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Contents contributed and discussions participated by aspidle

aspidle - 0 views

shared by aspidle on 28 Feb 15 - Cached
Mr. Reidy liked it
    I think is one of the most beneficial charities there are today. It provides a very basic need to many countries that don't have it; clean water. This organization helps to build sustainable wells that they help to maintain. "Safe water transforms lives. For more than twenty years, has pioneered safe water and sanitation solutions that give women hope, children health and communities a future" This helps improve the CDR of underdeveloped countries, hence improving the HDI of the countries aided.

BBC News - Why segregated housing is thriving in India - 0 views

  • A range of old reasons like caste and cultural differences - and some relatively new ones such as migration and religious tensions
  • Segregation has inevitably led to curious business opportunities. Sensing that mixed neighbourhoods were fast disappearing and even well-to-do-Muslims were finding it a problem to buy property,
  • So despite the fact that more than a third of India's Muslims live in cities and towns - making them the most urbanised community of a significant size - poverty and discrimination continues to easily push them into ghettos.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • In the end, segregated housing - now increasingly driven by religious discrimination - is a blight on India's progress.
    This article discussed the effect of discrimination to the point of migration. It shows the extremities of the living areas in India. These tensions create a term that Loic Wacquant used, "neighbourhoods of exile." The dangers and unsafe environments that many people live in are definite push factors.    

Global Fashion By Sophie Freeman and Alex Spidle - 19 views
started by aspidle on 12 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
Mr. Reidy liked it
  • aspidle
    Have you ever wondered what makes your clothing unique? Why is it that a girl in Japan will wear the same styles as a girl in America? Come to our page to find out more about these intriguing topics.

Who are Ukraine's pro-Russia rebels? - 0 views

    What are the economic factors behind the separatist movement? Who is funding the pro-Russian rebels? What does Russia have to gain? This relates to the theme of nature culture. Nature culture encompasses political, economic and social forces. The rebels have these interests with a strong Russian political backing, Russian economic ties supporting the movement, and the common Russian heritage that is shared due to the inclusion of Ukraine in the former Soviet Republic.
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