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Clerk in Kentucky Chooses Jail Over Deal on Same-Sex Marriage - 17 views

    ASHLAND, Ky. - A Kentucky county clerk who has become a symbol of religious opposition to same-sex marriage was jailed Thursday after defying a federal court order to issue licenses to gay couples.
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    When the law was passed for gay marriage in the U.S. she should have gotten a new job or something. It is her job to give people marriage licenses. It is outrageous that she would refuse and its not fair to those couples.
    That law was passed for a reason. If she doesn't agree with it then she should get a different job.
    Regardless of your opinion on same sex marriage a law is a law and you must follow it. Especially if you are the one dealing with the law
    Some people have strong opinions over different things and that freedom to believe in what we want is our right, here in the United States. However, her belief clashes with her job so if her beliefs are really that important than she should have found a different job where they didn't conflict.
    I understand the people have opinions the go against same sex marriage and that totally okay. She has the right to express her opinion but when it interferes with her job she cant discriminate. Now that same sex marriage is legal, I'm sure there are many people upset about it but they cant let that effect how they preform in the work space. Especially if you could go to jail over it.
    She had no right to do that, they were not braking a law. Also everyone has there own opinions on same-sex marriage, so if she had a problem with it then she should have kept it to herself, it is her job if she doesn't like it then she should find a new job.
    I think everyone is initiated to there own opinion on the subject. It is her job though so if she doesn't like it then she could always find a new one. I like how she is being civil about it though.
    same here, even though I feel that I feel this is wrong he made a choice, it won't change much though.
    good for her
    I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but it is your job. Depending on the job you get, some consequences for refusing to do your job can vary. As a government worker she had to face the consequences. However, I think she could have easily just found another job that wouldn't interfere with her views.
    Good discussion on this topic so far!

Trump's abortion answer confirms GOP fears - 7 views

shared by kadenroen on 31 Mar 16 - No Cached
    Faced with the prospect of Trump as the party's standard bearer, Republicans from across the ideological spectrum quickly condemned Trump's assertion -- but not before Democrats showed the damage Trump's words could have on the GOP. And in what was a clear acknowledgement of the stakes, Trump did something he has rarely done in this campaign -- back away from his statement within hours.
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    I agree with this comment he made about how "people who have abortions should be punished". I personally just dont believe abortions are right.
    If abortion is made illegal than I think all parties responsible for the abortion should face some type of punishment. Sometimes in order to enforce something you need to have consequences. The punishment could be something as simple as a fine. I think people freaked out when Trump said "punishment" because of its negative connotations. I am not sure what I think of Trump changing his viewpoints to fit the media. He went from saying women who have abortions should face some type of punishment if it was illegal to have abortions to saying that the women who have abortions are the victim.
    I don't agree with the comment that Trump made about women or the doctors getting punished for having/ preforming an abortion. I am pro choice and believe it is the woman's decision weather she wants to have an abortion or not and she should not have to be held legally accountable for making her own healthcare decisions and the doctors should not be held legally accountable for providing the requested healthcare.
    This is scary because he is saying that the women who get abortions or preform abortions should get punished. Which I don't believe is right at all.

Texas bomber dead: Man blows himself up in dramatic standoff with FBI and police - 16 views

    He ended up waiting until at least one person got close and blew himself up, the officer that was close got thrown back. They have stated that they are not sure if other people were helping him so they will keep looking. I personally think that he didn't want to go to jail for what he had done so he did a suicide bombing.
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    Are they sure they have all the bombs? They mentioned in the article that there could be more bombs out there planted before he died, and what are they doing to find those. Also, did they have any other suspects? I wonder if there were others helping him or people who knew about it. I feel like the reason for the last bombing and the fact that it was a suicide bombing played into the fact that he knew he was going to get caught and didn't want to be put in jail.
    I agree with Darby, how do we know that is all the bombs? I think he probably had people helping him with this. They can't even say why he did it they had an idea it might have been a racial thing but they don't know I also agree about him doing a suicide bombing because he didn't want to go to jail
    I don't know why this bomber placed bombs in boxes seams strange to me
    In the article they say that the bomber pre-setup bombs that explode when people get near them. But the article also said that they thought the bomber was targeting races such as hispanic and african american. I don't understand how the bomber could be targeting a specific race when the bombs were set up ahead of time. The article also mentions that there still might be bombs that he planted before he died, so how can he be targeting a specific race?
    They did mention that there could be more bombs but i doubt there is. I think if there are other bombs out there then maybe it was more then a one man job.

Trump federal budget 2018: Massive cuts to the arts, science and the poor - 1 views

    President Trump on Thursday will unveil a budget plan that calls for a sharp increase in military spending and stark cuts across much of the rest of the government including the elimination of dozens of long-standing federal programs that assist the poor, fund scientific research and aid America's allies abroad.
    Trump thinks eliminating support to dozens of programs will make american great again, I honestly think he needs to rethink his plan. He'd be putting so many people out of work and then there's the fact we do need some of the programs he want's to get rid of. "with reductions of more than 20 percent at the Agriculture, Labor and State departments and of more than 30 percent at the Environmental Protection Agency." I just don't think this is the way to raise funds.

Clinton consumed with Russian meddling, she writes in new book - CNNPolitics - 5 views

    I don't think Hiliary had the right to go and meet the Russian president like that and then write a book on how much she didn't like Trump. When I don't like someone and they make my skin crawl I can't do anything about it but since she is rich and former White House 1st lady she can?
    You actually can do things about it. And yes, she can. She is allowed to say that Trump made her uncomfortable.
    I actually think almost the exact opposite. While I think Hilary went a little overboard, she had every right to do so, as stated in the first amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." And if it wasn't in Hilary's right to write that book and state her personal opinions on this matter, then what gives us the "right" to bring back nazis and treat others as second class citizens, saying it's all opinion and just exercising their free speech? And yes, you could do something about it, and many people are doing something about it. Hilary is just much more likely to get noticed and was noticed by the press because of her status.

The Rock Thinks 'It's a Real Possibility' He Runs for President in GQ Exclusive | Bleac... - 2 views

    "When asked about the idea of running for president of the United States in the future, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson left the door open in an interview published Wednesday."
    I think The Rock could possibly be the president in the future, if Donald Trump won then I believe The Rock can too. The presidential race isn't about politics anymore, but about popularity.

It's now illegal in Russia to share an image of Putin as a gay clown - The Washington Post - 11 views

    "Russia has banned a picture depicting President Vladimir Putin as a potentially gay clown."
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    best headline
    I don't understand why Putin is making a big deal of this, if it was anyone else he probably wouldn't mind and might even laugh behind closed doors. But because it's him it's a big issue?
    I think Putin is definitely making a big deal out of one picture, if he doesn't want people to make fun of him or say what they want about him he shouldn't put himself in the spotlight.
    Freedom of speech isn't much of a right in Russia, but clearly Putin has some insecurities if he went this far.
    Why is this surprising at all? He is one of the most powerful rulers in the world why would he allow his people to mock him with pictures? Especially pictures depicting him as a gay clown. Not only is it disrespectful it is just dumb in my opinion.
    Putin is taking this to the extreme. It was just people protesting what they believe in and he got so upset about it that he decided to put people in jail for it.
    I think that this is being over dramatics. The picture is not harming anyone, people should not be put in jail over a stupid picture.
    As a public figure, like any, Putin should accept the pros and cons of being in his position, this included.
    I dont think they should have went that far and banned any images of vladimir because he should know that being at such a high power people are going to be making photos and comments that arent so pleasing.

Police Reportedly Claim a Brooklyn Teen Consented to Sex in Custody. That's Impossible. - 17 views

    How do yall feel about this? personally think this is awful and that these cops are sick and disgusting.
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    This is awful. These officers need to be fired, and put in prison for rape.
    how and why would she consent to sex in custody i don't believe it and feel like they should be punished.
    This is horrible, they took advantage of her.
    That's just insane, who would do something like that.
    This is why cops need to be reevaluated.
    I think this is a good example of why not all cops are the hero's we believe they are. Just like police brutality, they think the person deserves it but why in the world would this girl deserve that
    that is just messed up

This is why I can't custom-make cakes for same-sex weddings - 27 views

    "Jack Phillips is the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colo. Oral arguments for Masterpiece Cakeshop v. CO Civil Rightswill be heard Tuesday. "
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    he was only defending his religion and his believe just like they were and he hoped they could've seen it it too
    Despite his religious beliefs no body should have the right to discriminate against customers based on race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc. If the situation were reversed I am positive he would be outraged that someone discriminated against him based on his religious beliefs. He is using the excuse of "standing up for his religious beliefs" to hide his hateful homophobia.
    I think gay people can get wedding cakes, they just wants to do usual wedding system.
    I think that as the owner of the bakery, he has the right to serve whoever he would like, it is ridiculous that some people would go as far as to sue someone for a stupid cake, grow up and get a life.Stop victimizing yourselves.
    I feel that the business owner can choose not give them the cake. A business has "the right to refuse service to anyone". Besides, its not like that business is the only place they can get their wedding cake.
    As the owner of the shop he should have the ability to refuse service to someone if their request goes against his beliefs, also the couple instead of just going to another place to get a cake and not causing all these problems decided to make it a big deal wasting time and money for both parties. Both parties involved are in the wrong
    Agreed Aaron
    I can see where both sides are coming from. But any business has the right to refuse to serve anyone they feel like. People may see it as wrong but any business can do this.
    Nobody should be discriminated against, but with our first amendment right says he legal does not have. "congress shall make no law respecting religion an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
    I wonder what is going to happen next.
    I agree that he does have the right to deny service to people and it seems he was very polite about, even if I don't personally agree with it I still think he shouldn't be sued. Although I do find it interesting how in this article the couple didn't have any quotes or anything.
    To clarify, this article published in USToday was an editorial written BY the baker in this case to give his side. Also a good video with both sides explaining their views Although I didn't find an article written by the couple, here is another NYTimes story which has some of the legal issues explained from their side.
    this is stupid it should not made who is getting married to who if they want a cake they should get one

George Floyd killing: Minneapolis on edge again as historic trial set to begin | George... - 4 views

    "One of the most significant police trials in US history begins on Monday and as the former officer who killed George Floyd stands before a judge, a jury and the world, many in Black communities in Minneapolis are braced against the dread of justice not being served."
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    I think that if the officers don't get sentenced the correct amount of time they deserve, more protests could break out and many people will be upset.
    I think no matter what happens there will always be a protest or riot no matter what the decision is. The topic is so controversial that people will do anything to try and make their opinion right.
    No matter what people are going to be upset. Protests and riots will take place all over the country. There are so many different opinions and there will be so many clashes of opinions. I'll be interested to keep an eye on the news and what's going on, especially in bigger cities where the protests got kind of wild.
    I think that no matter what happens people will be upset and will want to protest and riot. There will be no decision that can please everyone therefore there won't be an end to this any time soon.

Education Should Be About Building Democratic Citizens, Not Compliant Workers - 7 views

    While the article is about South Africa, many of it's points ring true for America. Education, when you think about it in the deepest manner, is not really about Education; it's about proving you'd be a good worker, and not much else. But I'm curious to see what others think.
    I agree with the article about how schools should focus on building democratic citizens, instead of just good workers. Young people need to know their rights and how they can impact the country, and some places don't do a good job teaching children those things. I've personally learned a lot about my rights in government class, so I think our school is doing a good job.
    I believe that the education system in America is mainly about passing more than it is about learning. I feel like I'm working a job and the assignments that I finish are just to get the job done. However, I believe that when students actual learn, understand, and are amazed by different topics, that is the true point of education. In all, while this article was about South Africa, it shows how we shouldn't be focusing on being a good worker but how we should be focusing on becoming better citizens.

ALHS students at the city council - 43 views

    Regardless of where you end up on this issue, it is good to see young people taking part in government for our own community.
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    I can't believe they say were too young to understand. Just because were in high school we too young. its not right.
    I am proud of Emily for standing up for what she wanted. Not many people would be brave enough to do something like that..
    i think that its really brave of emily to stand up for what she wants and thinks that is the best. Not a lot of people would do it. But she is standing up for others and her opinion.
    I understand where he is coming from saying high schoolers are too young to understand this. This topic is all about money, where it is coming from, how much money is needed, how much they will get from it. We do not know what goes on behind the scenes of this deals. Maybe instead of saying we are too young he should of said we are uninformed.
    I like what Brice said, "we are just uninformed."
    I hate to say it but i have this intense urge to slap City Council member Matt Walsh...what because we are young we automatically don't understand? More like we have more on our minds then politics and gaining support by being popular with business owners.
    we have the right to say what we need to say. People have the right to say that they should not be in a public place or anywhere.
    I also think its good that students are trying to make good points on why they shouldnt own the MAC. There taking a part in this and trying to stop it. But will it help? We will see later on....
    If he has enough gumption to tell Emily that he is disappointed in her for collecting signatures from uninformed student then he should have enough knowledge to know that we won't know whats going on if we aren't educated on this topic and that it is the generations above us job to educate us and pass on what they have learned to the younger generation. So if he is disappointed in Emily then he should also be disappointed in himself for not doing his job.

Fact Checking Biden's First Week in Office - 7 views

    Thoughts on this?
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    I think they have been alright. At least, according to this article, he isn't spreading too many lies. Only 3 out of 20, which isn't the best, but could definitely be worse.
    Bidens first week can be monumental if you're on the left-leaning side, President Biden has changed a lot of bills backed by Republicans that were signed during Trump's term in office. But if you're on the right-leaning side his first week in office has been a clear sign of what his presidency will fulfill. Whether the Pipeline or 30+ Executive orders he's signed off on. I feel as if bi-partisanship will be quite difficult during this administration.
    As someone who identifies as a leftist and a progressive, I think that Biden has done a very good job but there will always be more that I think that he should do. Compromise with the Republicans in Congress isn't an option right now.
    Biden has done a pretty good job so far but there are obviously further steps he needs to take but it's early on and he's at least going down the right path as of now.

Judge orders Trump administration to restore DACA - 9 views

    I'm excited for everyone who is soon to pursue their dreams because of this order.
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    DACA is an essential part to a lot of immigrant's lives and it is good that it is staying here for them and their future.
    It's super cool to see how many more opportunities will open up for people once DACA is restored.
    This is going to be a great oppurtunity for those who figure out their future and take on their dreams.
    I'm excited to see DACA back in place because it helps people with nowhere else to go achieve their dreams.
    I think restoring DACA is a great opportunity and it will help many people to achieve their goals and dreams.
    I'm excited to see DACA back in place because it helps people achieve their dreams.
    I think restoring DACA is a open way for more opportunities and a way for people to find themselves
    I think restoring DACA is and will be a great way for people to fulfill their dreams and allow them a better future.

A COVID-19 vaccine will still save lives even if it's not 100% effective, experts say |... - 10 views

    I appreciate that the scientist is trying desperately to get a new vac. but even if it's not 100% it really all depends. Some people might refuse to even get the vac. and those people might get contagious and spread it. And if the vac. isn't 100% effective then I won't even matter if you go it or not. In this pandemic everything has been flipped upside down, we all need 100% accuracy to get rid of this thing.
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    I feel like we should have human lab rats for this stuff. Like if there's a mandate for vaccines, we should see what the effects are on people before we give it to the whole population.
    I think there will be no easy way of getting rid of the virus because not everyone is going to trust the vaccine and not everyone is going to be on the same page. I can see this pandemic stretching far into next year which is so annoying and sad.
    If the vaccine isn't going to 100% protect you then why get it? It's starting to seem like the vaccine has the potential to cause more harm than good.
    I have to agree with Lennx partly, why take the vaccine when it is giving people more issues, even though not all vaccines are 100% sure to protect you I I think they should have worked and studied the vaccine longer to make sure it was safer than it is. Also, I don´t think it should be allowed to required medical workers to take the vaccine to keep their job because since people are getting sick from the vaccine more medical workers have to stay home from getting sick and if all medical workers have to take the vaccine and they get sick there is going to be a lot less doctors and nurses working.
    Good discussion so far! I will be getting the vaccine as soon as I can for 2 reasons. One is that compared to the usual 50% effectiveness rate of yearly flu vaccines, 95% effectiveness of preventing COVID is REALLY good. Secondly, in order to get back to "normal" our population needs to hit 75-80% of people taking it for the "herd immunity" to kick in. Although the development of the vaccines was faster than usual, our best experts are endorsing them.
    it's very great that we are coming out with a vaccine. I still don't believe that they were able to come out with this so quickly considering that they still haven't perfected the flu vaccine. not saying that it would be 100% perfect, but it's taken them 100's of years to do so

Joe Biden and climate change: 10 executive actions President-elect Biden is planning - Vox - 5 views

    Thankful Biden is aware of the danger we put our environment in and I think it's a smart way to spend government money and use his power.
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    i am so glad biden is looking into and wanting to clean energy, carbon neutrality by the middle of the century, and massive federal investment to drive these changes. i think that is great and we need change is this environment
    I think that it is a good thing Biden is going to rejoin the Paris climate agreement again. It will only help this country become cleaner.
    I'm happy that Biden is going to be looking more into climate change and implementing more things to help keep our planet healthy.
    I'm also happy Biden is going to focus on the environment more. I just hope he can stay alive long enough to do so.

US Sets Highest Number of New COVID-19 Cases Over the Weekend | AllSides - 5 views

    One of my parent's co-worker's brother is an anesthesiologist and he was scheduled for hip surgery, but there was also something else wrong with the man's hip that was deadly like a disease or something like that. The man also had covid 19. The man, unfortunately, passed away because of his hip, but because he had coivd19 it was said he died of covid when he did not. I think that it is important for the public to know this because not all these people are getting covid 19 are not always dying from it.
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    I think that people are getting too comfortable and not wearing their masks as much anymore and becoming more relaxed about the thing they need to do to keep the numbers from rising.
    People are not going out in masks as often and not taking the safety precautions that they were when this all first hit so I think that is why the cases are rising.
    A lot of people aren't taking this seriously and are going into public places without masks on, or they're wearing the mask incorrectly, not sanitizing the correct ways, and simply aren't being safe.

Iowa Lawmakers Now Seek To Ban Traffic Cameras - 9 views

    Has there been any real results from installing the traffic cameras? I know that the ones by my house don't always work so it just seems like a waste of resources there. They have probably helped reduce the amount of people that step on it when the light turns yellow but does that really solve any problems? or just teach us to rive faster in order to avoid the red lights?
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    I saw an article this summer which argues they cause more rear end collisions when drivers slam on the brakes to avoid a ticket. Interesting read on both sides of the issue from ABC news.
    I believe that traffic cameras cause many people to become fearful of red light intersections. Because of their fear, they sometimes don't pay as much attention to their own surrounding
    i think they should get rid of the traffic cameras. ive almost hit someone bc they slammed on the brakes unexpectedly. they can be hazardous
    I agree with Zac And Alexis. I hate it when its counting down, and you have to determine if you want to stop or speed up. Its very stressful!
    I think they should keep them. There good for safety and people can be more aware because they know they would get a ticket if not.
    I think they should get rid of them, people are more scared to get a ticket than to slam on their breaks surprising the car behind them, causing a fender bender accident.
    I agree with the ban. Sure, people run less red lights, but they have caused stoplights to be more of a danger. People start speeding more to make the light to not get a ticket or brake really hard and cause accidents.

Law enforcement intercepts package containing ricin addressed to Trump | AllSides - 1 views

    This is crazy, I doubt the president will ever be poisoned, but still, someone tried to poison him. Idk I just find that hard to believe.
    I think that this is kind of crazy. I don think anyone would really be able to poison him because of all the protection and things around him. But I still think it's crazy that someone tried to do it.

Macy's Is Defiant As Petition To Dump Trump Nears 600,000 Signatures - 0 views

    I think that Macy's should drop Trump because he obviously doesn't make the company look good. Because he always has his outbursts about his opinions that aren't always necessarily nice ones. They're his opinions and people might think it's also Macy's opinions but that's not the case.
    donald trump is a rich rich rich rich rich man so he should stay with macys to keeep them in buisness
    How do you know he didn't become so wealthy by stealing from the company?
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