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Leslie Camacho

Common Craft - Our Product is Explanation - 0 views

    About Common Craft - Who We Are (And What We Do) We Make Videos Our videos may surprise you. They're short and simple. They use paper cut-outs. They cover subjects "in Plain English." But lurking under the simple surface are lessons that have been crafted with great care. Despite our fun and lighthearted style, we take explanation seriously. "We" Who? Common Craft is a small company owned by Lee and Sachi LeFever in Seattle, Washington, USA. The company was founded by Lee in 2003 as an online community consulting company. We started making videos in 2007 with our first video: RSS in Plain English. Since then, we've published two kinds of videos: 1.Educational Videos - Videos we create to sell on this website (our current focus) 2.Custom Videos - Videos we were hired to create by companies like Google, Ford and LinkedIn. Combined, we've created over 30 videos that have been viewed over 10 million times online. Our current focus is building a library of educational videos that help educators save time. If you're in need of a custom video, please contact us or visit our Explainer Network to find talented producers.
Go Jobio

Behind-The-Scenes of the GoJobio Launch Video - 0 views

    Here's a behind-the-scenes look at the GoJobio launch video! GoJobio is re-inventing how you hire, recruit or find your next job. JOBSEEKERS: Take control! Stop feeling like your resume is getting lost in the shuffle. Use our video pitch technology to show your true character and creativity. EMPLOYERS: Get to know who you hire! Along with resumes, watch 60-second video pitches directed to your specific job opening to learn more about your candidates personality and skills. For More information, visit
Leslie Camacho

Job Search Videos - - 0 views

    View numerous job search videos posted and created by the WSJ.
Go Jobio

GoJobio to help find you a job - 0 views

    If you would like for GoJobio to help find you a job, you can inbox me a 1 minute video pitch stating why you would be ideal for the position you would like to work in and what makes you stand out from anyone with similar qualifications. We will upload your video as soon as launches and do our very best to get you hired!
Go Jobio

Wordpress Developer - 0 views

    Earn up to $45 / hour. TO APPLY for this job please click the link below and sign up for GoJobio. Before completing the SIGN UP PROCESS, you will be asked to record a 60-second video introduction which you can record and re-record on GoJobio's platform until you feel your introduction is perfect! After you complete the SIGN UP PROCESS go to the job post for Simplitial LLC or click the link below and simply click APPLY, that simple! We want to get a feel for each candidate so don't overthink your video introduction and be yourself. Good luck!
Leslie Camacho

Video - Less Than One-Third of Americans Believe Online College Courses Provide Same Va... - 0 views

    Skepticism Over Online College Courses 8/29/2011 1:15:10 PM Fewer than one-third of Americans believe that online college courses provide value equal to classroom instruction, but half of college presidents disagree. Kevin Helliker has details on Lunch Break.
Leslie Camacho

Video Interviews On the Rise For Job Candidates Seeking Positions From Entry-Level to M... - 0 views

    Job candidates get good at smiling into the webcam as interviews via video become increasingly common.
Go Jobio

10410681_1517306385191301_1162582139141914655_n - 0 views

shared by Go Jobio on 18 Dec 14 - No Cached
    Welcome to If you are wanting to have your own video resume, we are here to help you with it. We are so soon to open. Stay tune!!!
Go Jobio

Employers, and Job Seekers - 0 views

shared by Go Jobio on 11 Dec 14 - No Cached
    Recruiters, Employers, and Job Seekers let our 60 second video pitches help you land a new employee or your dream job! GoJobio Launching Soon!
Go Jobio

Welcome To GoJobio - Company Preview - YouTube - 0 views

    EMPLOYERS - Our service is free so create your accounts and start posting your job openings! JOB SEEKERS - Job openings will be posted to our platform as this bad boy gains momentum, So Sign Up Now! Upload your resume and record or upload a 60-second video introduction from any stationary or mobile device. Good Luck and remember… ---------------------First Impressions Make All The Difference!-------------- For more information, visit
Leslie Camacho

Management Strategies for a Virtual Career Services Program - 0 views

    "In 2003, Career Development Alliance (CDA) was challenged to provide quality career services to the diverse, geographically dispersed workforce of the Transportation Security Agency (TSA)-and to do so on-demand and at a reasonable cost. We met this challenge by designing a dynamic system of telephone and Internet services provided by over 30 career counselors across the U.S., supported by a state-of-the-art website, streaming video, podcasts-tech tools. At the seven-year mark, we have provided career counseling, training, and executive and management coaching to thousands of clients and have worked within budget while garnering consistently strong feedback."
Leslie Camacho

Career Explorations (10) - 2 views

    Netvibes Career Explorations: Get RSS feeds, videos, and podcasts on career development issues. Information is organized by topic, field, and feed types. Enjoy!
Leslie Camacho

What Will Be the Hot Jobs of 2018? - - 1 views

    "Kelley McDonald has always loved exploring new terrain. In home videos as early as age 3, "I'm always off by myself, looking under rocks or catching and studying bees," she says. Today, at 18, the Apple Valley, Minn., college student is studying for a science career in the fast-growing field of nanotechnology-working with materials at the molecular or atomic level. That makes her one of the lucky ones-a young adult whose career passion is in sync with one of the hot jobs of the near future."
Leslie Camacho

The National Career Development Association - 0 views

    "In 2003, Career Development Alliance (CDA) was challenged to provide quality career services to the diverse, geographically dispersed workforce of the Transportation Security Agency (TSA)-and to do so on-demand and at a reasonable cost. We met this challenge by designing a dynamic system of telephone and Internet services provided by over 30 career counselors across the U.S., supported by a state-of-the-art website, streaming video, podcasts-tech tools. At the seven-year mark, we have provided career counseling, training, and executive and management coaching to thousands of clients and have worked within budget while garnering consistently strong feedback."
Leslie Camacho

Career Management, Career Changes, Executive Development - Wall Street Journal - - 0 views

    Videos, articles, advice, and trends regading to the job market and employment
Leslie Camacho

Japanese Anime Fan Turns His Passion Into a Career - - 0 views

    Adam Sheehan has what Japanese animation fans might consider a dream job. As a senior events manager for Funimation Entertainment, a producer of shows like "Dragon Ball Z" and "Soul Eater," he sets up video screenings, autograph signings and other activities at about 20 anime conventions a year. But Mr. Sheehan, 32, says launching a career tied to a special interest typically requires more than deep-seated passion. Education, pro-bono experience and networking is also essential. Edited interview excerpts follow.
Leslie Camacho

CareerTV - 0 views

  • is a global Internet and social media company specializing in streaming employer branding and career videos across the web. Our audience is students and young professionals from all over the world researching and planning their careers. The companies we profile are the most sought-after employers in the world. Founded in 2006, CareerTV is a privately held company with presence in San Francisco, San Diego, Philadelphia, Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki, London, Paris, Cologne and Hong Kong.
Go Jobio

GoJobio Video Resume Sample - French Instructor - YouTube - 0 views

    Job Title - French Instructor Job Type - Contract What would you like the applicant to touch on in their 60-second pitch? 1. Is french you native language? 2. Do you have a any formal background in teaching? 3. Are you currently employed? If not, how flexible are you to work? 4. Say your farewell in french please! For more information, visit
Go Jobio

Don't Use a Generic Resume for Every Job - 0 views

    The Job Search is hard enough as it is. Don't make it harder on yourself. You are NOT saving time by using the same resume for every job you apply to. Each resume should correspond with each position you are applying for. Some positions might require different skills than others. Match the skills you have with the skills each job requires. Know each company you are applying for as well. Make sure each resume corresponds with the company that will be receiving the resume. OR ditch the paper resume and create a video resume!SHOW your interpersonal skills, tech ability, and winning personality instead of writing it on a resume and hoping employers believe you. Check out for more info!
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