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Matthew Ragan

Function list : Functions - Google Docs Help - 1 views

  • Frequency distribution
  • FREQUENCY(data, classes)
  • FILTER(sourceArray, arrayCondition_1, arrayCondition_2, ..., arrayCondition_30)
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • SORT(data, keyColumn_1, ascOrDesc_1, keyColumn_2, ascOrDesc_2, ..., keyColumn_30, ascOrDesc_30)
  • Cross-workbook referenceImportRange(spreadsheet_key, [sheet!]range)
  • Elements based on criteriaCOUNTIF(range, criteria)
  • RANDBETWEEN (bottom, top)Returns an integer random number between bottom and top (inclusive).
  • ROUND(number, count)Rounds the given number to a certain number of decimal places according to valid mathematical criteria. Count (optional) is the number of the places to which the value is to be rounded. If the count parameter is negative, only the whole number portion is rounded. It is rounded to the place indicated by the count.
  • RAND()Returns a random number between 0 and 1.
  • AVERAGE(number_1, number_2, ... number_30)Returns the average of the arguments. Number_1, number_2, ... number_30 are numerical values or ranges. Text is ignored.
  • CONFIDENCE(alpha, STDEV, size)Returns the (1-alpha) confidence interval for a normal distribution. Alpha is the level of the confidence interval. STDEV is the standard deviation for the total population. Size is the size of the total population.
  • CORREL(data_1, data_2)Returns the correlation coefficient between two data sets. Data_1 is the first data set. Data_2 is the second data set.
  • COUNT(value_1, value_2, ... value_30)Counts how many numbers are in the list of arguments. Text entries are ignored. Value_1, value_2, ... value_30 are values or ranges which are to be counted.
  • COUNTA(value_1, value_2, ... value_30)Counts how many values are in the list of arguments. Text entries are also counted, even when they contain an empty string of length 0. If an argument is an array or reference, empty cells within the array or reference are ignored. value_1, value_2, ... value_30 are up to 30 arguments representing the values to be counted.
  • MAX(number_1, number_2, ... number_30)Returns the maximum value in a list of arguments. Number_1, number_2, ... number_30 are numerical values or ranges.
  • MEDIAN(number_1, number_2, ... number_30)Returns the median of a set of numbers. Number_1, number_2, ... number_30 are values or ranges, which represent a sample. Each number can also be replaced by a reference.
  • MIN(number_1, number_2, ... number_30)Returns the minimum value in a list of arguments. Number_1, number_2, ... number_30 are numerical values or ranges.
  • MODE(number_1, number_2, ... number_30)Returns the most common value in a data set. Number_1, number_2, ... number_30 are numerical values or ranges. If several values have the same frequency, it returns the smallest value. An error occurs when a value does not appear twice.
  • PERCENTILE(data, alpha)Returns the alpha-percentile of data values in an array. Data is the array of data. Alpha is the percentage of the scale between 0 and 1.
  • QUARTILE(data, type)Returns the quartile of a data set. Data is the array of data in the sample. Type is the type of quartile. (0 = Min, 1 = 25%, 2 = 50% (Median), 3 = 75% and 4 = Max.)
  • RANK(value, data, type)Returns the rank of the given Value in a sample. Data is the array or range of data in the sample. Type (optional) is the sequence order, either ascending (0) or descending (1).
  • STDEV(number_1, number_2, ... number_30)Estimates the standard deviation based on a sample. Number_1, number_2, ... number_30 are numerical values or ranges representing a sample based on an entire population.
  • STDEVP(number_1, number_2, ... number_30) Calculates the standard deviation based on the entire population. Number_1, number_2, ... number_30 are numerical values or ranges representing a sample based on an entire population.
  • Combines text stringsCONCATENATE(text_1, text_2, ..., text_30)Combines several text strings into one string. Text_1, text_2, ... text_30 are text passages that are to be combined into one string.
    Google Spreadsheets Formula Help
Judy Brophy

Instructional Strategies Online - Think, Pair, Share - 0 views

    Think-Pair-Share is a strategy designed to provide students with "food for thought" on a given topics enabling them to formulate individual ideas and share these ideas with another student. It is a learning strategy developed by Lyman and associates to encourage student classroom participation. What is Think, Pair, Share? Think-Pair-Share is a strategy designed to provide students with "food for thought" on a given topics enabling them to formulate individual ideas and share these ideas with another student. It is a learning strategy developed by Lyman and associates to encourage student classroom participation. Rather than using a basic recitation method in which a teacher poses a question and one student offers a response, Think-Pair-Share encourages a high degree of pupil response and can help keep students on task. What is its purpose? * Providing "think time" increases quality of student responses. * Students become actively involved in thinking about the concepts presented in the lesson. * Research tells us that we need time to mentally "chew over" new ideas in order to store them in memory. When teachers present too much information all at once, much of that information is lost. If we give students time to "think-pair-share" throughout the lesson, more of the critical information is retained. * When students talk over new ideas, they are forced to make sense of those new ideas in terms of their prior knowledge. Their misunderstandings about the topic are often revealed (and resolved) during this discussion stage. * Students are more willing to participate since they don't feel the peer pressure involved in responding in front of the whole class. * Think-Pair-Share is easy to use on the spur of the moment. * Easy to use in large classes. How can I do it? * With students seated in teams of 4, have them number them from 1 to 4. * Announce a discussion topic or problem to solve. (Example: Which room in our school is larg
Judy Brophy

A divide-and-conquer approach to planning a flipped class session - Casting Out Nines -... - 0 views

    Now comes the important part. Once we have an ordered list of learning objectives, we instructors have to choose a "cognitive cutoff point" at which student responsibility for mastery prior to class ends. "Below" this point, we expect students to master the learning objectives before class through guided practice. "Above" this point, some fluency would be nice, but these are long-term learning objectives and will serve as the focus for class activities.
Matthew Ragan

Google Student Blog: Student Tip: Use Google Docs and Calendar to Import Class Syllabi - 1 views

    So you probably all already know that Google Calendar is a lifesaver when it comes to organizing classes. The problem, though, is that sometimes professors don't create a Calendar-ready syllabus for us! Don't fret - here I'll share how I've managed to harness the power of Google Docs to streamline a Calendar for each of my classes, so hopefully you can do the same. Start by loading the template located at, then rename it to correspond to the name of the class syllabus you're working on. Leaving the header row, fill in the assignment and due date, as well as the time.
Matthew Ragan

Know Your Copy Rights :: Part II: Uses in the Online Classroom / Course Management System - 0 views

  • 4. The work I want to use in my online class is both copyrighted and free of any license. Are there any specific provisions of the copyright law that apply to online classroom use? Yes, Section 110(2) of the copyright law (otherwise known as the “TEACH Act”) specifically applies to displaying images, playing motion pictures or sound recordings, or performing works in your online class. Since this section applies to any “transmissions” of performances or displays, cable television classes would also be included here. There are a number of institutional and faculty member obligations that must be fulfilled in order to use the TEACH Act. Consult your library or university counsel on whether and how the TEACH Act is implemented locally. If your university cannot or does not wish to comply with TEACH Act obligations, consider whether what you have in mind for your online course is a fair use. (See question #5, below.) If you wish to explore the TEACH Act option, read on for a description of a faculty member’s obligations. Generally, to perform or display a work in your online class the work must be used under your supervision as part of the class session as part of systematic mediated instructional activities (see 4j, below) directly and materially related to the teaching content The work must be lawfully made and not excerpted from a product that was specifically designed and marketed for use in an online course. Furthermore, there are three additional requirements: You must password protect or otherwise restrict access to your online class Web site to enrolled students, and You must reasonably prevent your students from being able to save or print the work, i.e., control the “downstream” uses, and You must include a general copyright warning on your class Web site.
  • Also, providing a URL or linking to a work is always an option. The copyright law never precludes you from linking to a copyrighted work on a legitimate Web site.
    You wish to play all or part of a movie or piece of music, show a picture or image, or post articles for downloading from your online course Web site. How can you do this?
Jenny Darrow

Google Sites for Class Webpages - Apps User Group - 1 views

    "Google Sites is a powerful but easy to use tool to create great websites. In this class we will cover the basics of setting up a classroom or organization website using Google Sites including a welcome page, calendar page, files page, links page, pictures page, announcement (blog) page, and more. This class will help you transition your existing site over to Google Sites, or help you start a new Site from scratch, or just give you a great introduction to what can be done with Google Sites."
Jenny Darrow

Blackboard Online Classes - 0 views

    Blackboard is the new Learning Management System (LMS), or online classroom, being rolled out for MBT classes.  Please see the Online Classes page to check whether your course is being delivered in Blackboard or WebTeach.   Below is the Student User Manual for Blackboard, if you would like to request a hardcopy please contact Student Support. Blackboard
Matthew Ragan

Free Online Class Shakes Up Photo Education | Raw File - 1 views

    On the ground floor of a converted, Victorian-era cinema in Coventry, England, Jonathan Worth delivers a world-class photography lecture anyone can attend at any time, from anywhere, for free. The green-tiled building stands on an otherwise typical city center street. From here, alongside teaching assistant Matt Johnston and boss Jonathan Shaw, Worth corals 28 attending students in addition to the few thousand clocking-in from across the globe.
Judy Brophy

In Classroom Experiment, All Discussion Happened via Twitter - Wired Campus - The Chron... - 0 views

    Not convinced that this is the best way to use Class time. seems like it would be better async out of class.
Judy Brophy

Dream On: An Acting Class Explores the Digital Landscape | - 0 views

    Key Takeaways For the actor, today's digital technology provides career and business support while - thanks to the increasing use of digital acting counterparts such as linear animation films, games, and virtual simulated performances - threatening the actor's livelihood. An intermediate acting class added digital technology to investigate how it might enhance character interpretation and explore whether it could play an integral part in the performance without becoming the performance. The acting instructor fostered creativity with traditional acting skills, while the technology expert provided tools and instruction in their use for students, with mixed success apparent in the final performances.
Jenny Darrow

Authors Who Skype with Classes & Book Clubs (for free!) - 0 views

    Authors Who Skype With Classes & Book Clubs (for free!) 
Judy Brophy

14 Smart Tips for Using iPads in Class | MindShift - 0 views

    admin type of issues you should think of when deploying ipads to classes
Jenny Darrow

Learning Management Systems Evaluation and Transition - Academic Technologies - CSU, Chico - 2 views

  • Academic Technologies Home About ATECDepartmentsStaff DirectoryClassroom ServicesLearning Support ServicesMedia Production ServicesDesign, Print, and Copy ServicesWeb and Photography Services You are here: CSU, Chico | ATEC | Learning Management Systems Learning Management Systems Evaluation and Transition
Judy Brophy

HP Online social networking (quick lesson) - 0 views

    MySpace, Facebook and Twitter have taken over, both on the internet and in our real lives, but what if you missed the first wave? Don't worry, this quick lesson will help you understand the role of social networking. Get a primer on the biggest sites, some insight into how to be safe and keep your kids safe while networking and how to use sites for both business and pleasure. As this is an on-demand class, all lessons are available when the class enrolls.
Jenny Darrow

Twittering in the classroom : Aetiology - 0 views

    This fall, I am requiring the students in my seminar to have a Twitter account. Students will post items on a regular basis, using the hashtag #BIO361. We also will devote some time on a regular basis to discussing items or responses from Twitter. Our first post probably will be on the first day of classes - Tuesday, August 24, 2010. For this project to work most effectively, we need a critical mass of people outside of our class to participate. If you, your students, friends, or colleagues would like to join us, please do. We will appreciate any new comments, retweets, or responses. I'm looking forward to an engaging discussion throughout the semester.
Judy Brophy

How to Teach With Google Earth - 0 views

    to support hands-on inquiry by students in computer classrooms. as a basis for homework assignments. for dynamic presentations during class lectures. for inquiry during class presentations. to create imagery and maps for PowerPoint, Word, and other presentation tools. as a data discovery, organization, and distribution tool for research projects. to enrich discussion of an issue that arises spontaneously during an informal classroom discussion.
Jenny Darrow

100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media In the Classroom | Online Universities - 1 views

    Social media may have started out as a fun way to connect with friends, but it has evolved to become a powerful tool for education and business. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter and tools such as Skype are connecting students to learning opportunities in new and exciting ways. Whether you teach an elementary class, a traditional college class, or at an online university, you will find inspirational ways to incorporate social media in your classroom with this list.
Jenny Darrow

Five Ways Students Can Build Multimedia Timelines - 2 views

    The end of the school year is quickly approaching for many of us in the teaching profession. In fact, my last day of school is 27 days from now. Like many other high school classes, my classes will soon begin reviewing for final exams. One of the review activities that I've had students do in the past is create multimedia timelines containing key events and concepts from the year. Last year my students used XTimeline to do this, but there are other good options available. Here are five ways students can create multimedia timelines.
Judy Brophy

Blog U.: Student Views on Technology and Teaching - Technology and Learning - Inside Hi... - 0 views

    recommendations:1. Ensure that all readings, articles, presentations and videos (all course material) are available in the course management system.2. "Create a weekly reading assessment that asks students to formulate or discuss the most important things you wanted them to get out the this week's articles."3. "Make your syllabus a living document and let students know about changes via class emails - it will put your class in the forefront of their minds."4. "Use technology to help students engage with one another - create peer review groups for papers or discussion groups online."
Judy Brophy - 0 views

    Some helpful rules for effective backchanneling. This jr high class is using it while watching a video. Teacher supplies Q's. Students must answer 3.
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