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Twitter - 0 views

    the new hype in the web

Bringing Parallelism to the Web - 1 views

    Of any interest to space as such?
Marcus Maertens

Government Lab Reveals It Has Operated Quantum Internet For Over Two Years | MIT Techno... - 0 views

    They already surfing in the quantum web...
Joris _

Flashback Trojan Hits 550,000 Macs - 1 views

    Analysis of a recent Java flaw exploited by the Flashback Trojan reveals that more than 550,000 Macs were affected in the U.S. and abroad, according to anti-virus vendor Doctor Web. "This once again refutes claims by some experts that there are no cyber-threats to Mac OS X," Doctor Web said in a Tuesday blog post. lol :)
Dario Izzo

Humies Gold Medal in the Italian Government Page!!! - 5 views

    Our achievement is reported on the italian government web pages .....
    Grande fratello is watching...
Dario Izzo

NASA Brings Earth Science 'Big Data' to the Cloud with Amazon Web Services | NASA - 3 views

    NASA answer to the big data hype
    "The service encompasses selected NASA satellite and global change data sets -- including temperature, precipitation, and forest cover -- and data processing tools from the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX)" Very good marketing move for just three types of selected data (MODIS, Landsat products) plus four model runs (past/projection) for the the four greenhouse gas emissions scenarios of the IPCC. It looks as if they are making data available to adress a targeted question (crowdsourcing of science, as Paul mentioned last time, this time climate evolution), not at all the "free scrolling of the user around the database" to pick up what he thinks useful, mode. There is already more rich libraries out there when it comes to climate ( Maybe simpler approach is the way to go: make available the big data sets categorized by study topic (climate evolution, solar system science, galaxies etc.) and not by instrument or mission, which is more technical, so that the amateur user can identify his point of interest easily.
    They are taking a good leap forward with it, but it definitely requires a lot of post processing of the data. Actually it seems they downsample everything to workable chunks. But I guess the power is really in the availability of the data in combination with Amazon's cloud computing platform. Who knows what will come out of it if hundreds of people start interacting with it.
Tom Gheysens

Computer searches web 24/7 to analyze images and teach itself common sense - 0 views

    Now this is a step in the right direction of the discussion we had in one of the wednesday meetings "thoughts of a biologist part 1" :)
Paul N

Grams - The dark web search engine - 2 views

    Not exactly space related but quite interesting how so much of the internet remains unseen.
Dario Izzo

Optimal Control Probem in the CR3BP solved!!! - 7 views

    This guy solved a problem many people are trying to solve!!! The optimal control problem for the three body problem (restricted, circular) can be solved using continuation of the secondary gravity parameter and some clever adaptation of the boundary conditions!! His presentation was an eye opener ... making the work of many pretty useless now :)
  • ...13 more comments...
    Riemann hypothesis should be next... Which paper on the linked website is this exactly?
    hmmm, last year at the AIAA conference in Toronto I presented a continuation approach to design a DRO (three-body problem). Nothing new here unfortunately. I know the work of Caillau, although interesting what is presented was solved 10 years ago by others. The interest of his work is not in the applications (CR3BP), but in the research of particular regularity conditions that unfortunately make the problem limited practically. Look also at the work of Mingotti, Russel, Topputo and other for the (C)RTBP. Smart-One inspired a bunch of researchers :)
    Topputo and some of the others 'inspired' researchers you mention are actually here at the conference and they are all quite depressed :) Caillau really solves the problem: as a one single phase transfer, no tricks, no misconvergence, in general and using none of the usual cheats. What was produced so far by other were only local solutions valid for the particular case considered. In any case I will give him your paper, so that he knows he is working on already solved stuff :)
    Answer to Marek: the paper you may look at is: Discrete and differential homotopy in circular restricted three-body control
    Ah! with one single phase and a first order method then it is amazing (but it is still just the very particular CRTBP case). The trick is however the homotopy map he selected! Why this one? Any conjugate point? Did I misunderstood the title ? I solved in one phase with second order methods for the less restrictive problem RTBP or simply 3-body... but as a strict answer to your title the problem has been solved before. Nota: In "Russell, R. P., "Primer Vector Theory Applied to Global Low-Thrust Trade Studies," JGCD, Vol. 30, No. 2", he does solve the RTBP with a first order method in one phase.
    I think what is interesting is not what he solved, but how he solved the problem. But, are means more important than end ... I dunno
    I also loved his method, and it looked to me that is far more general than the CRTBP. As for the title of this post, OK maybe it is an exageration as it suggests that no solution was ever given before, on the other end, as Marek would say "come on guys!!!!!"
    The generality has to be checked. Don't you think his choice of mapping is too specific? he doesn't really demonstrate it works better than other. In addition, the minimum time choice make the problem very regular (i guess you've experienced that solving min time is much easier than mass max, optimality-wise). There is still a long way before maximum mass+RTBP, Topputo et al should be re-assured :p Did you give him my paper, he may find it interesting since I mention the homotopy on mu but for max mass:)
    Joris, that is the point I was excited abut, at the conference HE DID present solutions to the maximum mass problem!! One phase, from LEO to an orbit around the moon .. amazing :) You will find his presentation on line.... (according to the organizers) I gave him the reference to you paper anyway, but no pdf though as you did not upload it on our web pages and I could not find it in the web. So I gave him some bibliography I had with be from the russians, and from Russell, Petropoulos and Howell, As far as I know these are the only ones that can hope to compete with this guy!!
    for info only, my phd, in one phase: I prefered Mars than the dead rock Moon though!
    If you send me the pdf I can give it to the guy .. the link you gave contains only the first page ... (I have no access till monday to the AIAA thingy)
    this is why I like this Diigo thingy so much more than delicious ...
    What do you mean by this comment, Leopold? ;-) Jokes apart: I am following the Diigo thingy with Google Reader (rss). Obviously, I am getting the new postings. But if someone later on adds a comment to a post, then I can miss it, because the rss doesn't get updated. Not that it's a big problem, but do you guys have a better solution for this? How are you following these comments? (I know that if you have commented an entry, then you get the later updates in email.) (For example, in google reader I can see only the first 5 comments in this entry.)
    I like when there are discussions evolving around entries
    and on your problem with the RSS Tamas: its the same for me, you get the comments only for entries that you have posted or that you have commented on ...
LeopoldS | Convert your web pages to PDF - 1 views

    would this be of interest to be added at our website?
Joris _

Watch construction of Nasa's new Mars rover live on the web - 0 views

    nice!!! They always have excellent ideas!
    What about installing a webcam in ACT's meeting room?
Nina Nadine Ridder

NASA Launches New Site Against Climate Change - It is aimed at educating children - Sof... - 0 views

    with a link to the very cute web page for kids (might be interesting for some of you when your daughters are a little older ;) )
nikolas smyrlakis / Technology - Facebook becomes bigger hit than Google - 1 views

    In a sign that the web is becoming more sociable than searchable Although Facebook is enjoying rapid growth, it is only beginning to cash in on its success. Revenues at the social media company are estimated to be in the range of $1bn to $1.5bn this year, while Google took in $23.7bn last year.
pacome delva

Malagasy Spiders Spin the World's Toughest Biological Material - ScienceNOW - 0 views

  • Like an engineer accounting for a skyscraper swaying in the wind, Madagascar's Darwin's bark spider (Caerostris darwini) spins enormous, river-spanning webs that stretch and contract as the trees to which they're anchored bend this way and that. A new study finds that this spider's silk is the toughest biomaterial yet discovered.
  • The spiders' colossal orb webs can span up to 2.8 square meters and are anchored by threads as long as 25 meters.
Ma Ru

Ten Simple Rules for Providing a Scientific Web Resource - 0 views

    May be an interesting reading for those who add auxiliary on-line materials to their publications. This reminds me... results of my topology study aren't on-line yet :-)

Moodboarding Methods for Web Designers | Fuel Your Creativity - 0 views

    WOuld this be useful for us. e.g. for the Ariadnet design?
nikolas smyrlakis

Future Of Web Apps - London 2009 - 0 views

    rather interesting "conf."

Monkey brains use web link to control robot legs - health - 27 November 2007 - New Scie... - 0 views

    more for our BMI agenda ....

Home - 0 views

shared by ESA ACT on 24 Apr 09 - Cached
    Web site of the open-source database on bird migration
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