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Francisco Dumanig

What Is HyFlex Course Design? - 2 views

  • In the HyFlex course design, students can choose to attend face-to-face, synchronous class sessions or complete course learning activities online without physically attending class.
  • Hyflex can provide student engagement at the time they see/hear the material.
  • Students can choose to attend face-to-face meetings and earn weekly participation points or complete equivalent work online and earn participation points.

Flipgrid Tutorial - Creating Video Assignments - YouTube - 1 views

    This is a YouTube tutorial which explains how to use FlipGrid and make video assignments.

(PDF) Using Flipgrid to develop social learning - 1 views

  • As is common on many social media platforms, videos can be ‘liked’ or ‘hearted’ to show agreement or approval.
  • This can lead to competitiveness, with the confidence of some students potentially dented if a video receives fewer views or likes than others. (This feature can be deactivated if the tutor so desires.)

Software Reviews - 0 views

    #2: Review of Flipgrid

5 Easy Steps for Adding Voice-Over to PowerPoint Presentations - Flipped Classroom Work... - 2 views

  • Adding voice over to existing PowerPoint slides can be a great way to turn slides you’ve used for years into stand-alone flipped content
    • anonymous
      A tiny thing, but a useful point that might help. I already have a bunch of Powerpoints. Just add narration and voila!!! I now have a flipped lesson!!!

Best content in carlatech | Diigo - Groups - 1 views

    • tclem01
      A different approach to the medium. Important to listen to students and stay posicitve!

Best content in carlatech | Diigo - Groups - 0 views

shared by tclem01 on 20 Jul 20 - No Cached
    • tclem01
      Think of a way to use whiteboards
    • tclem01
      History of ASL

6 Media Tools for Powerful Language Teaching | General Educator Blog - 11 views

  •  65 percent of your students are visual learners, according to research
    • atsukofrederick
      This assures me that using visual aides helps the students learn a language and that technology can enhance the effective use of visual materials, making it easier to access to the authentic and latest videos and photos.
  • If you’re using new technology, give it a trial run. It’s hard to imagine anything less engaging for students than sitting around waiting while you try to load that video over a poor internet connection or figure out all the glitches with that awesome online game.Do your trial and error ahead of time, before you’re demonstrating media to the class.
    • smuske
      While I agree with this, at some point you need a test group. I always try things out first with a section that I know can take a couple of glitches in stride.
    • vallb001
      I wish we had enough time to trial everything in advance! Plus, the issue is something might work when you trial it but not at the right time...
  • And one of the best ways to access them is with an innovative tool called FluentU.
    • smuske
      I took a quick look at this once, but haven't used it. If anyone out there is using it, I'd like some tips.
    • afarachnps
      I haven't used it. Did you try ThinkLink for this week's activities? I wonder how different these two tools are?
    • cbbbcb
      Fluentu is not free...
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • they’ll get in-context definitions, visual learning aids and pronunciations for any word
    • afarachnps
      It seems that this feature regarding definitions is a step above this right? I would love to try this tool in conjunction with ThinkLink to see where I can get the most of what I need for my students.
  • need images, graphs, videos and charts to learn
    • cbbbcb
      Some of my students also need to see the words written for them to process what is taught.
  • using handheld “clickers.”
    • cbbbcb
      but only for MC and T/F questions, right? not for open-ended questions.
  • Mini Whiteboards:
    • cbbbcb
      Is there a digital mini-whiteboard?
  • Media makes content more visual.
    • tclem01
      develop ways for students to produce more visual feedback too
  • good old whiteboards!
    • tclem01
      Whiteboards, hmmm?
    I like the way this list gives tools that are both digital and physical. Thanks for sharing! Also, I'm interested to try out FluentU.

Checking Reading Comprehension Remotely Using Student-Designed Comics - The FLTMAG - 4 views

  • The book is an excellent summative text for the course because it brings together the historical, ideological, philosophical, and artistic viewpoints that students had engaged with throughout the semester. 
  • At first glance, this might seem like a simple assignment, but it requires higher order thinking. It required students not just to understand the story of the character in question, but also to apply this understanding by retelling the story in their own (German) words. Students did not just demonstrate reading comprehension; the assignment forced them to identify key details in the story in order to make the story fit the limited number of panels available.
    The app name is Make Beliefs Comix and the author is Carol Anne Costabile-Heming.
  • ...1 more comment...
    I love Makebeliefscomix. it is a much better option than when I had students draw a comic strip and take a picture of it to turn in. I will be using this one. Thanks!
    I just tried the site to see how it works. I find it user friendly, easy to navigate through.
    I like Makebeliefscomix too. It is easy to use and the students have fun creating heir message.

Technology as a Learning Tool for ASL Literacy on JSTOR - 2 views

    I just tried to view this article it looks like you need to sign in with your university to view it. Sorry!

Los cortos en el aula de español (ELE) | ProfeDeELE - 2 views

  • crear los diálogos, poner la voz del narrador, contar la historia en pasado
    • vallb001
      Solo algunas ideas de como hacer u la explotación didáctica de un material auténtico como un cortometraje.
  • debatir en niveles altos sobre nuestro modo de vida, si vivimos para trabajar o trabajamos para vivir.
    • vallb001
      Estas propuestas didácticas a partir de cortos, ofrecen una excelente oportunidad de trabajar los modos interpretativo e interpersonal al mismo tiempo.
  • contraste de pasados
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • describir las escenas
    Lindo recurso! Noto que es del 2013 y que los creadores todavía no se habían imaginado una realidad como la nuestra. Dicho esto, qué fácil sería pasar sus ideas y materiales para uso en el salón digital. Gracias por compartir!

New Tools for the Flipped School: Interactive Visual Media in Remote Learning - 4 views

  • This article focuses on the use, potential benefits, and best practices of interactive visual media in online education and remote learning. We will discuss: What are the main arguments for interactive visual media in online learning? What are some examples and best practices for creating visual learning materials for students? How can students use interactive visual media for documenting and sharing their learning?
  • Interactive images, videos, and virtual tours can support online learning by providing an alternative to text-based communication. Here are three arguments for why this is the case.
    • vallb001
      Agreed. I think we must keep in mind the Internet goes beyond text and video. If we use online tools just as we used books and VCRs in the bast, we are wasting the potential of the Internet.
  • Humans remember pictures better than words (the “picture superiority effect”)
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  • Multisensory experience triggers simultaneous associations.
  • Pictures, sounds, and words together with a contextual experience of a place can create memorable learning experiences more efficiently than plain images or written words alone that are not associated with anything real
  • Seeing a new word written under a picture and hearing how it is pronounced, helps us understand and remember what we are looking at.
  • Virtual tours expand our fields of perception from physical to digital.
  • We can remember and learn on a virtual field trip the same way as we learn on a physical field trip.
  • Interactive videos, audio posters, narrated screenshots, and virtual tours can be effective tools for online education that help educators and learners work together using not only text-based communication, but also voice, video, and images.
  • A great way for giving assignments or sharing projects is adding voice instructions to various areas of a photo, poster or a screenshot.
  • Equipment: The good news is, you only need your phone or laptop, so there is no need to invest in additional hardware unless you want to
  • Setup: A video lesson can be very similar to your lesson in the classroom.
  • Recording: Find a place with natural light where you feel comfortable, and start recording. The audience is your students so picture them in front of you, and address them as you would in the class. You may even mention some of them by name to keep their attention!
  • Duration: Our recommendation is you look at the lesson as a whole and divide it into parts, max 10-15 minutes and ideally 6 minutes each.
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • 1. Explain visuals with text labels
  • 2. Explain abstract concepts with detailed descriptions
  • 3. Explain assignments using your voice
  • 4. Art history: Introduce a masterpiece
  • 5. Literature: Interpret a masterpiece
  • 6. Read to your students
  • 7. Learn vocabulary in new places
  • 8. Narrate your own virtual lesson
  • 9. Create a virtual field trip with assignment
  • 10. Ask students to narrate a virtual audio tour
  • Supporting student-centered learning with interactive visual media
  • Project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, and problem-based learning are constructivist approaches to education that develop the learners skills for research, problem-solving and collaboration. The process is based on authentic questions and problems identified by students, and finding information and explanation models to research and solve them.
  • An important aspect of student-centered learning is documenting the various phases and aspects of the learning process.
  • The following examples will show how students can use mixed media for completing various kinds of creative assignments and sharing them with their teacher and fellow students.
  • In the following, we summarize 10 easy project ideas for remote learning that encourage students to 1) make handwritten, visual and pictorial notes, collages and artwork, and 2) enhance and explain their work using digital audio/text notes, photos and video. Each of the examples provide a mix of learning opportunities combining traditional student work in the classroom with digital storytelling at home. The projects can be shared to a learning management system or collaboration platform such as Canvas, Schoology, Google Education or Microsoft Teams.
  • 1. Make an interactive greeting card
  • 2. Create an interactive book report
  • 3. Make a vocabulary poster in a foreign language
  • 4. Introduce yourself
  • 5. Create an interactive herbarium
  • 6. Make your own comic strips
  • 7. Create an interactive timeline
  • 8. Explain details of a painting
  • 9. Create an interactive map
  • 10. Build a diorama
  • Hotspots, what are they and how do they work? The purpose of the clickable hotspots is to give the viewer further information and resources on the topic they are learning about. Teachers and students can add various types of content in the hotspots, such as text, additional closeup images, video, sound, links and embedded web content such as maps or forms. These resources can serve any of the following functions: Building perspective by linking to related materials Improving comprehension of the topic by highlighting key concepts and vocabulary Zooming into details in a scene Creating a feedback loop by including a call to action
    • pamh6832
      These would be very helpful in a flipped classroom or with distance teaching.
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • Best practices for developing students' creativity and digital storytelling skills at home
  • School teachers
  • School teachers
    • pamh6832
      10 creative ideas for students to use ThingLink while remote learning and in traditional classroom. I could see doing #3 (vocabulary poster) and #4 (introduce yourself) during first quarter.
    An article written by the founder and CEO of ThingLink in which she discusses the main arguments for interactive visual media in online learning, examples and best practices for creating visual learning materials for students, and ways students can use interactive visual media (ThingLink) to document and share their learning. She shares numerous ways teachers and students could use ThingLink with examples.
  • ...2 more comments...
    I have been thinking of what makes Thinglink different from the Microsoft Power Point? PPT also enables you to add recording on a slide. Later, I realized that Thinglink enables multiple layers to one picture/screen. Users can opt to access to other media or information when necessary. It would be useful to provide scaffolding only when it is necessary (e.g., students click links to get hint only when they cannot complete the task by themselves). Thinglink also condense information within one page/slide/screen without having to scroll down. However, we may be economical when we decide how many links we want to put on one screen.
    Whether we like it or not, it looks like we're going to consider some of this information in the upcoming school year. As I browsed the article, I realize options are almost unlimited but of course it requires time to figure out and prepare materials. Last spring I felt a bit like a Youtuber and I see how that is not actually an easy job!
    An article written by the founder and CEO of ThingLink in which she discusses the main arguments for interactive visual media in online learning, examples and best practices for creating visual learning materials for students, and ways students can use interactive visual media (ThingLink) to document and share their learning. She shares numerous ways teachers and students could use ThingLink with examples.
    A very complete article about the advantages of using images and learning. I really want to learn how to use thinglink now.

MovieTalk: Interpretive Listening Magic! - The Comprehensible Classroom - 5 views

  • MovieTalk works because it links meaning between the language used by the teacher to the images on the screen. In other words, it makes the linguistic input comprehensible to the student. “Comprehensible” of course, is a bit of a gray term—meaning that something is reasonably able to be understood by the audience—and it is up to the teacher to employ skills such as teaching to the eyes and using comprehension checks to guarantee that the comprehensible language is actually comprehended.
    • tamieegge
      This paragraph is a good reminder for me that the responsibility of making Spanish comprehensible to my novice learners lies with me. It is the teacher's responsibility to make sure the language is comprehended.
  • Sometimes, I select MovieTalks because of their topic: the content relates to something that we are studying or discussing in class. Other times, I select MovieTalks because of the vocabulary: I know that I can talk about the video using the same words that I am working with in class with my students. And still other times, I select MovieTalks because they are just so dang fun and easy and I plop them into the middle of a unit for no reason at all!
    • cbbbcb
      What makes MovieTalk different from describing a series of PPT slides? Does the movie give a flow of plot, so it enhances comprehensibility?
    • tamieegge
      No difference really. I sometimes will take screenshots from the video and put them into google slides. Especially if the action moves quickly and I have trouble pausing the video exactly where I want to. This also works for students who are impatient and want to just watch the video. I tell them that the link to the video is at the end. there are a lot of really fun short videos on youtube that are good for this. The movie does make it more like a story. You can also do this technique with just a picture.
    How to do an interpretive listening activity called Movie Talk.
    I'm new to movietalks, thank you for sharing this resource.

15 ways to use Snapchat in classes and schools - Ditch That Textbook - 1 views

  • 7. Virtual study session — Add your top 10 most important things to remember for a quiz or test as snaps in your Snapchat story. Students can watch your story and it becomes an instant study session.
    • vallb001
      Love it! Never thought about it...
    • ericat329
      I think this is a really cute way to engage students.
  • 8. Movies — Tell a story 10 seconds at a time. Add short video clips to a story with each video as a scene in the “movie”. If students follow you, this could be a great, fun way for students to engage in content. They could craft their own Snapchat movies incorporating what they learn in your class. Teachers can create fun content that students will want to watch. Schools and school districts can do the same to tell about a sporting event or other community event.
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    • ericat329
      This sounds like it could be done in a similar way as our twitter story....would a class snapchat story work? it'd likely be chaotic, but perhaps wonderful too? Kids could discuss where the story "went wrong"
  • 11. Be a reporter — Schools and districts can bring news the entire school community through Snapchat. Report on a basketball game by showing quick video clips with score updates. Go backstage at the school play for exclusive access!
    • ericat329
      I think there's a lot of cool possibilities that could stem from this idea.
  • 15. Ask a question — Want to bring up an interesting question in class? Stoke the fire by asking it on Snapchat before class. It’ll give students time to think about it beforehand. If students follow you back, they can reply with a snap of their own!
    • ericat329
      another interesting possiblity.
    I love these ideas. Just concerned about privacy matters...

Sin prisa pero sin pausa - Aprende español callejeando por Madrid - 0 views

  • Sin prisa pero sin pausa
    • vallb001
      ¡Me encanta este blog! I love idioms and this is such a great idea to use urban elements to teach them. Bravo!
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