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Leslie Camacho

Health Jobs|Health-Care Jobs|Medical Jobs|Nursing Jobs|Nurse Jobs|Physician Jobs|Search... - 0 views

    Job search engine for health care field.

19 Most Unhealthiest Jobs in The World - 0 views

    Making a career choice is considered as one the most important decision in the world, but the question to be asked is, will your career choice lead you into a healthy job or will you risk your health. We all are well versed with the phrase that "Health is Wealth" but today the world we live in understands only one language - MONEY! In this run for money, many people are often forced to risk their lives either by choice or by necessity.
Leslie Camacho

Some details on proposed Obama budget for higher ed 2013 | Inside Higher Ed - 1 views

    " Preview: Obama's 2013 Budget February 13, 2012 - 3:00am By Libby A. Nelson WASHINGTON -- President Obama today will propose spending $8 billion on job training programs at community colleges over the next three years, part of a budget for the 2013 fiscal year that also would increase spending on Education Department programs and some scientific research. The president will outline the job-training proposal in more detail in a speech at Northern Virginia Community College this morning. But unlike past calls to spend more on community colleges, this plan is aimed squarely at an election-year message of "jobs, jobs, jobs" rather than the administration's goal of increasing the number of Americans with college degrees. The proposal, as outlined by Education Department officials Sunday evening, builds on job training programs already in existence -- especially the Trade Act Assistance Community College Career Training Program, which began making grants to community colleges in September. If approved by Congress, the president's proposal would provide $1.3 billion each per year to the Education and Labor Departments, on top of the trade act grants. While it's unclear whether the money would create new federal programs or build up existing ones, the funds would be spent at community colleges that train workers for jobs in high-demand fields, according to materials released by the Education Department. Programs that are especially successful at finding jobs for their graduates, or at placing those who traditionally have difficulty finding work, would be eligible for additional money. The grants would also be used to encourage partnerships between businesses, states, local governments and community colleges, and to create an online course to encourage entrepreneurs. The money would also support paid internships for low-income college students. But the plan would shut out for-profit colleges, which would not be eligible for the additional funds -- a move alm
Leslie Camacho

A Résumé to Help a Marketing Ex Enter Health Care - - 0 views

    "In this installment of The Résumé Doctor, three experts critique the résumé of a candidate trying to make the jump from consumer marketing to health-care marketing. She has held numerous marketing positions and works part-time in private practice as a dietitian. "
Leslie Camacho

Preparing for the Worst - - 0 views

    Writing a will in your 20s might seem premature. But even young workers with meager assets should consider preparing a will and other legal documents -- such as a health-care directive and durable power of attorney -- to make sure their personal, financial and medical wishes are met if they become disabled or pass away.
Leslie Camacho

Five Questions to Ask a Résumé Writer - - 0 views

    "Weeks after Rosalyn Ray was laid off from her job as a medical health clerk last year, she decided to hire someone to revamp her résumé. "
Leslie Camacho

Better Education Shields Women From Worst of Job Cuts - - 0 views

    "Women were earning about 166 associates degrees and 135 bachelor's degrees for every 100 earned by men in 2007, according to the U.S. Department of Education. Perhaps as a result, more women were employed in teaching, government and health care, sectors that held up better in the recession. The construction and manufacturing sectors, which often require less schooling, have shed millions of jobs in the last few years. "
Leslie Camacho

"Happiness Coaching" Comes to the Workplace - - 1 views

    "Like many workers, Ivelisse Rivera, a physician at Community Health Center, Middletown, Conn., feels stressed-out by mounting workloads. And she didn't expect to get much help during her employer's annual staff meeting last November-just the usual speeches on medical issues."
Leslie Camacho

Women Doctors Face $17,000 Pay Gap - The Juggle - WSJ - 0 views

    "Starting salaries of new physicians reveal a growing gender gap. Newly-trained women doctors are being paid significantly lower salaries -about $17,000 less - than their male counterparts, found a new study published in the February issue of Health Affairs."
Leslie Camacho

When Family Mental Illness Unbalances - The Juggle - WSJ - 0 views

    "Taking time off work when your kid gets the flu or chicken pox is usually a routine matter. But how do you explain your time-off needs if your teen - or spouse or partner -becomes too depressed to get out of bed, or your child becomes too anxious to go to school? Helping out a troubled loved one in such cases poses a dilemma, because the stigma placed on mental illness forces most people to keep it a secret. Yet a new survey shows people are taking off a surprisingly large amount of work time for this purpose. Some 41% of working adults took from four to nine days off work in the past year to deal with a mental-health issue of their own, or of a friend, family member or co-worker, says a recent survey of 669 working adults by Workplace Options."
Leslie Camacho

It Will Be Years Before Lost Jobs Return -- and Many Never Will - - 0 views

    The U.S. has shed 7.2 million jobs since the recession began in December 2007. How long will it take for the economy to replace them? And where will the jobs come from? The questions haunt people from the unemployed in San Francisco to officials in Washington. Glenn Atias lost his job as a $100,000-a-year statistician at a market-research firm in the Bay Area last summer when the work was outsourced to India. At 46 years old, he pores over job ads and online postings daily. "I'm stuck watching hundreds of thousands of people in my position grow in ranks each and every month," said Mr. Atias, who lives in Salton City, Calif., in a house worth less than the mortgage. When unemployment benefits run out, he said, "I literally don't know how I'll pay my mortgage, how I'll pay my health care."
Leslie Camacho

New York State Department of Labor - An Organized Homepage - 1 views

    New York State's Labor Department vigorously enforces state labor laws to provide a level playing field for law-abiding employers. We work aggressively to ensure a fair wage for all workers and protect the safety and health of workers and the public. We assist the unemployed by providing temporary financial assistance, connect job seekers with employers, and build a workforce that helps New York's businesses compete in today's global economy.
Leslie Camacho

If You Never Leave Your Network You Never Have To "Comeback"--NCDA - 0 views

    Our careers and our lives are constantly changing. With so many twists and turns it is almost guaranteed that our career plans will not be stagnant. There are many different types of individuals who are moving in/out of a traditional career. Recently the term "comeback parent" has been coined for the parent who has left a paid position outside the home to raise a family, and is now returning to paid external employment. Another example is the graduate student who alternates full time employment with full or part time education. Some leave to take care of an aging relative, start a private practice or a business, attend to personal health issues, or even work part-time from home. While juggling various roles in life, it is important to manage our careers even if it is not currently the highest priority. Networking is an important way to effectively and efficiently tend to your career at all times.
Leslie Camacho

The Search for the Next Perk - The Future of Work - TIME - 0 views

    Was it a mirage? Not just our formerly fat 401(k)s but also the whole idea of a comfortable work life followed by an evergreen retirement, replete with health coverage, perks aplenty and - oh, yes - pension checks as far as the eye could see.
Leslie Camacho

Tips on Learning Office Etiquette - - 0 views

    Q: I worked in the health-care industry for 15 years as a geriatric nursing assistant, but I recently decided that my career wasn't paying the bills and went back to school for a B.A. in organizational management and communication. The problem is, I have never worked in an office setting and I'm not sure how to go about learning etiquette, how to speak appropriately, etc. I thought that once I got a degree, everything would be self-explanatory, but it really isn't. Can you help?
Leslie Camacho

Definition of "Counseling" - 0 views

    ""Counseling is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education and career goals." "

SAS Clinical Programmer Jobs in USA - 0 views

Find health care jobs as clinical SAS programmer jobs, data manager jobs, bio statistician jobs, statistical programmer & clinical statistician jobs in faster way at Follow this link ...

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started by jobants1 on 09 Aug 14 no follow-up yet

SAS Clinical Programmer Jobs in USA - 0 views

    Find health care jobs as clinical SAS programmer jobs, data manager jobs, bio statistician jobs, statistical programmer & clinical statistician jobs in faster way at Follow this link to view more details:-

8 Reasons Why Coffee Is Good for You - 0 views

    "8 Reasons Why Coffee Is Good for You"
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