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Home/ Web2.0/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Andrew Long

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Andrew Long

Andrew Long

Internet-Manifesto - 0 views

    Seventeen declarations reflecting how the world is today thanks to the internet. The focus is journalism but much of the ideas can be applied more generally.
Andrew Long

Proposed Changes to Facebook's "Statement of Rights and Reponsibilities" - 0 views

    Read Facebook's proposed changes to the "Statement of Rights and Reponsibilities (SRR)". Comments in blue and hosted at
Andrew Long

BREAKING: Facebook Acquires FriendFeed | Mashable - 0 views

    "Huge news in the world of social media today: FacebookFacebook has acquired online activity aggregator FriendFeedFriendFeed."
Andrew Long

Social Networking on Intranets | Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox - 0 views

    "Community features are spreading from 'Web 2.0' to 'Enterprise 2.0.' Research across 14 companies found that many are making productive use of social intranet features."
Andrew Long

MySpace slashes international staff, close offices | Computerworld - 0 views

    Even more layoffs at MySpace, this time up to 30% of the total workforce.
Andrew Long

Facebook use grows by 700%, maintains top spot | Computerworld - 0 views

    MySpace is trending downwards while Facebook and Twitter head towards the stars. Check out the original Nielsen report for more.
Andrew Long

Inside Facebook - Tracking Facebook and the Facebook Platform for Developers and Marketers - 1 views

    Inside Facebook uncovers recent changes to the payment terms of service at Facebook to signal currency and transaction support.
Andrew Long

Facebook gets US$200 million infusion | Computerworld - 0 views

    Facebook continues its unrelenting growth as well as attracting international investment.
Andrew Long

Jump Into The Stream | Techcrunch - 0 views

    Interesting discussion about moving from the "page" metaphor to a "stream" one to signal where the internet is going.
Andrew Long

Social Networking Behavioral Agreements At Work? | Slashdot - 0 views

    Interesting post at SlashDot about new corporate agreements that restrict what employees can say about the company on the social web.
Andrew Long

Ning's Social Networks Get Their Own App Platform | Mashable - 0 views

    Ning adds a whole raft of apps for their social network users to leverage. These include apps for popular services like Twitter, Ustream,, etc.
Andrew Long

Facebook targets ANZ advertising | Computerworld - 0 views

    Facebook is looking at managing ads in New Zealand and Australia by opening a new office.
Andrew Long

Five Things You Can Do With This New Facebook RSS App | ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

    Coverage of an important step (i.e., new RSS based app) to opening Facebook data up to the masses.
Andrew Long

Glogster - Poster Yourself - 0 views

    Very easy to use site to produce various online posters showing things you like. Aimed at kids but interface is very advanced and simple to use.
Andrew Long

Facebook has Twitter Envy but Why? | ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

    This is an excellent post that finally separates Twitter (social messaging service) and Facebook (social networking service) from each other has separate services.
Andrew Long

The Future of the Social Web: In Five Eras | Web Strategy - 0 views

    Jeremiah Owyang presents an overview of a report by Forrester on the next five years of the social web.
Andrew Long

Twitter Archiver - 0 views

    Archive your last 3200 tweets for free and produce a CSV file for later analysis.
Andrew Long

Senduit - 0 views

    Lightweight cloud-based file sharing utility. Two options: 1) Upload file and 2) Share private link.
Andrew Long

Technology News: Social Networking: Study on Facebook and Grades Becomes Learning Exper... - 0 views

    More grist for the superficial media mill looking for evidence of slumps in academic performance from spending time online. This time it's Facebook.
Andrew Long

Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Now Has 200 Million Users | Techcrunch - 0 views

    Mark Zuckerberg has announced that Facebook growth is still increasing, particularly 35+ age group (watch out kids your parents are coming!).
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