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Barbara Lindsey

Bill Ferriter | Teacher Leaders Network - 0 views

  • Doesn’t Pink talk about this in A Whole New Mind?  Here’s a quote: “While detailed knowledge of a single area once guaranteed success, today the top rewards go to those who can operate with equal aplomb in starkly different realms. I call these people “boundary crossers.” They develop expertise in multiple spheres, they speak in different languages, and they find joy in the rich variety of human experience. They live multi lives—because that’s more interesting, and nowadays more effective.” (Kindle Location 1692)
    • Barbara Lindsey
      This is where we should shine!
  • Recently, I've tinkered with a system to assess my students' participation in Voicethread conversations.  Essentially mirroring the reflective aspects of Konrad's blogging handouts, I've decided to ask my students the following four questions while we're working with a new Voicethread: Highlight a comment from our Voicethread conversation that closely matches your own thinking.   Why does this comment resonate---or make sense to---you? Highlight a comment from our Voicethread conversation that you respectfully disagree with.  If you were to engage in a conversation with the commenter, what evidence/argument would you use to persuade them to change their point of view? Highlight a comment from our Voicethread conversation that challenged your thinking in a good way and/or made you rethink one of your original ideas.  What about the new comment was challenging?  What are you going to do now that your original belief was challenged?  Will you change yoru mind?  Will you do more researching/thinking/talking with others?
  • The cool part about assessing Voicethread presentations this way is that each question essenitally forces my students to interact with our conversation in a really meaningful way.  To craft careful answers, they must truly consider the comments of others---an essential skill for promoting collaborative versus competitive dialogue---and compare those comments against their own beliefs and preconceived notions.  That's metacognition at its best! What's even better is that when students know that these questions form the basis of our Voicethread assessment from the beginning of a conversation, participation level rise remarkably.  While students are looking for project reflection comments, they often end up highly motivated to share their thinking with peers. 
Barbara Lindsey

VoiceThread as a Digital Portfolio | Teaching Sagittarian - 0 views

    Using Voicethread with students as their digital portfolio to share with their parents
Barbara Lindsey

High Tech Ideas for Low Tech Classrooms: VoiceThread - Teaching Village - 0 views

  • How can we take high tech tools and make them work in low tech classrooms?
  • Students in my kids’ class are learning the alphabet. After learning each set of
  • etters, they enjoy making “human” letters.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • This year, I’ve taken pictures in class and then uploaded the pictures to VoiceThread. I record their words for each letter sound using Audacity (another free tool that allows you to record and edit audio on your computer) and a microphone attached to my laptop. At home, I add their recorded voices to the alphabet book.
  • students’ book. I can export a video of our book, with comments, to bring back into class so we can listen to the additions and see how the book has grown. When we reach the letter Z, I’ll burn the book onto CDs for each of my students, so they’ll have a personal copy of their project.
  • anyone can add words or comments to my
  • Because VoiceThread is collaborative,
  • 1-Because of a generous network of teachers on Twitter, my students have a chance to hear English spoken in a lot of different accents, by people who speak English as a first language and by people for whom English is an additional language.
  • 2-They’re learning about countries as we see where our comments come from. 3-They have an invaluable connection with a group of students in New Jersey, who are also learning their letters and sounds, thanks to the efforts of Kim George. My students are mighty impressed with how many words Kim’s students know for each letter! (In fact, you may want to fast forward through a few of the alphabet letters when you check out the project–it has really grown since our first letters!)
  • 4-Since the book is web-based, other classes around the world can “read” our book and it can continue to grow.
  • 1-It gave my students a clear, real reason to use English. It also gave them a real audience to write for. They had something to show for their hard work, something they could share with their friends and grandchildren. 2-My students have a chance to interact with other students through comments. I embedded their project on My Corner of the World (my student blog). While they haven’t yet mastered the art of responding to comments (a few are still figuring out where they might find their email addresses ), they do enjoy reading comments from others. 3-Since it’s web-based, I can share a link with the parents of my young learners class, and they can read the book at home. In fact, anyone around the world can read the book.
Barbara Lindsey

VoiceThread Image Attribution « Moving at the Speed of Creativity - 0 views

    How to give attribution on images used in Voicethread. A nice set of screenshots.
Barbara Lindsey

Voicethread 4 Education » home - 0 views

    The purpose of this wiki is to gather examples of how educators are using Voicethread in their classrooms (or for professional development) and to share those examples.
Barbara Lindsey

Flickr: Discussing What pictures do you need? in Creative Commons Licensed Photos for V... - 0 views

    A Flickr group created by Wes Fryer that pools user-created cc licensed educator-vetted photos for educators to use in VoiceThread projects
Barbara Lindsey

VoiceThread Universal - 0 views

    For vision impaired participants
Barbara Lindsey

The Seeds of a Good Project | always learning - 0 views

    A great in depth description of a collaborative classroom project using Voicethread to share student learning by Kim Cofino
Barbara Lindsey - 0 views

    A pdf document that shows how to create and use Voicethread
Barbara Lindsey

Wellington 4.0 - 0 views

    Grade school class peer editing written work using voicethread
Blanca Garcia Valenzuela

VoiceThread as Final Exam | Language Lab Unleashed! - 0 views

  • This score was worth 70% of their final exam grade (the other 30% had been determined by their classmates in their group oral presentations). The final exam as a whole was 20% of their final (semester) grade. No one element in the final was worth more than 15% of their final grade. Personally, I always hated it when final exams were the deciding factor in your final grade for a course. Some people just don’t test well, especially at the end of a long semester. For many of my students this was their first semester of college finals and I know they were nervous. I tried to be sensitive to all of those things when thinking about the weight of this exam and its impact upon their grade.
    • Barbara Lindsey
      What is the rationale for having a student's final grade comprised solely of the mid-term and final exam?
    • Celeste Arrieta
      This is such an interesting topic. I really don't understad why this happens. Does a student who comes only for exams and do excellent will have the same grade as a student who is always participating and showing interest in class?
    • Blanca Garcia Valenzuela
      Regarding what Celeste says, I think it is really tricky. I guess it should depend on what you are grading. If you are grading proficiency and the student has it without going to class, why should s/he have a lower grade that another that participates but does not reach his/her proficiency level?
Barbara Lindsey

VoiceThread - Group conversations around images, documents, and videos - 0 views

    Michelle Pacansky-Brock's demonstration of ways to use VT in education, esp. for asynchronous discussions. Uses art and history as examples.
Barbara Lindsey

PollEverywhere grappling with Monetization and Free Educator Plans « Moving a... - 0 views

  • the development of pricing schedules and "free" access options for phenomenal web 2.0 services for education and learning.
  • PollEverywhere is grappling with similar monetization issues as VoiceThread has.
  • My digital curriculum wiki is one I'm going to be updating and moving later this spring, and hopefully sharing often at educational conference events and in-district PD sessions
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • A high quality education has never been free and without cost. We SHOULD utilize and leverage free content and tools when it makes sense and those resources tangibly advance our learning goals. We also must remember and should discuss, however, the cases where digital content and capabilities are WORTH paying for.
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