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Go Jobio

Don't Discuss Irrelevant Job Experiencesand Achievements - 0 views

    Employers at big corporations don't care if you dressed as Donald Duck in Disneyland for extra cash to pay off your tuition while going to college. You'd be better off saving that information for a fun conversation at your next company lunch meeting. However if you were the executive manager at a retail store, and are applying for a sales position, you can illustrate the people, organizational, and leadership skills that you acquired in your previous position.
Go Jobio

How to Quit Your Job - 0 views

shared by Go Jobio on 18 Dec 14 - No Cached
    You have decided. It's time. New adventures are ahead! But in order to head off into your new journey, you have to finish the one you're on! It can be scary. It can be nerve-wrecking. How will your boss react? How will your co-workers respond? What will your friends and family say? What will they think? Are you making a big mistake?! Stop right there. This isn't about your friends and family. This is about YOU! So if you've made that decision, and the time is now, don't worry about what anyone else thinks. You're the only one living your life and you don't need approval to change it! Here are a few tips on how to quit your job graciously:
Go Jobio

Don't Be Casual - 0 views

    Emergencies happen. Sure. You can't control the accidents on I-5 freeway, or the bus drivers showing up late. But you can definitely be prepared. Commute to the site of your interview before the day of your interview. See how long it takes to get there. On the day of your interview, give yourself enough time to be there early, even IF unexpected circumstances arise. With all that said, if you are still running late, CALL the interviewer! It's common courtesy. And there is almost a zero-percent chance of getting called back if you are late AND don't call to let them know.
Go Jobio

World's 100 Most In-Demand Employers - Business Insider - 0 views

    Google, Apple, and Facebook are known for offering attractive perks, great pay, and excellent workplace cultures - so it's no surprise that they're also three of the world's most sought-after places to work right now.
Go Jobio

Point #5 is key and GOJOBIO is your tool! - 0 views

    Here are five tips to help you market yourself, build your network, and get that job interview. We want to share 5 points to market yourself. By following the steps you can probably get the desire of your heart. God Bless you!
Go Jobio

Want to QUIT your job? - 0 views

    Want to QUIT your job? Here's some tips, READ UP, and make sure to use GOJOBIO when looking for your next position!!!! 1) Decide Departure Date 2) Meet with Your Boss 3) Be Thorough 4) Finish Well
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