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Larry King to moderate 3rd party candidate debate - 0 views

    Larry King, the celebrated talk show host accustomed to A-list interview guests, has agreed to moderate a debate featuring a squad of minor-party presidential candidates. The former CNN giant will guide next Tuesday's debate in Chicago, which will be broadcast on the Internet. The candidates taking part are the Libertarian Party's Gary Johnson, the Green Party's Jill Stein, the Constitution Party's Virgil Goode and the Justice Party's Rocky Anderson.
    This should be interesting, and I'm glad that someone is giving third parties a chance to be heard. As King said, our political system isn't a two party system by law, and I strongly disagree with the two party system. It would be great if third parties could get more recognition.

Never-Trump conservatives search for alternative - - 1 views

    "Bill Kristol and other Never-Trump Republicans have done extensive polling and talked to potential candidates and financial backers about how to stop Donald Trump, according to sources familiar with those efforts. They understand that getting on the ballot at this late stage will be a challenge but insist they can overcome that with the right candidate and resources."

Primary election 2016: What to watch on March 15 - - 39 views

    "Voters go to the polls in Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio on Tuesday. Here's what to watch in those contests:"
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    I bet Sanders wins a few Midwest States. Momentum is definitely on his side after he took Michigan over Hillary. Also I feel that both Rubio and Kasich will both be knocked out of the race. I feel that Donald Trump will keep winning. I bet Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will be the ones campaigning for president in the end.
    I predict that if Rubio does not win Florida today, he will drop out and support Ted Cruz. Clinton will win Florida, but Sanders will take the other states.
    I think that Sanders will close the gap in between him and Clinton. I also think like Donald Trump will win most of the votes in the other states.
    I predict that ted Cruz will win Florida, and will win slightly over trump in the other states, Clinton will lose Florida and will lose the other states to sanders.
    I think that sander will have the advantage in the Midwest, and Hillary and Trump will have advantages in other states. Also I think Trump and Clinton will be the last ones for election.
    I predict the Trump will win and face off against Hillary
    I think Donald Trump will beat Rubio and ted Cruz, if Rubio does not win the votes over in Florida. If sanders cannot make a come back and get the super delegates to vote for him then Hillary will win the race and go against Trump.
    I think as of right now Trump will win for the Republicans even though Cruz is close behind, more people are still predicted to vote for Trump today. Even if Kasich thinks he can win some delegates this week he still won't gain enough to compete and will end up dropping out. When it comes to Hillary vs Sanders I think it will be a close race, I predict HIllary will win Florida because she's had a pattern of winning the southern states, but Sanders has a better chance of winning the other states left.
    I think that Hillary and Sanders will split, but Hillary will stay ahead because of her lead. I also think that Trump will add onto his lead and be campaigning in the end.
    i predict that if rubio does not win in Florida trump would have a easier win when the time comes. If sander can get a jump on Clinton in the other state will give him more ammunition when the voting comes.
    I think that if trump wins Florida he will have a smooth road ahead and leave the other candidates behind. I think if sanders doesn't get enough votes to sway the super delegates Clinton will go on and face trump.
    I believe that, nearing the middle of the race, it has begun to be more focused on stopping the "big-wig's" Trump and Hillary. Bernie Sanders' momentum in the race is picking up and if he wins Florida and Ohio it very well could end up in his favor. Also at this time I agree with Mr. Pregon's above comment, if Rubio does not win his home state he may drop out and push his fellow runner, Cruz, forward. The same goes for Kasich in Ohio.
    I predict that Rubio will win Florida and it will put him closer in the race but he will still not be able to make a big enough jump to get in the head to head race.
    I think Rubio will win Florida, Kasich will lose in Ohio and support Cruz. Clinton will win Florida but Sanders will win everywhere else.
    I predict Rubio will win Florida putting him closer to Cruz but not enough to give him the win.
    Trump will likely sweep the board, or come very close to it. His numbers will more than likely convince other republican candidates to drop out and support either himself or Cruz. For the rest of the country its rather concerning deeming Trump has been instigating and promoting American Citizens inner Nazi as of late. On the democratic side of things, Hillary will likely win Florida, but given the financial situation of most of the other states, I am strongly convinced Bernie will win most of them.
    I believe that when they get farther west that Bernie will be able to catch up to Hillary and there;s a good change because the article even said that she was starting to get nervous about the debate.
    I predict that Trump will win the majority on the Republican side. I think he will be way ahead of Cruz by the end of the day. Rubio might stay a little longer, even though he will not win Florida. Kasich will probably drop out today, and he will support Trump. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders will be pretty close. I think Clinton will win slightly more delegates than Sanders.
    I think the gap will close between Bernie and Hilary. Donald Trump will probably win the republican side
    I predict that Bernie Sanders may just win Florida and he could just pass up Hillary. I think if Rubio ends up not being able to even win his own state, then he may just drop out and support.
    I predict that Trump will win his side and face off against Sanders.
    I predict sanders will win Florida and upset Clinton like he did in Michigan. He should also be able to win all the other states except for North Carolina which favors Clinton more. If Rubio and Kasich do not win there rich delegate home states they will more then likely drop out of the race. I also believe Ted Cruz can get ahead of Donald Trump today in the race for president.
    I believe that trump will win the republican nominee. Cruz has no chance in beating him. Either Rubio. FOr the democratic side Bernie has no chance. He will not beat a Clinton. She has already had her marks in politics weather bad or good. For president its said to say but Hillary will become the next president Of The United States.
    I think that Trump will win for the republicans and end up being one of the candidates in the end, and if Sanders doesn't win the Midwest and get some of the super delegates Clinton will be up against Trump.
    I predict that Sander's momentum will be able to make him tie with or be ahead of Clinton just barely. And judging by the super delegates being in the hands of Clinton at this moment, when Sanders gets his momentum and is able to at least tie with Clinton by the time the convention comes it will take Sanders his all to get the super delegates to favor him more than Clinton.
    I think that the last two candidates from both the democrats side and republicans side will be Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
    I think that Trump will win on the republican side beating Cruz closely. I think Clinton will win on the other side barely beating Sander while she takes the most votes.
    I predict that trump stays in the lead for the republican side. Kasich drops out. And for the Democratic side Hillary keeps the lead but not by much as Sanders slowly is closing the gap between him and Hillary.
    I think that cruz isnt going to get his home town and Kasich will get his home town and when cruz doesnt get his home town he will drop out and support donald trump. And the last 2 in the finals will be hillary clinton and donald trump
    I was somwhat right he cruz didnt get his home town and he droped out but I dont know if hes going to support trump or not?
    I feel that Donald Trump and Hillary will be the winners of their respective parties. I feel that Cruz will drop out of the race and support Trump for the rest of the campaign.
    Sanders will probably win a few in the midwest but I think Hillary will stay in front, trump as well. Cruz might drop out.

Presidential debates and their effects: An updated research roundup - Journal... - 12 views

    "Presidential debates and their effects: An updated research roundup"
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    I can't help but say that the debates are where we see the best/worst in a candidate not when were watching the news or reading a paper.
    I think that in this case they are just like getting back at each other and being dramatic like that isn't what presidency is about at all, and if they are being childish now who knows what the future holds, nobody wants a childish president.
    The debates have effected very little votes this time around, not to mention, the candidates just bicker like nine year old kids. It's a waste of everyone's time, we don't learn any more about their ideas, we just hear them attack each other on how one deleted emails and how the other is sexist and wants to build a wall.
    In the debate they were trying to attack each other and their private stuff like the emails Clinton had deleted and Trump saying he hasn't paid taxes and they haven't said anything about their plans to "try" and make America great again.
    The debates - at least so far - have only helped Hillary's increase of voters. It appears that more and more people are figuring out that Donald Trump can be compared to that kid in elementary school who always has the same comback of "I know you are but what am I?". Personally, I don't like either of our candidates because I'm against some of both of their views, but I believe the debates are a waste of time. The largest reason people watch - in my opinion - is to see how many times Trump will interrupt Hillary, and how much they bicker.
    The 2 candidates in my opinion are very in maturate. Neither of them should be running for president. Also I think more people are starting to realize how bad Trump is for our country because Hillary's increase of voters.
    The debates have only proven that voters are now leaning more toward Hillary instead of Donald Trump because it brought up his past statements and views.

Biden should have dodged reelection question at first news conference - 16 views

    Should Biden run for president at the end of 2024? What are your thoughts?
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    In an ideal world, Biden wouldn't run so that a more popular progressive candidate could run. Unfortunately, Biden likely will run for re-election at the end of his term, or the DNC will push hard for another milquetoast centrist if he doesn't.
    I agree with Brandon. I don't think Biden is the best president out there. From what I saw, many people only voted for him to get Trump out of office. However, from what I read in the article, Biden was confident when he said, "Yes. My plan is to run for reelection. That's my expectation." As the current newly appointed president, it's good that Biden responded confidently even if he doesn't run again. He would have looked weak if he said anything else. Also, why are reporters asking this question so soon? Biden has only been in office for like three months. The press is just trying to hurry up life.
    I don't think that he should run again, he should allow another to run who might be able to be more productive or something.
    I don't think he will end up running again by the end of his term and I don't think he should either as he has labeled himself as a bridge president I think it's illogical to run again. him winning the presidency creates some momentum for the party and it's pretty obvious that from here some more democratic candidates will come forwards vying to be the top candidate, and I don't think Joe Biden coming to join them would be of any benefit and it would probably stand more as a division within the party. Joe Biden pretty much just stood as anti-Trump in this election for people so when people have the option to choose for another candidate I don't think many would choose Biden.
    Depending on how his term ends out should be a deciding factor for reelection.
    i think it's too early to think about reelection because even if he wants to run again, he might change his mind about it in a few years.
    I believe we should wait to answer this question, cause we don't know what he's going to do in the future.
    Biden has made some big mistakes, and has done things I don't approve of...But it's been less than a year, so I will give him a chance to correct his mistakes.
    I agree with Jackie, it's too early in Biden's presidency to be asking whether or not he'll run again. I'm sure he'll try to run again, but I'm not sure how successful he'll be. Many people just voted for him because they didn't want Trump in office, so I'm doubtful they'll vote for him when there are other options.
    it's too early in Biden's presidency to be asking whether or not he'll run again its been like 3 months that's a question that should be asked around the time of reelection.
    I don't Biden should run again because they are better options out there for our president. Many people only voted for Biden because they didn't like how trump was as a person rather than what his policies did.
    Personally, I think that Biden will run for president and I think that in 2024 he will lose. Do you think the rock can become president in 2024?
    I agree with most of the comments. It´s too early to tell if Biden will run again especially since it's only been a few months. Depending on what he does in the office and the feedback he gets will dictate if he runs again. I do feel that Biden was sort of elected just to get Trump out of the office and I hope that in the next election there's a better option besides just the one main factor was he wasn´t Trump. Either way, I look forward to following the rocks campaign.
    I personally think that Biden will not run for president in 2024. I think it is also too soon for anyone to say anything since it hasn't been a year. Everyone was concerned about Biden's age when he ran for president, I feel like he shouldn't run for president again for that reason. What if he has too many health issues? What are your thoughts?
    I agree with most of the comments that it is too early to tell, I think there is a chance he will run again but I don't see him getting voted in again. At least hopefully by then, we'd have better people to choose from as well. But especially cause of his age and him already being slow in general, it is unlikely for him to run again.

Election 2012: Obama-Romney comparison - 0 views

    Very good breakdown of each candidate and the issues that they disagree on, money they've spent, etc.
    Obama seems to have a lot more support then Romney money wise. I wonder if that is going to have an outcome on the election, or if bigger the more wealthy just support Obama, even though Romney is the one saying not to Tax them. This is very interesting to me.

Atheists sue IRS for failure to monitor church politicking - The Washington Post - 0 views

    It will be interesting to see how this plays out. While the purpose of the event wasn't to endorse any specific candidate it does support an agenda that leans heavily toward candidates/a candidate.

Todd Akin, GOP Senate candidate: 'Legitimate rape' rarely causes pregnancy - 2 views

    This is really having some political fallout for Akin's comments even within his own party...
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    I can only hope that he does drop out of the race. I don't believe that anyone as ignorant as he seems to be is fit to be a Senator. I would have hoped that if someone were a pro-life advocate they could at least take the time to understand the reproductive system. Not to mention that "legitimate rape" is possibly one of the most offensive things you could say when discussing this issue. Is he trying to imply that there is non-legitimate rape or does he just not realize what he's saying?
    From reading the article I feel as tho they did not get the most current and correct medical information about this subject. I also think candidate Romney is trying to back peddle and correct what he said in a earlier interview and he is not actually legitimately concern with this controversy.
    i agree with Mallory I really would not want someone that ignorant being in power of anything
    I don't think anyone ignorant and has no respect what so ever should have any power.
    This is something I've heard about for the last few days and I really wish I could tell this man how ignorant and stupid he sounds. Does he really think that's true, because if he does then there's obviously something wrong and he needs to get help.
    I just wanted to point out that Todd Akin is a member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. Which I think makes his statement even more ridiculous.

Donald Trump Campaign Manager Says Candidate 'Not Afraid' To Debate - 4 views

    Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski says that the candidate isn't afraid of Thursday night's debate. "He's not afraid to take a question," he told ABC's George Stephanopoulos on "Good Morning America." "The issue is an issue of fairness," he added, claiming that Fox News anchor Megyn...
    Donald Trump's campaign manager is saying that Donald trump is not afraid of losing the caucus because there is never a fair debate and he will still run and answer all the questions people throw at him.
    I think that Trump is pulling out of the debate, not because he's intimidated, but I think it may be a way of seeing how many supporters he has. At the end of the article, it says that there is expected to be substantially less viewers. I'm thinking that this is Trump's way of seeing how many suporters he has now, and see how hard he has to work in the future to get more suporters.

CNN/ORC polls: Trump, Clinton deadlocked in Colorado, Pennsylvania - - 14 views

    "The new results in two battleground states underscore the closeness of the race and come as the candidates prepare to square off Monday night in their high-stakes first debate at Long Island's Hofstra University."

Libertarian Gary Johnson: crazy election cycle means 'I might be next president' | US n... - 5 views

    "The Libertarian candidate for president, Gary Johnson, said on Sunday he "might actually run the table on all this" and win the White House in November, thanks to "the polarisation of Clinton and Trump"."
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    After seeing this years election I realize that the elections are more unpredictable than I originally thought. It is possible that he could win, or come close, especially with opponents like Hillary and Trump.
    I doubt this will ever happen, but if it did it would be absolutely ludicrous. I'm almost positive there hasn't been a 3rd party winner since George Washington
    re:Tanner I am not betting on a 3rd party win, but I do think this will be a big year for their vote totals. Technically Abraham Lincoln was a 3rd party (split from the Whigs to form the Republican party)

Ted Cruz jokes about running over Donald Trump - 6 views

    The crack came after Kimmel opened the show with April Fool's Day pranks by people putting scary images in car back-up cameras. He then added without prompting, "If I were in my car and getting ready to reverse and saw Donald in the backup camera, I'm not confident which pedal I'd push."
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    It was inappropriate for Ted Cruz to make that joke.
    I think this is funny because i dont like most of Donald trumps "ideas". and id probably run him over also.
    I think that Ted Cruz and Donald Trump and almost every republican candidate this year has made a mockery of the Republican party. I mean do these candidates think?
    i agree i think he should run over donald trump cause if he becomes president then the country will go to s*** and no one is going to want him to have control.
    I believe that he is entitled to his own opinion, and if he wants to share his opinion then he is allowed to. Him not liking Trump is okay, but his remark about running him over or whatever is maybe a little inappropriate, not the worst thing ever, but still maybe not something to say about our potentially near future president.

NBC/WSJ poll: Primary season takes 'corrosive' toll on GOP and its candidates - 0 views

    Four in 10 of all adults say the GOP nominating process has given them a less favorable impression of the Republican Party, versus just slightly more than one in 10 with a more favorable opinion.

SECRET VIDEO: Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters - 0 views

    During a private fundraiser earlier this year, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney told a small group of wealthy contributors what he truly thinks of all the voters who support President Barack Obama.
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    Personally (no one take this offensively) I agree with Romney. It is those types of people that want Obama to win, now I'm not saying that is all of them, but that is most definitely majority. Stereotypes such as this one are based off of majority and are almost always true. Yes, Mitt Romney should not have stereotyped these people, but don't we all do it at some point? No one should get mad about this because he was making a point (that so happens to be true). No one in this country has the right to health care, food or housing. There is no part of the constitution that states that. "He dismissed these Americans as freeloaders who pay no taxes, who don't assume responsibility for their lives, and who think government should take care of them." I believe that this quote sums up those types of people perfectly. These people are the ones who are burdens to our society and will vote him to be president and will eventually change the country for the worst. Now, I realize that this is a strong point, but it is my opinion. I do not intend to offend anyone because you could disagree with me and I would accept that. But, people need to take care of themselves and not depend on anyone, not even the government to take care of them. People like this claim to be for equality, then be equal and pay taxes and take care of your self on your OWN just like the rest of us. To me, that makes a better person. (I know I went on a rant, but this again is my opinion.)
    Not everyone the NEEDS help from the government wants it. It doesn't mean they are freeloaders. They have to do what they have to do to support their family. If I was of age I would vote for Obama not because I want to freeload off the government but because I don't want someone like Romney that I feel to be ignorant and unfit to be the president. My parents voted for Obama and will vote for him this election not because they freeload off the government but because they agree with the things Obama is wanting to do and not what Romney wants to do. I think that's what the majority of people who vote for Obama are thinking. Just my opinion.
    I don't think anyone needs help from the government, because they're the ones who got themselves in that mess to need so much "help" anyways. The government, tax payers and citizens of America don't owe anything to those people who got themselves into those situations. I think the government needs to be in as little of people's lives as possible. I know what I'm saying is kind of harsh and is tough for those people who are in tight situations that I know I've never had to experience and I am thankful for that. But I know if I was brought up in a life of welfare (just an example no offense) or a government funded program or made a bad choice to get into a bad situation in the future, I would be ashamed and embarrassed and would do everything in my power to get my butt off the couch and do something about it. There are options in life that will lead to a better outcome of success, but people are choosing to take the easy way out and use the government for these things because they are just plain lazy and don't want to take the challenge that is required to become successful.
    My question to you is then what about the people with disabilities? That can't go out and work. The people who are mentally or physically handicapped because of nothing in their power. What happens to them? No one is there for them? They NEED the governments help to live. Not all of them can go out and get jobs to support themselves.What about those girls that are 20 and were raped and now have a kid? Maybe they NEED help from the government. I'm not saying that you're wrong. I think that too many people are abusing the governments help but saying that no one needs government help is wrong some select few people/groups do need the help of our government.
    So say that someone is in a car accident. They are hit by a drunk driver who is completely at fault. Because of the accident the victim becomes a paraplegic. This is a permanent condition. Don't they deserve help from the government?
    Like Rainie and Jeremy said, not everybody has the ability to get off their butt and go work. But people that have the ability need to quit taking advantage of the government.
    Yes, that is a type of situation where someone would be in need of help. But again, is that their problem? And I agree, he would need help and in his condition, it is provable but what about the people who take advantage of the government and I thought I made it clear that those are the ones who I was talking about. Didn't I say the lazy ones? Not the permanently injured.
    I agree, people should have to prove that they need help and don't have any other options. Too many people take advantage of the system. I've actually had someone come into the deli where I work and ask if we were hiring, and when I told him I could check, he said he was just asking about jobs so that he could continue receiving unemployment. I think that attitude is way too prevalent in our country.
    The idea of people needing government aid is very broad. I can tell you now, everyone who has ever gone to school was on public aide, some more then others. The government aides the school you go to, for every student, they receive appx. $6000 per student. Now, if we as students were not on government aid, I can tell you now I would not be at school. My parents could not afford $6000 a year for me to go to school. Not to mention another $6000 for my brother. The average student that stops at high school is there for anywhere from 13-14 years, that's over $78000 just to get every student a high school diploma, all of which is funded by the government. I know that the average income of a household is 63k a year. Now take that down to 50k from house payments, which most people do not complete until at least 60. Assuming the average household has 2 children, you are now down to 38k. Assuming your parents both have to make car payments, that is 12k a year for the average american. 26k left. The middle lower class is now spend, on average they make 40k, and have about 6k left. Now, what about income taxes, regular taxes, gas money, food, water, electricity, injury, insurance, and other daily expenses. The middle class can barely get by. As for people people not being able to make that kind of money, the middle class is primarily college graduates, with a bachelors degree. You would be surprised as to how many people do not have that. As for, they could have made it happen. I would disagree, some people are simply not smart enough to get EVERY scholarship out there. I know I am not one of those that can. It's not fair when someone has potential, and cannot go to college when someone with half the potential can just because they already have money. The more potential student should receive that aide.

Colorado Political Candidate Promises to Give His Seat to an App - Motherboard - 1 views

    "This is how it will work: If more than 50 percent of people in his community vote "yes" on an issue through the app, Casas will vote the same way they do. Only in the event of a tie would he be forced to make a decision based on his own beliefs."

John McCain: Citizens United Is 'Worst Decision Ever' ... 'Money Is Money,' Not Free Sp... - 1 views

    The Supreme Court's 2010 ruling, which allowed corporations, unions and individuals to pour unlimited amounts of money into elections through super PACs, has elicited a strong responses from McCain in the past.
    I agree with McCain on this, it seems like a bad decision. Almost all of this money will undoubtedly go to the Democratic or Republican party, and it will be even more difficult for third party candidates to be competitive.

Registering Doubt: If we can nationalize banks, why not our election process? - 0 views

    "Like our financial system, our voter registration system needs a federal government bailout. Before the election, while the public and press are still paying attention, we should get both presidential candidates to commit to a more sensible, secure, and universal voter registration process."
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