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Christos Ampatzis

Why We Can't Solve Big Problems | MIT Technology Review - 4 views

    interesting article - what happened to real innovation? "Thiel is caustic: last year he told the New Yorker that he didn't consider the iPhone a technological breakthrough." - Is it?

Holo-Deck 1.0 - YouTube - 3 views

    Another Star Trek technology :) Might have an positive psychological effect if astronauts on long term missions could virtually escape their confinement - walking through a labyrinth with the blue sky above them. Ok, ISS does not provide enough space, but on Moon or Mars...
    Is there not a risk that while walking in circles this way the cable I keep dragging behind will eventually strangle me?
Dario Izzo

List of selfie-related injuries and deaths - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 4 views

    Be careful .... new technologies are killing us!!!
    New technologies, old stupidity. I remember the Polish couple one from the news... Horrific, kids left traumatised for life...
Alexander Wittig

Wearable Robot Transforms Musicians into Three-Armed Drummers - 2 views

    Now this would be really cool if it had a brain computer interface and could be controlled by a trained drummer's mind! Science and Technology Society and Culture Georgia Institute of Technology researchers have built a wearable robotic limb that allows drummers to play with three arms. The two-foot long "smart arm" can be attached to a musician's shoulder. It responds to human gestures and the music it hears.
Alexander Wittig

TED 2016: $5m AI X Prize announced at conference - BBC News - 2 views

    Get cracking, ACT AI team ;) A new X prize designed to advance artificial intelligence has been announced at the TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) conference. The X Prize was set up to push the boundaries of technology to solve issues such as climate change. The winner, which will be announced at TED in 2020, will win $5m (£3.4m).
Jacco Geul

US lab developing technology for space traffic control - 0 views

    New technology (STARE-a constellation of nano-satellites) for tracking satellites and space debris could improve the accuracy from 1km (current by NORAD) to less than 100m. Increasing the reliability of collision detection, preventing 99% of false warnings.
Athanasia Nikolaou

Perovskite Solar Cells Get the Lead Out - 1 views

    The fast developping solar cell technology of perovskites. "Perovskites are a broad class of crystalline minerals that have been known for well over a century. But their ability to convert solar energy to electricity came to light only in 2009. Since then, the efficiency of perovskite solar cells has climbed from 3.8% to 19.3%, a pace of improvement unmatched by any other solar technology. By comparison, crystalline silicon solar cells, the leading commercial technology, convert about 25% of solar energy to electricity."
Wiktor Piotrowski

Revolutionary Silicon Chip Brings Us Closer To Light-Speed Computer Technology | IFLSci... - 1 views

    They created a 50 times smaller optical beam splitter, which is certainly impressive in itself. Question remains how much does this actually bring us closer to optical chips?1% 50% 20% ?

Chemical analysis in Earth and Space via Raman Spectroscopy - 2 views

    "A new lightweight, energy-efficient tool for analyzing a material's chemical makeup could improve the detection abilities of various technologies, ranging from bomb-detecting drones to space rovers searching for signs of life". Raman Spectroscopy is about measuring vibrational modes in molecules. This vibrational modes are in the meV typically, turning Raman Spectroscopy into a high precision technique. This impressive work shows a new technique based on the use of optical fibers coupled to photomultipliers allowing its use, author's word, in extreme conditions such as unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAVs) and Mars/Moon rovers.
Joris _

Spaceflight Now | Breaking News | Prisma satellites will begin high-flying dance next week - 2 views

  • test of new formation-flying and rendezvous technologies
  • relatively low-cost technologies
  • autonomous formation-flying, meaning that we regard these two satellites as one entity
    they presented it briefly at the 4S symposium (unfortunately really briefly..) FF is though only one of their tech demos on PRISMA
Juxi Leitner

How I became a Foursquare cyberstalker | Technology | The Guardian - 0 views

  • Foursquare is now being widely touted as the app which will, after years of anticipation and prediction, mark the beginning of "life as a game" computing. Whatever you do, wherever you go, you will be scoring points, earning "medals", and be in, at the very least, social competition with other users around you.
  • Privacy seems to be very low down their priorities. In theory, if every user knows the risks, this is fine. But they just don't. It's being targeted at 18 to 25-year-olds. Facebook was forced in the end to change its default privacy settings due to public concerns. Foursquare should do the same. Some people are even checking in when they're at home. Think of the implications. It's crazy
  • Recruitment is a form of stalking, I suppose. But I can now see the negative implications of Foursquare in the real world.
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  • Ten days ago Foursquare reached the two-million-users landmark, just three months after it had reached the one-million mark. A week earlier, the company received $20m in venture capital from a who's who of Silicon Valley luminaries. It appears the trajectory for Foursquare is only upwards. But as the critical mass of Foursquare users swells and intensifies over the coming months and years, the concerns over privacy are likely to magnify. In June, Webroot, a Denver-based internet security firm, surveyed 1,645 users of "geo-location-ready mobile devices", including 624 in the UK: 29% said they shared their location with people other than their friends; 31% said they accepted a friend request from a stranger; and, yet, 55% still said they were worried about their loss of privacy.
    anybody here using Foursquare already? Location is supposed to be "the future" (this time)
    this is worse than having a mobile ... !
duncan barker

BBC News - Who'd Be a Web Scientist? - 3 views

    Francessco... This may be interesting for the YGT in web technologies bit late now, but never mind.
Juxi Leitner

Acasa - Media - 1 views

    Acasa was born out of Singularity University, a unique, world-changing institution founded in 2008 by Ray Kurzweil and Peter Diamandis. After nine weeks at NASA Ames, the home of Singularity University, four teams emerged with projects focused on one common goal-to positively affect the lives of one billion people over ten years. Our team has designed a business plan to leverage advances in rapid 3D additive manufacturing technologies in order to construct affordable, customizable housing for the developing world. This environmentally sustainable solution has the potential to create a powerful new paradigm for improving housing construction using local resources.
    cool video, i'd like to see that in reality... Though i'm not sure it would be less expansive than the very cheap workers you can get on site ! You need to build the robot, to bring it on-site, highly specialised enginneers to supervize the project, etc...
    yeah I am not sure about that either but the idea seems nice though
Joris _

Hewlett-Packard Unveils Real-World Memristor, Chip of the Future | Popular Science - 3 views

  • they allow the same device to serve as the processor and the memory
  • a memristor system would work far faster, and with far less energy, than a traditional computer.
  • Second, memristors can be much smaller than transistors.
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  • Lastly, unlike transistors, which only work linearly, memristors can form three-dimensional networks
    wow, looks pretty cool! I wonder what is "a ridiculous amount of memory on a chip"...? giga, tera, peta, exa, ... ?
    Looks cool indeed, but as with all those technology "breakthroughs" my enthusiasm will be limited until this actually makes it to my laptop...
    what a phrase: "this advance could increase the power and memory of computers to nearly unimaginable proportions within only a couple of years." ... sure ....
Dario Izzo

Turning Microsoft's $150 Kinect Into a $50,000 Piece of Surgical Equipment | Popular Sc... - 3 views

    We must enter thr kinect hacks business!! We will hear a lot about this technology in 2011
Luís F. Simões

Shell energy scenarios to 2050 - 6 views

    just in case you were feeling happy and optimistic
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    An energy scenario published by an oil company? Allow me to be sceptical...
    Indeed, Shell is an energy company, not just oil, for some time now ... The two scenarii are, in their approach, dependant of economic and political situation, which is right now impossible to forecast. Reference to Kyoto is surprising, almost out-dated! But overall, I find it rather optimistic at some stages, and probably the timeline (p37-39) is unlikely with recent events.
    the report was published in 2008, which explains the reference to Kyoto, as the follow-up to it was much more uncertain at that point. The Blueprint scenario is indeed optimistic, but also quite unlikely I'd say. I don't see humanity suddenly becoming so wise and coordinated. Sadly, I see something closer to the Scramble scenario as much more likely to occur.
    not an oil company??? please have a look at the percentage of their revenues coming from oil and gas and then compare this with all their other energy activities together and you will see very quickly that it is only window dressing ... they are an oil and gas company ... and nothing more
    not JUST oil. From a description: "Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemical companies." Of course revenues coming from oil are the biggest, the investment turnover on other energy sources is small for now. Knowing that most of their revenues is from an expendable source, to guarantee their future, they invest elsewhere. They have invested >1b$ in renewable energy, including biofuels. They had the largest wind power business among so-called "oil" companies. Oil only defines what they do "best". As a comparison, some time ago, Apple were selling only computers and now they sell phones. But I would not say Apple is just a phone company.
    window dressing only ... e.g. Net cash from operating activities (pre-tax) in 2008: 70 Billion$ net income in 2008: 26 Billion revenues in 2008: 88 Billion Their investments and revenues in renewables don't even show up in their annual financial reports since probably they are under the heading of "marketing" which is already 1.7 Billion $ ... this is what they report on their investments: Capital investment, portfolio actions and business development Capital investment in 2009 was $24 billion. This represents a 26% decrease from 2008, which included over $8 billion in acquisitions, primarily relating to Duvernay Oil Corp. Capital investment included exploration expenditure of $4.5 billion (2008: $11.0 billion). In Abu Dhabi, Shell signed an agreement with Abu Dhabi National Oil Company to extend the GASCO joint venture for a further 20 years. In Australia, Shell and its partners took the final investment decision (FID) for the Gorgon LNG project (Shell share 25%). Gorgon will supply global gas markets to at least 2050, with a capacity of 15 million tonnes (100% basis) of LNG per year and a major carbon capture and storage scheme. Shell has announced a front-end engineering and design study for a floating LNG (FLNG) project, with the potential to deploy these facilities at the Prelude offshore gas discovery in Australia (Shell share 100%). In Australia, Shell confirmed that it has accepted Woodside Petroleum Ltd.'s entitlement offer of new shares at a total cost of $0.8 billion, maintaining its 34.27% share in the company; $0.4 billion was paid in 2009 with the remainder paid in 2010. In Bolivia and Brazil, Shell sold its share in a gas pipeline and in a thermoelectric power plant and its related assets for a total of around $100 million. In Canada, the Government of Alberta and the national government jointly announced their intent to contribute $0.8 billion of funding towards the Quest carbon capture and sequestration project. Quest, which is at the f
    thanks for the info :) They still have their 50% share in the wind farm in Noordzee (you can see it from ESTEC on a clear day). Look for Shell International Renewables, other subsidiaries and joint-ventures. I guess, the report is about the oil branch.
    no - its about Shell globally - all Shell .. these participations are just peanuts please read the intro of the CEO in the pdf you linked to: he does not even mention renewables! their entire sustainability strategy is about oil and gas - just making it (look) nicer and environmentally friendlier
    Fair enough, for me even peanuts are worthy and I am not able to judge. Not all big-profit companies, like Shell, are evil :( Look in the pdf what is in the upstream and downstream you mentionned above. Non-shell sources for examples and more objectivity: thanks.

Tree identification a snap with mobile app - Technology & Science - CBC News - 1 views

    One more nice citizen scientist example as I try to find for space since some time. Any good ideas this mit inspire you to?
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    why don't you programme one and get rich?
    Would love to but this requires *TIME* :-( Automatic image-based mushroom recognition... perhaps could do as a FP7 study... it may save lives actually!
Eduardo Martin Moraud

Forecasting Brain Science and its impact on technology - 3 views

    For those sceptics about the use of neuroscience: A 20min talk (by a computer scientist!) about brain science and its use to build intelligent technology
    so what does he sell? 22' without saying anything? Just "intelligence is prediction" - great but what are you gonna do mate?
    I do not think his intention is to sell anything... Just to make people (from a non neuroscience background) aware that brain science will have an impact on technology. Also: I am a firm believer in that "prediction"defines intelligence, as he states, and that making machines that behave in such a way is the way to go :) (the talk is from 2003 btw :p)
nikolas smyrlakis

EUROPA - Press Releases - Investing in the future: Commission calls for ad... - 0 views

    an additional investment of €50 billion in energy technology research will be needed over the next 10 years. This means almost tripling the annual investment in the European Union, from €3 to €8 billion
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