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Corinne Carriero

New web-search formulas have huge implications for students and society - 0 views

  • When web surfers use Google or Bing to look for information about, say, the national debt, the search results they now see at the top of the page might differ from those of their neighbor. That’s because all the major search engines have revamped their formulas to include social media data as key indicators of a website’s importance.
    • Corinne Carriero
      Will students even realize that search results are being tailored to them?? -- Educators MUST address this situation with students!!
  • The reasoning behind this game-changing move is to help us sift through the overwhelming amount of information at our fingertips. The major search companies recognize that we need a filtering system to save us from information overload, and the system they’ve created now relies more heavily on our history of preferences than on an objective calculation of relevance to bring certain resources to the front of the pack.
    • Corinne Carriero
      How will users be able to make informed decisions or think outside their comfort zone if the links at the top of their search results mirror their currently held ideas??
    When web surfers use Google or Bing to look for information about, the search results they now see at the top of the page might differ from those of their neighbor. That's because all the major search engines have revamped their formulas to include social media data as key indicators of a website's importance.

National Educational Technology Plan - 2 views

    The U.S. Department of Education is developing a new National Educational Technology Plan to provide a vision for how information and communication technologies can help transform American education. The plan will provide a set of concrete goals that can inform state and local educational technology plans as well as inspire research, development, and innovation. A draft plan is expected in early 2010.
    The U.S. Department of Education is developing a new National Educational Technology Plan to provide a vision for how information and communication technologies can help transform American education. The plan will provide a set of concrete goals that can inform state and local educational technology plans as well as inspire research, development, and innovation. A draft plan is expected in early 2010.
Rhys Daunic

The Heritage of Digital and Media Literacy | KnightComm - 0 views

  • literacy is beginning to be defined as the ability to share meaning through symbol systems in order to fully participate in society
  • “text” is beginning to be understood as any form of expression or communication in fixed and tangible form that uses symbol systems, including language, still and moving images, graphic design, sound, music and interactivity.
  • New types of texts and new types of literacies have been emerging over a period of more than 50 years.
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • information literacy, media literacy, media education, visual literacy, news literacy, health media literacy, and digital literacy, among others
  • disciplinary backgrounds of the stakeholders
  • wide scope of the knowledge and skills involved
  • These concepts must not be treated as competitors
    • Rhys Daunic
      yet they compete for the focus of transformational efforts of educators, and time within the curriculum.  
  • a closely-knit family
  • information literacy has typically been associated with research skills. Media literacy typically has been associated with critical analysis of news, advertising and mass media entertainment. Health media literacy has been associated with exploring media’s impact on making positive choices related to nutrition, exercise, body image, violence and substance abuse prevention. Digital literacy is associated with the ability to use computers, social media, and the Internet
    • Rhys Daunic
      interesting to see how they have settled in.  I have always considered media literacy to encompass all of the above.  technical skills necessary to "access... and create... in a variety of media".  info literacy to "access and synthesize" info.  the focus on critical analysis within media literacy can be applied across the curriculum -- health is one area of focus, violence another -- both subjects impacted greatly by media messages.   * quotes refer to the Definition of Media Literacy.  
  • “digital and media literacy” is used to encompass the full range of cognitive, emotional and social competencies that includes the use of texts, tools and technologies; the skills of critical thinking and analysis; the practice of message composition and creativity; the ability to engage in reflection and ethical thinking; as well as active participation through teamwork and collaboration.
  • empowered to speak out on behalf of the missing voices and omitted perspectives in our communities
  • By identifying and attempting to solve problems, people use their powerful voices and their rights under the law to improve the world around them
  • spiral of empowerment
  • active participation in lifelong learning
  • both consuming and creating messages
  • consistent with constructivist education
  • Common Core State Standards Initiative (2010) points out, “To be ready for college, workforce training, and life in a technological society, students need the ability to gather, comprehend, evaluate, synthesize, report on, and create a high volume and extensive range of print and nonprint texts in media forms old and new. The need to research and to consume and produce media is embedded into every element of today’s curriculum.”
    • Rhys Daunic
      there it is.  we have to emphasize this statement explicitly in development of units addressing the specific standards? 
  • Essential Competencies of Digital and Media Literacy 1.    ACCESS Finding and using media and technology tools skillfully and sharing appropriate and relevant information with others 2.   ANALYZE & EVALUATE Comprehending messages and using critical thinking to analyze message quality, veracity, credibility, and point of view, while considering potential effects or consequences of messages 3.   CREATE Composing or generating content using creativity and con­fidence in self-expression, with awareness of purpose, audience, and composition techniques 4.   REFLECT Applying social responsibility and ethical principles to one’s own identity and lived experience, communication behavior and conduct 5.   ACT Working individually and collaboratively to share knowledge and solve problems in the family, the workplace and the community, and participating as a member of a community at local, regional, national and international levels
  • “Teachers understand media’s influence on culture and people’s actions and communication; as a result, teachers use a variety of approaches for teaching students how to construct meaning from media and nonprint texts and how to compose and respond to film, video, graphic, photographic, audio, and multimedia texts
  • “preservice, inservice, and staff development programs that will focus on new literacies, multimedia composition, and a broadened concept of literacy”
  • Understand how people use media in their personal and public lives Recognize the complex relationships among audiences and media content Appreciate that media content is produced within social and cultural contexts Understand the commercial nature of media Use media to communicate to specific audiences
  • But genuine educational change in K–12 and higher education does not come about simply by generating documents or developing written standards
  • What is needed now is a clear and compelling vision of the instructional practices
    Regarding what's missing from the Core Common Standards -- new texts, new media, viewing...  Where does "complexity" of new media text get taught? How will teachers learn to parse it?  Is new media analysis and production a discipline?  Yes in my opinion.  Is it interdisciplinary? Yes.  Media related to various content areas have their own criteria.  Video, photography, blogs, social networks and the systems that deliver them are, in a way, their own languages. They are increasingly dominating how our society functions, informs and represents itself.  HOW can this still be an afterthought for educators?  Fear?  Uncertainty on how to proceed?  Because it's not tested? The text landscape is more complex than the textbook.  

INFOGRAPHICS - The Learning Network Blog - - 2 views

    I love interesting, rich ways to present data and information... this got me all sorts of excited.

EasyBib: Free Bibliography Maker - - 1 views

    Excellent information literacy tool for making citations ( MLA, APA, Chicago citation styles) and taking notes.
Corinne Carriero

Google Just Got A Whole Lot Smarter, Launches Its Knowledge Graph | TechCrunch - 2 views

    large panels with additional factual information about the topic you were searching for take over the right side of Google's search result pages

The Top 10 Education APIs (And Why They're Important) | Edudemic - 1 views

    First off, what is an API? API stands for Application Program Interface. It's a tool which allows web applications (websites and apps to the layman) to communicate with each other and share information stored in each other's databases. This information can then be incorporated into new and different projects.

Information Is Beautiful | Ideas, issues, concepts, subjects - visualized! - 1 views

    Check out this link from the Alan November workshop -
Rhys Daunic

Enemy Lurks in Briefings on Afghan War - PowerPoint - - 1 views

  • PowerPoint’s worst offense is not a chart like the spaghetti graphic, which was first uncovered by NBC’s Richard Engel, but rigid lists of bullet points (in, say, a presentation on a conflict’s causes) that take no account of interconnected political, economic and ethnic forces.
  • behind all the PowerPoint jokes are serious concerns that the program stifles discussion, critical thinking and thoughtful decision-making.
  • “I have to make a storyboard complete with digital pictures, diagrams and text summaries on just about anything that happens,” Lieutenant Nuxoll told the Web site. “Conduct a key leader engagement? Make a storyboard. Award a microgrant? Make a storyboard.”
    • Rhys Daunic
      Sounds like the exercise has become about the tool, and the tool is meant to stand in for someone who is putting the simplified/bulleted content in context.  Powerpoint is not the enemy, it's being misused.  
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • hierarchical ordering of a confused world
  • the slides impart less information than a five-page paper can hold, and that they relieve the briefer of the need to polish writing to convey an analytic, persuasive point
  • “Dumb-Dumb Bullets,
  • vague PowerPoint slides
  • oes come in handy when the goal is not imparting information
    Sounds like the exercise has become about the tool, and the tool is meant to stand-in for someone who is putting the simplified/bulleted content in context.   Powerpoint is not the enemy, it's being misused as a replacement for rigorous critical thinking around complex issues.  It's a visual aide, not a complete platform for stand-alone communication.  
Rhys Daunic

It's My Life | PBS Kids GO! - 1 views

    Games, Activities, Videos, Lessons, Resources:  "It's My Life deals with (you guessed it!) life and the stuff that we deal with every day. Whatever problem you're dealing with, believe it or not, other kids and teens have gone through the same thing. Here at It's My Life, you can read informative articles, share your stories, play games and activities, take quizzes and polls, watch video clips of other kids talking about their feelings and experiences, get advice from older kids and experts, and contribute your own comments and questions.  It's My Life also features interviews with celebrities about stuff they had to go through when they were kids. It's My Life is organized across six topic "channels": Friends, Family, School, Body, Emotions, and Money."
Rhys Daunic

FRONTLINE: growing up online: parenting in the internet age | PBS - 0 views

shared by Rhys Daunic on 28 Apr 09 - Cached
  • But the point here is not cutting kids off from something; it's teaching them how to use it responsibly and safely and how to express themselves appropriately.
  • I think to raise a child in the 21st century without the skills of how to walk through an online social networking site is irresponsible for a parent. But that doesn't mean that at age 13 your child should be on there, no holds barred, completely unregulated. My argument is that around the age of 16, I think teens are ready to be on there, with limited amounts of time, with a lot of guidance from their parents, and a lot of guidance that started maybe four years prior to that.
  • I think we all need to be thinking more about ethics, about citizenship, and in fact the term "online safety" is probably becoming obsolete or should be.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • ethics
  • Not just because of copyright theft or cut-and-paste plagiarism, but also because of cyberbullying and the self-protective aspect of ethics that really has come into play on the social web.
  • fear is bad.
  • tap their expertise and ask them what they're doing online,
  • It's really hard to control what our kids are doing online.
  • help them develop their own critical thinking
  • you check and make sure the person you're sending the text message is really the person you wanted to send it to, instead of mistyping it and have something end up in the wrong hands
  • We teach them to use emoticons: little smilies or something else to let people know they're kidding, because no one can see your expression online.
  • Apply common sense
  • Things we already know -- don't talk to strangers; don't tell secrets to strangers; don't take candy from strangers -- ... all of these things apply exactly online. If I can get parents to step back and stop being afraid of the technology they can keep the kids safe. They don't need a class on this stuff. They just need to stop panicking, talk to their kids, and be in charge.
  • [In the 1950s, the psychologist] Erik Erikson called adolescence a time of "identity consolidation," and so what teens are doing is going around and trying on these different identities. ... So in a way the social networking sites are this digital representation of what we think of as adolescence. ...
  • migrated to Facebook ... do so out of concerns about privacy,
  • They need to know how to keep themselves safe online, they need to think about the information that they're putting out there, and they need to be able to have discussions with their parents about it. The most well-rounded teens I've talked to have said, "Oh yeah, my parents have seen my MySpace site, and they're fine. They don't check it or anything, but I've showed it to them." ... They have the privacy to put what they want to put on their site, but they're okay enough with what they're putting on the site for the parents to look at it. And I think that their parents do need to be involved in that sense.
  • learn from your kids. You need to ask them why they're doing this, why it's important, and you need to ask questions. You need to ask moral questions -- have you thought about this? What would happen if this? What about this situation? -- and go through these situations, ... giving examples, learning from your experience to help them, but not by force.
  • good parenting has immunized kids against a certain amount of this problem. ...
  • our research shows that giving out personal information and having social networking Web site [accounts] do not put kids at risk. ... It's really what they do when they get a solicitation or they have a contact with somebody who begins to propose some of these things.
Sheila Tebbano

Scott McLeod blog post - why isn't your school organization making more progress... - 3 views

    Post of why schools aren't making more progress implementing and integrating technology. Author posts a three minute survey you can take or pass along. Informal findings similar to the article that Daniel shared for the staff meeting on the 23rd.
Pablo Zatz

The Learning Registry - 1 views

shared by Pablo Zatz on 26 Nov 11 - Cached
    This is the information site for the Learning Registry. Find out what we are doing. Engage in the conversation. The Learning Registry makes federal learning resources, wherever they are stored, easier to find, easier to access and easier to integrate into learning environments around the country and world.

The Way We Live Now - Home-Schooling for the Techno-Literate - - 1 views

  • Here is the kind of literacy that we tried to impart: • Every new technology will bite back. The more powerful its gifts, the more powerfully it can be abused. Look for its costs. • Technologies improve so fast you should postpone getting anything you need until the last second. Get comfortable with the fact that anything you buy is already obsolete. • Before you can master a device, program or invention, it will be superseded; you will always be a beginner. Get good at it. • Be suspicious of any technology that requires walls. If you can fix it, modify it or hack it yourself, that is a good sign. • The proper response to a stupid technology is to make a better one, just as the proper response to a stupid idea is not to outlaw it but to replace it with a better idea. • Every technology is biased by its embedded defaults: what does it assume? • Nobody has any idea of what a new invention will really be good for. The crucial question is, what happens when everyone has one? • The older the technology, the more likely it will continue to be useful. • Find the minimum amount of technology that will maximize your options.
    Great questions to promote "technological smartness".

Empowerment With Technology - Room for Debate - - 0 views

  • Don't waste money on hardware that will quickly become outdated or dubious learning software peddled by opportunistic vendors. Instead, build a 21st century information infrastructure that gives teachers real-time feedback on how students are progressing in and out of the classroom — not just on standardized tests, but also a whole range of health, social and developmental outcomes.
    • anonymous
      It would be nice if he could back this up with some tangible examples of what that looks that. Perhaps if we can figure out what this truly looks like we will be onto something big.

Google For Educators - Web Search - 0 views

    A set of 9 lessons broken up into 3 different modules with a focus on helping teachers teach better search skills.
Sheila Tebbano

Will online games-for-scholarships site fly with parents? | Technologies | - 1 views

    I had to post this. Do you think the NY Times will be covering this story?
    I'm still for balance but I would love to be in Disney World for the Scholar Games in January. I could bring back the information and share it with everyone!!

Blended Professional Development: The most important factors - 2 views

    Blended Model Must Have: 1) Development of Cohesive Learning Communities - early & recurring face-to-face must occur - Initial meetings must emphasize "reflective dialogues" and "interactive activities" for bonding & buy-in. - participants must effective use early sessions for "curriculum planning" and "new pedagogical techniques." - Large Video Conferencing Does Not Work! (- but a webinar can engaged many people with buddy groups.) 2) Project Portal Must be Reliable and Simple - video conferencing is OK 3) Administrative Support is Crucial. 4) Facilitators are Essential. 5) Critical Component is the Ongoing Monitoring of Participant's Needs. - through surveys, evaluations, informal feedback, etc... 6) Successful Practices Structure Opportunities to Share and Discuss Teaching Practices. 7) Teacher "Risk-Taking" can be Increased - - for trying new technologies in the context of curriculum writing, 8) Effective Initiatives Build a A Critical Mass 9) True Transformation Requires Time
Sheila Tebbano

Shmoop: Study Guides & Teacher Resources - 0 views

    Shmoop is a research resource, learning guide and much more. It will engage students and provide teachers with quality material that can make learning fun.
    This is an exciting new tool that secondary teachers will love. The creators of Shmoop have put together great information, resources, learning guides, and more. The writers have a sense of humor and the material is on target. Definitely a must share Web 2.0 tool. Check it out!!
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