachers about the risks in using Facebook, specifically. Among the concerns: the potential for disclosure of too much personal information, as well as the inability to control who can view postings, since "friends" of friends can read Facebook pages; and teacher exposure to student posts that may reference the use of drugs or participation in illegal events, which the teacher must then report.
    • Jimbo Lamb
      This looks to me like the district just wants to stick its head in the sand and not take responsibility for problems the students may have. Wouldn't the district want teachers to see what problems students may have so they can provide the proper assistance? Also, how are teachers supposed to educate students about the possible problems they could encounter with putting personal information on the web?
    Article on a Wisconsin school that is just sticking their heads in the sand. If they don't see it, it must not be happening!

RIP: A remix Manifesto - 2 - Copyright vs Copyleft | Open Source Cinema - An Open Sourc... - 0 views

    Check this out. Surely you've got some students who LOVE to do this stuff. They're encouraged to remix these videos! Not a homework assignment, but you can surely give them an interesting hobby. :-)
    Open Source Cinema starts off with some video that they encourage you to remix and send back to them. In the process you'll learn about copyright - at least one organization's feelings about it.

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - Report Identifies Inherent Link Between a 21s... - 0 views

  • Creating a 21st century education system that prepares students, workers and citizens to triumph in the global skills race is the central economic competitiveness issue currently facing the United States, according to a new report released by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills.
  • Sponsored by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, Ford Motor Company Fund, KnowledgeWorks Foundation and the National Education Association, the report notes that the country’s economic output has changed dramatically over the past 30 years and there is no sign this trend will stop.
  • As the world continues to shift from an industrial economy to a service economy driven by information, knowledge and innovation, cultivating 21st century skills is vital to economic success.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • While the global economy has been changing, the United States has focused primarily on closing domestic achievement gaps and largely ignored the growing necessity of graduating students capable of filling emerging job sectors.
  • Abroad, developed and competing nations have focused on imparting a different set of skills – 21st century skills –  to their graduates because these skills increasingly power the wealth of nations. Furthermore, businesses now require workers who can handle more responsibility and contribute more to productivity and innovation.
  • “Through my work with the business community, it has become apparent that there isn’t a lack of employees that are technically proficient but a lack of employees that can adequately communicate and collaborate, innovate and think critically,” said Ken Kay, president of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills. “At this pivotal moment in our nation’s history, legislators and policymakers must focus on the outcomes we know produce graduates capable of competing in the 21st century and forging a viable economic future.”

Instantly Set a Screensaver Away Message - 0 views

    This is really helpful for the folks who stop by my desk wondering where I am!
    Use this vbscript to instantly set an away message as your screensaver whenever you leave your computer. Make sure you read the readme file.

Promethean Activboard Flame Color Explanation - 1 views

    Who knew the things changed so many colors?! Sheesh. Not very teacher-friendly if you ask me.
    A Promethean Planet forum post with a senior member describing what the different colors of the flame at the top of the Activboard mean.

Speak Up Press Release - 0 views

  • The 2007 online survey collected authentic, unfiltered views and ideas from over 367,000 education stakeholders representing schools in all 50 states, bringing the total of survey participants to over 1.2 million over the past 5 years.
  • This disconnect is evident in the fact that 66% of school administrators, 47% of teachers, and 43% of parents say "local schools are doing a good job preparing students for the jobs and careers of the future," but over 40% of middle and high school students stated that teachers limit their use of technology in schools. Forty-five percent of middle and high school students indicated that tools meant to protect them, such as firewalls and filters are inhibiting their learning.
  • "It is in our nation's best interest that we support and facilitate student usage of technology for learning."
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  • 46% said they would like to receive specific professional development on how to effectively integrate gaming technologies into curriculum.
  • With the release of Speak Up 2007 results, Evans called upon education leaders at all levels to put aside their own "digital immigrant" paradigms and to listen to students who are not only on the cutting edge of technology innovation but whose future is dependent upon our ability to deliver upon the promise of a world quality, global 21st century education.
    Students Want the 21st Century Classroom, but Schools Not Meeting Student Expectations, According to Latest National Study

Top News - Social-networking apps can pose security risks - 0 views

  • Turns out, even the privacy-conscious Sarah Browns of the world freely hand over personal information to perfect strangers. They do so every time they download and install what's known as an "application," one of thousands of mini-programs on a growing number of social-networking web sites that are designed by third-party developers for anything from games and sports teams to trivia quizzes and virtual gifts.
  • People often think Facebook profiles and sometimes MySpace pages, if they're set as private, are only available to friends or specific groups, such as a university, workplace, or even a city.
  • But that's not true if they use applications.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • News Corp.'s MySpace, which has about 117 million unique visitors each month,
  • giving developers access to the profiles of anyone who downloads them
  • MySpace users don't have to include their names on their profiles.
  • They also point out that some information, such as eMail addresses and phone numbers, aren't made available.  
    Using those cool little applications designed to enhance social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook can make personal information as...

Tabbloid - 0 views

    for those who can't trade-in their printer for an RSS reader
    Turn your favorite RSS feeds into a print-ready, tabloid-style PDF that's automatically e-mailed to you on a schedule.

The Prose of Blogging (and a Few Cons, Too) : November 2008 : THE Journal - 0 views

  • But he emphasizes that the educational purpose comes first.
  • "We don't start out by saying we want to start a blog," he says. "We say, 'We want to do X or Y-- what's the tool that makes the most sense to use?'"
  • "The kids know the technology. What they don't often know is how the technology can change them as students.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Would writing blog entries throughout the research process improve the quality of the final drafts that students submitted? "
  • It showed that students who blogged felt better about writing overall, and about writing research papers in particular.
  • he students commented that blogs helped them organize their thoughts, develop their ideas, synthesize their research, and benefit from their classmates' constructive comments.

Twitter Handbook - How good people make BIG things happen - FAST! - 0 views

    finally, a handbook for the rest of us morons who aren't twittering
    Skeptical about Twitter's usage? Check out this handbook for the rest of us.

Babelgum - 0 views

    A free internet TV platform supported by advertising, Babelgum Beta, combines the full-screen video quality of traditional television with the interactive capabilities of the internet, offering professionally produced programming on-demand to a global audience with broadband access (a minimum of 450kbit/sec). As the name suggests, Babelgum's goal is to act as an international 'glue', bringing a huge range of content to a global audience - like a modern-day Tower of Babel. The bubble logo is a fun visual pun on the company name, but also reflects Babelgum's commitment to a green, global future. Babelgum's editorial focus is on three Passions, that is, specific subject areas that we present with depth and a point of view: independent film, independent music and underwater. Each Passion has a dedicated publisher who will select the best content and stimulate the debate. In addition, to the 3 Passions, videos are arranged into 9 theme-related Channels such as Film, Nature, Comedy, Travel, Sport, just to name a few.
    Excellent video resource. They have an entire AP news archive, excellent for history teachers. There are also many fine science videos both long and short.

Education Week: Filtering Fixes - 0 views

  • Instead of blocking the many exit ramps and side routes on the information superhighway, they have decided that educating students and teachers on how to navigate the Internet’s vast resources responsibly, safely, and productively—and setting clear rules and expectations for doing so—is the best way to head off online collisions.
  • “We are known in our district for technology, so I don’t see how you can teach kids 21st-century values if you’re not teaching them digital citizenship and appropriate ways of sharing and using everything that’s available on the Web,” said Shawn Nutting, the technology director for the Trussville district. “How can you, in 2009, not use the Internet for everything? It blows me away that all these schools block things out” that are valuable.
  • While schools are required by federal and state laws to block pornography and other content that poses a danger to minors, Internet-filtering software often prevents students from accessing information on legitimate topics that tend to get caught in the censoring process: think breast cancer, sexuality, or even innocuous keywords that sound like blocked terms. One teacher who commented on one of Mr. Fryer’s blog posts, for example, complained that a search for biographical information on a person named Thacker was caught by his school’s Internet filter because the prohibited term “hacker” is included within the spelling of the word.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • The K-2 school provides e-mail addresses to each of its 880 students and maintains accounts on the Facebook and Twitter networking sites. Children can also interact with peers in other schools and across the country through protected wiki spaces and blogs the school has set up.
  • “Rather than saying this is a scary tool and something bad could happen, instead we believe it’s an incredible tool that connects you with the entire world out there. ... [L]et’s show you the best way to use it.”
  • As Trussville students move through the grades and encounter more-complex educational content and expectations, their Internet access is incrementally expanded.
  • In 2001, the Children’s Internet Protection Act instituted new requirements for schools to establish policies and safeguards for Internet use as a condition of receiving federal E-rate funding. Many districts have responded by restricting any potentially troublesome sites. But many educators and media specialists complain that the filters are set too broadly and cannot discriminate between good and bad content. Drawing the line between what material is acceptable and what’s not is a local decision that has to take into account each district’s comfort level with using Internet content
  • The American Civil Liberties Union sued Tennesee’s Knox County and Nashville school districts on behalf of several students and a school librarian for blocking Internet sites related to gay and lesbian issues. While the districts’ filtering software prohibited students from accessing sites that provided information and resources on the subject, it did not block sites run by organizations that promoted the controversial view that homosexuals can be “rehabilitated” and become heterosexuals. Last month, a federal court dismissed the lawsuit after school officials agreed to unblock the sites.
  • Students are using personal technology tools more readily to study subject matter, collaborate with classmates, and complete assignments than they were several years ago, but they are generally asked to “power down” at school and abandon the electronic resources they rely on for learning outside of class, the survey found. Administrators generally cite safety issues and concerns that students will misuse such tools to dawdle, cheat, or view inappropriate content in school as reasons for not offering more open online access to students. ("Students See Schools Inhibiting Their Use of New Technologies,", April 1, 2009.)
  • A report commissioned by the NSBA found that social networking can be beneficial to students, and urged school board members to “find ways to harness the educational value” of so-called Web 2.0 tools, such as setting up chat rooms or online journals that allow students to collaborate on their classwork. The 2007 report also told school boards to re-evaluate policies that ban or tightly restrict the use of the Internet or social-networking sites.
  • Federal Requirements for Schools on Internet Safety The Children’s Internet Protection Act, or CIPA, is a federal law intended to block access to offensive Web content on school and library computers. Under CIPA, schools and libraries that receive funding through the federal E-rate program for Internet access must: • Have an Internet-safety policy and technology-protection measures in place. The policy must include measures to block or filter Internet access to obscene photos, child pornography, and other images that can be harmful to minors; • Educate minors about appropriate and inappropriate online behavior, including activities like cyberbullying and social networking; • Adopt and enforce a policy to monitor online activities of minors; and • Adopt and implement policies related to Internet use by minors that address access to inappropriate online materials, student safety and privacy issues, and the hacking of unauthorized sites. Source: Federal Communications Commission
  • “We believe that you can’t have goals about kids’ collaborating globally and then block their ability to do that,” said Becky Fisher, the Virginia district’s technology coordinator.
    This is an excellent article. I think every school should take this to a meeting with Administrators to discuss bringing sanity to this issue once and for all.

Presentation Zen: Who says technical presentations can't be engaging? - 0 views

    People often ask if technical or science-related presentations can be as compelling as presentations covering other less technical topics. Garr Reynolds compiles thoughts, links, to present; the power of story in ANY field; an illustrative TED talk by Dr. Bonnie Blasser; an article about stoning the tedious presenter!

Rendell tells cabinet to find $500 million more in cuts - 0 views

  • The biggest reduction is $212 million in the Education Department. This could include a $22 million reduction in a program called "Classrooms for the Future,'' which has been supplying computers for high schools across the state. "This is a tough cut for me to make,'' said Mr. Rendell, who created the program three years ago and said educators around the state like it.
    Rendell: "This is a tough cut for me to make."

tgethr - e-mail-based collaboration - 0 views

    aha!! collaboration platform for the folks who still cannot let go of e-mail!
    1. Setup your group Enter email addresses of people you want to be tgethr with and pick a group address like 2. Start communicating Start sending email to the group address and everyone will automatically receive a copy. 3. Keep an archive Attach files, include links to videos, audio, or images. Even cc: or bcc: the group address for everyone to read. It will all be archived for you on the web. WHY WE BUILT TGETHR: * Web-based only collaboration solutions have too much overhead we never used * We were inadvertently sharing company secrets too often over email or via web-based collaboration tools * Email is still our primary communication mechanism and didn't intersect well with collaboration solutions we tried * Some people in our company didn't feel comfortable being on the "bleeding edge" of web-based collaboration tools and just want to use email
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