Abbreviating "PR" truncates the value of our role in one of the greatest transformations the communications industry has ever witnessed.
PR 2.0: The State of PR, Marketing, and Communications: You are the Future - 0 views
Brian Solis: "Abbreviating "PR" truncates the value of our role in one of the greatest transformations the communications industry has ever witnessed." I fully agree. Almost all PR people forgot that "P" stands for "Public" and "R" stands for "Relations". Dear Public Relations people and communicators: Stand up and fight for "Relations"! Work on relations, be related to the people who are interested in your business - or even those who even are not. Don't speak or talk to: communicate. Start with looking in the mirror :-) But why should Public Relations business innovate more intense and often than other businesses? When it works it works ...
Calculate the ROI of Social Media - Brian Solis - 0 views
Calculate the ROI of Social Media - Brian Solis - 0 views
5 Ways Strategic Social Media Can Help Small Businesses - Brian Solis - 0 views
The Rules of Social Media Engagement Brian Solis - 0 views
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