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Garrett Eastman

A BDI Game Master Agent for Computer Role-Playing Games - 0 views

    "e describe an approach for developing an in- telligent game master (GM) for computer role-playing games. The role of the GM is to set up the game environment, man- age the narrative ow and enforce the game rules whilst keeping the players engaged. Our approach is to use the popular Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) model of agents to de- veloping a GM."
Garrett Eastman

Introducing Serious Games with Wikis: Empowering the Teacher with simple Technologies - 0 views

    Abstract: "Despite the continuous and abundant growth of the game market the uptake of games in education has been hampered by the general impression that games require complex technologies and that games are difficult to organise and to embed in education curriculums. This paper explores to what extent a simple serious game scenario that can be easily adopted and adapted by individual teachers and that only uses a common, relatively simple technology can leverage the adoption of serious games. It discusses the design of such a game, Argument, based on a Wiki and its use in a 6 weeks trial by students of a Master of Learning Sciences Programme. The results indicate that, even though a Wiki has clear limitations, it is a useful instrument to build game alike educational activities, to gain experience with and as a first step to use (more) complex serious games."
Garrett Eastman

A Conceptual Design of Multi-Agent based Personal Quiz Game - 0 views

    Abstract: "In recent years, there has been a dramatic proliferation of research concerned with game based learning and intelligent system s . Although the intelligent agent bas ed system has existed for many years, only recently its surge of mainstream popularity motivated researchers to acknowledge its educational value. With the increasing usage of game based learning, reliability requirements for intelligent system s or multi - a gent system s have become more critical. Quiz game is one of the game types which is easy to develop and not restrict ed by any specific subject and any people . And the m ulti - agent based system is flexible and saving resource . Hence we integrate the quiz gam e into multi - agent system s , we called it m ulti - agent based quiz game and also d evelop a framework to build personalized assessment game . For the instructor, they can understand student's playing situation and experience . For the students, they have p ersona lized assessment game . In this paper, we proposed a framewor k of multi - agent based Quiz - MASter , and describe each service from each agent briefly."
Garrett Eastman

Bridging Game-Programming into theK-12 Curriculum - 1 views

    From the abstract: "this study investigated how the perspectives of the non-computer science educators changed after learning game-programming and how it could be fitted into the K-12 curriculum. Fourteen non-computer science educators and/or administrators in the K - 16 educational systems who made up a cohort at Sam Houston State University, Master of Education/Instructional Technology Program participated in this study. The participants were required to learn two free Web 2.0 game-programming applications and reflect on an article related to reviving interest in math and science as part of their program. Qualitative data consisted of online reflections, and peer-review processes through Facebook. A quantitative component was added to the analysis. The findings indicated that: (a) the perspectives of the participants changed from negative to positive as they reflected on their own game-programming learning experiences; (b) participants came to understand how game programming could build up students' logical concepts and critical thinking skills improving performances in math, science, and other subjects; and (c) due to the benefits of logical concepts and critical thinking skills game programming could have immense benefits if built into the K-12 curriculum."
Garrett Eastman

Findings from a comparison between European cities in the gaming industry 'How can Utre... - 0 views

    Abstract: "The main goal of this research is to understand how Utrecht's business environment must be developed in order to increase the region's international competiveness in the gaming industry. Utrecht's aim is to specialize in the gaming industry. In this research it is estimated that Utrecht is focused on small digital development game companies. The results indicate that Utrecht's competitive advantages are in its policy intervention, low labor wages and real estate costs, well developed demographical factors and infrastructure compared to the other investigated European cities. However, Utrecht scores below average on the categories of investments, quality of life and human resources. Once Utrecht has a stronger promotional effort in the gaming industry, it enlarges its attraction to draw game companies and to better its international position."
Garrett Eastman

What You Draw Is What You Play: a natural approach to participatory game creation - 0 views

    Abstract: "Game design and development still needs complex technical skills that only some people master. This can be a huge barrier to game creation by end-users limiting the emergence of a participatory culture around games - similar to the one we have seen with Web 2.0. While there have been approaches to lessen that problem, such as level editors and content creation tools, we think we could go further. We propose that considering and developing design interfaces that make use of common natural skills such as drawing could be a key step to achieve that phenomenon. Therefore we describe and present the Playsketch concept, and it's current implementation, a game creation approach based on the Paper Prototyping concept which invites the users to create simple personalized games."
Garrett Eastman


    from the abstract: "This thesis identifies the need for an advanced search function which takes into consideration the notions of purpose and contextual circumstance of using educational games in order for such a database to be of greater usefulness for users. This thesis presents a design of such a search function, based on the theories of Purushotma (2005), Pannese and Carlesi (2007), Charsky (2010) and Reinders and Wattana (2011). Furthermore this thesis provides an updated metadata model to support such a search function. In the future the search function could be polished from a usability perspective and further developed to incorporate other types of serious games."
Garrett Eastman

GALA Blog - 0 views

    This is the blog of Games and Learning Alliance (GaLA), Network of Excellence for Serious Games, a project " to shape the scientific community and build a European Virtual Research Centre aimed at gathering, integrating, harmonizing and coordinating research on SGs and disseminating knowledge, best practices and tools as a reference point at an international level. The other key focuses of the project are: the support to deployment in the actual educational and training settings; the fostering of innovation and knowledge transfer through research-business dialogue; the development high-quality didactics on SG by promoting and supporting courses at Master and PhD level."
Garrett Eastman

Mastering UDK Game Development - 0 views

    Published 2013, excerpted in Google Books
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