Blended Learning Theory and Design Principles | Teaching and Learning Excellence - 5 views
Karen Haines on 18 Mar 15Looks at learning theories and how they relate to design for online learning - behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism Also liked the section on deeper learning principles
Carmen Bou-Crick on 18 Mar 15This link provided clear and organized information that we can use to organize the content and types of our course activities. It added another layer of information to what was already provided by the course. It seems to prove that when you read about the same topic but coming from different sources, the learning process is facilitated. Obviously, it takes more time but unless I'm sure of what I'm doing I like to prepare myself before jumping in to our own activities. Are you guys experiencing difficulties getting started on the DIY activities? I am taking forever...! But, in the end, I know that the acquired knowledge acquired by doing the project will prove to be more satisfactory and productive than just reading about it...Thanks to everyone who posted these links!