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Hapxxr Trxze

A1 Sauce Almond Jo - 0 views

Fastfood Recipes A1 Sauce Almond Joy Bars Applebee's Lemonade Applebee's Low-Fat Blackened Chicken Salad Applebee's Oriental Chicken Salad Arby's Barbecue Sauce Arby's Horsey Sauce Arthur ...

Recipe Fastfood Chains

started by Hapxxr Trxze on 24 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
Ajay Rai

Make Delicious Ice Cream by Ice Cream Machines - 0 views

    Ice cream is the wonderful summer dessert for everyone. There are many different flavors available in the ice cream. The delicious ice cream is made by ice cream machines because it makes wonderful ice cream within 20-25 minute.
Daily Kool

The Daily Kool: Today's Kool Idea: Chef's Choice Ice Cream Cone Holder - 0 views

    Our posts honoring National Ice Cream Month have received a lot of interest from our loyal readers, particularly yesterday's "kool" idea, the Chef's Choice Waffle Cone Express ice cream cone maker. However, our review brought up an intriguing a wire rack really the best choice for cooling off our ice cream cones? What if we do decide to decorate them or simply add some melted chocolate to the bottom? A wire rack would most definitely result in a bit of a mess if we laid our fancier ice cream cones on it. We need a better solution...that's right, an ice cream holder!
Bharatbookbureau MarketReport

Enjoy Your Ice Cream, it's Ice Cream Month - 0 views

    There are many ice cream crazy fans around, but they are not to be blamed as they have it in the genes. According to historians ice cream was said to be a luxury.
Daily Kool

The Daily Kool: Today's Kool Idea: Zeroll Original Ice Cream Scoop - 0 views

    Here at The Daily Kool, our arms are getting quite the workout this summer...well, at least one arm, anyway. Our kids have been having one playdate after another at the house, and we've been doling out ice cream scoops practically by the dozen each day. Dig, twirl, release...dig, twirl release. Such is our life. It's amazing how one single perfect scoop of ice cream just seems to brighten a child's day...wait a minute, did we say perfect? A lofty, yet often elusive goal, we know. But apparently (and we've just recently learned this, mind you), a dish or cone of ice cream just tastes better to a kid if it has that professional, ice cream parlor look. Go figure, but kudos are important in the world of parenthood...we'll take what we can get. Pretty shallow of us, isn't it?
Daily Kool

The Daily Kool: Today's Kool Idea: Chef's Choice 838 Waffle Cone Express Ice Cream Cone... - 0 views

    Nothing says summer quite like an ice cream cone. Some of our best childhood memories include strolling down the boardwalk by the beach with our parents, eating ice cream cones while watching the ocean waves crash against the shore. We could never quite understand how anyone could dishonor the sanctity of ice cream by eating it out of a cup. Good thing we've never quite grown adults, we still love our ice cream cones, even when the sticky mess drips down the side of our arms. Waffle cones help us stay a bit cleaner...not that we care much. We just love them because they are so darned yummy!
Daily Kool

Today's Kool Idea: Cuisinart ICE-40 Flavor Duo Ice Cream, Frozen Yogurt & Sorbet Maker - 0 views

    The Daily Kool family has always toyed with the idea of getting an ice cream maker for our home. As parents, we are often concerned about controlling the quality of ingredients in the food our children eat. Store-bought ice cream often has additives, so we often prefer the premium brands...hey, if we can't pronounce it, we certainly don't want to eat it. But, wow. Premium ice cream definitely comes at a premium price. An ice cream maker may seem like a perfect solution, but since no one in our household can ever agree on one flavor (heaven forbid), we always figured it would be a wasted investment...until now.
Daily Kool

The Daily Kool: Today's Kool Idea: Purina Frosty Paws Frozen Ice Cream Treats for Dogs - 0 views

    Yesterday, we returned from our gluttonous trip to our local Carvel ice cream shop on a euphoric sugar high. Oh yeah...The Daily Kool family has officially kicked off our celebration of National Ice Cream Month! Needless to say, we were in a fabulous mood when we walked through our front door. Of course, so was our lovable dog, Pepper...we may have mentioned him a few hundred times or so in our previous blog posts. Well, Pepper (as usual) was beside himself with joy when we came home, wagging his tail a mile a minute to show how excited he was to see us. We're telling you, there's not much that beats the feeling of unconditional love from a furry friend. Wait a minute...did we say unconditional? Because when Pepper got closer to lick our faces (hey, he's a French poodle, after all), he literally took a giant sniff of our ice cream breath and reeled back from each of us in indignant shock. Okay, we realize we're attributing human characteristics to our dog (doesn't everybody?). But seriously, you should have seen the accusatory look on his face before he pointedly turned his doggie butt on us and walked away to pout on his bed. Yep, Pepper's big brown eyes can really bring on the guilt. No doubt about it, our dog wanted to be a part of July's National Ice Cream Month holiday.
Ajay Rai

Automatic Ice Cream Machines - 0 views

    Modern automatic Ice Cream machines allow to create several dishes without the need for an early freeze.These machines are safe, easy to use and clean and makes a wonderful ice cream within 20 minutes.
    Modern automatic Ice Cream machines allow to create several dishes without the need for an early freeze.These machines are safe, easy to use and clean and makes a wonderful ice cream within 20 minutes.
DineIn Chennai

Cream Centre Restaurant Home Delivery in Chennai - 0 views

    DineIn delivers Cream Centre Veg Restaurant food at your door steps ordered online by you. Cream Centre Nungambakkam, Cream Centre Restaurant Delivery

Pineapple Ice Cream Recipe - 0 views

    Pineapple Ice Cream Recipe. This fresh, sweet, creamy pineapple ice cream recipe is an easy-to-make, healthy treat! Vegan, Clean Eating, Gluten Free...
Daily Kool

Today's Kool Idea: Carvel Ice Cream and Ice Cream Cake - 0 views

    Guess what The Daily Kool found out the other day? July is National Ice Cream Month! Apparently, President Ronald Reagan decided to help out the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) back in 1984 by recognizing this cool and creamy treat. How we possibly could not have known about this is beyond us...but, we would be remiss if we didn't honor President Reagan's memory by throwing ourselves wholeheartedly into the spirit of this very important holiday, right? Since the third Sunday of July is officially National Ice Cream Day, The Daily Kool will be featuring some "kool" ideas and recipes over the next week in celebration of this event. Oh yeah...we're definitely going to take advantage of this legitimate excuse to indulge in one of our sweetest obsessions!
Ajay Rai

Make Ice cream within 15 minutes – Enjoy party in summer | ABLTechnology - 0 views

    Ice cream is the best way to make your party enjoyable and cheerful in summer season because everyone likes to eat ice cream in summer. There are lots of things that should keep in mind when you ar…

Tasty Roast Shrimp Enchiladas with Jalapeño Cream Sauce - - 0 views

    Tasty Roast Shrimp Enchiladas with Jalapeño Cream Sauce, Smothered in a rich, jalapeño cream sauce, how can you resist these cheesy shrimp enchiladas?
Chris Stonecipher

Sour Cream Coffee Cake | Notecook - 0 views

    Sour Cream Coffee Cake has been in the family for many years. Whether serving Sour Cream Coffee Cake with coffee or hot tea, this coffee cake is sure to be a winner with family and friends.
Naoko Yoshioka

Baked Sweet Potatoes with Cheese Cream さつまいものチーズクリーム焼き - 0 views

    Here's a Delicious Japanese Recipes called Baked Sweet Potatoes with Cream Cheese. A Great recipe for those Cheese Cream lovers. Enjoy
gina syarif

Cookies & Cream Freeze - 0 views

    If you're in need of a frozen dessert that's a little different than ice cream with all the cookies & cream flavor, then you should try making this delicious freeze!
gina syarif

Ice Cream Cone Day! - 0 views

    Happy Ice Cream Cone Day! Celebrate by making some yummy homemade ice cream or read all about this frozen holiday!
gina syarif

Pumpkin Patch Ice Cream Dessert - 0 views

    If you love Halloween and ice cream, why not combine them?! Make this Pumpkin Patch Ice Cream Dessert at your Halloween party!
Uthen Kamsurin

Thai Coconut Cream - Cocktail Jelly | Cook Asian Food - 0 views

    This cocktail jelly with Thai coconut cream uses all natural colourings. The colours of the cocktail jelly come from Hibiscus tea and Pandanus leaves and of course the Thai coconut cream.
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