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Laser gyroscope measures the Earth's 'wobble' - - 2 views

    An international team of researchers have developed a new type of gyroscope that is the first to measure the "wobble" in the rotational axis of the Earth from a ground-based laboratory. Astronomers normally track this wobble by continuously monitoring the position of distant objects, such as quasars. But this new method will provide a much simpler and cheaper alternative to these large-scale astronomical readings, the scientists claim.
    is this of any use for spacecraft?
    mmm it's like saying that you can replace satellite tracking by accelerometers on-board satellites... for Leo: you'd better put an atomic gyro on a spacecraft these laser gyro are huge !

Track Curiosity Rover's Entire Mission With This Incredible Image From Space | Wired Sc... - 1 views

Jacco Geul

US lab developing technology for space traffic control - 0 views

    New technology (STARE-a constellation of nano-satellites) for tracking satellites and space debris could improve the accuracy from 1km (current by NORAD) to less than 100m. Increasing the reliability of collision detection, preventing 99% of false warnings.

Cell phones are 'Stalin's dream,' says free software movement founder - 3 views

    "I don't have a cell phone. I won't carry a cell phone," says Stallman, founder of the free software movement and creator of the GNU operating system. "It's Stalin's dream. Cell phones are tools of Big Brother. I'm not going to carry a tracking device that records where I go all the time, and I'm not going to carry a surveillance device that can be turned on to eavesdrop." he is right once more ...
    I am going to live in the forest! Sadly, while true, there's no way around it these days. On the up-side the information overflow these days exceeds processing speeds. Soon it will become increasingly difficult for NSA or other organizations to find anything in the tons of data they stash away. Like some guy said in a random youtube video I can't find now anymore: "good luck trying to find my personal data when I'm tagged in 5000 pictures of cats!"

Public Service Broadcasting: 'The Other Side,' - 1 views

shared by jmlloren on 25 Aug 15 - No Cached
    The sound track of Apolo mission. They have a full album devoted to the space race.
Joris _

NASA will miss Congressional deadline for asteroid tracking - Science Fair - - 0 views

  • he panel finds the 2005 order to find 90% of Earth-threatening asteroids 460 feet or larger infeasible,
  • No method for diverting asteroids has been experimentally demonstrated
  • Options include a "gravity tractor" orbiting slow-moving objects and tugging them off course with tidal tugs, a "kinetic" impact of a heavy spacecraft into an asteroid, or a nuclear explosion
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  • Unlike the dinosaurs, we are smart enough to do the math and figure out the answer that modest resources should be dedicated to the problem
    • Joris _
      "we are smart enough" is a completely subjective comment. Reading the article it does not give the same impression :|
Francesco Biscani

How one man tracked down Anonymous - and paid a heavy price - 3 views

    HIGHLY suggested read if you are interested in the Anonymous phenomenon.
Joris _

Tracking Whale Sharks With Astronomical Algorithms | Wired Science | - 3 views

  • equations were developed for astronomers using the Hubble telescope, Holmberg’s crew adapted them for biologists studying Earth’s biggest fishes
  • Holmberg also hopes that other programmers will follow his lead and lend their coding skills to worthy projects. “Pick the species or concern you’re most passionate about, pick the researchers who are working on it, and identify their technical needs,” he said. “I’m not even a great programmer. I’m underqualified but highly productive
pacome delva

Researchers Use Radio Waves to "See" Through Walls -- Berardelli 2009 (1015): 2 -- Scie... - 0 views

  • Researchers have discovered that an array of radio transceivers--devices that send and receive signals--can track people's movements behind walls. Possible uses include detecting people trapped in burning buildings, controlling lighting or heating and cooling systems as people enter or exit rooms, and spotting burglars or enemy soldiers.

This Is a Computer on Your Brain - 0 views

    Curiosity Cloning? This is 2006 but are there any publication related? Can someone track the results of this research?
Juxi Leitner

Launch Debris Could Be Tracked Like Vultures | Wired Science | - 2 views

    also interesting (for the Earth Science girls): Nilton Renno of the University of Michigan, who studies how rocket plumes from Mars landers affect the Martian surface.
Thijs Versloot

Real-Time Recognition and Profiling of Home Appliances through a Single Electricity Sensor - 3 views

    A personal interest of mine that I want to explore a bit more in the future. I just bought a ZigBee electricity monitor and I am wondering whether from the signal of the mains one could detect (reliably) the oven turning on, lights, etc. Probably requires Neural Network training. The idea would be to make a simple device which basically saves you money by telling you how much electricity you are wasting. Then again, its probably already done by Google...
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    nice project!
    For those interested, this is what/where I ordered..
    Update two.. RF chip is faulty and tonight I have to solder a new chip into place.. That's open-source hardware for you!
    haha, yep, that's it... but we can do better than that right! :)

Operation Socialist: How GCHQ Spies Hacked Belgium's Largest Telco - 4 views

    interesting story with many juicy details on how they proceed ... (similarly interesting nickname for the "operation" chosen by our british friends) "The spies used the IP addresses they had associated with the engineers as search terms to sift through their surveillance troves, and were quickly able to find what they needed to confirm the employees' identities and target them individually with malware. The confirmation came in the form of Google, Yahoo, and LinkedIn "cookies," tiny unique files that are automatically placed on computers to identify and sometimes track people browsing the Internet, often for advertising purposes. GCHQ maintains a huge repository named MUTANT BROTH that stores billions of these intercepted cookies, which it uses to correlate with IP addresses to determine the identity of a person. GCHQ refers to cookies internally as "target detection identifiers." Top-secret GCHQ documents name three male Belgacom engineers who were identified as targets to attack. The Intercept has confirmed the identities of the men, and contacted each of them prior to the publication of this story; all three declined comment and requested that their identities not be disclosed. GCHQ monitored the browsing habits of the engineers, and geared up to enter the most important and sensitive phase of the secret operation. The agency planned to perform a so-called "Quantum Insert" attack, which involves redirecting people targeted for surveillance to a malicious website that infects their computers with malware at a lightning pace. In this case, the documents indicate that GCHQ set up a malicious page that looked like LinkedIn to trick the Belgacom engineers. (The NSA also uses Quantum Inserts to target people, as The Intercept has previously reported.) A GCHQ document reviewing operations conducted between January and March 2011 noted that the hack on Belgacom was successful, and stated that the agency had obtained access to the company's
    I knew I wasn't using TOR often enough...
    Cool! It seems that after all it is best to restrict employees' internet access only to work-critical areas... @Paul TOR works on network level, so it would not help here much as cookies (application level) were exploited.
Paul N

Help Scientists Track Cosmic Ray Particles Using Your Smartphone Camera - 2 views

    Looks like crowdsourcing for astronomy stuff is already being done.
Thijs Versloot

Is increased light exposure from screens and phones bad for your health? @Wired - 1 views

    As Stevens says in the new article, researchers now know that increased nighttime light exposure tracks with increased rates of breast cancer, obesity and depression. Correlation isn't causation, of course, and it's easy to imagine all the ways researchers might mistake those findings. The easy availability of electric lighting almost certainly tracks with various disease-causing factors: bad diets, sedentary lifestyles, exposure to they array of chemicals that come along with modernity. Very difficult to prove causation I would think, but there are known relationships between hormone levels and light.
    There is actually a windows program called flux, that changes the temperature on your screen to match normal light cycles. When the sun sets it switches to a "warmer" more reddish tint on your screen to promote sleepiness. The typically bright blue/neon white settings of most pc settings is quite "awakening" and keeps your brain running for longer. This impacts your sleeping patterns and all the consequences of that. Amazingly, this flux thing does have an effect. That being said, I wouldn't be too quick to blame it all on PC/artificial lighting time. Sedentary lifestyles, etc can very well place one in a position of long term pc/phone usage so it's quite hard to draw a causal link.
    nice - also exists for MAC btw:

Google ad tracking won't use your browser history - Android Authority - 0 views


Giant rogue planet, without a home star, may roam nearby heavens - 3 views

    Great work from my former colleagues in Montreal. For more information (in french, sorry) please click on:
    Nice! How much dark matter still left to find?

[1305.3913] Indication of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device - 5 views

shared by LeopoldS on 23 May 13 - No Cached
    looks like some backwind for all the cold fusion believers ...
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    Actually Sante and me just reviewed their paper. Although (some of) the scientists in the paper seem to have good track records their experimental techniques are by far not the best to determine the excess amount of energy produced. Even though their methods may introduce fairly large errors they would not be able to negate the cited power output - so they either are super-sloppy (i.e. they lie) or there is TRULY new physics involved... A big problem is that they are basically verifying somebody else's experiment - however because this guy is paranoid he does not tell them exactly what he did. In fact they went to his lab and used a setup that HE put together. All they do is do a measurement on it and it seems like they try to be thorough. There is quite a chance that the guy behind it all (Rossi) is setting them up - personally I would think >95%. However, the implications of this being new physics are so big that I think further research should be conducted.
    I just answered something very similar to Franco, except the conclusions: I don't think that there is a good reason for us or anybody else in ESA to get involved at this stage.
    I agree - if this device would work it there would be other interest groups (like the energy sector) with a much more concrete stake in the technology.
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