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Lithuanian and Tanzanian Food - 10 views

    Have you ever wanted to watch two very amateur chefs almost kill themselves when they attempt to make foreign food? Guaranteed to make you laugh at their stupidity, LiAnn and Kara demonstrate their awful and slightly-less-awful cooking skills through the completion of this beautiful meal. Featuring: Some weird Lithuanian pork stuff that was actually pretty good; Greasy Chips a.k.a. Tanzanian French Fries; Chai tea with way too much cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger; and, an Orange and Mango drink in the fancy "I'm a Grownup, I Swear!" wine glasses.
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  • Here's the main page, the above link goes to a subtopic.
    I think you guys did a good job on this video! The dishes looked great! Maybe a little too informal, but super funny! Overall, good job!
    I really like the depth you went into to show the history of your foods! There was a lot of great information. Great job!
    I loved your video! It was very entertaining. I really want to try to make the chai tea now. Awesome job!
    I like how you gave a lot of in depth detail about the foods and the countries that they came from. I learned a lot about different foods and how to make them!
    I really liked your video! You guys are so funny and it was a cute little video. I liked how Kara mentioned that the Tanzanian French fries were a lot like regular fries. That comparison shows probably how French fries have diffused into other countries. Great job!!
    This is so great! The video is very entertaining as well as informative. You did a great job of putting your personalities into it. Both Tanzanian and Lithuanian cuisine are great examples of how a place's environment can greatly affect its food.
    I loved the video you made! It was... the most unique one I've seen thus far. It was informative, and your commentary was quite comical (my personal favorite being the bay leaf). The diffusion of "greasy chips" was well displayed, and how they have become popular throughout many countries, including Tanzania.
    I thought it was very informative as well as funny. I liked that the greasy chips were basically french fries with another name. It shows how foods can have more than one origin.

Food 101- Logan and Ryan - 12 views

    Visit this site to find out more about the origins and history of cheesesteak and spaghetti and meatballs. See how much you really know about both of these dishes!
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    Your website looks very professional, and is full of great information. Its was very interesting to learn the history and origin of the dishes that we see everyday in the United states.
    This website was a great place to learn about folk foods and taboos including monkey brains and intestines. I learned a lot about the history of cheese steak and spaghetti, and how they diffused into the popular foods they are today.
    This website uses a lot of information that I didn't know. Who knew spaghetti and meatballs were not Italian? It cool to see where common foods found in the US actually come from, despite the usual assumption. Great job guys!!
    Awesome website! Very neat and easy to navigate. I liked how you talked about the taboos and mentioned some things we learned in class.
    The pictures on your website were great. It's interesting how cheesesteak diffused rapidly in Philadelphia, and now is a popular food choice.
    Nice overall job on the project! I liked Ryan's food taboo being monkey brains, as the information on the food was surprising.
    This website is great. The history on the Philly Cheesesteak and spaghetti and meatballs is very interesting. It's quite awkward to some people that monkey brains are a common dish in some countries.
    It was interesting to learn the histories or such common food in the U.S. The overall presentation is great and I like the incorporation of your personal views!

COOKING CLASS with Cahill and Amin - 14 views

    Explore new culture through everyone's favorite thing in the whole wide world; food! Delicious recipes can be found here and a video clip showing how these foods are made. Join Ellie Cahill and Sibgha Amin as they venture through the history of foods form other cultures around the world!
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    I really enjoyed watching your video!! I thought it was very creative how you sped up the writing part so the video wasn't extremely long. I also liked the background music throughout the whole video! Great job guys!!
    Awesome job guys! Those dishes look so good! I really liked how you guys planned ahead in your video and took the extra step of giving us the history of the dish before you made it. I enjoyed this project a lot!
    I think your video, and website, were a really unique twist on a popularly picked project choice. I really liked the white board idea, the subtle music in the background, and the way you "fast-forwarded". It was really good altogether!
    Your website looks so professional, I love it! You seemed like you guys really knew what you were doing before you started filming.
    Your website is really well organized and well set up, I like that you put recipes on for the different foods. It is interesting to see all of the different foods enjoyed throughout the world.
    The idea to have the writing sped up was great! It allows you to give so much more information about the food. Rote Grutze not diffusing very far is a great example of the limited spread of folk culture.
    I liked how you showed the history of the food you displayed, such as the Austrailian biscuits and how they originated in World War 1. It was well organized and your ideas were well thought out. Good job!
    I liked that you wrote on the whiteboard it was very creative. It was interesting to see that the German dish has not diffused further that it did.

NEXT TOP CHEF-Lauren and Sadhana - 21 views

    Tune into NEXT TOP CHEF with Lauren Labell and Sadhana Marikunte! See the finalists in action. Lauren will be making a traditional dish from Spain and Sadhana will be making a traditional dish from Qatar. Who will win?
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    I really enjoyed watching your video! You both did a great job explaining how to make the dishes! I also liked how you brought in the "judge" to make it look like a real cooking show! Great job guys!!
    I like how you gave a lot of history on each of the dishes. You provided good background knowledge on the dishes for the viewers before they watch your video. Also, your idea to have a judge for the food was really cool! Good job on your video!
    Great job, ladies! I really liked how organized your website was. You also gave a lot of information about your dishes, which was very good. They both looked so good! I think you guys are both winners!
    The cook it at home recipe is pretty cool. Your information is very detailed and covers any questions I might have had.
    I really enjoyed watching your video. The directions were very specific and the food looked really good! I especially liked the part where the judge, "Gordon Oliver", tried the dishes because it was different than a lot of the other food videos.
    I really liked how your video was like a real cooking show! I liked the taste test at the end and the interviews at the beginning that showed the history of the dishes.
    It's pretty cool how you guys made this seem like a real show. Good work!
    Great job guys! Your video was really creative and entertaining while also being informational.
    Very good idea to make it into a real cooking show! Great information and organization of the site. Good work!
    Good job with your video, especially with the beginning intro scenes and the last scene! Sadhana, you should have won by default because of Lauren's brother being the judge! I wonder which one of your recipes was actually better?
    Your website was very neat and easy to navigate. I like how you made it like a real show with the judge at the end. Both foods follow the characteristics of folk culture and that the origin is anonymous.
    I liked how the website was well managed and and easy to navigate, plus those foods look REAAAAAAALLLY good!
    I liked how the video was set up like a real cooking show. You guys also presented great information about the food's background, as I never heard of the Qatar dish.
    I really liked the design of the website and that it was based on a real cooking show. I thought the dishes were interesting and displayed how the resources available to countries often affects their folk culture.
    Great job! The beginning scenes were very informative, and I thought it was interesting how there are different theories on the origin of the tortilla española, which is a great characteristic of a folk culture.
    I enjoyed your website very much! I like how you incorporated background information into your video as well as your website. It was great to see how well these folk foods relate to what we learn in class. For example, Lauren's food dish has no known origin. This is one of the characteristics of folk culture. Great job over all!
    I loved the concept of "The Next Top Chef"! The organization of the website is great and I liked how you provided background information. It was also interesting to see the characteristics of culture embedded in the food. Overall, great job!
Lydia Hulshizer


    Go to this website to learn how to cook Italian and Indian food! This site described how to make food from cannolis to chicken curry. Learn the history behind these amazing foods and have fun making them yourself!
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    Your cooking show was very interesting and I especially liked the two recipes you picked. I liked watching and learning about the two folk foods and how they are made. Why did you pick those two? Any specific reason?
    The show was very nicely done and seemed very professional. The way that curry became popular in England is a great example of folk culture spreading through relocation diffusion.
    It looks so good! It's interesting how they tie into your PING PED project. I'm still bitter about not being able to try it...
    Great job with the cooking video! I also found the background of cannolis interesting. The fact that they are popular around Carnavale season in Italy, is a good example of how they connect with folk culture and traditions.

Report suggests world food shocks likely to grow more common due to global warming - 0 views

    Worldwide food shortages are expected to become more common because of global warming. Global warming is a way that humans have modified the planet. Part of the theme of nature culture is looking at how humans modify the Earth. Shortages can also be caused by the globalization of food production. Not all countries have developed systems for food production. Countries, like those in the Middle East, that rely on other countries to import food are the ones that are expected to be impacted the most.
    Great post! Does anyone think that the movement to use genetically modified seeds will be a way to adapt to global warming?

Folk and Popular Food - Jenna Landis - 8 views

    If you want to view images of food, then look on this website. You can learn about folk and popular food and view pictures. This website provides images for Shepherd's Pie and vegetables, like corn.
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    I was really interested in learning about your view on this topic, but I couldn't view any of the links because of the permission settings. The pictures were great, and I loved how you organized your website!
    I like how you made a map showing where the shepherds pie came from! It is so interesting to see where different foods that we enjoy in our own culture came from. You also did a good job of laying out your information.
    I like how you showed the diffusion of shepherds pie and which country it had originated in. Your site was very informative, and well done.
    I liked the way you showed the origin of shepherds pie. Its interesting to know where a food many people eat today came from.

Regional Variations in Food Preferences- Makenzie Jenna Gemma - 23 views

    Are you a fan of world travel? Do you enjoy exposure to other cultures? If you answered "yes" to either of these questions, come check out this site to learn about popular food found in Portugal, Sierra Leone, and Slovenia. You can explore the countries of the world and get a taste of their culture without having to move a muscle.
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    Awesome site! I know what I'm doing this weekend. I liked how you explained the diffusion of each dish. I enjoyed the videos, and I'm really digging the t-swift. #squad
    I love the name! The setup was extremely professional and easy to follow making me want to look at more. The dishes all looked great and I'm definitely loving the site of #squad.
    The foods you guys cooked look really delicious! I know what Susan will be cooking me this week! I liked the incorporation of RJ, he did a very nice job not hurting himself or anyone else. You're videos were very well put together and informative! Great job guys!
    So much variation of food preferences in Southern Europe. The video of the food preparation was great too, showing what is native the the regions. Well Done!
    I love this website!!! Your videos were so funny but also showed great dishes. I loved how you had your website organized to the three regions of where your foods came from. The information was very informative. It really related to the things we have been talking about in class like how people create their dishes with the resources they have around them. There were great examples of folk dishes. Great job guys!!
    Great job incorporating the "guest cook"! Nice selection of music too.

Empanadas n' Sambar - 12 views

    Wanna learn about empanadas and sambar? I knew it. Visit our site to learn about two different dishes from to very different cultures!
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    I really like how you made your site look professional but simple. I also like that there's not too much information to make me not want to read it. Great job!!
    This website was a great place to learn about folk food around the world. These two dishes from Spain, empanadas, and India, sambar, were fun to learn about and look great too!
    This website provided great information about two very unique dishes, which I learned about folk food from Spain and India. Nice job!
    I liked this website because it displayed two dishes that I have never heard about. This makes me want to find more about and try other Spanish and Indian foods.
    Wow, I really enjoyed the information on this website. We did empanadas, too. Far out.
    Great easy to navigate website design. Also the recipe's were very specific and really gave instructions to make these foods at home.
    I learned a lot from your informational website about empanadas. It is a very nice layout and overall entertaining. Great job!

Cooking With Style- Katie Harlacher and Paige Keefer - 14 views

    Do you enjoy tasty food created in Spain? Is learning about folk food one of your hobbies? If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, "Cooking with Style" is for you. On this website you can learn the history and recipe for the delicious empanada.
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    That wonderful video was definitely wonderful and you've inspired me to make empanadas now in my own home now. And by empanadas I mean samosas.
    I loved how the website was very easy to navigate, plus the food looks really good, i might have to make it myself.
    The food looked really good, I may have to make it myself this weekend! Your video was very good and your website was very easy to navigate. Wonderful Job!!
    I really enjoyed watching your video! I like how it was entertaining but also informative. I also enjoyed learning about how Empanadas diffused to several spanish areas. It is great that you have the recipe so that others can make empanadas on their own. Over all, great job! Your website was interesting as well as informative.
    Awesome job with the video, very informative and entertaining. Overall good content and interesting view on the food taboos. Great quote at 1:34 "Like my mom always told me, if you cut your finger off, it's gonna bleed"
    I enjoyed watching your video which was well done and looked delicious! I also found the liver and onion dish as a taboo to be interesting because of how it is accepted in some regions and not others. It seems it is more widely accepted in areas that are influenced by folk culture rather than popular culture, which is funny because many things are eaten in a popular cultural society that are worse for you and contain more chemicals than the natural liver of a cow.

OPA! A New Way to Cook Food - 21 views

    Come and visit us at OPA cooking! With Owen Courtney, Peyton Jackson, and Adam Laudenslager, learn how to make fruit-a-licious pineapple nog, delightful alfajores (a type of cookie), and savory beef brochettes. These delicious recipes will blow you out of your mind. Watch our videos and enjoy our page! I recommend the pineapple nog video.
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    Mmm… That all looks delicious. Very informative and inspiring. I think I'll try making the Frosty Pineapple-Nog.
    I laughed way too hard at parts of this... I learned a lot about the different cultures of food!
    That stuff looks awesome, I know what I'm doing this weekend.
    The food looks amazing. I was blown away by the recipes! I also learned about various culture's food.
    The videos were very well done and funny! It makes sense that Haitians would have pineapples in a christmas drink due to its tropical climate.
    The videos were really funny! The easy layout of the website made it effortless to navigate and find everything. Overall great job done!
    This website is very well done! I love your videos and how they are very funny but also informative. The information in the website can relate to what we learned in class. For example, Peyton's dish spread by relocation diffusion which is a characteristic of folk culture. Over all, I really enjoyed you website! Great job guys!
    This website is great! The videos are hilarious yet still factual. I enjoyed learning about all of the different foods around the world and applying what we learned in class, such as the different types of the diffusion, to the recipes in the videos. Awesome job!
Mr. Reidy

"Eating the Past: Why and How To Study Food History" by Dr. Megan J. Elias - YouTube - 0 views

    Interesting seminar on Food History.  Excited to begin CH10.
Mr. Reidy

Freshpet expands in Lehigh Valley to meet market demand for natural pet food - Morning ... - 0 views

    Why is the Lehigh Valley a valuable site and situation for companies like Freshpet?
Mr. Reidy

Food Psychology: What's in a Name? - The Plate: Rebecca Rupp - 0 views

    How does what we eat reflect our geography?
Mr. Reidy

E-Cigarettes: FDA Regulation Looms for $1.5 Billion Industry - Businessweek - 0 views

  • booked a trip to China; and began meeting with manufacturers.
    • Allyson Fea
      I chose this article because it really interested me. Though I do not smoke myself, and I hope I never will, I have always wondered how E-Cigs work and how they are different than regular cigs
    • Mr. Reidy
      I think there is an E-Cig shop in Mechanicsburg, downtown.
  • it did work, it could upend the tobacco industry.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Verleur saw right away that if e-cigarettes could be made as convenient and satisfying as a pack of smokes, he’d make a killing. He enlisted the help of his brother, an engineer working for an Agilent Technologies (A) spinoff; booked a trip to China; and began meeting with manufacturers. In 2009 he formed his company, V2Cigs, with four employees working out of an apartment.
    • Allyson Fea
      This article really display the effects of worldwide globalization, a theme we discussed in class. E-Cigs were created in China, but they quickly became a huge part of the US economy through electronic media and industry. Both of these are ways that new inventions can diffuse across the globe. Now many countries are using E-Cigs due to globalization.
    • Mr. Reidy
      Interesting graphic.
  • booked a trip to China; and began meeting with manufacturers.
    • Allyson Fea
      One thing we talked about in class was cheap labor. I find it very interesting that Verleur and his brother immediately thought to manufacture their product in China, almost as if this was the only place TO manufacture it. China provides very cheap labor for US companies and E-Cigs are probably not that expensive to ship, so they would save a lot of money.
    • Mr. Reidy
      I like your connection to this major site factor.
  • 250 employees, and 5 million customers worldwide.
  • six manufacturing facilities in Shenzhen, China
  • Miami headquarters,
  • commercially marketed device was created by a Chinese pharmacist, Hon Lik, and introduced to the Chinese market as a smoking cessation device in 2004.
  • iny fraction of what Americans spend on tobacco, but it’s pretty solid for an industry that barely existed five years ago.
    • Allyson Fea
      More examples of Globalization and Mobility as ECigs diffuse to different countries around the world. They were created through stimulus diffusion and now are expanding
    • Allyson Fea
      Will E-Cigs replace regular cigarettes in the near future? I wonder!
    • Allyson Fea
      This article relates to current events we looked at when we discussed the globalization of food products around the world, especially fast food, and how people in developing countries and developed countries all drink coca-cola, etc. Same with ECIGs
    An article discussing how the E-Cigarette industry is quickly growing and diffusing around the world. 
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    Interesting choice of article Ally. I like how it show the production of the e cigarettes spreading all around the world, even to china, which shows globalization. Good Job!!
    I think that it's very interesting how he moved to China immediately to build and produce his product. It must have had several appealing characteristics, perhaps cheap labor, resources, or less strict regulations. I wonder if the tobacco industry will try to combat e-cigs to protect their profits, maybe even by leading research on the effects of inhaling the nicotine vapors.
    I Think that it was interesting that hey immediately thought to produce it in China. I have seen many start up businesses that was to get to manufacturing in China because it will cut down their production cost and it will increase their profit which is the goal of the business.
    I was surprised to read that globally, cigarettes earn more than a half trillion dollars in sales annually because I thought the amount would be much less. With the rise in popularity of E-Cigerattes, the markets, as well as the inputs for cigarettes is likely to decline. In addition, I find it very interesting that the product, after improving it with access to technology and knowledge in the U.S., is produced in China. This is probably due to the cheap labor force, as well as the large amount of land available to produce the product, for production near urban and suburban areas could spark debate with health problems.
    After reading Danyelle's article and the one we read in class, I wonder if the increase in Chinese wages will have an impact on the industries which produce the e-cig. If the factor of cheap labor is taken away, but available somewhere else, how will that shift the distribution and manufacturing of the cigarettes.
    An article discussing how the E-Cigarette industry is quickly growing and diffusing around the world. 
Nick Miller

India's elections could be bad news for Walmart - Quartz - 2 views

    • Nick Miller
      Why remove multi-brand retail stores from the Indian market?
    • Nick Miller
      This restriction of multi-brand retail stores would hinder the advancement of globalization. New products will not make it to other parts of the world if the governments place restrictions on them.
    • Nick Miller
      These connections to the largest cities within India will help the country with its transportation of products. This allows products to be sold faster because they reach the consumers in a short amount of time thus allow the company to make the profit they wish to achieve.
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    • Nick Miller
      This new policy will have its pros and cons. The "manifesto" should help the country's economy to kick start but locking out multi-brand retailers and genetically modified foods may not be the most intelligent choice but creating these railways and producing more food processing and manufacturing companies should be a step in the right direction.
    • Nick Miller
      It seems that even the people of India agree that some aspects of the "manifesto" should be reconsidered and updated. Even the Hindus believe that the "manifesto" needs to be reconstructed.
    This article shows how when moving into a new country because of its economic potential could be dangerous if the government not yet completely stable. Though all the site and situation factors make India a prime country to set up shop, an unstable government can negatively turn the tables, making India a risky country to put a foreign owned company in.
Mr. Reidy

Russia Bans Food Imports from EU and U.S. in Retaliation to Western Sanctions - WSJ - 1 views

    How is the globalization theme evident in this article? 
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