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Web of Fate | Share your future - 0 views

    A social experiment that harnesses the collective intelligence of the web to visualize and uncover hidden relationships among future events.
Luís F. Simões

Why Is It So Hard to Predict the Future? - The Atlantic - 1 views

  • The Peculiar Blindness of Experts Credentialed authorities are comically bad at predicting the future. But reliable forecasting is possible.
  • The result: The experts were, by and large, horrific forecasters. Their areas of specialty, years of experience, and (for some) access to classified information made no difference. They were bad at short-term forecasting and bad at long-term forecasting. They were bad at forecasting in every domain. When experts declared that future events were impossible or nearly impossible, 15 percent of them occurred nonetheless. When they declared events to be a sure thing, more than one-quarter of them failed to transpire. As the Danish proverb warns, “It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future.”
  • Tetlock and Mellers found that not only were the best forecasters foxy as individuals, but they tended to have qualities that made them particularly effective collaborators. They were “curious about, well, really everything,” as one of the top forecasters told me. They crossed disciplines, and viewed their teammates as sources for learning, rather than peers to be convinced. When those foxes were later grouped into much smaller teams—12 members each—they became even more accurate. They outperformed—by a lot—a group of experienced intelligence analysts with access to classified data.
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  • This article is adapted from David Epstein’s book Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World.

Strand1 - 2 views

    very nice project - though I would not call it a "major UK space mission" ..
Joris _

SpaceCamera on Apophis - 1 views

shared by Joris _ on 09 Jan 13 - No Cached
    Apophis is back! You can watch its close approach live. Announcement:

Meteorite Crashes In Russia, Panic Spreads (Updating) - 5 views

    Latest update: the European Space Agency says their experts "confirm there is no link between the meteor incidents in Russia and asteroid 2012DA14 flyby tonight". How did they find this? As they did not see this one coming, how could they come to that conclusion that early!
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    As you can see from the videos of this meteorite it is coming in from an east to south-east direction (i.e. the direction of the sunrise, more or less). 2012DA14 is coming from due south as you can see here: So the two objects seem to be coming from different directions - at least that would be my explanation.
    My point is, that if you want to come to such a conclusion (that it is not rubble) you need to be able to construct back the orbits of both objects. 2012DA14 has been observed for one year only, but it is well enough. When the meteor has been observed for the first time, such that we knew its orbit? has it been observed before? if yes, why the impact has not been predicted?
    If you can show that they come from different directions you know that they are not associated, even if you don't reconstruct their orbits.
    I don't think so. If both objects were part of the same, they would be on different but intersecting orbits anyway, hence different directions. Anyway, I am not knowledgeable in atmospheric entry ... But, with so few information about the object, I am surprised they are 100% certain it is not related to DA14. I think science requires more cautions ... With only the direction they are 100% sure, while the probability of such event is itself extremely small, I am amazed... They can't even predict with 100% certainty where a space debris will fall... plus, nobody consider the object being part of a bigger one that broke up during early entry (which has not been observed) ... so many uncertainties and possible hypothesis... and i am not the only one :)
    was not that evident to me also but apparently with the right understanding it was quite clear; was amazed also how quickly NASA has published the likely trajectory of the russian object - have a look at it: quite evident that these are not coming from the same body
    yes, now i get my 100% certainty with the reconstructed orbits nothing else ( ... I still think that esa anouncemement was highly premature but with a high probability of being right...
    Some more results on the topic (link to an arxiv article inside):

Is the gravitational-wave ringdown a probe of the event horizon? - 1 views

    This simulation showx that the signal measured in LIGO could come from a gravaster (objects which are believed to have their insides made of dark energy) or even a wormhole as sources of gravitacional waves. Published in PRL by friends of Jai
Luís F. Simões

The Amazing Trajectories of Life-Bearing Meteorites from Earth - Technology Review - 0 views

  • That raises another interesting question: how quickly could life-bearing ejecta from Earth (or anywhere else) seed the entire galaxy? Hara and co calculate that it would take some 10^12 years for ejecta to spread through a volume of space the size of the Milky Way. But since our galaxy is only 10^10 years old, a single ejection event could not have done the trick. However, they say that if life evolved at 25 different sites in the galaxy 10^10 years ago, then the combined ejecta from these places would now fill the Milky Way.
  • Ref: Transfer of Life-Bearing Meteorites from Earth to Other Planets
Luís F. Simões

How copyright enforcement robots killed the Hugo Awards - 1 views

    We are living in the future when live broadcasts are being censored by AI programs in real-time. I'm sure dictators everywhere are looking forward for these technologies to mature. Having a firewall over reality is so convenient.
    What this tells is that we should not take AI seriously until smart Luis's (or his son) managed to make something decent out of it ... "This was, of course, absurd. First of all, the clips had been provided by the studios to be shown during the award ceremony. The Hugo Awards had explicit permission to broadcast them. But even if they hadn't, it is absolutely fair use to broadcast clips of copyrighted material during an award ceremony. Unfortunately, the digital restriction management (DRM) robots on Ustream had not been programmed with these basic contours of copyright law. And then, it got worse. Amid more cries of dismay on Twitter, Reddit, and elsewhere, the official Worldcon Twitter announced: Chicon 7@chicon_7 We are sorry to report that #Ustream will not resume the video feed. #chicon7 #hugos #worldcon 3 Sep 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite And with that, the broadcast was officially cut off. Dumb robots, programmed to kill any broadcast containing copyrighted material, had destroyed the only live broadcast of the Hugo Awards. Sure, we could read what was happening on Twitter, or get the official winner announcement on the Hugo website, but that is hardly the same. We wanted to see our heroes and friends on that stage, and share the event with them. In the world of science fiction writing, the Hugo Awards are kind of like the Academy Awards. Careers are made; people get dressed up and give speeches; and celebrities rub shoulders with (admittedly geeky) paparazzi. You want to see and hear it if you can. But Ustream's incorrectly programmed copyright enforcement squad had destroyed our only access. It was like a Cory Doctorow story crossed with RoboCop 2, with DRM robots going crazy and shooting indiscriminately into a crowd of perfectly innocent broadcasts."

Artificial Braneworlds Made to Collide In Lab - Technology Review - 4 views

    Physicists have simulated two universes colliding inside a metamaterial--  Now, this is cool (if it is true...)
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    we... the article is a bit overblown in my view ... except maybe the last paragraphs: "The collision between universe's is a variation on this theme. "The "colliding universe" scenario can be realized as a simple extension of our earlier experiments simulating the spacetime geometry in the vicinity of big bang," he says. He simulates an expanding universe using concetric rings of gold separated by a dielectric. "When the two concentric ring ("universe") patterns touch each other ("collide"), a Minkowski domain wall is created, in which the metallic stripes touch each other at a small angle," he says. Being able to recreate these exotic events in the lab is certainly interesting but it is beginning to lose its novelty. The problem is that this work is not telling us anything we didn't know--the universe behaves the same way inside a metamaterial as it does outside. What Smolyaninov needs is a way of using his exotic materials to do something interesting. In other words, he needs a killer app. Any ideas? "
    Hm, they use more or less everything I don't especially like. They are nonmagnetic, so the relation materialGR is already rather weak. Usually, experimentalists prefer nonmagnetic media, since they are cheaper and broadband. At least the broadband is no argument here, since the frequency defines the "mass", which I find a rather strange point of view. And finally, they use strong anisotropy as a model of "time", which is rather problematic. Of course, the spatial direction with eps<0 appears in the wave equation with the same sign as time. But this does not mean that it behaves like time. But to teach material physicists that time is more than just a different sign in the wave equation seems to be as hopeless as to teach them that a black hole is more than something that absorbs all light... SIGHHH
    Luzi I miss you ...
Luke O'Connor

Movember! - 3 views

shared by Luke O'Connor on 10 Nov 11 - Cached
    Movember (formerly November) is a moustache growing charity event during November. This month I am growing a moustache to raise awareness (and funds) for men's health. I will be putting a collection jar on my desk, so any donations of spare change would be very much appreciated! My 'mospace' can be found here: hijaking of diigo over...
Luís F. Simões

The Spray-On Antenna That Boosts Reception Using Zero Power - 1 views

  • Speaking at Google's new "Solve for X" event, Rhett Spencer from military technology firm Chamtech explained how the company has developed an aerosol spray that paints an antenna onto any surface, boosting local wireless reception without using any extra power.
  • the aerosol coats a surface with thousands of nanocapacitors. They somehow align themselves and act as a wireless antenna.
    random idea: how about using this thing as the "pheromone" to be by released by robots in a swarm... Recognizing an area as being of interest, for some reason, would lead to more "pheromones" being released there. This would in turn attract other robots to the area, by virtue of having also maximization of connectivity to the rest of the swarm as part of the navigation algorithm.
    If this works as they claim this would be really interesting. Still no clue how they might be able to make this work though! Anybody?
Ma Ru

Information Preservation and Weather Forecasting for Black Holes - 2 views

    S. Hawking argues black holes might not exist: "The absence of event horizons mean that there are no black holes - in the sense of regimes from which light can't escape to infinity." Physicists will likely appreciate...
Marcus Maertens

Randall Munroe Finally Finishes His 3,099 Panel xkcd Magnum Opus "Time" | Geekosystem - 3 views

    Randall Munroe is simply the best.
    Yeah I remember this comic was tough to hack... With Click and Drag it was peanuts to download all the tiles once you figured out the file name pattern, but with this one some strange server-side event thing was used to feed the images at random time intervals... Nice to be able to see it all finally!

Temporal cloacking without metamaterials - 0 views

shared by H H on 14 Aug 13 - No Cached
    We propose a way of implementing an event cloaking device without the use of metamaterials. Rather than slowing down and speeding up light, we manipulate an obscurity gap by diverting the light through paths of appropriate length with an arrangement of switchable transreflective mirrors.

High efficiency solid state heat engine - 0 views

    We discussed this today during coffee. The inventor claims that he claims that a pressure differential can push hydrogen through a proton conductive membrane (thereby stripping off the electrons) which flow through an electric circuit and provide electric power. The type of membrane is fairly similar to that found in a hydrogen fuel cell. If the pressure differential is cause by selective heating this is in essence a heat engine that directly produces electricity. The inventor claims that this could be a high efficiency alternative to thermoelectric devices and could even outperform PV and Sterling engines with an efficiency close to that of fuel cells (e.g., ~60% @ dT=600K). I could not find any scientific publications as the inventor is not affiliated to any University - he has however an impressive number of patents from a very wide field (e.g., the "Super Soaker" squirt gun) and has worked on several NASA and US military projects. His current research seams to be funded by the latter as well. Here are some more links that I found:
Dario Izzo

IPCC models getting mushy | Financial Post - 2 views

    why am I not surprised .....
  • A view of well-respected scientists on how to proceed from here, that was rejected from Nature. In any case, a long way to go...
    unfortunately it's too early to cheer and burn more coal ... there is also a nice podcast associated to this paper from nature Recent global-warming hiatus tied to equatorial Pacific surface cooling Yu Kosaka & Shang-Ping Xie Nature 501, 403-407 (19 September 2013) doi:10.1038/nature12534 Received 18 June 2013 Accepted 08 August 2013 Published online 28 August 2013 Despite the continued increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, the annual-mean global temperature has not risen in the twenty-first century1, 2, challenging the prevailing view that anthropogenic forcing causes climate warming. Various mechanisms have been proposed for this hiatus in global warming3, 4, 5, 6, but their relative importance has not been quantified, hampering observational estimates of climate sensitivity. Here we show that accounting for recent cooling in the eastern equatorial Pacific reconciles climate simulations and observations. We present a novel method of uncovering mechanisms for global temperature change by prescribing, in addition to radiative forcing, the observed history of sea surface temperature over the central to eastern tropical Pacific in a climate model. Although the surface temperature prescription is limited to only 8.2% of the global surface, our model reproduces the annual-mean global temperature remarkably well with correlation coefficient r = 0.97 for 1970-2012 (which includes the current hiatus and a period of accelerated global warming). Moreover, our simulation captures major seasonal and regional characteristics of the hiatus, including the intensified Walker circulation, the winter cooling in northwestern North America and the prolonged drought in the southern USA. Our results show that the current hiatus is part of natural climate variability, tied specifically to a La-Niña-like decadal cooling. Although similar decadal hiatus events may occur in the future, the multi-decadal warming trend is very likely to continue with greenhouse gas
Thijs Versloot

Turing test success marks milestone in computing history @UniofReading - 2 views

    The 65 year-old iconic Turing Test was passed for the very first time by supercomputer Eugene Goostman during Turing Test 2014 held at the renowned Royal Society in London on Saturday.
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    Breaking news: humans fail to pass the Turing Test for the very first time! Suprisingly, playing the dumb boy does not only work for humans, but for chatterbots as well.
    Is there already a drunk version of the Turing test? Anna?
    Humans have been failing the reverse turing test for years now actually.

Aerospace Industry Trends & Events - 1 views

    Hey guys, I thought I would forward you a link to a newsletter on Aerospace Tech. It is mainly on the engineering level - but after all that was an area where a lot of people in the team felt they missed expertise. So here you go! ;-) The newsletter is a mix of stories on new trends and of advertisement of high-tech parts by aerospace suppliers. IHS Global Spec also has similar newsletters on other research fields (e.g. piezoelectrics). Hope this is useful for some people.
Thijs Versloot

The SupraThermal Ion Monitor for space weather predictions - 4 views

    The novel part here is that it can be scaled down to the cubesat platform. I then wondered, could we place multiple of such Cubesats in a 'decaying orbit' around the Sun? Fractionated will give spatial and temporal information which, even with a simple langmuir probe setup, can give information on density, temperature, velocity, ion energy distribution, potential.. Of course they will be lost relatively quickly, but more could be ejected from a mother ship which is orbiting at a safer distance.
    For example like the KickSat projec Although a pc-reboot due to a radiation event in the electronics has reset the deployment timeline to approximately 2 days after re-entry...
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