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Donald Trump Wins 3 Primaries; Clinton Takes Maryland - 0 views

    Join us for live updates on the five states voting on Tuesday. Donald J. Trump won the primary elections in Connecticut, Maryland and Pennsylvania on Tuesday, according to The Associated Press, padding his delegate lead and increasing his chances of securing the Republican nomination before the party's convention in July.

Donald Sterling Banned for life - 12 views

This Randy deserves to be banned from the NBA because making insults about people's race is very crude. The NBA is made up of 70% African-American players so there should be no reason for racism. E...

Bryan Pregon

Why Donald Trump Blinked on Guns | Time - 30 views

    What are your thoughts on the gun control debate. It will be 1 month tomorrow that Parkland FL school shooter killed 17 and seriously wounded 17 others. Has the outrage become "yesterdays news"? How do the POLITICS of this issue make solutions difficult to reach?
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    My thoughts on the debate is that guns should be more restricted, but not completely disallowed. Ideas like banning bump stocks are very good, but going without due process is a side that isn't good. However, the outrage and protesting about mass shootings like parkland and sandy hook should never become just yesterday news and should be a constant focus, but due to media jumping off issues quickly for ratings, how divisive the issue is among political groups, and the NRA lobbying extremely for gun rights, it is hard to reach any sort of conclusion and compromise,
    I do believe that our government did have intentions of wanting to change in order to prevent gun violence, but as time passed, they seem to have little effort now to do anything. Yes, the solution may take a long time for everyone to be on board with, especially to those that support guns, they are now neglecting the idea. From the government's perspective, it seems to be old news to them, but society and civilians are still trying to remind and encourage the White House to make a change.
    I think trumps thoughts on arming teacher is a good idea because it would keep schools safe and their students. It would also make the school shootings less likely to happen
    I believe that we should ban bump stocks, and raise the age to buy a gun with stricter background checks.
    I agree with Sara. It even said in the article that most of Trumps supporters republicans that don't want stricter gun laws. With that being said, he doesn't want to lose those supporters. It also talked about how he was for tightening the laws right after the shooting happened; moving into the idea without really knowing about gun laws. During the luncheon he hosted, he didn't stick to what he had proposed.
    I think sadly it has begun to become yesterdays news. At first everyone was outraged and everyone wanted results with plans of walkouts and things like that but as time passes people slowly started talking about it less and the press for change lessened.
    agreeing with sarah and dthomas how they had put their attention to it at first but after few days and weeks had passed they had lost the interest to put as much attention to it. They do need to put more attention and change the age to buy an assault rifle as it is as deadly as any other weapon, especially to an 18-year-old. The government risks more lives being taken with more school shootings by people who shouldn't have a weapon in the first place.
    This outrage has become slightly a thing of yesterday. I know it's not completely out of people's minds because there is still a lot of local and national talk about the walkouts and movements planned to continue the spread of awareness. In this article it states that Trump had changed his mind on the gun legislation a few weeks following the tragedy. He was all for changing the ages and putting restrictions on the gun laws, but was very quick to change his mind after the media died down on the subject. Most of his supporters, shown in private polls, are not interested in changing the gun laws and legislation because he still wants to hold as many supporters as he can. The outrage seems to be yesterday news because it isn't in the media all the much anymore. I don't think our country has moved on from the tragedy yet because there is still a lot of talk about the national walkouts and the other movements that are being pushed to enforce change in the legislation.
    I feel like as the president he should stick with his ideas and support them.Not switch up because hes afraid to upset people.The people voted him in he shouldn't cave because hes scared of the NRA when its our safety he should worry about
    I agree with Grace. She right it has become old news which is sad, people should talk more about the safety of people. And like Grace said they plan all these walkouts and stuff but people stopped talking about it which made the press quit talking about it, and if the press isn't talking about it then no one else is. And if no one is talking then there is going to be no change
    I think that this news has become "old". Huge amounts of support at first, but the momentum died eventually. The whole conversation is slowly dying because of the realities of politics too. Like one person said in the article, you can just swing a pen around for a bit and give way to legislation. It takes time. But sadly, this topic won't stay around long enough.
    When these shooting first happened the government had intentions of taking control of gun violence and preventing these type of events. But after a while their effort to control this has reduced to little or nothing. From the governments perspective they think that it will go away and but the community wants to have the laws change.
    I feel maybe they should be more strict on guns and the background checks be more thorough. just wondering why 21 for semiauto pistols but 18 for fully auto AR's. It should be the other way around.
    its yesterday news because after the shooting we been talking about to raise the age in assault rifle as in the last couple of weeks so this shooting gave a heads up about school safety and the age to buy assault rifles.
Bryan Pregon

North Korea talks: Trump to meet Kim Jong Un - CNNPolitics - 0 views

    "President Donald Trump has agreed to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, the White House announced, setting the scene for an unprecedented encounter between two nations that only recently threatened to wipe each other out."
Bryan Pregon

Acquitted again by Senate, Trump still a powerful force in Republican politics | Reuters - 31 views

    There are MANY issues to discuss in this article. Now that the Impeachment trial is finished, I am interested to see what your thoughts on this process are and if you have any predictions of the future of politics for Donald Trump and the Republican party!
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    Because of all of the people who are in the Republican party, and very strong with their beliefs in this party, I feel that future elections are going to have more Republican votes and we will have the same thing happen with what happened with Donald Trump. I feel that Trump will make some sort of comeback with his belief that the election was rigged with the fact he did not "win" and will make another appearance in politics or any other form of big media.
    The Republican Party is a joke. Over the past four years, it has turned into the party of Trump and little else. I fully expect, nothing else considered, that he will run for president again in 2024. Unfortunately, politics aren't much better on in the Democratic party. Due to the influx of "Never Trump" Republicans being welcomed with open arms into the Democratic Party, they've been shoved further to the right than ever before. America lacks an opposition on anything but optics. I expect American politics to take a hard right-wing turn in the next few years, or at minimum America's swing to the right will continue in full-force.
    I fully expect Trump to run again for president in 2024 as well as an exponential amount more in votes towards the republican party.
    I will expect Trump to run again in 2024 if or after the people see that voting him out of office goes and if they like this better then i dont think he will.
    I expect that Trump will more then likely end up running for president again. You can see that the people currently in power don't want that because of how hard they are trying to impeach him so he can't run again.
    I think that the amount of power he has over the republican party is insane. It makes sense that a lot of Republicans would vote for him but because the ones that went against him received immediate backlash it makes me wonder if truly people voted for what they truly wanted or ensure that they still had a positive image.
    i think trump is smart enough to know that he does not have a chance of winning in 2024. I also disagree with Brandon, saying the republican party is a joke could make a few people mad, that would be like saying the democratic party is full of snow flakes. these are people beliefs while we may have different ones we still need to respect one another. Respect is key in this world its time we start showing some.
    I think Trump did a lot of monumental things throughout his presidency (not all for good reasons). Although I wouldn't doubt him to run again for president in the future I think he knows he wouldn't win. I think he has caused problems that will last for years to come. Trump holds a lot of power within the Republican party and has always made sure it's been known. I think people are genuinely scared of him due to the power he holds. I don't want someone running my country that is feared by its people.
    I agree with everyone who says that Trump will likely try to run again at some point. When he left office, he even said something about how he would try to be in politics later again. He still has a lot of supporters who will try to get him into office. However, if he didn't win this election, especially against Biden, I don't think he'll win another. In 2024, most Gen Zs will be able to vote, and based on what I've seen on social media, a lot of young people are not agreeing with Trump. Therefore, I doubt he would win popular vote and- most likely- he won't win electoral vote either.
    Great to read comments so far... does anyone want to give thoughts on whether you think the Republican party leaders will embrace the Trump voter-base to avoid having him run as a third party in 2024 (which could split the support they need to defeat Democrats)
    I think the Republican Party will be forced to embrace the Trump voter-base. If Trump was to create his own party, I think there's a very real possibility it could become more popular than the republican party. As the article stated, 70% of Republicans believed that Trump being acquitted was the right decision which is a very large majority. This alone shows that he still has a lot of his influence in the party, but his run as a republican president was marked by him tailoring the party to fit around him and not necessarily the actual ideals of the Republican party. The amount of people he got to to the capitol off of just one rally illustrates their attachment to him rather than the party. So if Trump was to detach himself from the party then since his voter-base is attached to him rather than the party they would very likely come with him and undoubtedly take an irreparable number of voters from the republican party, but in worst-case scenario takes a majority leaving Trump on top of the Republican party.
    I disagree with what Jackie said about how Trump won't have a chance against Biden in the next election because in the past president Stephan Grover Cleveland served two term that were not consecutive. So it is possible it's probably just more difficult.
    I think that Trump is going to run again maybe in the next election, saying he'd be in politics again in the future. He just made a mess of everything, if he does run again, I doubt he'd become president since this election showed there were more people against him rather than with him. This whole impeachment thing is just whack.
    I don't completely understand the Freedom of Speech compared to the Inciting of a Riot. I think that what he said invited the people to the capital and was inciting it, but if you compare that to having the freedom of speech, then why can he say this and not get in trouble. Anyways, even if he hadn't completely incited the riot, he was continuously tweeting about how the "patriots" were doing nothing wrong... okay... His video which he had released was considerably compared to someone speaking to children reminding them that he "loved" them and to be safe. He was trying to "cover" it up by putting out the video by making it seem as if there were no consequences to their actions and to just leave as if what they weren't doing was illegal. I think that if the voters were able to vote anonymously, that the outcome would have definitely turned out much different.
    i agree with the people saying trump will try to run again but i think his chances of winning are very low despite the fact that he still has tons of supporters. i think the only way trump would win is if Biden really messed things up in these next four years.
    I would not be shocked if Trump runs again but it might be a little harder for him. We will see how Biden does for the next four years. If he does goof things I'm guessing more people will like him more.
    I agree with the people saying that Trump will run for president again in 2024. He may have a lot of people that hate him, especially people of power that influence the majority of people, but he has many supporters as well. This makes his chances of winning lower. But also, I think that by that time more people may choose him after Biden being president because already, people regret voting for him after new revelations.
    The reason Donald Trump has so much power and influence over the Republican party is that to republicans he was the last "hope" with the Bush's not being eligible and with no predecessors, Trump was easily able to take the spot of the GOP frontrunner in the 2016 election and with a very split four years that brought the country to more diverse levels(falls on both party lines) Trump's impact was easily picked up by republicans, look at MO Sen. Hawley who was one of the congressional leaders on Jan. 6th who voted to overturn the election results and the impeachment trial just recently. No matter if Trump runs we know he will stay in the political light and his influence will be heavily given to republicans in congress and the GOP front runner for 2024 wont be to far from Trumps ideology.
    I also agree with the ones saying that Trump has extreme power over the Republican party. We all know he said he was going to try again to get back on the reelection path. He might be very supported by his own party but it doesn't mean that others will
    I agree that Trump will run for president in 2024. But even though he has power over the Republican party, I think it'll be harder for him to win. After the whole situation with the capital building, I think some of his supporters have been rethinking their support of him.
    I agree that Trump will run for president when he gets the chance again but it is hard to say if he will even be president again after what he did with the capital.
    Trump said he will be running for president in 2024. I believe it's going to be hard for him to win After the capital situation because it showed he's not accountable for his actions

Macy's Is Defiant As Petition To Dump Trump Nears 600,000 Signatures - 0 views

    I think that Macy's should drop Trump because he obviously doesn't make the company look good. Because he always has his outbursts about his opinions that aren't always necessarily nice ones. They're his opinions and people might think it's also Macy's opinions but that's not the case.
    donald trump is a rich rich rich rich rich man so he should stay with macys to keeep them in buisness
    How do you know he didn't become so wealthy by stealing from the company?
stacy martinez

Donald Trump walked off a 1990 CNN interview when asked tough questions about his casino - 6 views

    It's something Trump has done before. In a 1990 CNN interview reviewed by CNN's KFile, Trump walked off an interview when reporter Charles Feldman pressed him on questions over the financial stability of his Atlantic City casinos. The interview took place in March 1990, just days before Trump's billion dollar Atlantic City casino, the Trump Taj Mahal, was set to open.
    Donald Trump walking off when he was pressed to answer questions about his casino make me want to know why he really walked off instead of just saying an excuse. Is he hiding something? Trump lashed out and said "You aren't going to talk about positive people. You'll talk about the negative. You want to talk about the negative." I understand that you should say positive things about people, but you should also be able to hear about the negative too because it is good to know.

Bill Clinton responds to Donald Trump: Voters are 'smart enough to figure this out' - 2 views

shared by kadenroen on 18 May 16 - No Cached
    On a campaign swing through Puerto Rico Tuesday, the former president was asked by a reporter whether he had any response to Trump's latest attack on Twitter -- alluding to his past infidelities and charging that he was the "worst abuser" of women in U.S. political history. "No.
    On a campaign swing through Puerto Rico Tuesday, the former president was asked by a reporter whether he had any response to Trump's latest attack on Twitter -- alluding to his past infidelities and charging that he was the "worst abuser" of women in U.S. political history. "No.
Christina Beck

Clinton: Trump shamed into making donations to veterans groups - 4 views

    "Look, I'm glad he finally did it, but I don't know that he should get much credit," she told CNN's Jake Tapper on "The Lead.""I think the problem here is the difference between what Donald Trump says and what Donald Trump does."
    It's good that Trump raised all that money for the veterans, but he let people think that he donated it. But then he donated some because he got caught. Clinton is trying to shame Trump even more, but isn't having much luck with it. She and Sanders may have been competing, but they're working together to make sure Trump doesn't become president.
Bryan Pregon

Never-Trump conservatives search for alternative - - 1 views

    "Bill Kristol and other Never-Trump Republicans have done extensive polling and talked to potential candidates and financial backers about how to stop Donald Trump, according to sources familiar with those efforts. They understand that getting on the ballot at this late stage will be a challenge but insist they can overcome that with the right candidate and resources."

CNN Poll of Polls: Two points separate Clinton and Trump - 1 views

    With the final primaries of the 2016 nomination season approaching, a new CNN Poll of Polls finds the candidates most likely to lead their parties into the general election are locked in a tight contest. Hillary Clinton holds an average of 45% support while 43% back Donald Trump across five recent nationwide polls of registered voters.

Highlights of Donald Trump's Immigration Speech and Mexico Trip - 3 views

    And the other highlights from his speech: * Mr. Trump made the case that Washington elites and the media have put the focus, wrongly, on the plight of an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country, rather than the Americans impacted by their presence.
    In the trip Trump and the president of Mexico sat in the conference room and talked about the wall that is going to be built on the Southern border of the US but, claimed by Enrique the president of Mexico he sates that Trump told him that Mexico was going to pay for the wall and move all 11 million undocumented migrants back into Mexico..
Bryan Pregon

The Bush-era Muslim registry failed. Yet the US could be trying it again - - 0 views

    "Donald Trump and his supporters have been all over the place about his plan for surveilling Muslims. The President-elect once advocated for a Muslim database. Then he walked it back. Then his spokesman said Trump never proposed such a thing."
sydney matheny

Trump picks econ team leaders, says he is leaving business world - 1 views

    WASHINGTON - While preparing to announce his economic team, Donald Trump said Wednesday that he and his children will hold a "major news conference" on Dec. 15 to discuss separation from his various business interests. He will leave his "great business in total in order to fully focus on running the country in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

Trump aides: Secretary of State search down to four - 0 views

    WASHINGTON - Donald Trump's very public search for a secretary of State will go on a bit longer. While announcing Wednesday that the president-elect has narrowed his search to four candidates, Trump aides also said they do not expect any more announcements on any Cabinet slots the rest of this week.
Bryan Pregon

Jill Stein Recount Fund Raises Close to $7 Million - 23 views

    "Jill Stein is on track to raise twice as much for an election recount effort than she did for her own failed Green Party presidential bid."
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    I think that Jill Stein is just having the recount to be able to raise money so that she can donate it to her own campaign if she decides to run in the next election.
    I feel like Jill Stein is just using this for farther popularity and to help with her campaign if she ever decided to run for president.
    She has a right to do this since this country thrives on our freedom. I don't think she should be suing states just because she wants a recount though. If a state doesn't want to vote again isn't that also in our rights? I don't know what all of Jill Steins motives are and though I disagree with her, she still has the right to ask for a recount however the turnout will be.
    Whatever her reasons for fighting for a recount are, she is gaining attention. Whether the recount comes out how she wants it to or not, Stein will have benefited. That being said it's understandable why she feels the need to raise money for it.
    Donald Trump denounced the Stein recount effort as "ridiculous" and "a scam." and I disagree with what he said. It is not a scam because she is using the donations for how much the recount will cost.
    I agree with Landon, I also think though she will give it to other charity,but use it as popularity.
    I believe that Jill Stein has the right to demand a recount and has good intentions for such sudject, but I also belive that when it all follows through, that it will not change anything for the future.
    "By continuing to raise money, she is building up a larger donor list that she can later turn to if she runs again." I think that even though she didn't win, it's a good opportunity to help her in other ways. I also think its a good idea because she'll then have a backup if she runs again.
    The article said that she would donate all excess donations to election reform systems, weather or not this turns out to be true remains to be seen. Regardless the changes would be considered extremely important by many of today's voters who think that the electoral college ruins democracy and therefore don't vote. If the election recount doesn't result in evidence of fraud or tampering, then the excess money should be put to good use regardless.
    I think that jill Stein is gonna earn all this money for the next upcoming election . She is going to donate the money to her election fund.
    I agree with Landon as well because I feel like she just wants the attention and to gain the money
    I agree with Lauren because she shouldn't be suing states because they don't want to do a recount, it's our choice if we do our not. We picked who we wanted and that's who we got she's just using this for publicity and to help her if she runs again.
    Jill Stein has the right to a recount whether shes in it for the money or not, shes someone who can afford and has the power to do so opposed to some citizens who want to have a recount but obviously don't have that kind of money or power. If she does prove the voting ballets wrong after to recount, she will not only have gotten Hillary president, but she is going to increase her popularity for her own benefit in the future. Even if she doesn't achieve her goal she will have gained attention in some sort of way.
    I agree with Landon. I also think she is having this recount to get attention.
    I agree with Landon and Lauren, she's gaining attention for herself and it's not right for her to try and sue states because they don't want to recount.
    Jill Stein is just doing it for more publicity so when or if she runs again in 2020 it will make her look better and be the more popular vote
    I agree with Faith, because if she wants to run again, she is already sorta popular, and will have more attention drawn to her than she does now, ans she may be a candidate with the media partially on her side.
    I think Jill Stein is just using this to raise money for herself and her party and once they get enough, they'll drop the whole thing and use the money for other reasons. Her reasons for a recount are idiotic and it will prove that Donald Trump won the election fair and square.
    This is pretty cool. Even if the end result does not chance the ability to call for a recount is cool to me, it allows for total certainty in the voting process and gives Jill stein a potential platform for the next election. Assuming she runs as a third party all the publicity she can gain to validate a 3rd party is a positive.
    I think Jill Stein is just doing this to get people to notice her.
    I understand why she is doing it however it is a choice and could what she is doing reflect her reaction to who won? her intentions may be more to change who won rather than seeing if the votes are justified
    Jill Stein has the right to call for a recount if she wants to. People amuse too quickly that she is only in it for her self. And yes, while doing so will give her some sort of an advantage in one way or another, she is doing this to show once and for all who won the election. If this happens, it could change who are president will be.
    delanie hi and i agree
    I think that the election is over and Jill Stein should just leave it alone.
    This is not even worth it, because Trump won fair. Jill is just like Hillary. Sure she has the right to do so, but its not going to do anything Trump won deal with it america!.
    I don't know anything about this election, but I think that if she wants to keep doing this more power to her, I don't think that it will change anything. I partly think she is doing this for attention and to get herself known so that she may be able to move up in her career eventually, but I think she knows that the recount won't matter.
    I think it is pointless to even try and it won't change the outcome.
    She has the right to do this but I think the election is over and it wouldn't change anything
    I agree that Jill has the right to call for a recount. I really hope that in doing that she is using her power for good, and standing up for what she believes in rather than to get attention. If she's fighting for what she believes in, then you go girl!
    I think that she is raising money for her own benefit, because even if she gets enough for a recount it wont change anything.
    I agree with Alex, It will make her look good but in the end nothing is going to change and Trump is still going to remain President of the United States.
    I think that she is wrong for doing this, no one ever did this when Obama became President and there were people that did not what him in President. So why is it so bad Trump is going to be President, there are people that ant him as the President.

Putin: Trump agrees US-Russia relations 'must be straightened out' - 0 views

    In a speech at a foreign policy conference in Moscow, Putin said "during my recent telephone conversation with Mr. Donald Trump, our opinions coincided that the current, unsatisfactory state of Russia-US relations, undoubtedly must be straightened out. As I already have said, our country is prepared to go down our part of that road."
Bryan Pregon

10 minutes that could change US-China history - - 6 views

    "The 10-minute conversation between US President-elect Donald Trump and Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen was a major break in the accepted protocol -- something that evidently does not much bother Mr. Trump. It is, of course, too soon to guess whether it was a fluke or a portent of a sea change in American policy."

The 5 Easiest and 5 Most Difficult Promises for Donald Trump to Keep - 1 views

    I think any president makes promises they can't keep, but that's part of getting elected. At least other presidents have made realistic promises, but I think Trump's promises during his campaign were just fabricated lies to get people to vote for him. How dull can voters be if they think this man would actually build a giant wall between America and Mexico and make them pay for it?

Donald Trump: New attack on US intelligence over Russia hacking - BBC News - 0 views

    US President-elect Donald Trump has made a fresh assault on America's intelligence community. He said on Twitter that an intelligence briefing he was due to receive on alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election - which is said to have benefited Mr Trump - had been delayed.
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