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Online assessment taxonomy - 2 views


blended learning blended learning assessment

started by t_ooms on 15 Mar 16 no follow-up yet
Karen Haines

Authentic Assessment Online - Authentic-Assessment-Online.pdf - 9 views

    Some very useful slides with details on online assessments and appropriate strategies etc.
    Thanks for bringing this site to our attention. It's loaded with great resources!

Assessment Strategies Introduction: Essentials of Blended Learning Course Design - 4 views

    Interesting resource to extend assessment options, how to create successful assessments and rubrics, and provides some more resources for those thinking about types of blended learning assessments for courses.

Authentic Assessment Blends the Academic with the Real World - 1 views

People are more engaged when being asked to do something meaningful. It's no surprise that students are more engaged when asked to do work that blends the classroom with the real world. Check out...

BlendKit2017 authentic assessment

started by lauraoverstreet on 30 Mar 17 no follow-up yet
Paula Michniewicz

Blended Learning: Feedback and Assessment - 2 views

    Since we are learning about assessment in week 3, here are 20 slides sharing thoughts on how to reply to students as well as more ideas on assessments.

Blend kit Learning - Module 3 - Authentic Assessment link - 2 views

In continuing to address how to assess students in a hybrid course, I thought this website on authentic assessment would be useful. In my courses, I use a portfolio (as I teach writing courses)

blended learning hybrid

started by arhprofprof on 08 Apr 17 no follow-up yet
Marcus O'Donnell

REAP - Re-engineering Assessment Practices project - 2 views

    Great resources from a very important UK project which looked deeply at all aspects of assessment including online assessment
Dean Shaffer

Understanding Assessment Options for Online Courses - 1 views

    Great resources for assessment strategies in a variety of formats.
    Very useful tools, indeed. Thanks for finding this Dean.

Assessing Pilot Blended Learning Programs - 8 views

    I found this article from the Journal of Asynchronous Learning to be an interesting assessment of the effectiveness of blended courses in a specific university. I particularly like the research methodology and the way in which assessment incorporated student and instructor feedback.
    Thank you for sharing!! It is a very useful article to complete the Blendkit readings!

7 Authentic Assessment Tools - 3 views

    Fun assessment tools students of any age can enjoy.
Cathleen Cuppett

Assessing online faculty: more than student surveys and design rubrics Anthony A. Pina ... - 0 views

    Increasingly, faculty who teach an online course may not be the ones who actually designed the course. Thus, current measurements, especially those that focus on course design and innovation, are not appropriate tools for assessing these faculty members. Instead, the authors assert: "We must look at the actions performed by the instructors within the course." The objective of the authors' study was "to identify a set of criteria that would yield objective data easily examined by supervisors and peers during an online course observation and serve as a balance to the more subjective data gathered from student surveys." The authors identified six questions to be used as a starting point for evaluating online instructors. These questions are copied below verbatim: Has the instructor logged in at least an average of every other day? Has the instructor posted a biography of at least a paragraph, in addition to contact info? Has the instructor posted announcements at least weekly? Is there evidence that the instructor answers student inquiries in two days or less? Does the instructor participate in discussion forums where appropriate? Does the instructor provide feedback on assignments? This article is an excellent resource because it clearly delineates between design and instruction. It also provides the six very concrete questions to use when evaluating instructors.

Assessment | New Kensington Blended Course Design - 0 views

    How can you determine how well your blended delivery is working for your students? How can you gather information that will enable you to improve your blended design in the future?
Pauline Porcaro

Negotiated assessment - 1 views

Have you considered asking your students to come up with their own assessment plan. Watch this video and see how excited they are about their learning.

negotiated assessment

started by Pauline Porcaro on 26 Mar 17 no follow-up yet
Paula Michniewicz

Formative Assessment for Blended Learning - 2 views

    This five minute video defines formative assessment and gives examples of technology that can be used.
Beth Kiggins

Faculty Self Assessment for Online Teaching - Web Learning @ Penn State - 2 views

    The faculty engagement subcommittee has developed a faculty self-assessment for online teaching. Check it out! Over the past year, the faculty Engagement subcommittee has worked on a faculty self-asssesment for online teaching. Carol McQuiggan, an instructional designer at Penn State Harrisburg who manged the process, presented the faculty survey and its results at the SLOAN-C conference in Orlando in November of 2008.
    Thanks for sharing this resource Beth! Last year I worked with Carol and two other colleagues to revise/update the content of the tool. The main goal was to align it with the Competencies for Online Teaching ( In addition, we presented the updated version at SLOAN-C in October to solicit feedback. We implemented some of the changes and are putting other suggestions "on hold" as we investigate a different platform to move the tool to in order to address accessibility issues.
Beth Stutzmann

Formative Assessment Is Foundational to Blended Learning -- THE Journal - 0 views

    I feel strongly that blended learning should focus on formative assessment since face to face time is reduced.

eduCanon - 7 views

    Looks like an interesting way to add a formative assessment component to a video clip to help focus learners on what's important. A free sign-up and free to use tool. An example of the tool in action accompanying a viral video for Mother's Day can be found at:
    Thank you for sharing! I will try this out and see if we want to add it to our flipped classroom training.

Scaffolding Student Learning: Tips for Getting Started | Faculty Focus - 1 views

    Many of us who teach in higher education do not have a teaching background, nor do we have experience in curriculum development. We know our content areas and are experts in our fields, but structuring learning experiences for students may or may not be our strong suit. We've written a syllabus (or were handed one to use) and have developed some pretty impressive assessments, projects, and papers in order to evaluate our students' progress through the content. Sometimes we discover that students either don't perform well on the learning experiences we've designed or they experience a great deal of frustration with what they consider high stakes assignments. Vygotsky's zone of proximal development (Vygotsky, 1978) proposes that it's important to determine the area (zone) between what a student can accomplish unaided and what that same student can accomplish with assistance.
    Many of us who teach in higher education do not have a teaching background, nor do we have experience in curriculum development. We know our content areas and are experts in our fields, but structuring learning experiences for students may or may not be our strong suit. We've written a syllabus (or were handed one to use) and have developed some pretty impressive assessments, projects, and papers in order to evaluate our students' progress through the content. Sometimes we discover that students either don't perform well on the learning experiences we've designed or they experience a great deal of frustration with what they consider high stakes assignments. Vygotsky's zone of proximal development (Vygotsky, 1978) proposes that it's important to determine the area (zone) between what a student can accomplish unaided and what that same student can accomplish with assistance.
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