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The Official Padlet Blog - 5 views

    This is Padlet's official blog, full of ideas and tips. I didn't realize that Padlet had its own blog until now and thought I'd share it (rather than zeroing in on one specific post).

The Digital Classroom - Teaching Resources - TES - 2 views

    This guy charges for his content but I have found it very useful and worth the money.

Cool Tools - Collaborating with Padlet | TESL Ontario Blog - 3 views

  • An unlimited number of users can contribute to a padlet at the same time, making collaborative work very easy.
    • lars3969
      I wonder what a good group size would be for most Padlet activities? If it's sort of a social media feed like the one I created for class, I suppose it could be everyone. If it's creating a digital poster, groups of three might work well.
  •   No account necessary to collaborate
    • lars3969
      This really does make things easier. My students had trouble remembering passwords to things this summer, so it's great when there is no login required.
  • adding example sentences to a shared class padlet
    • lars3969
      I don't quite understand this use of Padlet. Why not just use Google Docs? I think Padlet is useful because it allows students to include multimedia.
  • ...3 more annotations...
    • lars3969
      I would add that another benefit is how sleek it can look. It's amazing how much design can make a difference in educational activities.
  • presentation tool
    • lars3969
      It seems that Padlet has a Power-Point/Prezi-like option for creating presentations. I'll have to look more into that.
  • I fill those padlets up with a variety of learning materials including photos, YouTube videos, quizzes, worksheets and step-by-step instructions.
    • heidikreutzer
      I love the idea of adding videos to Padlet. I haven't tried this yet. So many ideas!
heidikreutzer - 2 views

    • heidikreutzer
      These 5 criteria are important to keep in mind as we design our interpersonal activities.
    This is a good description of the interpersonal mode, how to design activities, what a rubric might look like, and sample activities.
Marlene Johnshoy

TEACHER VOICE: Ready for kindergarten? Here are the apps that can help make the differe... - 0 views

    Some of these apps might give you some ideas for language learning, but in particular, look at the storytelling apps.
maygeorge - 3 views

    • maygeorge
      face to face communication has its benefits, today students chat all the time, all the day, this is seems to much, because the social aspect is built around the machine and not a human being.
    • maygeorge
      Face to face interaction is a good tool for socialization people.

Enhancing Learners' Communication Skills through Synchronous Electronic Interaction and... - 4 views

    A bit academic but also interesting and thought-provoking.
    I agree it is not easy to make students use authentic discourse online.

Flip Your Language Classroom the Right Way | Language News - 4 views

  • It’s important to note that this process is different from, for example, simply giving students a video of grammar rules to watch at home, then going over the concepts from that video in class.
    • Anne Dixon
      I couldn't agree with this more.  Watching a grammar video would be so boring for my students.  I like to be present when explaining grammar concepts so I can answer their questions.
    • Anne Dixon
      I never thought about it this way before but I can see how technology in a flipped classroom can provide immediate and accurate feedback to students.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • In the flipped teaching model, students “front load” their language abilities by learning vocabulary and phrases independently before each class. Teachers can then build on what their students have already learned, practicing and applying that knowledge in class through com
    • vivianfranco
      I still have doubts about this aspect. Most of my students prefer to be taught grammar and vocabulary in class rather by themselves with a computer. Once again how much can we offer them though online and how much should we explain this in class?

Statement on the Role of Technology in Language Learning | American Council on the Teac... - 3 views

    • maygeorge
      I agree we need more than one tool to learn any language.
    A little off-topic for Week 5 but overall relevant to this course.
  • ...2 more comments...
    I hope we can learn how to introduce games online. For me this hard to do , but I think it be very effective for students to learn FL.
    I like to use games in teaching but for me it is hard to design one in class and online.
    "The use of technology is not a goal in and of itself; rather technology is one tool that supports language learners as they use the target language in culturally appropriate ways to accomplish authentic tasks." This quote stood out to me and it is so true. sometimes we feel pressured to use technology but we forgot the pedagogy purpose.
    Thanks for sharing it. We are using technology for our language lessons. I agree what ACFLT says about having clear that tech is a tool not a goal since the most important aspect is the learning.

Criteria for identifying tasks for TBL | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC - 1 views

    " 'The basis of a task-based approach'"
    After reading how much material I could flip and have students do outside of class, I thought it would be good to start looking for more templates for meaning bearing and higher order thinking tasks that could be done in the classroom. Here is some really good stuff Jane Willis.

Computer-Mediated Communication | Foreign Language Teaching Methods: Writing - 4 views

  • Research has shown that CMC: can help increase students' motivation to learn the foreign language, lower their anxiety, increase their fluency in the target language, lead to improved intercultural competence and democratize classroom communication.
    • vivianfranco
      I agree with this author's idea. In my teaching experience using CMC to teach language, I can notice my students' progress i the target language. They express their motivation and even introvert students are more open to share their ideas.
  • Keep in mind that students who study languages with different orthographies may encounter specific difficulties during CMC sessions. Be prepared with creative solutions, such as suggesting computers and keyboards that accommodate the characters your students need.
    This is a really good suggestion Vivian! It is always nice to have plan B especially when using technology!
    The author says that CMC helps in all of these areas, but doesn't provide any information about his sources. I think this shows the value of including links to other websites in blog posts about education!

I've got that Flipgrid FEVER - En français, SVP! - 1 views

    This blog gave a good overview of the new features on Flipgrid (which just got rolled out a week or two ago). Helpful stuff!

Synchronous communication technologies for language learning: Promise and challenges in... - 2 views

    CMC and SCMC research from European Universities
speabodymn - 2 views

    • speabodymn
      " differences were found between video and FTF groups." The article shows that CMC performance is very similar to FTF--this suggests to me that recorded Skype conversations (or similar recorded online CMC work) could serve as a good way to practice and assess interpersonal communication skills.

When Not to Use Video Chat for Language Learning | | Academic Technology Specialists - 0 views

  • October 31, 2011
    • lars3969
      This article is not the most recent, but it's still an interesting read.
  • trying to have a conversation with someone you have never met, over a low quality video connection, in a language you don’t speak very well, is quite challenging socially as well as linguistically.
    • lars3969
      This is the most interesting point in the article. Even when speaking with another native English speaker on Skype or Google Hangouts, it can be hard to negotiate turn taking.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Anyone who has used video chat for business purposes knows just how difficult it is to execute turn-taking, interrupting, and politeness.
Marlene Johnshoy

Updates abound: New features for Flipgrid, Google Classroom, Formative and Kahoot! | Di... - 1 views

    Check out the updates on these programs!
Marlene Johnshoy

Introducing the All-New Flipgrid - 1 views

    Lots of new capabilities! If you don't already use FlipGrid, you might want to check it out! (not free, but low cost).
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