PR 2.0: The State of PR, Marketing, and Communications: You are the Future - 0 views
Abbreviating "PR" truncates the value of our role in one of the greatest transformations the communications industry has ever witnessed.
Frank Hamm on 11 Jun 09I fully agree. Almost all PR people forgot that "P" stands for "Public" and "R" stands for "Relations"
Brian Solis: "Abbreviating "PR" truncates the value of our role in one of the greatest transformations the communications industry has ever witnessed." I fully agree. Almost all PR people forgot that "P" stands for "Public" and "R" stands for "Relations". Dear Public Relations people and communicators: Stand up and fight for "Relations"! Work on relations, be related to the people who are interested in your business - or even those who even are not. Don't speak or talk to: communicate. Start with looking in the mirror :-) But why should Public Relations business innovate more intense and often than other businesses? When it works it works ...