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Bryan Pregon

Primary election 2016: What to watch on March 15 - - 39 views

    "Voters go to the polls in Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio on Tuesday. Here's what to watch in those contests:"
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    I bet Sanders wins a few Midwest States. Momentum is definitely on his side after he took Michigan over Hillary. Also I feel that both Rubio and Kasich will both be knocked out of the race. I feel that Donald Trump will keep winning. I bet Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will be the ones campaigning for president in the end.
    I predict that if Rubio does not win Florida today, he will drop out and support Ted Cruz. Clinton will win Florida, but Sanders will take the other states.
    I think that Sanders will close the gap in between him and Clinton. I also think like Donald Trump will win most of the votes in the other states.
    I predict that ted Cruz will win Florida, and will win slightly over trump in the other states, Clinton will lose Florida and will lose the other states to sanders.
    I think that sander will have the advantage in the Midwest, and Hillary and Trump will have advantages in other states. Also I think Trump and Clinton will be the last ones for election.
    I predict the Trump will win and face off against Hillary
    I think Donald Trump will beat Rubio and ted Cruz, if Rubio does not win the votes over in Florida. If sanders cannot make a come back and get the super delegates to vote for him then Hillary will win the race and go against Trump.
    I think as of right now Trump will win for the Republicans even though Cruz is close behind, more people are still predicted to vote for Trump today. Even if Kasich thinks he can win some delegates this week he still won't gain enough to compete and will end up dropping out. When it comes to Hillary vs Sanders I think it will be a close race, I predict HIllary will win Florida because she's had a pattern of winning the southern states, but Sanders has a better chance of winning the other states left.
    I think that Hillary and Sanders will split, but Hillary will stay ahead because of her lead. I also think that Trump will add onto his lead and be campaigning in the end.
    i predict that if rubio does not win in Florida trump would have a easier win when the time comes. If sander can get a jump on Clinton in the other state will give him more ammunition when the voting comes.
    I think that if trump wins Florida he will have a smooth road ahead and leave the other candidates behind. I think if sanders doesn't get enough votes to sway the super delegates Clinton will go on and face trump.
    I believe that, nearing the middle of the race, it has begun to be more focused on stopping the "big-wig's" Trump and Hillary. Bernie Sanders' momentum in the race is picking up and if he wins Florida and Ohio it very well could end up in his favor. Also at this time I agree with Mr. Pregon's above comment, if Rubio does not win his home state he may drop out and push his fellow runner, Cruz, forward. The same goes for Kasich in Ohio.
    I predict that Rubio will win Florida and it will put him closer in the race but he will still not be able to make a big enough jump to get in the head to head race.
    I think Rubio will win Florida, Kasich will lose in Ohio and support Cruz. Clinton will win Florida but Sanders will win everywhere else.
    I predict Rubio will win Florida putting him closer to Cruz but not enough to give him the win.
    Trump will likely sweep the board, or come very close to it. His numbers will more than likely convince other republican candidates to drop out and support either himself or Cruz. For the rest of the country its rather concerning deeming Trump has been instigating and promoting American Citizens inner Nazi as of late. On the democratic side of things, Hillary will likely win Florida, but given the financial situation of most of the other states, I am strongly convinced Bernie will win most of them.
    I believe that when they get farther west that Bernie will be able to catch up to Hillary and there;s a good change because the article even said that she was starting to get nervous about the debate.
    I predict that Trump will win the majority on the Republican side. I think he will be way ahead of Cruz by the end of the day. Rubio might stay a little longer, even though he will not win Florida. Kasich will probably drop out today, and he will support Trump. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders will be pretty close. I think Clinton will win slightly more delegates than Sanders.
    I think the gap will close between Bernie and Hilary. Donald Trump will probably win the republican side
    I predict that Bernie Sanders may just win Florida and he could just pass up Hillary. I think if Rubio ends up not being able to even win his own state, then he may just drop out and support.
    I predict that Trump will win his side and face off against Sanders.
    I predict sanders will win Florida and upset Clinton like he did in Michigan. He should also be able to win all the other states except for North Carolina which favors Clinton more. If Rubio and Kasich do not win there rich delegate home states they will more then likely drop out of the race. I also believe Ted Cruz can get ahead of Donald Trump today in the race for president.
    I believe that trump will win the republican nominee. Cruz has no chance in beating him. Either Rubio. FOr the democratic side Bernie has no chance. He will not beat a Clinton. She has already had her marks in politics weather bad or good. For president its said to say but Hillary will become the next president Of The United States.
    I think that Trump will win for the republicans and end up being one of the candidates in the end, and if Sanders doesn't win the Midwest and get some of the super delegates Clinton will be up against Trump.
    I predict that Sander's momentum will be able to make him tie with or be ahead of Clinton just barely. And judging by the super delegates being in the hands of Clinton at this moment, when Sanders gets his momentum and is able to at least tie with Clinton by the time the convention comes it will take Sanders his all to get the super delegates to favor him more than Clinton.
    I think that the last two candidates from both the democrats side and republicans side will be Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
    I think that Trump will win on the republican side beating Cruz closely. I think Clinton will win on the other side barely beating Sander while she takes the most votes.
    I predict that trump stays in the lead for the republican side. Kasich drops out. And for the Democratic side Hillary keeps the lead but not by much as Sanders slowly is closing the gap between him and Hillary.
    I think that cruz isnt going to get his home town and Kasich will get his home town and when cruz doesnt get his home town he will drop out and support donald trump. And the last 2 in the finals will be hillary clinton and donald trump
    I was somwhat right he cruz didnt get his home town and he droped out but I dont know if hes going to support trump or not?
    I feel that Donald Trump and Hillary will be the winners of their respective parties. I feel that Cruz will drop out of the race and support Trump for the rest of the campaign.
    Sanders will probably win a few in the midwest but I think Hillary will stay in front, trump as well. Cruz might drop out.
Bryan Pregon

Donald Trump TIME Person of the Year: How We Picked - 34 views

    "It's hard to measure the scale of his disruption. Now surveys the smoking ruin of a vast political edifice that once housed parties, pundits, donors, pollsters, all those who did not see him coming or take him seriously. Out of this reckoning, Trump is poised to preside, for better or worse."
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    I don't feel like he disrupted anything and I feel like he's sticking to his ideas that will try to succeed America
    I believe that Donald Trump was the right choice for time magazine. Everyone has their point of view on him whether it is good or bad. I think that he will actually do good things for this country when he gets elected. He is on the cover of time magazine because they thought he had the greatest influence.
    I feel like it was the right choice because in the very first paragraph time says "This is the 90th time we have named the person who had the greatest influence, for better or worse, on the events of the year." Not saying he has done amazing or horrible things he has had the greatest influence on people and I agree on that.
    I agree with Landon, Donald Trump deserved to be named person of the year because set his plan to become president and "To Make America Great Again". His ideas may hurt our relationships with other countries, but he is focused to help our country first.
    I also believe that Trump hasn't done anything wrong, and he will try to help our country to the best of his ability.
    I would agree with Times choice to pick Trump because as it was stated at the very beginning of the article they named the person with the greatest influence.. For better or worse. Which I would agree with, whether or not you agree with Trump or you believe to deserves Presidency or not, he was one of the top influencers in 2016. You couldn't watch the news without hearing about him. He was very impactful in politics and news in the past year. So whether or not you support him he was one of the most influential people in the last year.
    I would agree Trump should get this. He won it because of the hard fought presidential campaign. He got made fun of etc.
    I'm not surprised that he won the person of the year, but I don't believe he deserves it.
    I have to say that I any happy that Trump did became President, he should the people to not think so lightly of him. He will do good for our country.
    Everybody has their view on who he is and what he is going to do. Although I don't agree that he should be on TIME person of the year, because there are others who deserve it just as much as him.
    I think him becoming "person of the year" is a little risky because Donald Trump really hasn't shown us, Americans, what his in capable of yet. Obviously he was capable of becoming president of the United States but what if were unsatisfied with his decisions in the upcoming year? Will Time Magazine regret making him person of the year?
    Not surprised he won person of the year, I do think we had better options and many people would agree that other would deserve this more than trump.
    I think he shouldn't have gotten "person of the year" because of what he said towards women and people of color. But other people may have think he deserved it. It's just a different opinion, but I wonder how this whole thing will turn out.
    Just in general there are many apposing factors about Trump, good ones are him being president and is going to help out communities and so on. Bad ones are Trump ends up being racist and sexist.In my personal opinion, there are many more apposing factors of bad and he is just a terrible person. But many can argue.
    Trump shouldn't have gotten person of the year. What he says about women and people of color and the way he treats them. That's not what the person of the year should be doing. Some people are for Trump and that's okay because that's their opinion. He'll be able to help out communities but many are against him for being racist and sexist. In my opinion he is a terrible person.
    Trump is the first president without government or military background to go with them. It's a new feeling in the office that some agree with and some don't.
    I think that whoever won the election would have won person of the year. Trump won the election and ended up winning the person of the year because he was influential, probably talked about the most and while he was supposed to fall out of the presidential race early on, he eventually won the presidency.
    i agree with matthew trumps just terrible person.
    I feel like people are so focused on who he is as a person and now who he can become, we can't change the fact that he is president whoever we can accept it.
    I really hope Donald can do good things for this country. I hope and wish that he will take back the bad and cruel things he has said about women, disabled people, people of color, etc,. I want him to keep his promises in making this country better. But I know he won't. I can't read his mind or read the future but from the looks of it, this can not turn out well. He should not have been chosen for people of the year. A great person, who is open-minded, strong and brave, accepting, a hero even, would make person of the year. But, instead, we all chose a sexist and racist man who has been elected for president. Cool.
    I agree with their decision to make him the person of the year because he deserved it and people all over the country were influenced by him in either a good or a bad way.
    I'm not surprised he was picked as person of the year
    I think that although many people think that it is not apt to be president but has many skills in the part of negotiating and thinking about whether it is a good investment or bad, it should give the opportunity to experience its way of working and if it gives the quality Appropriate to accept it because everything must be for the good of the country and of the people. And truly being president is very difficult and with a lot of organization and choose good decisions .
    Although I don't agree with how Trump spends his existence in this world I do think that it is appropriate to name him person of the year. The article said that he wasn't necessarily given the title because he has done good. I think this is a good title for him because a lot of 2016 attention has fallen on him, he has impacted a majority of America and weather he makes people happy or unhappy they were still giving him a reaction, so yes I think it is appropriate to name Donald Trump person of the year.
    When you first see that Donald Trump was named person of the year by TIME it really makes you wonder. After reading this article though it did answer many questions for me. For example, why? According to time it's not about being the best person it's more of who made a greater impact (good or bad). Which he did. He went from a casino owning business man, to President Elect Trump-- doing everything in his hands to influence the people of America to think in a pretty white way if you ask me. Either way, this was a good article it really did answer many questions I had. I bet this was the first time they voted someone person of the year by starting off-- hey it's not that we are on his side, but he made a big splash this year and we wrote on him.
    I don't think he should be the person of the year because even though he says he is going to do good things and has done some good things he has also done very bad things and said things about people.
Bryan Pregon

Texas elector says he will not cast his vote for Donald Trump - - 7 views

    "A Texas elector said Monday that enough is enough -- he will not cast his vote for President-elect Donald Trump as part of the Electoral College process on December 19."
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    The electors do have a right to not cast their vote for Trump even if he did win that state. If the electors feel that he is a legitimate danger, they are qualified to make that call for themselves.
    Although they have the right to choose and refuse to vote, this is the reason that some people don't vote, because the electoral college can just ignore the majority vote and do whatever. Although they should have the right to vote how they want, if they do there will probably be less people who feel like they made a difference in the process.
    This is not right at all the people want Donald Trump as president. People spoke they want Donald. If they really do represent there state maybe they should cast there vote even if they like Trump or not. This is getting old they need to get over it. Trump is our president.

Ted Cruz jokes about running over Donald Trump - 6 views

    The crack came after Kimmel opened the show with April Fool's Day pranks by people putting scary images in car back-up cameras. He then added without prompting, "If I were in my car and getting ready to reverse and saw Donald in the backup camera, I'm not confident which pedal I'd push."
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    It was inappropriate for Ted Cruz to make that joke.
    I think this is funny because i dont like most of Donald trumps "ideas". and id probably run him over also.
    I think that Ted Cruz and Donald Trump and almost every republican candidate this year has made a mockery of the Republican party. I mean do these candidates think?
    i agree i think he should run over donald trump cause if he becomes president then the country will go to s*** and no one is going to want him to have control.
    I believe that he is entitled to his own opinion, and if he wants to share his opinion then he is allowed to. Him not liking Trump is okay, but his remark about running him over or whatever is maybe a little inappropriate, not the worst thing ever, but still maybe not something to say about our potentially near future president.

The 5 Easiest and 5 Most Difficult Promises for Donald Trump to Keep - 7 views

    WASHINGTON - President-elect made many sweeping promises on his way to victory on Election Day. After he takes the oath of office on Jan. 20, here are five of the most difficult and five of the easiest promises to keep: THE DIFFICULT ONES Prevent American companies from moving jobs to other countries.
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    Donald Trump has promised many things since he started running for president some more difficult and outrageous then others. The easier ones and would be the keystone pipeline to finish it to connect it form Canada to Nebraska but harder ones such as building a wall on the border
    Donald Trump blatantly said he wanted a wall, a great, big, beautiful wall to help improve border control, perhaps even completely stop it. I personally think the idea is ridiculous, building a wall? That's the plan? It must've taken him 5 minutes to come up with this idea. I understand improving border control, but trying to implement a wall that stretches halfway across America is just insane. That "promise" will more than likely never happen.
    Donald Trump promises some crazy ideas, such as the wall. I don't believe that Trump will ever be able to accomplish that, he MIGHT be able to improve border control, but he cant build a wall.
    I agree with Deven because anybody could've come up with that idea. Everybody who is on Trump's side thinks it's a good idea because trump came up with it, but if Hilary were to come up with this idea, those people would think it's stupid. Anybody could've come up with that. There are better ideas and all he thought of was a wall.
Bryan Pregon

China 'seriously concerned' after Donald Trump questions 'one China' policy - CNNPoliti... - 16 views

    "China has warned that it's "seriously concerned" after President-elect Donald Trump questioned whether the United States should keep its long-standing position that Taiwan is part of "one China.""
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    Any actions at this time should be considered very crucial to the future affairs between China and America. Depending on his actions, Donald Trump could either start a war or actually settle this issue, however I feel if he continues to aggravate China they will respond in less-than-desired ways.
    I think Trump should stick with the one China policy because he shouldn't risk losing the already steady relationship with China
    I don't think Trump is being very wise slamming China the way he is.The One China policy states that Taiwan is apart of China regardless of having their own president.I agree with Nate, we already have a stable relationship with China. Why give it up?
    I believe it is a serous concern because once Trump is president what will he do? Is he gonna go to war with china? Because he questioned weather he thought Taiwan was part of one China or not. People assume that he would go into war cause that's the type of guy he is.
    China and Taiwan have different presidents therefore they are different countries even though China believes that they own Taiwan. Trump should be able to have a conversation with the President of Taiwan without the President of China getting uptight about it. We can trade with China and Taiwan just like we have been. Taiwan and China are both very good for us in that they produce lots of things that are shipped to the United States of America to sell. China shouldn't be concerned that he took a call from the Taiwan President. Is Trump really going to risk trade with China by not adhering to the "One China" Policy?
    I agree with landon on the idea that both countries are beneficial to our success and on the idea that we should be able to talk to another country without china getting angry. But I feel as if the China policy adheres to China and China only, there is nothing that states that we as a country must appeal to every other countries policies.
    Trump is going to make america great again. CNN is just trying to get stuff fired up about Trump. Trump has the right to do whatever. From what my understanding is china is taking over the market. Trump wont take this whole thing down maybe work around it, but not completely take it down, and ignore it....
    I think that China and Taiwan are 2 separate countries because they both have a president. But I feel like Donald Trump is agreeing with China now so we don't go to war with them.
    trump16, just because he says he is going to doesn't mean he will actions speak louder than words. And Trump should be more cautious and have in mind the relationship China and the US have with each other.
    i agree w nate i think trump should just stay with the one china policy so he doesnt risk losing the relationship w china
Bryan Pregon

Is Pocahontas a Racial Slur? Native Americans Say They're Insulted by Trump's Remarks - 47 views

    "The White House is trying to argue that the nickname "Pocahontas" is "not a racial slur" against Native Americans after President Donald Trump used it Monday as an insult during a ceremony honoring the Navajo code talkers. Native Americans do not agree. "
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    I don't think his comment wasn't necessary for him to say
    He made this statement in front of a portrait of Andrew Jackson, as stated in the article, who signed the Indian Removal Act. Coincidence?
    President Trump's behavior is naturally insensitive and inappropriate. So it doesn't surprise me that he'd make a comment such as that. I do agree that using that word directly insulted their heritage as well as the achievements they've made during the war.
    what trump said was mega wrong and it saddens me that he felt the need to throw petty snaps at elizabeth during this night of honoring the navajo code talkers.
    I don't think the word itself is insulting but the way it was used made it become that way.
    donald did insult the senator because the senator isn't exactly one of his supporters but either way he had no right for insulting her even if she wasn't one of his supporters so in other words he doesn't like the fact that there is a woman indian heritage senator for the united states.
    It is a problem that this happened, but the media is "making a mountain out of a mole hill" so to speak.
    I think they're trying to make it bigger deal they act like they don't know what type of president the country voted for. Long before he became president he was having issues will racial names and opinions, Being president hasn't changed the situation. You'll just have to put up with it.
    It may not have been the word itself that was the root of the problem, but it was the way he used it to try to discredit Warren before, so for him to use it again in this scenario was bad on his part.
    trump was in the wrong
    His comment wasn't necessary at all, he had no reason to call her that and I think he just dug himself a deeper hole by doing that
    I believe it is a racist slur. this isn't the first time President Trump has been racist towards someone. I don't think people realized what kind of person Donald Trump is. He thinks that just because he is president he can say and do whatever he wants, and doesn't care who he hurts or offends.
    I think that this should be a big deal because this is just one example of our president being insensitive, and discriminatory. I don't think that these people have a right to say that this slur wasn't offensive, when they aren't native american. A white person can't look at a racial minority group and dictate what is and isnt offensive to that group. If a minority group says something is offensive, its offensive.
    I think he was in the wrong for saying that out of petty but others are also making it a bigger deal then it actually is.
    I don't understand what president trump wants to do in the future.
    Trump's remark was insensitive and childish. He was at this event for the sole purpose of honoring these heroes, but he felt the need to mock Senator Warren. It's not difficult to understand that the name he is using is offensive, especially when he has actual Native people telling him so, yet he continues to behave in this disrespectful manner.
    this is why Trump shouldn't be president. He's the worst possible president ever.
    I think that Donald Trump needs to be more careful about what he says. He does not need to bring more fights to himself by saying stuff like that, but he shouldn't not defend himself when others bash him. He needs to be more respectful as a President and think before he speaks, because he is representing the United States of America.
    I think the media is overreacting
    I feel like President Trump shouldn't have even mentioned anything in regards to the natives. He should have just remained on track an honored those Tribal men instead of turning the tables and sounding like he insulted their culture. Plus the media in itself shouldn't have even recorded that, because now WWII is about to happen on the media.
    I think that i agree with it being "culturally insensitive" as some could be offended by that, but i don't think I can fully support it being considered a racial slur at this time
    This is wrong
    As a Native American, I would say it's a nasty generalization. We are not all a stereotype; and I love how he referenced us all to a children's movie that scratches the surface on our culture. It was a disrespectful remark.
    He wasn't trying to say it to be racist he was trying to see it to make fun of her but the media of course takes it in a whole different direction
    I do believe it was culturally insensitive but it isn't a racial slur.
    trump is discriminating against that native of american by using the Pocahontas name as an insult
    This is culturally insensitive. He was there to honor those men, not to take a stab at someone he doesn't like.
    I think that it is rude to make that comment, but it is not a racial slur
    In my personal opinion I feel like what he said was not wrong but I definitely feel the context to the event at which it was said makes it an issue. Poking fun at someone who claims to have Native American ancestry without proof does not seem particularly wrong to me but to do it at an event meant to show respect to code talkers certainly complicates matters.
    i dont think it was a racial slur but now that its getting so much press i think it may become a slur
    I do agree that it wasn't a racial slur but saying it in front of the Navajo code speakers it was wrong and insensitive
Bryan Pregon

The weekend America's newspapers called Donald Trump a liar - Sep. 25, 2016 - 16 views

    "On the weekend leading up to 2016's first presidential debate, four news organizations came to a similar and sweeping conclusion: Donald Trump lies more often than Hillary Clinton."
Faith Otten

Donald Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do - 22 views

    Donald Trump is doing what he promised, but is that a good thing?
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    With Mexico refusing to pay for the wall, I don't think the wall will even go up. So we should worry less about walls and more about the important things.
    I agree with Makenzie, don't worry about the wall but worry about what's important
    If he does what he always said in a way that benefits each of the citizens we work and live in a good way always striving for what we have is a good idea but if it is to harm people and thus humiliate them I am not made a good idea
    I agree with McKenzie, even though the wall has been a topic for a few months now... people are realizing this is getting close to happening... I don't blame Mexico for not wanting to help pay for the wall. It's probably not even gonna happen anyways. Trump needs to work on making people happy and "making America great again".
    It seems like Trump is trying to get to much accomplished at one time, he's not focusing on one problem, so nothing is going to get done. My problem with the wall is that it doesn't solve the problem people will always find a way in so unless we are putting a wall up around the whole US we will still deal with people trying to get in.
    Even though trump said he's going to build a wall people are still going to get over it. Unless he is planning on putting a wall all around. I think he's just gonna make it worst for us, he should do the little things first and work his way up with the big things, because what is he changes his mind about what he's doing.
    I agree with kim, he is doing everything so fast hes not really focusing or thinging about anything as long as it gets done.
    Donald has been doing everything he said he was going to but i dont think he is seeing what he is doing because he is doing everything so fast. i also dont think he will put the wall up because mexico wont pay. people are going to find a way around the wall too
    He is a man of his word, the word most people voted for, so that means he is going to do what he says and listen to the people.
    I agree with Justice because people are just going to find another way over or around the wall. Illegals are still going to jump the border and some of them will still make it into the United States. I don't understand why he is trying to do everything so fast. He does know that he has four years right? Maybe someone should inform him of that. The wall is a pointless thing especially if he's trying to get Mexico to pay for it.
    the wall is not a pointless thing. He will get mexico to pay for it. He is a man that keeps to his word. He is not bought and paid for by lobbyist, and super PACS. The wall is a great idea. Just remember would you want to take in some homeless person into your house? thats what a front door is for. that is why we need a wall.
    Mexico will not pay for the wall he's insane for thinking that they're going to help stay out. All he's doing is humiliating immigrants and kind of bullying them. If he plans on bullying people all four years he has then he's not going to do anything for us and that should worry people.
    I agree with Landon. Mexico is most likely not going to be willing to pay for the way so therefore its pointless. People are still going to try and do what they want, a wall is not going to stop them.
    Mexico might not pay. But Abby, you say he is humiliating immigrants, he is welcoming to other foreigners he just dislikes illegal immigrants, it's like somebody broke into your house and is living in your attic without you knowing. He is blocking immigration from the middle east not because he hates all muslims but because most terrorism is from that general area.
    I think the general concept of what he's trying to accomplish is a good idea, but of course there's plenty of flaws in the system. Mexico's obviously not going to be on board for covering the funds necessary to build the wall, and neither would any country in their position. You're going to have plenty of Mexican citizens who are totally against this and might even try to wreak havoc on the project which will only stir the pot more. On the other hand, he's making an effort to keep illegal immigrants out and follow through to his word by building the wall.
    I agree with Landon, Mexico might not pay for the wall. If Mexico doesn't pay for the wall to go up what are the chances that the wall is actually going to be put up?
    Mexico will pay for the wall if the like it or not. America will just stop sending them financial aid that we give to them every year. There is many ways to get Mexico to do what we want and we finally have a president that will stop the illegal immigration and do what he promised he was going to do. Amen!
    I think it is insane that Trump proposed the idea of building a wall, and now is trying to make Mexico pay for it. Why would they? How does that even make sense? If Mexico doesn't pay-which they wont, American tax payers will be the ones paying for it. And it is a multi billion dollar project.
    That's the reason why people voted for him, he is a man of his word that's what us the people wanted.
    He's doing what he promised, if someone didn't support him it's most likely not too good in their opinion, but he won promising things. It's a good thing to have a president doing what he promised, even if someone doesn't agree with it all.

Donald Trump Campaign Manager Says Candidate 'Not Afraid' To Debate - 4 views

    Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski says that the candidate isn't afraid of Thursday night's debate. "He's not afraid to take a question," he told ABC's George Stephanopoulos on "Good Morning America." "The issue is an issue of fairness," he added, claiming that Fox News anchor Megyn...
    Donald Trump's campaign manager is saying that Donald trump is not afraid of losing the caucus because there is never a fair debate and he will still run and answer all the questions people throw at him.
    I think that Trump is pulling out of the debate, not because he's intimidated, but I think it may be a way of seeing how many supporters he has. At the end of the article, it says that there is expected to be substantially less viewers. I'm thinking that this is Trump's way of seeing how many suporters he has now, and see how hard he has to work in the future to get more suporters.
Bryan Pregon

Donald Trump Jr schooled on Twitter after Halloween 'socialism' tweet | US news | The G... - 2 views

    "Donald Trump Jr got a lesson in sharing from social media on Tuesday, after tweeting a picture of his daughter Chloe with her Halloween candy haul, and threatening to take half of it away to "teach her about socialism"."
    This was hilarious
Bryan Pregon

Donald Trump impeachment trial: what you need to know | US news | The Guardian - 1 views

    "Donald Trump's unprecedented second impeachment trial begins on Tuesday 9 February in the Senate. He is the first US president to be impeached twice, and it is the first time an impeachment trial has been held against a former president"
    In trumps rally he never openly said that his supporters should have stormed the capitol he said that they should "Fight like hell" and "Peacefully and "Patriotically Make your voices heard". A second impeachment isn't necessary.
    Um, I think a second impeachment is very needed. Trump may have done good for the economy and we can thank him for that, but as a person he is horrid. The thing he says, does, posts, etc, he acts like a little 14-year-old girl and I would rather my country not be run by a child. Him being impeached TWICE says enough. The things you have to do to be impeached even once..

How Donald Trump defied all odds - 1 views

    Donald Trump pulled off one of the most unlikely electoral coups of modern times this week, toppling the political and media establishment to become the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. His domination of the primary season, which effectively ended Wednesday when Ohio Gov.
william bach

Mexican president disputes Trump over border wall payment discussion - 10 views

    "Donald Trump is traveling to Mexico Wednesday to meet with the country's president just hours before he is set to deliver a speech focused on immigration policy."
    After reading about this topic, to me it seems like Trump is playing the election "game" better than Hilary as he has continuous spot light. For instance he has many times said that he would build this great wall. Often enough though as trump says this, the Mexican President has rebutted that Mexico will not build the wall or will not pay for the building either.
    Donald Trump flew into a nation he has constantly berated during his campaign to meet President Enrique Peña Nieto and said they discussed a wall Trump has vowed to build on the US southern border, but not his demand that Mexico pay for it -- an assertion the Mexican president later disputed.

Four months later, Donald Trump says he gave $1 million to veterans group - 1 views

    Almost four months after saying he would give $1 million of his own money to veterans' causes, Republican candidate Donald Trump moved to fulfill that pledge on Monday evening -- promising the entire sum to a single charity. Trump said in an interview Tuesday that he pledged the $1 million to the Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation.

Is Donald Trump A Threat To Democracy? - 2 views

    Even before he's sworn in, Donald Trump is putting his own stamp on the role of chief executive. That has some people rejoicing - and others worried about where he's going to take the country. Here's why some of Trump's critics say the president-elect could be a threat to democratic institutions and why others say those fears are overblown.

State Media Says China Must 'Wage Resolute Struggle' Against Donald Trump's Views on Ta... - 1 views

    Donald Trump hinted Sunday that the U.S. may not be bound in the future by the understanding that Taiwan is part of "One China" - casting doubt upon a concept that has been a key part of Sino-U.S. relations for decades, and threatening to send those relations into a tailspin.

Chinese state media publishes scathing articles saying 'diplomatic rookie' Donald Trump... - 0 views

    Donald Trump has been blasted as a 'diplomatic rookie' who must learn not to cross Beijing by Chinese state media, which warned the U.S. could pay dearly for his naivety. The president-elect was attacked by Chinese newspapers this week, just days after he created potential diplomatic controversy by calling Taiwan and criticizing China's government.
Bryan Pregon

What do Mexicans say about Donald Trump's wall announcement? - BBC News - 6 views

    "What do Mexicans say about Donald Trump's wall announcement?"
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    I think that the wall could be a possible way to stop a part of illegal immigration but the problem with that is how expensive it would be and also most immigrants come here on planes not across the border.
    The wall can stop illegal immigration, but the approach to it by the US isn't the right way to go after it. Mexican newspapers are asking the Mexican president to cancel his white house visit due to the wall.
    Would help to control the immigration and also that the people here and who want to work have more possibilities of work and more help and that many of the immigrants take advantage of the aid that gives the government and although others if working strongly and cleanly They involve and thus that way they all look that way

Here comes the opposition book: Clinton and her allies prepare for Trump - 5 views

    Hillary Clinton and her allies have begun preparing a playbook to defeat Donald Trump that will attempt to do what his Republican opponents couldn't: show that he's unfit to be commander in chief.
  • ...2 more comments...
    Clinton and her supporters are already finding a way to beat trump and attempt to do what most can't do
    However I find it interesting that Hillary, along with the mass multi media outlets, are already dismissing Bernie and pretending that his campaign is lifeless, when it's arguable that he's getting more people to attend his rallies, his poll scores are higher, and Hillary is also facing many accusations (coming from multiple different voices) that she's committed voter fraud, or that members of campaign are. Regardless, Sanders is just as relevant and still is capable of becoming the Democratic Nominee, and I think its fair to say that a debate between Sanders and Trump would be less of a circus than Trump next to almost any candidate.
    I find it interesting they are essentially coming up with a play by play book on how to defeat Donald Trump, this makes me wonder what Donald Trump is going to attempt to do to beat Hillary/counter her play book.
    I find it comical that Hillary and her campaign refuse to debate Sanders due to him being 'too harsh' or whatever they said, yet still think they could handle Trump's no-limit attacks. In comparison, Bernie has kept it completely PG and Trump will pull every card he knows possible to tear her down.
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