Asheville area natural products industry on the rise - 1 views
Western North Carolina is not just where the wild things grow, but home to a growing number of businesses using technology to turn those native plants into consumer products.
Blue Ridge has added a natural products manufacturing line to help small start-ups venturing into skin care, cosmetics and even dietary supplements. This market relies on rigorous manufacturing standards, quality testing in high-tech labs, and carefully documenting ingredients through the process.
WNC is now home to this industry that goes all the way from the field from people growing and harvesting plants to manufacturers processing materials at Blue Ridge Food Ventures, to quality testing at A-B Tech and the U.S. Botanical Safety Lab, all the way to the market,”
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In your article is says "About 80 of those local companies will be featured among the 200 exhibitors at the Mother Earth News Fair, a massive natural products trade show..." It's very exciting to see these small scale, local businesses thriving. In a country dominated by commercial manufacturing, it is good to see these true home grown enterprises succeeding.