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Using Reading Prompts to Encourage Critical Thinking | Faculty Focus - 0 views

    Encouraging critical reflection while reading with appropriate prompts...

Critical pedagogy: schools must equip students to challenge the status quo | Teacher Ne... - 0 views

  • The pedagogy popularised by E.D.Hirsch, and recently promoted by the likes of Civitas, reduces teaching into nothing more than a bleak transmission model of learning.
  • "cultural literacy".
  • But Hirsch's "cultural literacy" is a hegemonic vision produced for and by the white middle class to help maintain the social and economic status quo.
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  • Young people who enter the educational system and don't conform to this vision are immediately disadvantaged by virtue of their race, income or chromosomes.
  • Moreover, teaching a prescribed "core knowledge" instills a culture of conformity and an insipid, passive absorption of carefully selected knowledge among young people.
  • The narcissistic notion that we can help underprivileged students by providing them with teachers who are privileged young graduates from elite institutions is a mistake.
  • Teachers can't ignore the contexts, culture, histories and meanings that students bring to their school.
  • Working class students and other minority groups need an education that prepares them with the knowledge of identifying the problems and conflicts in their life and the skills to act on that knowledge so they can improve their current situations.
  • School leaders have a duty to promote learning that encourage students to question rather than forcing teachers to lead drill-oriented, stimulus-and-response methodologies.
  • Students need the freedom and encouragement to determine and discover who they are and to understand that the system shouldn't define them – but rather give them the skills, knowledge and beliefs to understand that they can set the agenda.
  • The philosophy was first described by Paulo Freire and has since been developed by the likes of Henry Giroux, Peter McLaren and Roger Simon. Critical pedagogy isn't a prescriptive set of practices – it's a continuous moral project that enables young people to develop a social awareness of freedom. This pedagogy connects classroom learning with the experiences, histories and resources that every student brings to their school. It allows students to understand that with knowledge comes power; the power that can enable young people to do something differently in their moment in time and take positive and constructive action.
    This article is an opinion piece about why critical pedagogy is important to teach to students. What do you think the best way to support your underprivileged students is?

Paulo Freire: the pioneer of critical pedagogy | MNP Blog : Maths - No Problem! - 0 views

  • Paulo Freire (1921–1997) was a champion of what’s known today as critical pedagogy: the belief that teaching should challenge learners to examine power structures and patterns of inequality within the status quo.
  • Remember that teachers and children are both learners:
  • Develop their critical literacy
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  • Use first names in your school
  • opening your own eyes to the injustices around us
  • When you start to notice how one dominant group in society may be imposing a culture or worldview on everyone else, you can begin to resist it.
  • Encourage active enquiry and curiosity-lead participation:
  • Admit that the teacher doesn’t know everything
  • Give choice
  • Make project work research-oriented
  • Think carefully about texts, clips, and other resources you use
  • Introduce the vocabulary of critical literacy

Exploring Gender Stereotypes in Stories | Learning for Justice - 1 views

  • Explain to students that they are going to write a profile of a character who stands up against gender stereotypes. Provide students with the appropriate graphic organizers and have them work independently to begin developing their characters.
    • angieharris
      This demonstrates 7I - "support and expand learner expression in speaking, writing, and other media" because students are writing a profile of a character who stands up against gender stereotypes, it expands their learning through critical thinking in developing a character with this in mind.
  • As you read, stop to elicit student responses to the question: What personality traits and behaviors show us that this character rejects gender stereotypes? Chart student responses. When you are finished reading, help students look back over the list they have come up with. Ask how it feels to read about a character who stands up to so many gender stereotypes.
    • angieharris
      This demonstrates 4E - "understand how a student's learning is influenced by individual experiences, talents, and prior learning, as well as language, culture, family, and community values" because students would have prior knowledge in how they think of gender roles through their family/cultural experiences. This could be through toys they have been bought (dolls/toy cars), family roles within the household (who cooks/who does yard work), the clothes they wear, etc.
  • Come together to allow students to share observations. Ask students how they think children’s book authors might contribute to the construction of gender, and challenge students to question whether this is fair.
    • angieharris
      This demonstrates 3G - "use a student's thinking and experiences as a resource in planning instructional activities by encouraging discussion, listening and responding to group interaction, and eliciting oral, written, and other samples of student thinking" because students work with a partner to observe what they see in picture books about gender stereotypes and then they come together as a group to share ideas with each other about what they discovered. Students are then asked to think about if the construction of gender is fair. The group interaction helps them learn from each other.

Examples of Critical Pedagogy | K12 Academics - 1 views

    • jessiwattenhofer
      I usually need to see some sort of examples to connect new learning to experiences I have had. While others are showing great information, I thought I would add some examples to relate to. My question would be: Are there any other songs, movies, books or quotes you could think of that would be examples of Critical Pedagogy? How about historical events?

Propaganda Critic: Introduction > Why think about propaganda? - 0 views

    A wealth of resources and examples of propogada across history.

The Fischbowl: Transparent Algebra: Homework - 0 views

    What do you think of this homework policy idea? I've often thought that soon we will be able to assign movies as homework and just have students watch a 2 hour movie at home and then process it in school rather than using critical time with them for the viewing part. I know that seems far away for some areas, but in the metro area I think we are getting close.
    It goes back to that 1 out of 100 video. So many people do not have technology whenever they like. It makes me nervous that the more we phase out traditional, and include technological, the wider the learning gap might become? Also, I'm not sure how parents would feel about their children being on the computer or TV at night after school for a 'school' related project. Whether parents capitalize on evening hours or not, that might be the only little bit of time students have to interact with their parents during the day, I wouldn't want to take that away.

Paradigms Restrained: Implications of New and Emerging Technologies for Learning and Co... - 1 views

  • Instructional technology seeks to disprove the idea that "great teachers are born, not made."
  • "Students today can't prepare bark to calculate their problems. They depend on slates, which are more expensive. What will they do when the slate is dropped and it breaks? They will be unable to write." From a Teachers Conference, 1703. "Students today depend on paper too much. They don't know how to write on a slate without getting chalk dust all over themselves. They can't clean a slate properly. What will they do when they run out of paper?" From a principal's publication, 1815. "Students today depend too much on ink. They don't know how to use a pen knife to sharpen a pencil. Pen and ink will never replace the pencil." From the National Association of Teachers Journal, 1907. "Students today depend on store-bought ink. They don't know how to make their own. When they run out of ink they will be unable to write words or cipher until their next trip to the settlement. This is a sad commentary on modern education." From The Rural American Teacher, 1928. "Students depend on these expensive fountain pens. They can no longer write with a straight pen and nib. We parents must not allow them to wallow in such luxury to the detriment of how to cope in the business world, which is not so extravagant." From the Parent Teachers Association Gazette, 1941. "Ballpoint pens will be the ruin of education in our country. Students use these devices and then throw them away. The American values of thrift and frugality are being discarded. Business and banks will never allow such expensive luxuries." From Federal Teachers, 1950.
  • What this suggests is that all technologies, be they things that plug in or advances in thought, have various affordances that make them at times useful and at times not useful. The trick is to figure out what makes them useful in what situations in order to leverage their strengths and avoid their weaknesses.
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  • Organizational instructional strategies are those decisions the instructional designer makes when designing learning activities. The most important of these decisions is how the designer will assist learners to process new information and to process at a deeper level, producing meaningful learning, whether or not a teacher is presen
  • The choice of strategy is based on the designer's belief in the independent existence of knowledge: does it exist without the learner? Which epistemological approach to learning a designer espouses will have great impact on the organizational instructional strategy selected for use.
  • The goal of learning from the objectivist perspective is to communicate or transfer complete and correct understanding to the learner in the most efficient and effective way possible
  • In simple terms, objectivism holds that learners are the passive receivers of knowledge.
  • Cognitivism requires that learners devise methods for learning content.
  • Cognitivism recognizes that most people must develop a method of processing information to integrate it into their own mental models. The most recognizable mechanism in cognitive theory may be the definition of short term and long-term memory, and the need then to devise learner-appropriate methods of moving information from short-term memory to long-term memory. Learners must develop methods to learn how to learn. Consequently, interest in critical thinking skills has become fashionable in education. In terms of what this means for learning, it may be said that the truths are absolute in terms of what people are supposed to learn, but that we provide them latitude in how they arrive at those truths.
  • Constructivism, described by von Glaserfeld (1977) as an alternate theory of knowing, is the belief that knowledge is personally constructed from internal representations by individuals who use their experiences as a foundation (
  • he major differences between objectivism and constructivism involve beliefs about the nature of knowledge and how one acquires it. Objectivists view knowledge as an absolute truth; constructivists are open to different interpretations depending on who is interpreting. Objectivists believe learning involves gaining the answer; constructivists believe that because there are many perspectives, a correct answer is a limiting factor in learning. Constructivists say learning should focus on understanding and it may involve seeing multiple perspectives.
  • Transfer of inert knowledge from one context to another unfamiliar context (i.e. the real world) is difficult and unlikely.
  • nchored instruction is simply the idea that learning should be centered on problems.
  • Cognitive-flexibility theory is centered on "the ability to spontaneously restructure one's knowledge, in many ways, in adaptive response to radically changing situational demands . . .
  • The idea is to allow students to criss-cross the landscape of a content area so that they might have a rich mental model of the domain. The trick is to determine how much complexity a given group of learners is capable of handling without becoming lost or discouraged. A series of scenarios escalating in complexity can usually accommodate most learners.
  • Kurzweil (1999) says there is exponential growth in the rate of exponential growth; examining the speed and density of computation beginning with the first mechanical computers and not just the transistors that Moore used, he concluded that this doubling now occurs every year. He notes that "if the automobile industry had made as much progress [as the computing industry] in the past fifty years, a car today would cost a hundredth of a cent and go faster than the speed of light" (Kurzweil 1999, 25).
  • Already today it is becoming archaic and superfluous to teach facts. Instead, education needs to focus on ways of thinking. In particular, students will need to be able to recognize a problem, determine what information might be needed to solve a problem, find the information required, evaluate the information found, synthesize that information into a solution for the problem, apply the solution to the problem, and evaluate the results of that application
  • By the year 2099 there will no longer be any clear distinction between humans and computers.
    This artcle really struck me in terms of the descriptions of instructional design and the way they influence the type of learning that happens. Much social studies instruction, it seems to me, produces "inert knowledge" which is why most of us can't remember it later. Consider the descriptions I've highlighted of anchored instruction for an alternative approach.

Summary Objective 16 | Learning for Justice - 1 views

    • mrsremick4
      This is a great resource for incorporating critical pedagogy theory into your classroom. Would you include lessons like this into your coursework in addition to your current curriculum? Why or why not?
    • crispinfletcher
      I strongly believe that lessons like these can and will provide great thinking and questioning of the status quo. Getting students to stand up for what they are learning is huge and lessons like what are listed here can really help students think deep about what they know and are learning.

Benefits of Diversity in Schools | Queens University Online - 0 views

  • While many individuals may immediately think of race when speaking about diversity, there are numerous aspects that actually play into diversity, especially in a classroom setting. Religion, gender, economic background and even learning styles are all notable factors, and it is crucial to remember each one when promoting diversity in schools. Incorporating lesson plans that account for all forms of diversity is key.
  • A recent study in the journal “Child Development” illustrated that students feel safer in school and in life when they are educated in a diverse setting. Students are able to learn about different cultures and backgrounds, allowing them to feel a greater sense of comfort with these differences. That in turn makes them more comfortable with themselves, leading to a deeper sense of safety.
  • Promoting diversity in schools is more than just encouraging students of different backgrounds to attend certain schools. It requires administrators to think critically about the ways diversity impacts education. A school administration degree readies graduates for promoting and teaching diversity as a means of accepting it. Educators and administrative leaders can help students better understand that while everyone is different, in the most fundamental ways, everyone is the same and should be treated with respect. This will go far in helping students accept diversity and promote it in their daily lives.

Gifted Program Curriculum, Goals and Objectives | Paradise Valley Unified School District - 0 views

  • Promote critical thinking and reasoning abilities. Develop and expand thinking skills. Utilize differentiated strategies for learning. Build or extend cognitive language skills. Facilitate opportunities for learning.

Mass Incarceration and Criminal Justice in America : The New Yorker - 2 views

  • The more professionalized and procedural a system is, the more insulated we become from its real effects on real people.
    This article doesn't "fit" our theme this semester, but seems worthy of our discussion. It is long. I think it worth trying to read carefully.

SeekingTruth.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 1 views

    Thanks Wendy!

PBS - Digital Nation - 0 views

    This is a great resource to check out concerning how digital native students learn and some awesome ideas and examples of what is being done to incorporate technology in the classroom but also teach 'critical' thinking and 'life skills'

literacytooluses / FrontPage - 0 views

    Dr. Beach is a literacy expert. He has some useful resources here for connecting literacy across the curriculum.

Geography | The Australian Curriculum - 0 views

    Australian Social Science content standards and curriculum outlined. Compared to MN Standards is much broader categories of understanding and way fewer standards to meet in any grade.
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