Contents contributed and discussions participated by awqi zar
Run Your Fantasy Premier League - EPL Fantasy Football Commissioner - 24 views
Running WordPress on OpenShift: An Introduction - Tuts+ Code Tutorial - 11 views
EasyParcel | Delivery Made Easy - 1 views
F-Droid - 15 views
Mathics - A free, light-weight alternative to Mathematica - 25 views
WordPress › WordPress Twitter Bootstrap CSS « WordPress Plugins - 19 views
Googland - 21 views
Home | Office Notes - 11 views - Share Links - 13 views
Pandora By The Numbers - hypebot - 11 views
Why Behavioral Economists Love Online Games - Daniel Lyons - - 4 views
If you've spent time on Facebook, you might be mystified by all the people tending to their virtual farms and virtual pets. I know I am. Not only does this seem a strange way to spend time, but here's the even weirder part: a lot of these people are spending real money to buy virtual products, like pretend guns and fertilizer, to gain advantage in these Web-based games.
American Mensa | Top 50 - 10 views
American Mensa members across the country cast and recast their votes, winnowing down a list of more than 280 member-suggested sites to 100 and finally to the final 50. We are proud to display them here. Which game site made the Top 50? Where do Mensans get their news and their online laughs? Did BubbleWrap beat out Google? Find out below...
THE BEAST FILE: GOOGLE on Vimeo - 4 views
The New Hampshire - UNH Study: Social media usage doesn't affect academics - 6 views
Symantec 2010 World Cup Net Threat - 3 views
What Your Gadget Really Costs: Consumer Electronics Teardowns - BusinessWeek - 2 views
The cost to make an iPod, Xbox, and other electronics has big bottom-line implications at Apple, Microsoft, and their peers. Some companies are willing to swallow losses on some gadgets-for instance, gaming consoles-in hopes that they'll make up the difference, and then some, on sales of related gear, such as video game software. Other companies, including Apple, are able to sell many products for a healthy profit from the get-go.