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Garrett Eastman

Rhetoric, Embodiment, Play: Game Design as Critical Practice in the Art History of Pompeii - 0 views

    Abstract: "This paper explores the consequences of using the game engine Unity to construct 3-D models of Pompeian houses, linked to art and spatial databases, as an ongoing research colloquium for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in the humanities. Rather than serving as a neutral piece of visualization software, the game engine functions as critical tool because, more than any other visualization platform, it permits real time, embodied movement through the houses. One outcome of such embodied movement has been the recognition that the traditional vocabulary for describing space in Pompeii is inadequate, and a much more careful methodology is required, using network topology and visibility graph analysis to establish spatial profiles for the rooms. As they construct the models in Unity, students also encounter the contradiction between the texture pipeline used to produce immersion in games and the emphasis on accuracy and scientific objectivity found in cultural heritage discourse, a discourse which paradoxically also stresses immersion. Finally, the game engine encourages students to consider the rhetoric of embodied play in the Pompeian decorative ensembles themselves."
Garrett Eastman

Lifespan - 0 views

    Abstract: "Lifespan is an Interactive Media and Game Development Major Qualifying P roject developed in the Unity game engine over the course of one year by six students. Lifespan is a first - person puzzle game in which the player affects objects in the environment by using a time - manipulation device. Designed with a unique spin on standar d puzzle games, Lifespan seeks to add realism, science, and nature to the environment with new and interesting mechanics."
Garrett Eastman

Game Development for IOS with Unity3d - 0 views

    Game Development for IOS with Unity3d, published by CRC Press in 2012, walks you through design, compatibility, debugging and publishing.
Garrett Eastman

Game On, Science - How Video Game Technology May Help Biologists Tackle Visualization Challenges - 0 views

    Abstract: "The video games industry develops ever more advanced technologies to improve rendering, image quality, ergonomics and user experience of their creations providing very simple to use tools to design new games. In the molecular sciences, only a small number of experts with specialized know-how are able to design interactive visualization applications, typically static computer programs that cannot easily be modified. Are there lessons to be learned from video games? Could their technology help us explore new molecular graphics ideas and render graphics developments accessible to non-specialists? This approach points to an extension of open computer programs, not only providing access to the source code, but also delivering an easily modifiable and extensible scientific research tool. In this work, we will explore these questions using the Unity3D game engine to develop and prototype a biological network and molecular visualization application for subsequent use in research or education. We have compared several routines to represent spheres and links between them, using either built-in Unity3D features or our own implementation. These developments resulted in a stand-alone viewer capable of displaying molecular structures, surfaces, animated electrostatic field lines and biological networks with powerful, artistic and illustrative rendering methods. We consider this work as a proof of principle demonstrating that the functionalities of classical viewers and more advanced novel features could be implemented in substantially less time and with less development effort. Our prototype is easily modifiable and extensible and may serve others as starting point and platform for their developments. A webserver example, standalone versions for MacOS X, Linux and Windows, source code, screen shots, videos and documentation are available at the address:"
Garrett Eastman

PlayAffect: A Developer API for Creating Affective Video Games Using Physiological and Behavioral Measures - 0 views

    Abstract: "Herein is proposed the creation of an Application Program- ming Interface (API) for the Unity 3 and 4 video game de- velopment engine that not only reads behavioral measures from traditional video game input devices (such as if there has been an increase in mouse movements and clicks) but also takes into account physiological measures from biomet- ric devices (such as an increase in respiratory rate). The API parses these inputs based on study results that correlated player performance and engagement with physio- logical signs across several di erent game genres. Through the use of several rudimentary machine learning algorithms, raw physiological data is transformed into data relevant to a developer, including player engagement. The results of these calculations allow a game designer to have powerful tools for detecting when players experience certain emotions, and al- low for the design of a ective games. Furthermore, the API also exposes the raw data to de- velopers wishing to propose and utilize their own learning algorithms, to allow for a rich development environment for developers of all skill levels. These development tools will enrich the game experience for the player, as well as prepare designers for the use of the next wave of non-traditional in- put hardware. This report serves to illustrate the current status of the API. A brief overview of the signi cance of galvonic skin re- sponse (GSR), heart rate (HR), and respiratory rate (RR) in detecting player performance and engagement will be fol- lowed by a discussion of the API itself and the design choices therein."
Garrett Eastman

Towards a Serious Games Evacuation Simulator - 0 views

    "The evacuation of complex buildings is a challenge under any circumstances. Fire drills are a way of training and validating evacuation plans. However, sometimes these plans are not taken seriously by their participants. It is also difficult to have the financial and time resources required. In this scenario, serious games can be used as a tool for training, planning and evaluating emergency plans. In this paper a prototype of a serious games evacuation simulator is presented. To make the environment as realistic as possible, 3D models were made using Blender and loaded onto Unity3D, a popular game engine. This framework provided us with the appropriate simulation environment. Some experiences were made and results show that this tool has potential for practitioners and planners to use it for training building occupants."
Garrett Eastman

Game Character Creation with Blender and Unity - 0 views

    A complete guide to creating usable, realistic game characters with two powerful toolsCreating viable game characters requires a combination of skills. This book teaches game creators how to create usable, realistic game assets using the power of an open-source 3D application and a free game engine. (excerpts in Google Books)
Garrett Eastman

Mapping 3D Character Location for Tracking Players' Behaviour - 1 views

    Abstract: "Serious Games are increasingly used as a tool for various applications contrary to the traditional enterta inment purpose. Many game engines are available, and Unity3D is another example that presents some features such as rapid prototyping and an easy learning curve. The 3D space where action takes place is sometimes hard to map into a logical memory structure providing flexible access to that information. The problem of tracking players ' path as well as their decision s in 3D environments arises when there is no previous knowledge of the scenario representation and the creation of a memory data structure poses an extra effort for the modeller. The proposed solution in this paper, albeit simple, is a straightforward way to track the location of the video game character and map it when he / she passes certain limits. Th is mechanism proved to represent a key step for ward, addressing the important issue of tracking the decision - making process of players for future analysis and behaviour elicitation."
Garrett Eastman

Demon Dissension - 0 views

    abstract: "Demon Dissension provides a strategic twist on the traditional fighting game experience to players and showcases co mplex game logic, networking, and fighting game design principles. Built entirely in the Unity engine and programmed in C#, Demon Dissension pits two players against one another in a battle for glory, challenging them to not only fight against the charact er in game, but the strategies being employed by the actual opponent . A team of two artists and two programmers took four terms to create a deep multiplayer battle experience." Becker student Breeze Grigas participated in this project.
Garrett Eastman

Game Development for iOS with Unity3d - CRC Press Book - 0 views

    Forthcoming June 2012
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