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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Rachel Tan


eFiesta 2014 Register on 13.01.2013 - 0 views

    register2.html web content will be switched over on 13.01.2013 (thanks Bernard) Content for vetting by Eveleen and Dr Ashley. During 17.12.2013 meeting it was suggested that we 'manage' the NIE-Others ratio by stating along this line: Priority will be given to educators (after a certain percentage of registration is hit). Note also that since admission is free, people who sign up may not attend.

e-Fiesta 2014 Register - 0 views

  • will be open in
    • Rachel Tan
      Registration will open on ..... in  [in]  Show IPA preposition, adverb, adjective, noun, verb, inned, in·ning. preposition 1.(used to indicate inclusion within space, a place, or limits): walking in the park. 2.(used to indicate inclusion within something abstract or immaterial): in politics; in the autumn. 3.(used to indicate inclusion within or occurrence during a period or limit of time): in ancient times; a task done in ten minutes. 4.(used to indicate limitation or qualification, as of situation, condition, relation, manner, action, etc.): to speak in a whisper; to be similar in appearance. 5.(used to indicate means): sketched in ink; spoken in French.
  • refer to synopses
    • Rachel Tan
      ...refer to the......[br] the1   [stressed thee; unstressed before a consonant thuh; unstressed before a vowel thee]  Show IPA definite article 1.(used, especially before a noun, with a specifying or particularizing effect, as opposed to the indefinite or generalizing force of the indefinite article a  or an  ): the book you gave me; Come into the house. 2.(used to mark a proper noun, natural phenomenon, ship, building, time, point of the compass, branch of endeavor, or field of study as something well-known or unique): the sun; the Alps; the Queen Elizabeth;  the past; the West. 3.(used with or as part of a title): the Duke of Wellington; the Reverend john smith. 4.(used to mark a noun as indicating the best-known, most approved, most important, most satisfying, etc.): the skiing center of the U.S.; If you're going to work hard, now is the time. 5.(used to mark a noun as being used generically): The dog is a quadruped.
    Vet published content

MERLOT Pedagogy Portal - 0 views

    Consider this as an ID resource for our internal training? MERLOT is a free and open online community of resources designed primarily for faculty, staff and students of higher education from around the world to share their learning materials and pedagogy. MERLOT is a leading edge, user-centered, collection of peer reviewed higher education, online learning materials, catalogued by registered members and a set of faculty development support services. MERLOT's strategic goal is to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning by increasing the quantity and quality of peer reviewed online learning materials that can be easily incorporated into faculty designed courses. MERLOT's activities are based on the creative collaboration and support of its Individual Members, Institutional Partners, Corporate Partners and Editorial Boards. Integral to MERLOT's continuing development of faculty development support services are its: * Building and sustaining online academic communities * Online teaching and learning initiatives * Building, organizing, reviewing, and developing applications of online teaching-learning materials

The Heart of Professional Practice: Philosophical Foundations - Download Free Content f... - 0 views

    • Rachel Tan
      Pek Mee, how to open a document in PC
  • Philosophy
    CeL 3rd iTunes U course by an academic staff
    Testing the use of Diigo for users to write notes on PC. Pek Mee, I can't seem to open the documents (please try especially Module 7-5 doc. This summative exercise is expected to be most popular. Already Bee Leng said in the meeting yesterday she wants to try it for herself.

Advancing Collaborative Learning with ICT: Conception, Cases, and Design - 0 views

    Chai, Lim, So & Cheah (MOE, 2011)

Social Media: An Introduction - 2 views

    Michael Dewing (2012) Both are media sharing sites. Is YouTube less of a social media than Instagram? What do you think?

iTunes U still competitive in online education (Stanford Daily) - 1 views

  • discuss issues together through Piazza, but ran into privacy issues and had to create three separate forums
    • Rachel Tan
      Dr Ashley, I wonder what the privacy issues were. There is a fair amount of negative notes in this article that could work against our recommendation of iTunes U 
    In 2007, videotaped lectures from 10 courses were added to the Stanford iTunes site. The content on the site consisted solely of audio and video files until January 2012, when Apple launched the iTunes U app. This app allowed professors to upload additional materials such as homework assignments and class handouts, giving remote students more of a comprehensive course experience. While remote students can now participate in a course by completing homework assignments and even taking exams, they are still not able to ask questions in class, receive feedback on homework and exams or collaborate with classmates. Several iTunes U courses have attempted to bridge this gap through Piazza, an online forum that allows students from around the world to ask and answer questions and discuss the course. Remote students are able to register on Piazza to discuss the lectures and assignments with other students, although Hegarty says that iTunes U students often reach out to him for help instead. The (Free) Efficient Way to Manage Class Q&A How is this better than email, newsgroups, and discussion forums? Students actually use Piazza, they love it. This difference stems from how we built Piazza. We've personally met with and spoken to thousands of students and instructors. The result is a beautifully intuitive and simple product that students love and use.
    Hi Ashley, would this article reference suffice as 'research reference' per our meeting with Director? Thanks for your input on the Emailer. I'm working on it now.

An online badge of success | - The Providence Journal - 0 views

    A "digital badge" of achievement.for your 21st-century learning credentials - will this concept catch on in Singapore ?

Use of free images - how to acknowledge the image creator - 0 views

    • Rachel Tan
      Pek Mee, I will insert the Acknowledgement in reference on the last PPT slide for Unit 2. Will advise GPL to do the same going forward. After clearance from Ashley I will advise GPL on the correct way Credits/Acknowledgement going forward.
    This is one source of free images used by faculty for NIE Open Courses. It is mandatory to publish an acknowledgement to and the image creator on the page each free image is used on. For example: "Image courtesy of [contributor name] /". It should be clear which image the acknowledgement relates to. Where the same image appears on multiple pages, for example in a banner or background, it need only be acknowledged on one page. If you are unable to publish an acknowledgement, you must purchase the image to use it. You do not need to publish an acknowledgement if you purchase the image.

Social Media And Learning: Interview with Jane Hart - 0 views

    What is CeL's collective agreement on the definition of learning with social media?

Enriching Online Education through E-Service-Learning | Getting Smart - 0 views

    • Rachel Tan
      One research paper on E-service learning: A pedagogic innovation for healthcare management education, It appears to be successful as they identified more areas for implementation: The authors then define and conceptualize e-service learning, including the anticipated outcomes of implementation such as enhanced access, quality, and cost effectiveness of healthcare management education. Because e-service learning is mediated by technology, we identify state of the art technologies that support e-service learning activities. In addition, possible e-service learning projects and activities that may be included in healthcare management courses such as finance, human resources, quality, service management/marketing and strategy are identified. Finally, opportunities for future research are suggested.

Coursera, Pedagogy, And The Two Faces Of MOOCs - 2 views

    The author shows how the Coursera pedagogy for xMOOC is still an instructivist approach aka a classic "sage on the stage" approach but which is one-to-very-many cMOOC is based on the connectivism-inspired approach, and focus on knowledge creation and generation whereas xMOOCs focus on knowledge duplication (Siemens, 2012) @MarkSmither puts it: "in an xMOOC you watch videos, in a cMOOC you make videos." You can probably guess which MOOC type NIE is adopting

Teacher Training on Technology-Enhanced Instruction - A Holistic Approach - 1 views

    Tan, Hu, Wong, Wettasinghe (2003) on Information Technology and Singapore Education, Instructional Framework, Instructional Strategies (Direct Instruction, SDL, Group Work, Computer-Mediated Communication, Constructivist Learning, Learning through Experience) Computer As an Administrative Tool - Blackboard ! Computer As a Presentation Tool - from PPT to Prezi? Computer As a Tutor - engage the learners in higher order thinking Computer As a Cognitive Tool - mindtools Conclusion: To successfully integrate IT into teaching and learning in schools is a challenging task that hinges on a lot of factors, including effective teacher training. Darling-Hammond (1994) describes the new paradigm of teacher learning as a place in which opportunities are provided for "learning by teaching, learning by doing and learning by collaborating." In our attempt to avoid reducing such training into teaching of discrete IT skills, or merely talking about it through lectures, we presented an approach that modeled various pedagogies, including direct instruction, self-directed learning, group work, computer-mediated communication, and constructivist learning. We also provided a holistic technology-enhanced environment, for the trainees to experience the use of the computer as an administrative tool, as a presentation tool, as a tutor, and as a cognitive tool. These strategies are built upon theories and studies of learning, as well as the use of IT in education. The results of the trainees' evaluation of the module indicated a generally positive reaction to the module and the perception that the instructional objectives have been achieved. These are encouraging indicators of the effectiveness of our instructional strategies, which we will build upon for further improvement in the subsequent delivery of the module.

How To Use Classroom Response System Effectively - 1 views

    The classroom response system, whether it is Clickers or iRespond or iResponded, is just a tool. How it is used will make a significant difference or not. This video is excellent in showing the power of a CRS through peer discussion and how the instructors manage the wrap-up session. P/S Sally, thank you for the names of academic staff who have signed up to share: A/P Cheung (LST) Daniel (NSSE) Myra Garces (ECSE) - for the production of pedagogical tips for Bb, I was looking for testimonies so that we can create our own short video ....

Why Use a Classroom Response System? - 0 views

    Key Points ■ Limitations of traditional lectures ■ Engaging students in peer discussions ■ Learning gains you can expect ■ Attitude gains you can expect ■ Instructors' opinions about using clickers

Interview with Dr Ashley on Web 2.0 technology and its relevance to teaching - 0 views

    My instructor from Penn State U shared his thought on the podcast. "I was very intrigued by his reference to Alan Kay when he talked about how the tools shape us via our interactions with them. Kay was (and is) most definitely one of the most visionary and original thinkers when it comes to technology and its applications. To be sure, this point about how the tools shape us is a very good one to emphasize. Tools are not innocuous things and metacognitive awareness can help both teachers and learners think about how their perceptions of ideas, concepts, etc are influenced by the tools they use to express their understandings of these things that they encounter." P/S Apologies for the poor editing by Rachel (first time using Audacity)

Blackboard Learn Quick Hit: Social Learning Tools - 0 views

    How open are we to promote Social Learning Tools in Bb? (Published Jan 17, 2013) Less than five minutes is all it takes to learn about the new and improved social learning tools feature for Blackboard Learn. Use these tools to discover, connect, communicate and collaborate with your learning network. Watch the video and then try it out for yourself !

Many Voices of Sweden, via Twitter - - 1 views

    • Rachel Tan
      Usually an experiment is run for the purpose of confirming/dis-confirming a hypothesis. In this case, what is the hypothesis?
  • The @Sweden program, known as Curators of Sweden, came about when the Swedish Institute and Visit Sweden, the government tourist agency, sought to develop a plan to present the country to the world on Twitter. They hired an advertising company, Volontaire.
    • Rachel Tan
      How would this experiment be determined as successful or not? I am asking this question in the context of the CeL article that we are writing/wrote.

Blackboard Learn Quick Hit Video - Item Analysis - 0 views

    Item Analysis helps you refine assessments by evaluating the quality and validity of each question. Far better than the usual Frequency and Distribution reports, our Item Analysis report, available since Service Pack 10, provides discrimination statistics that allow you to identify questions that are poor performers, diagnose the problem and then fix it in a streamlined workflow.
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