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Swine Flu News Update | Popular Science - 0 views

    Swine flu has become a world wide scare across America causing people to over think the entire situation. When under reacting to the situation with swine flu it puts a huge dent into public heath and harms the vaccine industry. When over reacting it causes tax payers to pay hundreds of millions of dollars which greatly effects the economy. The H1N1 scare is not to serious by saying yes, 2 billion people will be effected with the virus but about half of that won't even know they have the virus. 

Science Time Sections - TIME - 0 views

    A 50 year old man who previously went to a rock concert about a month before he started having very bad and persistent headaches. The doctors did lots of different tests and the patient never was a substance abuser and never experienced any head injuries, but did mention doing head banging at the concert. When they did a cranial Ct scan the man had received a blood clot. They doctors believed the blood clot was from the headbanging and they removed the blood clot and the patient was sent home with no more headaches.

A Squirt of Stem Cell Gel Heals Brain Injuries | Popular Science - 0 views

    Dr. Zhang's has created a liquid gel to insert into damaged parts of the brain from traumatic brain injuries. There has been little success on humans, but testing has been done on rats and there has been very positive results. On humans there has also been other techniques such as inserting donor cells into the damaged area but the cells end up dying off. Human success in the experiment is estimated to take up to 3 years. 

Parents and Adult Children: Mutually Irritating | Popular Science - 0 views

    Parents and their children both aggravated each other at one time or another but it is said that at a younger age parent aggravate their children more when they are younger. As the children get older the situation flip-flops the children are newly adults and have other things to spend their time doing in turn not making much time for the needs of attachment with their parents. Also in a resent study is says that more arguments with life choices such as money, friends and jobs tend to be brought up with the daughter and the mother because women tend to want a more intimate relationship with more frequent contact.

Website Yields Unexpected Results in the Business of Artifacts | Popular Science - 0 views

    When EBay first came out there tended to be a scare that there was a mass production of fake sells going on this site, but they found out that EBay helped find the people selling the fakes. In Peruvian, Mexican, Egyptian, Bulgarian and Chinese workshops they are creating fake antiques to go online and sells for the price of the real ones. Stanish, a researcher on this situation has discover over the past couple of years even he cannot figure out if the product are real or fake, about 5 percent of the product are real and 30 percent are obviously fake but the rest is inconclusive. 

Face Off | Popular Science - 0 views

    When Connie Culp was shot in the face by her husband she was given the opportunity to undergo a face transplant. The chairman of the surgery Jeffery Mathews states that the is the most dramatic technological advances ever. To complete the surgery they have to attach the small muscles veins and nerves between the patient and the donors face. To make sure the patient doesn't reject the transplant they have to infuse special marrow cells and immune suppressing drugs.

Narc Copter | Popular Science - 0 views

    In Holland there is a fake statement being said that the consumption of marijuana in fact it is very illegal, they spend the most money on drug enforcement policies in Europe besides Sweden. Even with it being illegal to have marijuana it is still sold in coffee shops because of the non enforcement polices being enacted there. Holland has created a helicopter that can detect pot grow areas, so far this has been very successful the police found a small area with pot growing on the first try.

Is Sperm Like Any Other Commodity? | Popular Science - 0 views

    A 13 year old Brittany Donovan was born with a fragile X chromosome from her biological father which was a sperm donor. A fragile X chromosome causes slowed learning and can be also classified as retardation. It is said that the child can sue the sperm donor bank that help create her under liability laws. All Brittany had to claim was that the product was harmful.

PharmaSat to Test Drugs in Space | Popular Science - 0 views

    PharaSat is a new technological space craft weighing in at about 10 pounds it is used to test to see if medicine to help stop viruses and colds for astronauts in space. The people on board with this experiment can see what is going on within one hour of the launch. Micro-gravity affects people in many different ways and they want to see how Pharmaceuticals will be effected by testing the temperature air pressure and acceleration levels. 

Speck of a Motor | Popular Science - 0 views

    Proteus, a 0.14 inch tall motor using piezoelectricity  which puts electrical charge into motion. The whole idea of this motor is to send it into the brains blood to help treat the damaged tissue. The study plans on inserting the little motor into a robot with article blood and cells and see how it work and the reduce it to the size of 1/300 of a sprinkle. 
Priya S.K.

Distilled water- plant growth - 1 views

    how distilled water is better than tap water to grow plants with
Priya S.K.

Carbonated Water- Green Plants - 1 views

    How carbonated water affects green plants; how to grow plants off of sparkling water
Priya S.K.

How to Pot Plants - 1 views

    how to drill holes in pots, etc.
Priya S.K.

Light Orientation-Plant Growth - 1 views

    The effect of light orientation on the direction of plant growth-aka phototropism
Tracie Summerville

Bisphenol A in Plastic Bottles, Food Containers and Canned Goods - Local Hazardous Wast... - 1 views

  • BPA enters our bodies mainly through food and beverages that have been in contact with polycarbonate.
    • Tracie Summerville
      Read this article
    BPA information
Priya S.K.

Salt-Plant Growth - 1 views

    The effects of salt levels on plant growth/ root behavior
Priya S.K.

Gravity-Plant Growth - 1 views

    The effects of the absence of gravity on the plant's growth- test done by NASA
Elizabeth Bundschuh

Ethnobotany - 0 views

    Article discusses the different uses of plants briefly and then provides ideas for Experiments. One possible Experiment is how bacteria reacts with different plant extracts. Then it could help determine whether homeopathic medicine works.
Elizabeth Bundschuh

Microorganisms - 0 views

    Discusses different ways to research bacteria growth. Also provides solutions for potential problems. Talks about using chemicals to see what protects best against bacteria.
Elizabeth Bundschuh

Homeopathy: The effective alternative to Medicine - 0 views

    Homeopathic medicine treats/alleviates symptoms instead of indiscriminately killing bacteria. Helps keep an internal balance of Bacteria. Details Multiple studies.
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