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Language Learners' "Willingness to Communicate" through - 0 views

    Abstract: This case study is based on an investigation into the use that a group of language learners made of, a Social Networking Site through which language exchange is enabled via social media applications. The learners created profiles in the website and proceeded to interact with speakers of their target languages, reporting back on their experiences over a 10-week period. As communication between language partners can take place through several different channels, and can be asynchronous or synchronous, written or spoken, it was considered that the preferences of learners with different personality types (as indicated by responses to a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator questionnaire) might be accommodated. Several studies have suggested that the anxiety that some language learners feel when communicating in L2, especially when speaking, is reduced in online environments. Under the premise that a reduction in anxiety may lead to an increased "willingness to communicate" (MacIntyre et al., 1998), the principal objective of this project was to examine the type and frequency of online interactions that the participants engaged in with other speakers of their target languages in the Livemocha language learning community.

Social-networking sites in foreign language classes: Opportunities for re-creation | Ka... - 4 views

  •   38   SOCiaL-NetwOrKiNg SiteS 2001). This difference in ‘lifestyle’ gives educators reason to believe we shouldincorporate SNS usage into our class-related activities, to capture these students’imaginations and t their thought patterns and socializing habits (Godwin-Jones,2008; Winke & Goertler, 2008).However, although technology is an integral part of neomillennial students’lives, they often do not know how to use technology in ways that would benet them in computer-assisted language learning (CALL) (Dieu & Stevens, 2007;Kolaitis, Mahoney, Pomann, & Hubbard, 2006; Winke & Goertler, 2008). Suc - cessful CALL activities, then, often require a substantial training period at theoutset (Jones & Bissoonauth-Bedford, 2008; Kolaitis et al., 2006), and studentsmay be less enthusiastic about a class’s language and culture projects if the formof computer-mediated communication ( CMC) employed is not the type they areaccustomed to using (McBride & Wildner-Bassett, 2008; Thorne, 2003). A usefulresponse may be to craft CALL activities more to the practices that our studentsare familiar with (Winke & Goertler, 2008). SNSs are an obvious possibility to consider, given their tremendous popularity.If we can get our F
  • we can get our FL students to interact socially on SNSs, then they may beengaged in more authentic social and communicative behavior than typically hap-pens in classrooms, because “instead of merely simulating other modes of interac-tion, technology mediated communication is, in and of itself, the real thing
  •   40   SOCiaL-NetwOrKiNg SiteS and sites like it, knowing, socially and technically, how to re-use media in thisparticular way has become foundational for communication and creative expres- sion over the Web” (Perkel, 2008, p. 218). We can call this activity of writing/remixing the self through the manipulationof text and media ‘ self-authorship.’ Within the framework of CALL, this term refers to students authoring their own materials which can then serve as the basisfor learning and lessons. Using student-created materials as the center of a lesson ts with a student-centered pedagogy (Dieu, Campbell, & Ammann, 2006). Self-authorship activities can increase interest and time on task, and they put students in a more active role in their own learning process (Kramsch, A’Ness, & Lam,2000; Nikolova, 2002).Students must take an active role in their learning. They cannot simply be handed knowledge from an expert because understanding is the result of a cre- ative process one must work through over time with other people (Bereiter, 2002). Learning
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Such use could instantiate the primary condition that research has shown to encourage L2 acquisition: timespent on meaningfully embedded interaction and negotiation with others
  • Students must take an active role in their learning. They cannot simply be handed knowledge from an expert because understanding is the result of a cre- ative process one must work through over time with other people (Bereiter, 2002). Learning and language develop through interaction with others, by means of in- ternalizing problem-solving patterns that are rst experienced in dialogue withothers (Vygotsky, 1978). SNSs therefore are a promising tool for FL education intheir capacity to be used by learners as L2 practice in a way similar to how they are used by the majority of young people in our society.
    • Marcie Pratt
      I did not mean to highlight so much. Can't find the "undo" highlight. I believe the paragraph starting with "If we can get our FL students..." is important because as FL teachers we are always working towards getting out students to speak in the target langauge and with as much authenticity as possible. By working with an SNS then they might be more apt to use their L2 skills in a more authentic way outside of the classroom as mentioned in the paragraph.
    • MariaEmicle Lopez
      Great comment! SNS are a way to help students connect class with the real world and someone besides peers and instructors. Interaction through SNS is practice in the target language with speakers of that language, helpful for when they study abroad, for when they graduate and find a job where they interact with Spanish speakers in the case of my students population. These kinds of interactions build on confidence and improvement of speaking skills.

Integrating Intercultural competence into language learning through technology - 2 views

  • in which technology can support teachers and learners as they seek to understand language through culture and culture through language
    • Claire I
      different definition from Byram's?
    from teaching culture to intercultural communication competence
    oh, well, highlight somehow did not stay when submitted... ;-(

Foreign Language Education Learning with Video Games and Authentic Web Media Tasks - 2 views

    Abstract: In recent years, a sharp increase in the number of academic studies around the use of video games and new media for educational purposes has greatly expanded our understanding of their potential for enhancing learning.
    Constantinos, this a great resource of information. Thank you for sharing! I haven't sit down to read it all, but skimming through it I found plenty of interesting information. I was always interested in using video games or educational games for language learning, but never took initiative in reading anything on the topic. In the beginning of "From "Authentic Materials" to "Live Materials" section, the author mentions that the culture should not be described to students, but rather facilitate a platform for them to actually participate in that culture. I see how we can do that through games, but is there any of you using other means to do it? Is it possible to do it through social networks or second language learning networks? If yes, how exactly? Any thoughts on this?

VoiceThread - Support - Resources - Publications Language Learning - 1 views

  • Abstract: Collaborative social interaction when using Web 2.0 in terms of VoiceThread is investigated in a case study of a Swedish university course in social psychology.
  • The results show that use of Web 2.0: a) supports students' reflections concerning their own and others' thoughts and emotions, b) supports individual students and integrates them into a work group, and c) develops students' identification and awareness in relation to self, a task and others.
  • Reflection is a core component of many outdoor education programs with many educators relying on journal writing as a means of facilitating reflection.
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  • We speculated that it might be worth trying to engage these students with "their technology," and in this paper we explore if and how Web 2.0 technologies can support student journal writing behaviours in outdoor education.
  • With the advent of Web 2.0 tools, additional language educators can extend their classrooms beyond the traditional brick-and-mortar walls to communicate with the world. One of the best ways to do so is to introduce VoiceThread into language lessons. In doing so, students can create conversations that extend across the classroom or across the globe.
  • This review takes a look at current digital storytelling protocols and strategies currently displayed through VoiceThread creations, as well as detailed strategies conducive for a powerful digital storytelling tool such as VoiceThread.
  • This article documents the curricular decisions made by a teacher educator research team whose guiding theoretical focus for intern practice is dialogic instruction. Over a 2-year sequence, teaching interns used video and Web 2.0 technologies to respond critically to and revise their teaching practices in collaboration with peers and instructors.
    I found this by chance just exploring around. If you check the SUPPORT section on the VoiceThread site, you will find a list of publications. They posted a collection of abstracts with links of scholarly articles written about using VoiceThread for language learning, K-12, higher education and professional development. I just skimmed through the lists, and some of the articles are accessible, while some are behind a password.

Using social media as a language learning tool | Teacher Network | The Guardian - 3 views

    This article is about England but has some good tips for beginning to engage students using social media. It also shows that other countries struggle with promoting the importance of FL learning too.
    This blog provides facts about the influence of new technology in society and it engages instructors to be updated and open to new ways of teaching. It also provides some examples on how we can engage our students to learn languages through the use of social media. Carlatech17

Modality of input and vocabulary acquisition - 4 views

  • This study examines the effect of input modality (video, audio, and captions, i.e., onscreen text in the same language as audio) on (a) the learning of written and aural word forms, (b) overall vocabulary gains, (c) attention to input, and (d) vocabulary learning strategies of beginning L2 learners.
  • Multimedia, that is, a combination of print, audio, and imagery, has been argued to enhance input by making it more comprehensible (Plass & Jones, 2005).
  • The use of multimedia is also advocated because (a) it allows for the provision of authentic input and thus exposure to target culture, (b) it motivates learners, and (c) it accounts for students’ different learning styles (Brinton, 2001).
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  • Research Questions
  • Participants
  • Procedures
  • Mate ria ls
  • 2 Instruments
  • The results suggest that for beginning learners with better reading than listening skills: (a) captions facilitate recognition of written word forms, while audio facilitates recognition of aural word forms; (b) more word meanings are learned when videos are shown with both audio and captions than with either audio or captions; (c) participants think they pay most attention to captions, then to video, then to audio, but they consider video to be the most helpful; some participants have difficulty attending to all three modalities; and (d) the meanings of some new words can be learned from very difficult authentic videos when the language is well-supported by visual images.
    • vivianfranco
      I chose this quote because these results suggest that multimedia sources are tools that can be useful to attend different students' learning styles (some students learn better through reading, others through listening, others through making connections with images). Besides, it provides evidence of the effect of media sources on language acquisition which is also linked to authentic material. This quote also presents the difficulties that media sources can generate in those students who are not used to manage information presented in diverse modalities at once.
    This article presents a research about the effects on integrating multimedia sources on second language vocabulary acquisition. The researchers exposed the language learners to different stimulus: video with audio and captions, video with audio, and video with captions and compare the results to analyze their effect on language acquisition.

Digital Stories in a Language Classroom: Engaging Students through a Meaningful Multimo... - 7 views

  • Digital Storytelling Assessment
    • Kimberly Jaeger
      Digital storytelling requires a different type of assessment. This section outlines 3 examples of digital storytelling assessment. 
    • ismaelfranqui
      I went to their website, and they offer interesting workshops.
    The why and how of using digital stories in language ed
  • ...1 more comment...
    I love this! Thank you. I'm even looking at the workshops offered by the Center of Digital Story Telling.
    Digital storytelling is so awesome! I got a chance to create a digital story through the Minnesota Writing Project Invitational Summer Institute and it was an awesome experience. I'd highly recommend looking into your local branch of the National Writing Project to see what resources or professional development are available.
    Definitely one of my passions as a teacher- helping students get to the point where they can tell their own stories.

Mix It Up! Authentic Activities for the World Language Classroom | Edutopia - 15 views

  • But true authenticity comes from the activities we use during class time, leaving an impact on the communicative skills of our students.
  • Use the language proficiency site developed by UTexas to gain access to native Spanish speakers talking about a variety of themes. These are conveniently divided into proficiency levels.
    • Shereen Elgamal
      I tried this activity by having each group research then report about an Arabic speaking country of their choice and the activity was a great success. They seemed to have had a lot of fun, presented short clear sentences (for the most part) that also provided factual and relevant material, and it opened the door for some spontaneous cultural themes and relevant dicussions.
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  • If we make activities genuine, our students will be much more inclined to participate, acquiring new knowledge through the process.
  • Make a fun interactive quiz using Kahoot!
  • ) Sign
    • amychang52
      Kahoot! is a good tool to create a quiz.
    • czuchnow
      I've used some of the videos from UTexas. Some of the novice level videos are still too difficult for my middle schoolers though! I have to give lot's of scaffolding and support.
    • ismaelfranqui
      These are great resources!
  • remember these rules when selecting activities: They must be authentic. They should always be engaging. Activities should be varied. They need to be focused around the unit theme. Perhaps most importantly, they should force students to use the target language.
    Authentic activities for the 3 modes of communication: interpretive, interpersonal, presentational. Great technology tools mentioned.
    Amazing resource! I love how this article offers ways to integrate technology through accessing each mode in several ways!
    It carries over well into the German classroom too!

Social Media as a Teaching Tool -- Campus Technology - 3 views

    I liked the idea about adding "conversation" to the book they were reading - through Twitter.

Curating the World of Educational Apps -- Campus Technology - 2 views

    Too many apps to sort through to find an educationally useful one?  Here's a database that is "a central resource to assist educators looking for mobile apps to facilitate the learning process" - the TBR dLearning Initiative.

Free Technology for Teachers: 5 Ways Students Can Create Audio Slideshows - 1 views

    • Isis Shawver
      There are some great resources in this article that I plan to explore!
    • MariaEmicle Lopez
      I will share these resources with my students for them to explore for their final presentation on work with Community.
  • Somewhere between a PowerPoint presentation and a full-fledged video is the audio slideshow.
  • To create an audio slideshow on Narrable start by uploading some pictures that you either want to talk about or have music played behind. After the pictures are uploaded you can record a narration for each picture through your computer's microphone or by calling into your Narrable's access phone number.
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  • UtellStory is a service for creating and sharing audio slideshows. To create and share your story through UtellStory you can upload pictures, add text captions, add audio narration to each slide, and upload a soundtrack to support your entire story.
  • a good tool for students to use to bridge the gap between slideshows and videos. Animoto makes it possible to quickly create a video using still images, music, and text. In the last year Animoto has added the option to include video clips in your videos too.
  • Hello Slide is a tool that you can use to add voice narration to slides that you display online.Hello Slide is different from services like Slideshare's Zipcast (which requires a paid subscription) because instead of recording your voice you type what you want the narrator to say.
  • is a handy service for recording video and or audio to accompany your slides.
  • Animoto's free service limits you to 30 second videos.
    I do audio slideshows as an end-of-semester project in my level 2 class, but I have only ever used PhotoStory. PhotoStory is loaded on our language lab computers so that students do not have to register or create any types of accounts. These resources seem to be just as easy, however

Online Course Evaluation Project (OCEP) - 0 views

    The goal of OCEP is to provide the academic community with a criteria-based evaluation tool to assess and compare the quality of online courses. The focus of the evaluation is on the presentation of the content and the pedagogical aspects of online courses, yet OCEP also considers the instructional and communication methods so vital in a successful online learning experience. Existing online courses are identified and measured against a set of objective evaluation categories. These criteria were developed through extensive research and review of instructional design guidelines from nationally recognized course developers, best practices from leading online consultants, and from numerous academic course evaluations.

Make screencasts interactive with eduCanon | Douchy's Blog - 2 views

  • Because eduCanon uses HTML5, rather than Flash, playback works great on an iPad, too.
    • klmcguinness
      This could be an advantage for Apple devices. Flash has occasional issues with Apple products.
    • srafuller
      That's good to know. My students have a mixed bag of devices, and several have Ipads.
  • The first time students watch a video, they are unable to skip through the video; they have to watch the whole thing from start to finish and attempt every question.
    • klmcguinness
      Love this feature. Like with reading, middle schoolers pick through material to find the answers. We can't glue them to their seats, but they never know where those questions will pop up and they can't look ahead to see what answers they need to find. Love that!
  • You paste in the URL of the video, then watch it play
    • klmcguinness
      According to another blog I was reading regarding licensing and sharing, if the "embed" function is operable the owner has endorsed (consciously or thru oversight?) sharing.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • The answers people choose in a public video are not collected by eduCanon.
    • klmcguinness
      Good to know to allay students' fears. Will they even think that their answers would be made public-probably not most MS students.
  • You can assign a video to the class, and then eduCanon collects data for you on your class’ completion of the task and their responses to your questions.
  • all of those features are 100% free

5.1 Dogoriti.pdf - 1 views

shared by rillia on 27 Jul 15 - No Cached
  • Twitter is used as an ongoing public channel of communication for academic and co-curricular discussions
  • English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
  • Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • The use of the Web2 can provide opportunities for collaboration, authentic communication in a discourse community and provide what Warschauer and Kern (2000) termedas networked-based language teaching. Some ofthe general benefits of using technology in ESP are the use of authentic tasks, tools, and context (Bremner, 2010; Evans, 2012).It provides interaction and communication among learners, uses collaborative learning, focuses on socio-
  • do not provide motivation, enthusiasm or personalization
  • earning management systems (LMSs)
  • ave generally been used as static sources of content with no social appeal like social networks, such as Facebook or YouTube
  • while also impeding general pedagogical support with their default settings and familiar features
  • social networking platforms have been acclaimed to provide learners social communication, autonomy,fluid online discussions, and identity management
  • ease interaction, e-discussions by focusing on the use of technology to support education
  • informal and relaxing atmosphere and make learning effective (Dalton, 2009). Social networking allows students and teachers to build a rapport and overcome inhibitions
  • Integrating social software with LMS aims at active participation, interaction and collaborationbetween the members of an academic community
  • Web 2.0 tools consist of blogs, microblogs, wikis, podcasts, virtual worlds and social networks
  • he benefits of using Web 2.0 in education are the new interaction styles between students and teachers, immediacy of information, access to authentic learning environments, content sharing, collaboration and enhancement of learning experience
  • a service offering language learning quizzes via Twitter hasbeen established (TwitterLearn, 2008)
    • rillia
      I couldn't locate this service in a search; I suppose it went defunct?
  • Twitter, Edmodo, and Ning
  • On the whole, the reasons language instructors may opt to choose Edmodo in class are that teachers and students connect, assignments, back channeling, a paperless learning environment, its backpack feature,the library feature, Apps, homework, badges, learning continues outside the classroom, assessments, interface, sharing, and its private and safe learning environment
  • the use of Twitter facilitated collaboration, communication and data exchange among students in real time.The role of the instructor is underscored as she/he acts as a mediator, supporting the content, organizing the activities, and clarifying the use of the educational tool
  • Facebook
  • Twitter has been studied in context with other social media and has proven to have a significant influence on academic activity
  • microblogging and inferred that it enhanced students’ achievement, motivation and participation in class.
  • Edudemic
    • rillia
      Check this out--appears to be a comprehensive site about the use of technology for educators and students.
  • Different platforms suit different sorts of interactions and appeal tostudents and educators in a diverse manner
  • From the Edmodo platform, two main features are utilized. First, the Edmodo forum is used for both teacher-to-student communication and student-to -student communication. The communication topics include subjects such as assignments, questions, announcements, etc. Second, the Edmodo Assignment Center is used for testing the students on each learning topic and easily collecting their answers
    • rillia
      Although we have an in-house LMS at Northwest, I created an Edmodo platform for my Intermediate Russian I course for the fall to see how it will work. I'll use it in conjunction with the in-house LMS, which may prove to be cumbersome. We'll see.
  • As far as the assessment of students’ performance goes, the conventional assessment through graded assignments is backed up by students’ social learning activities. Network buildingand self-regulated learning canbe indicative of students’ progress throughout the course.Ongoing assessment or formative assessmentstrategies(integration of performance and feedback and reflection) can facilitate learning and review students’ performance
  • The empirical evaluation of the research highlights the dominanceof intrinsic motivation(students’ intentionsto use Twitter/perceived enjoyment)over extrinsic motivation in explaining the adoption of social media in the class
  • n order to provide assessment, instructors could evaluate students’ learning progress by reviewing their reflections. Communication (teacher-student/student-student)throughout the learning processcan also providefeedback information that may aid assessment
  • nstructors could evaluate students’ learning progress by reviewing theirreflections on what they have gained through networked learning
  • References
    • rillia
      Excellent collection of reference materials on SNSs in foreign-language (and other) learning.

How to teach a young introvert | - 4 views

    • Alyssa Ruesch
      Apps to participate through electronic devices: Socrative, Kahoot, NearPod, TodaysMeet
    • Marlene Johnshoy
      Plickers might be interesting for quick multiple choice responses.
  • giving them opportunities to contribute to a class blog or something where their classmates will get to see their hearts and minds in this other forum. I think that really opens things up.
  • But Cain particularly feels for one group of introverts: the quiet kids in a classroom.
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  • Our most important institutions, like schools and workplaces, are designed for extroverts,
  • why is it that kids who prefer to go off by themselves or to work alone are seen as outliers?
  • How about the very definition of “class participation?”
  • how best to cultivate the talent of those students.
  • a student who has one or two or three friends, and prefers to go deep with their friendships instead of being one of a big gang, there’s nothing wrong with that at all, in terms of it being a predictor for adulthood.
  • If the kid is perfectly happy the way they are, they need to get the message that the way they are is cool.
  • make sure to build quiet time into the school day, especially when kids are younger. Have 15 minutes set aside every day where the students just read.
  • maximize choice.
  • less group work in general.
  • do more work in pairs, which is a way that both introverts and extroverts can thrive.
  • challenge teachers to rethink what they mean by class participation and start thinking of it as classroom engagement instead.
  • account the research of Anders Ericsson, who invented the concept of “deliberate practice.”
  • tools that allow students to participate through their electronic devices as opposed to raising their hand.
  • Apps that allow students to contribute to class discussions, sometimes anonymously and sometimes not.
    • Diane Nordin
      I agree this statement of "Number one would be to make sure to build quiet time into the school day, especially when kids are younger. Have 15 minutes set aside every day where the students just read." Question: As a classroom teacher, I am with my students 42 minutes per day, how can I take almost half of this time for reading? Shouldn't this issue be addressed as a whole school wide??
    • Alyssa Ruesch
      I agree with you Diane - that would be way too much time for reading in just your class. In some classes, I do a 5 - 10 minute "free-writing" exercise that is individual. It seems like you'd need to scale the time so that it's appropriate for your class. 
  • A lot of students who might be reticent at first will feel emboldened by having first discussed it with a partner.
    • Diane Nordin
  • Small-scale socializing. Socializing in pairs and small groups.
    • Diane Nordin
      My groups are mostly formed in 3 to 4 students, so it is easier to form a think-pair-share and compare best answer for their group.
  • e introverts of the world. In th
    Wow, just imagine how much calmer the world could be if classrooms were set up to allow for multiple temperaments as well as learning styles?! Also, the think-pair-share concept is fantastic; I've been using the "alone-paired-large group" sequence for language learners in groups since I got my CELTA certification and it's been hugely successful. Nobody wants to be wrong in public, and when learners have a chance to discuss it with a partner first, they are more likely to share their ideas.

Twitter / People who follow CLAelsie - 1 views

    Nice blog post about different ways for teachers to share resources and develop a PLN (personal learning network) through social-networking.

Conference recap - CALICO - 0 views

    I am amazed that they put all of this up online!  80+ presentations that have been recorded in a variety of ways, from the 2011 conference.  Take a browse through - there is bound to be something you're interested in finding out something more about.

31 Interesting Ways to Use Wallwisher in the Cl... - "Google Docs" - 0 views

    For those of you testing out WallWisher - these aren't language specific, but if you think about content through language, some fun ideas!
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