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wittyben - 1 views

    For CeLebs who like to learn a little more about MOOCs, learning analytics, geo-learning... etc, here's an innovation report by the Open U for your info and reference.
Kartini Ishak

The Beginner's Guide to TweetDeck - 0 views

    Dear CeLebs, Last few month, we spoke on how we are to work on our PLNs. TweetDeck is a great Twitter tool, but can be daunting to get started with. Here's a handy guide for you to refer to if you should ever have any doubt on how to use the tool. Cheers.
    I wonder other members are brief by team leads and start using that :) This is a simple yet clear. Thanks Tini.
Rachel Tan

e-Fiesta 2014 Register - 0 views

  • opened
    • Ashley Tan
      "open" (not opened). Put a full stop at the end of the sentence.
  • will be open in
    • Rachel Tan
      Registration will open on ..... in  [in]  Show IPA preposition, adverb, adjective, noun, verb, inned, in·ning. preposition 1.(used to indicate inclusion within space, a place, or limits): walking in the park. 2.(used to indicate inclusion within something abstract or immaterial): in politics; in the autumn. 3.(used to indicate inclusion within or occurrence during a period or limit of time): in ancient times; a task done in ten minutes. 4.(used to indicate limitation or qualification, as of situation, condition, relation, manner, action, etc.): to speak in a whisper; to be similar in appearance. 5.(used to indicate means): sketched in ink; spoken in French.
  • refer to synopses
    • Rachel Tan
      ...refer to the......[br] the1   [stressed thee; unstressed before a consonant thuh; unstressed before a vowel thee]  Show IPA definite article 1.(used, especially before a noun, with a specifying or particularizing effect, as opposed to the indefinite or generalizing force of the indefinite article a  or an  ): the book you gave me; Come into the house. 2.(used to mark a proper noun, natural phenomenon, ship, building, time, point of the compass, branch of endeavor, or field of study as something well-known or unique): the sun; the Alps; the Queen Elizabeth;  the past; the West. 3.(used with or as part of a title): the Duke of Wellington; the Reverend john smith. 4.(used to mark a noun as indicating the best-known, most approved, most important, most satisfying, etc.): the skiing center of the U.S.; If you're going to work hard, now is the time. 5.(used to mark a noun as being used generically): The dog is a quadruped.
    Vet published content

A Comprehensive List of Apps and Tools to Flip your Classroom ~ Educational Technology ... - 0 views

    Henry, here's a list on apps and tools for flipping classroom for your reference.
Henry Ngoh

Vodcasting: Exploring the Future of Syndicated Media - 0 views

    A peek into the techky on the process of vodcasting with reference to apple standards
bernard tan

NTU Mobile - 3 views

shared by bernard tan on 29 Dec 10 - No Cached
Sally Loan liked it
    NTU mobile web app. maybe we can take reference to this and come up something similar.
    We shd build something like this using HTML 5 for cross platforms :)
bernard tan

How Much Does it Cost to Develop an App? - O'Reilly Answers - 0 views

  • note that many apps will take between four and eight weeks to build, with the average being six weeks. With a full-time developer (40 hours per week) and a part-time designer (20 hours per week), the average man-hours per week is around 60. Six weeks multiplied by 60 hours per week equals 360 hours. Solid designers and developers will charge around $100 per hour, with top talent peaking at around $150 per hour and lower-end U.S.-based contractors charging around $65 per hour. Using the $100-per-hour rate yields a total of $36,000 (360 hours × $100 per hour). That number can quickly fluctuate: if your app took four weeks to build (240 hours) and the average was instead $75 per hour, the total would be $18,000 (240 hours × $75 per hour).
  • Note: For games, the number of total hours is much higher, and ranges between 700 and 2,000 hours. This equates to three to six months of work, depending on the number of developers working on the game simultaneously.
    Money issue about developing an mobile app heh. They have interesting ways to cut back budgets too in this new platform... like getting interested developer to buy in your idea , hiring interns, taking reference to existing applications etc. O'Reilly released many good technical issue books hence I think their words proved some credibility.
Kartini Ishak

iPhone Gems: Five Geotagging Apps For Photographers | iLounge Article - 1 views

    Today we look at five different geotagging apps for the iPhone, but before we begin, there are a few concepts and facts that are worth pointing out for those who might be unfamiliar with the concept of geotagging. Geotagging is a computerized process for adding GPS-based location data to an image for later reference. Since most cameras don't include GPS hardware, but the iPhone 3G and 3GS do, you can run an iPhone application to record your location while shooting the photos. The best apps of the bunch are PhotoTrip and PlaceTagger; read on for all the details.
bernard tan

What to Include In Your Design Contracts - 0 views

    some reference for design based project proposal, couild be used for other projects too.
bernard tan

List of displays by pixel density - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    page with almost all devices with pixel density pixels per inch PPI and dimension stated. useful reference for cross platform/devices designs and development.
Ashley Tan

Mobile Perspectives: On iPadsWhy Mobile? (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

    Another reference for m-learning principle objectives.
Ashley Tan

iPads in Education - Implementation Stories and Lessons Learned (continued) | Emerging ... - 0 views

    Reference for m-learning principle objectives
Kartini Ishak - 2 views

    In a study earlier this year educators are seen as more credible when they Tweet. Here is the reference and the link: Johnson, K. A. (2011). The effect of Twitter posts on students' perceptions of instructor credibility. Learning, Media and Technology, 36(1), 21-38. Routledge. Retrieved March 31, 2011, from​m/index/935339874.pdf.
    This is very interesting... I think I will share this idea with my teacher friends!

Lesson Plans - Google Apps for Education - 0 views

  • Easily incorporate Google Apps into your curriculum with these classroom-ready lesson plans.
    This could be a helpful reference/resource/source of inspiration for IDs and ETs.
bernard tan

Overview of App Stores - 1 views

    You are able to find all sort of platform for app development here from Amazon Appstore for Android Apple App Store for iPhone and iPad, Apple Mac App Store, BlackBerry App World, Google Android Market, Nokia Ovi Store Windows Phone 7 Marketplace and more within a dropdown menu all in a glance. Drill down to information per country. You may want to take a look or reference to this when developing app. There information like application the platforms the country have, people reached, billing methods, development supports, subscription billing or developer submission etc.
Sally Loan

Learning in the 21st century | TODAYonline - 1 views

  • Teaching is not simply presenting ideas and insights, nor filling students’ heads with what we know or transmitting information. Learning is not just committing facts to memory but the ability to critique, synthesise, analyse, use and apply information.
  • The addition of greater interactivity is essential to make knowledge transfer in universities more meaningful in today’s world
  • . But how do we integrate the digital world’s resources into classroom-based learning?
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • A key element in any directed learning environment is the assessment of competence in that knowledge.
  • The first step — “knows” — is knowledge about a subject, such as recalling facts. The second is to “know how” to use the knowledge, such as in analysing a problem. The third step is to demonstrate proficiency in applying the knowledge — “shows how”.
  • The fourth step is to see how the knowledge is integrated into the real world.
  • The final step, “mastery”, refers to the competence of an expert who teaches the next generation.
c l

PHEV41N2_Article_Guiding-Social-Media.pdf - 3 views

    Refering to "many educators are examining how to effectively implement social media on their campuses" - Penn State U has implemented Yammer, an enterprise social network private platform.
    Guiding Social Media at Our Institutions by Tanya Joosten, Laura Pasquini, and Lindsey Harness
Rachel Tan

Use of free images - how to acknowledge the image creator - 0 views

    • Rachel Tan
      Pek Mee, I will insert the Acknowledgement in reference on the last PPT slide for Unit 2. Will advise GPL to do the same going forward. After clearance from Ashley I will advise GPL on the correct way Credits/Acknowledgement going forward.
    This is one source of free images used by faculty for NIE Open Courses. It is mandatory to publish an acknowledgement to and the image creator on the page each free image is used on. For example: "Image courtesy of [contributor name] /". It should be clear which image the acknowledgement relates to. Where the same image appears on multiple pages, for example in a banner or background, it need only be acknowledged on one page. If you are unable to publish an acknowledgement, you must purchase the image to use it. You do not need to publish an acknowledgement if you purchase the image.
Sally Loan

XMind - Mind Mapping and Storming - 2 views

shared by Sally Loan on 09 May 12 - Cached
    Do you know if this works with Google Drive (and hopefully Google Sites)?
  • ...6 more comments...
    Xmind is using google code, will get Yeu Ann to check out the source code.
    I've checked it out. Actually, it's not Google code, but simply an open-source native app stored in Google Projects, an open-source code repository. Nevertheless, it's a good mind-mapping software. Only thing is that it doesn't use Google Drive and I'm not sure if it can be integrated easily into Google Sites (due to Google Sites having issues with iframe elements).
    seems quite a good review for Mindomo, it's integrated to Google apps.
    I tried, cool! The map mind can be embedded in google site. Interface of mind map is easy to use, allow embed youtube link, images, and audio, attachment and links. Free for 3 mindmap and allow collaboration, invite is similar to Google for edit/read rights. There is also have icon, chat, comments and collaborative editing. Yeu Ann, we can include that as guide in student portfolio.
    Yeu Ann, I am referring to Mindomo :)
    Great! I'll try out the free account for the Mindomo next week. So I take it that you guys want to use this as the recommended mind-map app for our students?
    BTW just FYI: Expert Software Applications Srl does not claim any ownership in any of the content, including any text, data, information, images, photographs, music, sound, video, or other material, that you upload, transmit or store in your Service account. We will not use any of your content for any purpose except to provide you with the Service, and as otherwise provided in these Terms. From time to time, [Contents publicized by the user] can be used by Mindomo at its own discretion.
    Explore the use of the tool first and note its affordances and its limitations for now. If there is more than one option, we should support what is available and give users a choice.
Kartini Ishak

Twitter as a Metacognitive Support Device by Alan Reid : Learning Solutions Magazine - 0 views

  • From an instructor’s perspective, Twitter offers the ability to prompt students throughout the learning process by asking them to reflect on learning strategies and time management, which ultimately raises metacognitive awareness.
  • While the use of Twitter only shows a slight increase in grades (about .5 percent), it substantially improves engagement and motivation
  • Twitter enhances the social presence outside of the classroom, which leads to overall course satisfaction.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • if student satisfaction, engagement, and metacognitive awareness are all part of your definition of a successful course, then introducing Twitter in your classroom may be an option for you.
  • Twitter is not static. Rather, it is an interactive tool under learner control. Further, Maria Bannert refers to a metacognitive support device that “focuses students’ attention on their own thoughts and on understanding the activities they are engaged in during the course of learning.” When used explicitly as a tool to improve self-regulation through metacognitive support, Twitter becomes very effective.
    An interesting article on how Twitter can be used as a metacognitive - thinking about your own learning - supportive device. 
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