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Rudy Garns

Homo Erectus Invented "Modern" Living? - 0 views

    t's long been thought that so-called modern human behavior first arose during the middle Stone Age, in "modern" humans-Homo sapiens. But a new study suggests modern living may have originated roughly 500,000 years earlier-courtesy of one of our hairy, heavy-browed ancestor species.
Rudy Garns

Qualia (Tye) - 0 views

  • something it is like
  • I am the subject of a mental state with a very distinctive subjective character.
  • a mental picture-like representation
  • ...38 more annotations...
  • its content and its intrinsic, non-representationational features
  • relations to sensory objects
  • identified with neural events
  • irreducible
  • intrinsic, consciously accessible features that are non-representational
  • introspection
  • counterparts
  • intrinsic properties of experiences that are also ineffable, nonphysical, and ‘given’ to their subjects incorrigibly
  • something it is like for you subjectively to undergo
  • The phenomenal character of an experience is what it is like subjectively to undergo the experience.
  • experience of understanding a sentence
  • some thoughts have qualia.
  • desires
  • feeling angry that the house has been burgled or seeing that the computer is missing
  • Mary acquires certain abilities,
  • Talk of the ways things look and feel is intensional.
  • provide further support for the contention that some sort of representational account is appropriate for qualia.
  • qualities represented by experiences
  • belong to external things
  • qualia are really representational contents of experiences into which the represented qualities enter
  • just as meaning is something a word has
  • there can be differences in the representational contents of experiences without any phenomenal difference.
  • Phenomenally, our experiences are all very much alike, notwithstanding certain higher-level representational differences
  • This content is plausibly viewed as nonconceptual. It forms the output of the early, largely modular sensory processing and the input to one or another system of higher-level cognitive processing
  • properties represented by experiences.
  • my current visual experience of a red object not only represents the object as red (this is my focal awareness) but also represents itself as red
  • Representationalists about qualia are often also externalists about representational content
  • If these differences in content are of the right sort then, according to the wide representationalist, microphysical twins cannot fail to differ with respect to the phenomenal character of their experiences.
  • Qualia are not intrinsic qualities of inner ideas of which their subjects are directly aware, qualities that are necessarily shared by internal duplicates however different their environments may be. Rather, they are representational contents certain inner states possess, contents whose nature is fixed at least in part by certain external relations between individuals and their environments
  • qualia are supposedly one and the same as certain representational contents.
  • qualia are one and the same as certain representational properties of experiences;
  • experiences have the same representational content but different phenomenal character
  • experience of one sort or another is present but in which there is no state with representational content.
  • deny that there really is any change in normal tracking with respect to color,
  • The sensory state that nature designed in your species to track blue in the setting in which your species evolved will continue to do just that even if through time, on Inverted Earth, in that alien environment, it is usually caused in you by looking at yellow things.
  • feeling pain or having a visual sensation of red are phylogenetically fixed
  • Swampman is not human
  • His inner states play no teleological role.
    "Philosophers often use the term 'qualia' (singular 'quale') to refer to the introspectively accessible, phenomenal aspects of our mental lives. In this standard, broad sense of the term, it is difficult to deny that there are qualia. Disagreement typically centers on which mental states have qualia, whether qualia are intrinsic qualities of their bearers, and how qualia relate to the physical world both inside and outside the head. The status of qualia is hotly debated in philosophy largely because it is central to a proper understanding of the nature of consciousness. Qualia are at the very heart of the mind-body problem."
Rudy Garns

Evolution of Adaptive Behaviour in Robots by Means of Darwinian Selection - 0 views

    These examples of experimental evolution with robots verify the power of evolution by mutation, recombination, and natural selection. In all cases, robots initially exhibited completely uncoordinated behaviour because their genomes had random values. However, a few hundreds of generations of random mutations and selective reproduction were sufficient to promote the evolution of efficient behaviours in a wide range of environmental conditions. The ability of robots to orientate, escape predators, and even cooperate is particularly remarkable given that they had deliberately simple genotypes directly mapped into the connection weights of neural networks comprising only a few dozen neurons. PLoS Biology
Rudy Garns

How is the internet changing the way you think? - 0 views

    EDGE 2010
Rudy Garns

Multiple Drafts: An eternal golden braid? - 0 views

  • Enough information may often be available to fuel more than one version of reality. Then drafts compete in Pandemonium-like rivalry (Dennett 1991) and the rivalry is resolved in favor of one over the rest (the one that "makes most ecological sense")--but not for good. The competition is never- ending. There is no definitive or archival draft.
    Response to Glicksohn and Salter in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 18, no. 4, 1995, pp. 810-11. "We have learned that the issues we raised are very difficult to think about clearly, and what "works" for one thinker falls flat for another, and leads yet another astray. So it is particularly useful to get these re-expressions of points we have tried to make. Both commentaries help by proposing further details for the Multiple Drafts Model, and asking good questions. They either directly clarify, or force us to clarify, our own account. They also both demonstrate how hard it is for even sympathetic commentators always to avoid the very habits of thought the Multiple Drafts Model was designed to combat. While acknowledging and expanding on their positive contributions, we must sound a few relatively minor alarms. "
Rudy Garns

Feet hold the key to human hand evolution - 0 views

    Scientists may have solved the mystery of how human hands became nimble enough to make and manipulate stone tools.
Rudy Garns

Terrence Deacon on the symbolic species - 0 views

  • language is not merely a mode of communication, it is also the outward expression of an unusual mode of thought—symbolic representation
  • [In] indexical association, [t]he word (iconically associated with past occurrences of similar utterances) and the object (iconically associated with past occurrences of similar utterances) and the object (iconically associated with similar objects from past experiences) and their past correlations enable the word to bring the object to mind .
  • [T]he major structural and functional innovations that make human brains capable of unprecedented mental feats evolved in response to the use of something as abstract and virtual as the use of words ... [T]he first use of symbolic reference by some distant ancestors changed how natural selection processes have affected hominid brain evolution ever since.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • [S]ymbolic reference itself must have been the prime mover for the prefrontalization of the brain in hominid evolution. Language has given rise to a brain which is strongly biased to employ the one mode of associative learning that is most critical to it.
    Neuroscientist Terence Deacon argues that the emergence of symbolic capacities unique to language were a key factor in the evolution of the human brain, and are a key to distinguishing human from animal forms of communication, ways of learning and brain s
Rudy Garns

Colour, is it in the brain? - 0 views

    "Language requires the coordination of perceptually grounded categories with a socially-negotiated set of shared linguistic conventions to express them; i.e. language is based on shared groups of meanings that arise from our perceptual interaction with the external world and the way in which we convey that relationship to other human beings. Deacon's opinion is that neurological predispositions and socio-ecological constraints sponsored the development and evolution of language, and that the subsequent feedback system gave rise to a complex coevolution of the two. Founded neurological determinism within evolutionary and socio-ecological boundaries drives the core of his argument." « Neuroanthropology
Rudy Garns

Evolutionary Psychology: An Exchange - 0 views

  • Evolutionary psychology is the attempt to understand our mental faculties in light of the evolutionary processes that shaped them.
    By Harold Kalant, Werner Kalow, Steven Pinker, Reply by Stephen Jay Gould In response to Darwinian Fundamentalism (June 12, 1997) - The New York Review of Books
Rudy Garns

Ability to use symbols appeared 35 million years ago? - 0 views

    "Humans are sometimes said to be distinguished as "The Symbolic Species." A Research Highlights note in Nature point to the work of Addessi et al., who show that capuchin monkeys, who diverged from the human lineage ~35 million years ago, can be trained to use and assign value to tokens (symbols) for different items of food." (Deric Bownds' MindBlog)
Rudy Garns

In Dealing With Death, Are Animals Just Like Us or Pretty Much Unaware? - 0 views

    "Yes, we're a lot like other primates, particularly the great apes, with whom we have more than 98 percent of our genes in common. Yet elaborate displays of apparent maternal grief like Gana's may reveal less about our shared awareness of death than our shared impulse to act as though it didn't exist." -
Rudy Garns

The Co-evolution of Language and the Brain - 0 views

    The Co-evolution of Language and the Brain: A Review of two contrastive views (Pinker & Deacon). (Printed 2001 in Grazer Linguistische Studien GLS 55, 1-20) Ken Ramshøj Christensen Department of English, University of Aarhus
Rudy Garns

Time and the Observer | Dennett and Kinsbourne - 0 views

    Two models of consciousness are contrasted with regard to their treatment of subjective timing. The standard Cartesian Theater model postulates a place in the brain where "it all comes together": where the discriminations in all modalities are somehow put into registration and "presented" for subjective judgment. In particular, the Cartesian Theater model implies that the temporal properties of the content-bearing events occurring within this privileged representational medium determine subjective order. The alternative, Multiple Drafts model holds that whereas the brain events that discriminate various perceptual contents are distributed in both space and time in the brain, and whereas the temporal properties of these various events are determinate, none of these temporal properties determine subjective order, since there is no single, constitutive "stream of consciousness" but rather a parallel stream of conflicting and continuously revised contents. Four puzzling phenomena that resist explanation by the standard model are analyzed: two results claimed by Libet, an apparent motion phenomenon involving color change (Kolers and von Grunau), and the "cutaneous rabbit" (Geldard and Sherrick) an illusion of evenly spaced series of "hops" produced by two or more widely spaced series of taps delivered to the skin. The unexamined assumptions that have always made the Cartesian Theater model so attractive are exposed and dismantled. The Multiple Drafts model provides a better account of the puzzling phenomena, avoiding the scientific and metaphysical extravagances of the Cartesian Theater.
Rudy Garns

Damasio, A. (2003) "Feelings of Emotion and the Self" - 0 views

    Damasio, A. (2003) "Feelings of Emotion and the Self," Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1001, 253-261.
Rudy Garns

Evolution of a theory of mind - 0 views

    This paper appeared in Corballis, M, & Lea, S (eds) The descent of mind: psychological perspectives on hominid evolution. Oxford University Press 1999
Rudy Garns

Talking Heads - 0 views

    "Our brains are well suited for language. But how did they get that way." Calvin's review of Deacon in the NYRB
Rudy Garns

Thinking About Thinking - 0 views

    Preview of an article by Howard Gardner from The New York Review of Books, October 9, 1997
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